Mountain Views News Saturday, December 5, 2015
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Dr. Tina Paul
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
Pat Birdsall (retired)
The New York Daily News cries “Fire!” so often on its front
page that readers are wary of false alarms. But what the News
came up with following the shooting rampage in San Bernardino was one of the
boldest moves a newspaper could make.
The boxcar headline said: GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS.
Against a grim black background, the paper reprinted tweets from four Republican
lawmakers. In separate posts following the bloodbath, each focused on
“prayers” – for the victims and their families.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. Indeed, sending “thoughts
and prayers” after a tragedy is the decent thing to do – a practice followed by politicians
from both parties. It’s also the safest thing to do.
The Daily News ran a quasi-editorial summary at the bottom of the dramatic
page. It read: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of
blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless
Deep breath. The “cowards” the paper called out were Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham,
Rand Paul and Paul Ryan.
The point, driven home in heavy-handed tabloid style, is not a knock on religion.
Rather, it’s a blast against those who have the power to pass meaningful gun legislation
yet refuse to do so – even in the face of one ghastly shooting incident after
Following the terrorist attack in Paris, the hashtag #prayforparis turned up quickly
on social media and then on billboards across the city. “The terrorists pray,
good people think,” was an instant response from many in the Twitterverse.
Writing from Paris, columnist Maura Judkis noted, “As #prayforparis spread and
was used by people farther and farther from the tragedy, it wasn’t long before
people began to question the veracity of those prayers, calling out a double standard.
If we pray for Paris, many asked, why are we also not praying for the people
of Beirut, who suffered losses in an Islamic State attack, or any other place in the
world where innocent people die?”
Which brings us back to California, where 14 innocent people died and many others
were wounded. Where prayers are welcome, but action should be demanded.
No matter what emerges regarding the two shooters’ ties to radical Islamic groups,
the availability of guns, especially military-style weapons, must be addressed.
In the words of Pope Francis, “You pray for the hungry, then you feed them.
That’s how prayer works.”
Yet, thanks to the Daily News, the issue of prayer could become an issue in itself.
If so, that would be a complete distortion. Prayer isn’t the thing, hiding behind
prayer is.
When confronted any day now by interviewers and debate moderators asking
about the News front page, there are two approaches politicians might take:
(a) There’s nothing wrong with prayer! How awful that anyone would use a tragedy
to take away not only our right to defend ourselves with guns, but also our
right to pray!
(b) We extend our prayers because we genuinely sympathize and care. But we
don’t stop there. It’s time to cast aside partisan politics and take meaningful action
to curb the gun epidemic in America. That’s what the victims deserve, along
with our prayers.
Peter Funt is a writer and speaker. His book, “Cautiously Optimistic,” is available at
Amazon.com and CandidCamera.com. © 2015 Peter Funt.
Maybe because I am
getting older I am feeling
more of the strain of the
activity of the season: shopping, which is
not my favorite pastime any time of the year.
I cannot say that for the other occupant in
our usually merry domicile.
If anybody is a shopping queen, the trophy
has to go to the Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage. I do not know if she invented
shopping, I just know it is in her DNA. In
our house, DNA means "Deal Negotiator
Authority." If she cannot make a deal,
nobody can.
I have discovered something quite
disturbing during this time of the year. I
call it the Cha Ching Syndrome.
It all came together when my wife came
home from one of her shopping sprees
very excited about how much money she
had saved. If there is a coupon available
anywhere, she has it, or knows where to get
It hit me one day; how much money did she
have to spend to save money?
I first recognized my Cha Ching Syndrome
when my wife convinced me to go shopping
with her. She caught me by surprise and I
could not think of any excuse not to go with
her. At least not any excuse she would buy
"It will not take too long," she pleaded in
such a way that I could not refuse. "I just
need someone to help me take the packages
out to the car."
"Then," she said with an infectious smile,
"we can go and have lunch together. Doesn't
that sound like fun?"
