Mountain Views News Saturday, December 19, 2015
The foot is one of the most complex parts of
the body. It consists of 38 bones connected by
numerous joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments,
and is susceptible to many stresses. As a result,
foot and ankle problems are a common reason for
visits to a doctor’s office (4.8 million office visits
a year, according to the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons). Foot problems may be
caused by pain, inflammation or injury, thereby
limiting a person’s range of motion (and in some
cases, a person’s quality of life).
Foot pain is caused by a variety of conditions,
most often improper foot function or poor
posture. In fact, the most common reason for
people to have foot problems is a condition called
abnormal pronation, in which the foot does not
strike and/or leave the ground as it is supposed
to. However, several other factors can cause (or
lead to) foot pain. Footwear can worsen and, in
some cases, produce foot problems. Shoes that
are too tight, for instance, can increase pressure
and stress, while shoes that are too loose can let
the foot slide and rub, creating friction. Overuse
and exercise-related problems can also cause foot
Who suffers from foot pain?
Nearly everyone suffers from some form of foot
pain during their lifetime. The condition is most
prevalent in infants and newborns just learning
to walk, and people over age 50. Women who
wear high-heeled shoes are also more susceptible
to foot pain, as are athletes who either do not
warm up their feet prior to exercise, or who use
improper foot techniques while exercising.
What can acupuncture do?
Studies have shown acupuncture to be effective
in relieving certain types of foot pain. A
study published in the journal Acupuncture
in Medicine in 1996 found acupuncture to be
effective in relieving otherwise unresponsive
chronic foot pain. A 1999 study, meanwhile,
found that electrical stimulation of acupoints on
the feet could increase blood flow to the foot and
lower leg. There have also been anecdotal reports
of individual acupuncturists using different
techniques to relieve pain associated with the
ankle, heel, and ball of the foot.
As with any other form of care, however,
remember that not all patients will respond to
all forms of treatment. Make sure to discuss the
situation thoroughly with your acupuncturist
before undergoing treatment for foot pain.
Here a few yoga-friendly gift ideas:
1. A gift certificate for a series of yoga classes. Nothing says,
‘I love you’ like the gift of yoga. If the recipient is new to yoga,
they can pick their classes; gentle, beginning, restorative or
mixed levels. Who knows, this could be the beginning of a
health and wellness revolution for them!
2. A private lesson with their favorite teacher. Many
students find it hard to make the extra splurge for a private
session with their teacher. This gift is an unexpected, and
well-appreciated surprise!
3. Gear and accessories. Every yogi needs their own mat!
I recommend a quality Manduka mat. They are not cheap,
but last forever and give the extra firm padding needed for
our knees and wrists. Less expensive mats such as a Jade or
Tapas mat work well too, but may need to be replaced sooner.
Other props such as a Bolster and blocks are extremely
helpful and almost essential to a home practice. Don’t forget
the meditation cushion, or ‘zafu’, to allow that perfect lift for a
comfortable seated position.
4. Devotional accompaniments. Typically, a student of
yoga has a space at home for practice or meditation. A set
of mala beads, or prayer beads, is a very special gift. A deity
to place on an altar, or dresser is a lovely gift too. Any deity,
whether it be a statue of Ganesha or Mother Mary can make
the space sacred. To complete the space, a special candle is
perfect. Yoga Madre carries Breathe In Candles, which are
handmade organic soy blend candles. They are infused with
Reiki healing energy and make the perfect gift for yogis and
non-yogis alike.
5. Books and Journals. There is not enough space in this
article for all the recommended book titles! Light on Yoga and
Light on Life by B.K.S. Iyengar are essentials. The Secret of
the Yoga Sutra by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait is a very inspiring
book. Every yogi (and person for that matter) needs a journal
to note insights and intentions for the year ahead.
My very first yoga mat was a gift from someone at
Christmas. At the time, I had not yet taken a yoga class. Just a
month or two later, I was inspired to attend my first class with
using that same mat. It was my mat for the next few years. My
set of prayer beads, same thing, a gift, I use them each day.
Happy gift giving this season! Yoga Madre has many great
gifts including quality Manduka mats and lovely Breathe In
candles. See you in class very soon!
Namaste, Keely Totten
In part 3 of this series, I’m focusing on how to
raise kids who are responsible when it comes to
I defined “responsible” in part 1 of this series as
“able to be trusted to do what is right.” And just
like with money (see part 2), in order to trust our
children to do what is right in relationships, we
need to trust ourselves in that area first.
It’s no secret our children are sponges, absorbing
everything they see us do.
So the first question we need to answer is, are
we modeling responsible behavior in our own
relationships? Here’s a good exercise to help you
see where you may be making less than the best
relationship decisions:
• Look at where you might be blaming other people for your circumstances, rather than taking
100% responsibility for your choices.
• Look at where you may be trying to control people and events that are not within your personal
sphere of control.
• Look at where you are gossiping (even inadvertently), avoiding hard conversations, or simply not
communicating at all and then making the other party responsible for your pain.
• Look at where you are failing to set boundaries but then lashing out if and when they are crossed.
These are just some of the ways our children may be picking up irresponsible relationship habits. If any
of them ring true for you (as they did for me), the good news is that we now have the opportunity to
“grow up” these parts of ourselves that were likely not parented properly when we were kids (because
our parents didn’t know how to do it better than they did) so we can break the pattern in our own
children, raising them to be trusted to do what is right in relationships.
After a child’s other parent, our ultimate relationship resides with
our child and deserves the utmost attention and care. By giving it
that attention and care we have the opportunity to stop generations
of wounding instead of passing it down and perpetuating pain in
our family line.
Our path toward that goal is to see every behavior our children
exhibit as a reflection of our own interior. After all, our children
often mirror the parts of ourselves we cannot see.
While many parents try to “fix” their kids (with therapy, drugs,
wilderness programs, behavior modification, punishment and
rewards), if we truly want to raise responsible kids, we must be open
to the possibility that when our child behaves in a way we do not
like, it’s not only - or perhaps even primarily - the child who needs
fixing, it’s us.
Now, this is not to say that a child may not need therapy or treatment,
especially if he or she has been through trauma, but if we only try to
fix the child, we’ve missed a true opportunity for the inner growth
being a parent makes possible for us.
And, if we do not focus on being responsible in our own relationships
first, we will likely never fully trust our children to do what is right
in their relationships because we haven’t done the work necessary to
trust ourselves.
Bottom line: If you want to raise kids who are responsible when it
comes to relationships, start with yourself. Look at where you are
not being 100% responsible with your own relationships and then
put in the effort to make positive changes.
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