Mountain Views News Saturday, December 19, 2015
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
City of Sierra Madre
From: The City of Sierra Madre
Subject: Summary of Ordinance No. 1371:
Applicant: City of Sierra Madre
Project Location: Properties in the City of Sierra Madre, County of
Los Angeles, State of California
On January 12, 2016, the City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider
the adoption of Ordinance No. 1371, a Municipal Code Text Amendment (15-
04), amending Title 17, Chapter 17.10 (Marijuana Cultivation and Marijuana
Dispensary), establish local control measures prohibiting the growing of live
plants, cultivation, testing, transporting, and distribution of cannabis and
marijuana in all zones. The purpose of the Municipal Code Text Amendments is
to further an objective of the City of Sierra Madre’s 2007 Ordinance No. 1266,
prohibiting in all zones medical marijuana dispensaries which involves the
distribution of drugs or other substances which is illegal to distribute or possess
under federal law. The proposed Ordinance complies with the requirements of
Assembly Bills 266 and 243, and Senate Bill 243, each containing key provisions
of the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act.
At the meeting of December 3, 2015, the Planning Commission conducted
a public hearing and recommended to the City Council the adoption of the
proposed MCTA 15-04 and Ordinance 1371.
City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra Madre
City Council Meeting City Council Chambers
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
(Hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA
All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear
them with respect thereto.
is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review pursuant to Title 14,
Section 1506 (b)(3) of the California Code of Regulations.
APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City
Council in court, one may be limited to raising the issues that were raised or
presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before the
scheduled public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact
the Planning and Community Preservation Department at (626) 355-7138.
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Rev. James Snyder
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Our home, like every other home this time of year,
bears the decorations of the Christmas season. This is
all thanks to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
My assigned role in the whole Christmas affair was to
keep out of her way. And, out of her way, I kept.
Consequently, our house is full of the glitter and
tinsel of the season with Christmas music playing in
the background. In the very center of all of this holiday
collage, sits our Christmas tree begging for Christmas
gifts. Every once in a while I catch it casting a wishful
look in my direction. I pretend not to notice. After all,
I’m not Santa Claus.
One afternoon I was in the house by myself and had
a strange feeling something was missing. Walking
around and looking at all the unique decorations I
just could not put my finger on it, but something was
absent. I know what a thorough job my wife does with
this sort of thing, and so I was not about to approach
her with my query.
The more I pondered this, the more perplexing it
became. Then it hit me. There definitely was something
missing in our Christmas ornamentation. The answer
came to me when I was rehearsing in my mind the old
poem, “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.”
Somewhere in the beginning of that poem are these
words, “The stockings were hung by the chimney with
care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;”
I quickly looked around and discovered no stockings
were hung by the chimney with care.
The first problem I faced was, we had no chimney.
I assure you, this was not a major setback with me in
my quest. Once I set my mind to something, I will not
stop until it is finished.
Not far from the Christmas tree was a shelf upon
which were arranged various Christmas knickknacks
and decorations. This, in my opinion, would be a
wonderful place to hang our Christmas stockings.
One other problem I had; I could not find any
Christmas stockings. This would not in any way
hinder my progress. I love a challenge and do my best
when the odds are stacked against me.
Looking for something to improvise, which is
something my wife is quite famous for, I happened to
notice I was wearing socks. Voilà. Without a moments
hesitation I took off my shoes, pulled off my socks and
hung them on the bookshelf with care in hopes that
the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage would notice
them there.
We may not have a glowing fireplace in our living
room, but a warm, glowing feeling of satisfaction was
stirring up inside me. I love Christmas.
I almost forgot the situation when a few hours later
my wife came home from her Christmas shopping.
I was in my easy chair reading Charles Dickens’ “A
Christmas Carol.” I always read this book this time
of the year. Sure, I enjoy the movie adaptations,
but nothing is like getting back to the real thing. A
Christmas without reading “A Christmas Carol,” is
no Christmas in my thinking.
I was engaged with Ebenezer Scrooges’ “Humbug,”
when I heard a cry of alarm coming from our living
room. “What in the world stinks in here?”
This shows very plainly the difference between men
and women. Women are always finding things that
stink. My wife’s nose is so delicate she can differentiate
between a thousand different smells and identify the
source to each and every one.
I think she has some kind of smell-phobia, which
has, as far as I know, no cure. And believe me, I have
looked. Living with someone allergic to stink is a real
“Did something in this house die while I was
I did fall asleep and was dead to the world for about
25 minutes. I rather doubt this was the cause of the
snoot full of stink she was currently experiencing.
Being the dutiful husband I am, I immediately ran to
her rescue.