How can you possibly argue with that?
I could not come up with any legitimate
excuse and so I "volunteered" to go with my
wife shopping with one qualifying element;
she had to take her car. I did not want to use
my gas to do something I was not excited
about doing.
I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that it
would not be my favorite day. A favorite day
for me would be staying at home reading
one of my favorite books on my favorite
easy chair. The word "favorite" can never be
associated with going to the mall.
We made it to the mall and my wife knew
exactly where to start. I knew where I wanted
to go, but I was under strict orders to assist
my wife in this shopping extravaganza.
I could not help but notice how many stores
there were in this mall. I never knew there
were this many stores in the entire world.
Where do these stores come from? Who in
the world is buying all this stuff to keep the
stores operating?
As I looked around, I noticed the mall was
crowded with people. I had to be careful
so not to be run over or run over anybody.
There was such an obsession to buy that I
had to be careful not to get in anybody's
way. I am ready to die, but I sure do not
want to die in a shopping mall. That would
be the epitome of blasphemy as far as I am
"Oh," my wife said gigglingly, "are we going
to save money today."
Then it slowly began to dawn on me. How
can you save money in a shopping mall
whose only intention is to get as much
money out of your wallet as possible?
As we went to the first cashier to pay for
our purchases, I heard a faint Cha Ching. I
did not think too much of it at the time.
When we came to the second cashier, I
heard a little louder, Cha Ching, Cha Ching.
The first one did not get my attention,
but this one did. Then we went to the third
cashier. Almost booming in my head I
heard, Cha Ching, Cha Ching, Cha Ching.
We were getting close to the end of her
shopping spree and she said there was one
more store she needed to go to. Patiently,
and loaded down with packages, I followed
her to the last store of the day. Do not ask
me which it was, after awhile they all look
the same to me.
I felt like I was backed into a corner. We
were at the register and my wife looked at
me and said very calmly, "Do you have any
cash on you? I've used up all mine."
Slowly, I open my wallet, pulled out all
the cash I had and with a trembling hand
handed it over to her. Cha Ching.
"Thank you," she said, "you helped me save
a lot of money today."
All I could hear was Cha Ching echoing
in my head and I could barely understand
what she was saying.
When it was all over my wife saved $39.14
(Cha Ching) which only cost me $219.79
(Cha Ching, Cha Ching, Cha Ching).
During our lunch, which I ended up
paying for (Cha Ching) all she could talk
about was all the money (Cha Ching) she
had saved today and had me to thank for it.
Sometimes it is best to go along so you can
get along.
Paul understood the power of money, he
wrote "For the love of money is the root
of all evil: which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith, and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows" (1
Timothy 6:10).
To be obsessed with money is to lose the
real value of life.
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DICK Polman
HOWARD Hays As I See It
Month after month, execrable bullhorn artist Donald
Trump remains perched atop the polls, and
there’s growing concern that the guy might actually
win the nomination. Various super PACs allied
with the party establishment keep threatening
to bomb him with ad campaigns, and Republican
regulars are freaking out at the prospect of an autumn
2016 debacle that features landslide losses in
every voter category except celebrity-besotted angry white people.
But fear not, Republicans. There still seems to be a firm ceiling
on Donald Trump’s detestable appeal. I’ve long felt that he’ll fade
when the game truly gets serious — when voters start paying close
attention and seek to get the maximum value for their ballot. I’m
happy (and relieved) to report that two smart, sane political observers
are saying much the same.
The number-crunching Nate Silver reports what’s so often overlooked:
Trump’s first-place status is far weaker than it seems,
because most likely Republican voters have barely tuned in yet.
Trump is on top, for now, mostly because people know who he is
and the media magnifies whatever emanates from his big mouth.
