Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, December 5, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 10



 Mountain Views News Saturday, December 5, 2015 



What is back pain?

 Back pain is one of the most common reasons 
people seek medical attention. It is one of the most 
frequent causes of missed workdays and one of the 
most expensive conditions in the United States

 Back problems can be caused by an inordinately 
wide range of problems. It can exist alone, or it can 
be caused by a condition that occurs elsewhere in 
the body, with the pain being transmitted (referred) 
to areas of the back by the nervous system. The 
majority of backache sufferers complain of pain in 
the lower back; the second most common site of 
discomfort is the base of the neck.

Who suffers from back pain?

 The fact that humans walk upright puts great 
pressure on the spine and the muscles that support 
it. Over time, factors such as disease, accidents, poor 
posture and overexertion can lead to immediate 
and/or long-term back problems.

 Most back pain is muscular in nature. In the 
pain cycle, pain causes a muscle to spasm, which 
may distort the discs, joints and nerves of the spine. 
This spasm leads to further pain, leading to further 
spasm, which compounds the original problem. 
If the nerves are irritated enough, it may cause 
pain to radiate down into the leg, similar to pain 
experienced via a herniated disc.

What can acupuncture do?

Acupuncture can play an important role in the 
reduction or elimination of back pain by reducing 
recovery time and preventing a chronic condition 
from developing.

 Research has shown that acupuncture causes the 
body to produce natural steroids and promote the 
production of natural endorphins. Steroids decrease 
inflammation, while endorphins are produced by 
the body to kill pain. Both substances can play an 
integral part in the breaking up of the pain cycle.

 By reducing acute back pain, acupuncture may 
also reduce the chances of chronic back pain from 
occurring. It can help avoid the need for costlier 
and more invasive surgical procedures. And if back 
pain can be significantly reduced with acupuncture, 
it also lowers the need for painkillers or other 
medications that can either cause unwanted side-
effects or prolong a patient’s condition.

 As with any other form of care, however, remember 
that not all patients will respond to acupuncture. 
Make sure to discuss the situation thoroughly with 
your acupuncturist before undergoing treatment for 
back pain (or any other condition).




Taking a yoga 
teacher training is 
a growing trend! 
Surely, everyone is not meant to teach yoga. More 
and more students are taking a foundational 200hr 
yoga teacher training for HEALING. The whole 
experience envokes healing and growth in all areas 
of life. Yoga is an ancient practice nurturing body, 
mind and spirit. The practices are vast and not all 
are appropriate for group classes. It’s in the trainings 
that students (and health professionals) gain valuable 
knowledge and vital, deeper practices of yoga. For 
some, the immersion into the deeper teachings of 
yoga unveils a missing link deepen within. Joy and 
inner radiance are brought forward in a unique way. 
Do you I have you intrigued? 

 Here are just a few reasons why a yoga teacher 
training may be right for you: 

 1.You have been a consistent student of yoga fora while and are ready to expand your practice---and 
your toolbox! Tools for living joyfully in the world 
with the rich tradition of practices. 

 2.You’re ready to boost your confidence andcreativity. It may seem like facing fear is the opposite 
of what you’d like to do, but that’s where confidence 
is fostered! We accomplish what we thought we 
could not. Tapping into our skills of innovation and 
resourcefulness is key. 

 3.Do you need a change in your life? If thestudent allows it to happen, the dynamic personal 
transformation can be quite profound. Many health 
professionals join the trainings. They only increase 
their skills to provide to clients, but they come better 
service providers to the people they care for. 

 There are many trainings available and some 
may not be right for every student. It’s best to do 
some investigating. For the sixth year, Yoga Madre 
is offering it’s 200 hr foundational Yoga Teacher 
Training. Next session begins January 15, 2016. 
Inquire now and see if it might be the right time for 

Namaste and Love, 

Keely Totten 

RYT 500,Yoga & Meditation Instructor




 My guess is that if we did a poll of every parent 
we know and asked them what they most want 
for their children, what we would find at the core 
is that we all want to raise responsible kids.

 We may each have a different definition of what 
responsible means, but after working with many 
families to plan for the children’s future, I can say 
with confidence that raising a responsible child is 
a hallmark of success for most parents. 

 Once your child becomes seen and known 
as responsible, your level of freedom and ease 
increases substantially.

 In service to that, I will be sharing with you 
a series of articles on How to Raise Responsible 
Kids, starting with this one.

 The first step in raising responsible kids, means 
truly understanding the meaning of the word 
“responsible”, so we’ll start there.

 The classic dictionary definition of responsible 
is not really what I am speaking of here.

 One dictionary definition of responsible is: 
“having an obligation to do something, or having 
control over or care for someone, as part of one’s 
job or role.”

 Many parents confuse the kind of responsible 
that provides real peace and true security, which 
I’ll speak to in a moment, with the dictionary 
definition of responsible, which is more of 
obligation or duty.

 Responsibility based in obligation or 
duty is not nearly as deep or as powerful as 
responsibility based on inspiration and internal 

 True responsibility actually means less 
about your children’s ability to live up to their 
obligations, hold down a job in the same way 
you did, or even re-create the lifestyle you’ve 
been able to provide for them (though all those 
things would, of course, be great), and more 
about your children being able “to be trusted to 
do what is right.”

 Over the rest of this series, I’ll look at several 
different examples of what this means in various 
contexts, including money, relationship, and 

 I’m looking forward to exploring this with 
you as we all strive for the true peace of mind 
and security that comes with raising responsible 

 If you have any specific questions or thoughts 
on this, please let me know so I can address 
them either individually or in an upcoming 

 Dedicated to your family’s wealth, health, and 



 A local attorney and 
father, Marc Garlett is on a 
mission to help parents protect what they love most. 
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment 
to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
and financial security for your family by calling 
626.355.4000 or visit for more 