“Right now,” Silver points out, “he has 25 to 30 percent of the vote
in polls among the roughly 25 percent of Americans who identify
as Republican. That’s something like 6 to 8 percent of the electorate
overall, or about the same share of people who think the
Apollo moon landings were faked.”
Silver reminds us that most of the current surveys “cover Republican-
leaning adults or registered voters, rather than likely voters.”
He also notes it’s still too early to query likely voters, because “if
past nomination races are any guide, the vast majority of eventual
Republican voters haven’t made up their minds yet.”
Silver looked at the exit polls for the last four competitive Iowa
caucuses — the Democrats in 2004 and 2008, and the Republicans
in 2008 and 2012 — and found that 65 percent of the voters made
up their minds during the final month. And in the last four competitive
New Hampshire primaries, 71 percent of the voters made
up their minds during the final month.
Which brings us to David Greenberg, an historian based at Rutgers,
who points out that early polls, conducted one year away
from the general election, have traditionally given us only “fleeting
impulses of an electorate that remains overwhelmingly disengaged.”
And when pollsters query people who are disengaged, the
respondents tend to gravitate to the candidates they’ve heard of.
As Greenberg notes, “Many people who are actually undecided ...
will cough up a name when a poll-taker calls and prompts them.”
Right now, Greenberg writes, “only about 10 to 20 percent of voters
are tracking the campaign closely. Normal people tend to tune
out the arcane, minute developments that the Twitterati are quick
to label game-changers. Believe it or not, they have better things
to do.”
So, here are past samplings of the disengaged elecorate: One year
away from the 1976 election, the Democratic frontrunners was
Ted Kennedy. One year from the 1988 election, the Democratic
frontrunner was Jesse Jackson. One year from the 1992 election,
Democratic voters wanted Mario Cuomo. One year from the 2004
election, the Democratic fave was Howard Dean; before Dean, it
was name-recognition favorite Joe Lieberman. One year from the
2008 election, the Republican frontrunner was Rudy Giuliani. The
early autumn Republican favorite, one year from the 2012 election,
was pre-oops Rick Perry.
Could Trump be the exception? Conceivably. But all told, Silver
rates Trump’s nomination prospects at “considerably less than 20
Of course, it would greatly aid humanity if the Republicans could
begin to coaelsce around a relatively sane Trump alternative. (Jeb
Bush? John Kasich? Even Chris Christie?)
The longer the vacuum persists, the higher the odds of Trump filling
Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in
Philadelphia (newsworks.org/polman) and a “Writer in Residence” at the
University of Philadelphia. Email him at dickpolman7@gmail.com.
“The language you choose
matters. You are not free
from the judgement of the
consequences of your hate-
filled rhetoric.”
- Ilyse Hogue, president
of NARAL Pro-Choice
I spend a good part of my
“day job” in my car. A week
ago Friday, rather than
tuning in to whatever NPR station was coming in
as I usually do, I kept it on KNX. I couldn’t leave the
breaking coverage of the shootings at the Planned
Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.
What struck me early on were statements, I
believe attributed to local police, that the shootings
were unconnected to the clinic itself; not that there
wasn’t yet evidence of a connection, but that there
simply wasn’t a connection – period. The narrative
became that the shooting likely started somewhere
else, with the shooter happening into the clinic
while fleeing.
Fox News latched onto comments from a witness
at a nearby nail salon, who seemed to recall the
incident as having begun at the Chase Bank next
door – with the story then becoming that of a “bank
robbery gone wrong”. Though Chase soon tweeted
it wasn’t involved, the right-wing blogosphere
breathed a sigh of relief and ran with this new
narrative, anyway. While a shooter remained on the
loose with unknown numbers of casualties and of
those still in danger, they blogged and tweeted high-
fives to each other, celebrating that pro-choicers
might yet be denied a potential talking-point.
As reports confirmed fatalities, including
that of at least one police officer, the right was
busy ridiculing the “liberal spin machine” for
suggesting it was an attack on Planned Parenthood.
Jonah Goldberg joked, “Shooting at a bank? Has
anyone blamed Bernie Sanders for his extreme
rhetoric yet?” From Fox News contributor Erick
Erickson, “(the) Left upset the only people dying
at Planned Parenthood today are babies.” As more
information came out, Erickson deleted his tweet –
but later compared Planned Parenthood president
Cecile Richards to Joseph Mengele.
The shooter, Robert Dear, reportedly told
arresting officers, “No more baby parts” in
suggesting a motive for his actions. This recalled
those bogus videos of last summer alleging
Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of fetal tissue –
allegations state and federal investigations showed
to be a lie. More specifically, it recalled the rhetoric
used by the right wing in referring to those videos.
GOP contenders Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina
and Donald Trump went on news shows the day
after to condemn the shootings, but then repeated
the lie about selling “body parts” that apparently
motivated it (while Fiorina described suggesting
such motivation as “typical left-wing tactics”.)
Fiorina also lied that “the vast majority of
Americans are prepared . . . to defund Planned
Parenthood.” According to a recent USA Today
poll, less than a third would support cutting off
Last August, the month after the videos came
out, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) declared that “what’s
happening at Planned Parenthood . . . is atrocious,
it’s grotesque, it’s barbaric” and that it’s time for
people to get “fired up”. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took
it further, describing on the Senate floor how we
“treat children like agriculture, to be grown and
killed for their body parts, to be sold for profit.”
Some questioned the likelihood of prosecuting
a terrorism charge against Robert Dear, because
of the difficulty in establishing motive with a guy
dismissed as some delusional, mentally-unstable
recluse. The day after the shootings, however,
the Washington Post quoted an official who
described the incident as “definitely politically
motivated”, with NBC News reporting that Dear
brought up President Obama with investigators,
as well.
Two days after the shootings, Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-TX) offered his own assessment of Dear as “a
transgendered leftist activist”, and complained
about “the vicious rhetoric on the left blaming those
who are pro-life.” For his part, Dr. Ben Carson
blamed extremism on “both sides”. (Responding
to the videos, Carson reminded a radio host that
“the whole purpose” behind Planned Parenthood
“was trying to eliminate black people”.)
According to the National Abortion Federation,
it’s not a matter of “both sides”. Since the late 1970s
through last year, there have been eight murders
and 17 attempted murders of abortion providers,
42 clinic bombings and 182 arsons. But according
to NAF president Vicki Saporta, the “intensity
and volume” since those videos were released is
“unprecedented . . . calling clinics and making
threats to murder all the doctors or to wipe out all
the staff.”
National Abortion Rights Action League vice
president Sasha Bruce agrees, “This isn’t something
new, but it’s definitely been notable since the
summer with these videos. What’s notable is the
intensity and the level of these attacks. It is not
common that you hear about three arsons in a row”
(New Orleans, LA, Pullman, WA and Thousand
Oaks, CA)
Ilyse Hogue, quoted above, addressed the creator
of those videos in a Facebook post: “Sorry, David
Daleiden. You don’t get to create fake videos and
accuse abortion providers of ‘barbaric atrocities
against humanity’ one day and act shocked when
someone shoots to kill in those same facilities the
Writing in Salon, Heather Parton suggested
that “The fact (Robert Dear) is reported to have
used the same rhetoric as mainstream politihcians
should give those politicians some pause. In fact,
they should have paused before they cynically
dispersed these hoax videos and exploited them
for political gain.”
After the shootings, I heard a radio interview
with an OB-GYN practitioner working out of a
clinic in the Washington, D.C. area. She described
how, in addressing her own security concerns, she’d
periodically google her own name to find personal
details – home address, medical credentials, etc. –
on threatening websites. What concerned her most
was finding pictures and personal details of her
young daughter, as well.
But, as Parton noted, such websites are no longer
necessary to push some madman over the edge;
“They can just tune in to a Republican presidential
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