“Something in this house stinks awfully bad.”
I just looked at her not knowing what to do or say
at the time. Then her attention was drawn to the
stockings hung with care. “What in the world are
these?” she demanded.
With a St. Francis of Assisi smile on my face, I
explained to her what I had done while she was away.
“Take those filthy socks outside and burn them.”
Then, much to my consternation, and despite the
coolness of the outside weather, all the windows and
doors were opened for three days to get what she
called “the stink,” out of our house. Her fumigation
was not in complete harmony with what I considered
the holiday spirit.
Even my malodorous socks cannot diminish
what Christmas is all about. After burning my
socks I turned to the promise in the Old Testament,
“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign;
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and
shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14 KJV). All
the way to the New Testament and the fulfillment of
that promise. “Behold, a virgin shall be with child,
and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his
name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God
with us.” (Matthew 1:23 KJV).
Jesus is the Christmasfication of every home. Apart
from him, Christmas is just an empty holiday.
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of
God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He
lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores.
Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.
net. The church web site is www.whatafellowship.com.
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
MICHAEL Reagan Making Sense
Maybe it was because it was held in Las Vegas,
where so many great prizefights have been held.
But Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate
was easily the best yet.
CNN and Wolf Blitzer did a good, fair-and-
balanced job of staging and refereeing the nine-person fight card.
Most of the time was spent discussing substantive issues like foreign policy and
national security, not throwing personal low blows.
No candidate was the clear winner. No one was the unanimous loser. No one
dramatically moved up or down in the rankings.
A day later it’s still No. 1 Donald Trump against everyone else (except his new pal,
Ted Cruz).
The final debate of 2015 wasn’t as informative as it should have been, but it was
like watching three boxing matches in the same ring.
One minute it was Trump and Jeb Bush going toe-to-toe, with Jeb trash-talking
Trump for his harsh words about Muslims and charging him with playing on the
terrorism fears of Americans.
Trump in turn dismissed Jeb as a fading candidate who was resorting to calling
him “unhinged” because “he has failed in this campaign. It’s been a total disaster.
Nobody cares.”
It didn’t make me happy to tweet it, but Trump did well. He played Trump – he
always does – and held his own.
It might be too little too late for Jeb Bush, but he clearly had his best debate so
When he said, “Donald, you’re not going to be able to insult your way to the
presidency,” he landed one of the most memorable punches of the night.
When Donald and Jeb weren’t jabbing at one another, Ted Cruz and Marco
Rubio fought in the main event to show who deserves to be ranked No. 2 behind
Cruz had Kid Rubio on the ropes a couple of times but couldn’t knock him out.
He questioned his conservative credentials and hit him hard for his pro-amnesty
position on illegal immigrants and his poor judgment on national security
Rubio counterpunched, accusing his fellow Cuban-American of being soft on
national security.
Then Rand Paul, the former highly ranked contender in the faded libertarian
trunks, jumped in to help Cruz.
Mocking Rubio for acting like he was Mr. Tough Guy on national defense, Paul
said he was “the weakest of all the candidates on immigration.”
The third fight of the night was the one Chris Christie had with someone who
wasn’t on stage – Hillary.
Christie took a shot at Cruz and Rubio for being rookie senators who have
no executive experience and only know how to write laws and argue over their
But he spent most of his energy going after Hillary Clinton and President
Obama for understating the threat from Islamic State terrorists and pursing a
reckless foreign policy in the Middle East.
Gentle Ben Carson didn’t hurt or help himself in the debate. Neither did tough
John Kasich. Neither did Carly Fiorina, who’s never afraid to box with the boys.
The GOP now goes into 2016 with about nine or 10 too many presidential
Until Republicans get that down to three or four, which won’t happen until
sometime after the Iowa caucus in February, we’re not going to get an old-
fashioned primary debate.
When we get a real debate, voters will quickly find out the strengths and
weaknesses of the Republican candidates. Voters will also learn who’s the most
likable and most relatable – and therefore the most electable in November.
Tuesday’s debate wasn’t perfect. But the fights made it a lot more exciting than
anything we’re going to see next year.
In fact, it was so entertaining, my family and I actually turned it on and watched
it again.
Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant,
and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). Visit his
websites at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan.com. Send comments to
Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
“So you are okay with
the deaths of thousands
of innocent children and
- Questioner Hugh Hewitt,
at the Las Vegas Republican
“You got it. You got it.”
- Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, in
response to Hewitt
Right-wing radio talker Hugh Hewitt had a like-
minded audience, but they booed his question.
For them, it came as buzz-kill while candidates
tried outdoing each other with ramped-up
warmongering about carpet bombing (Sen. Ted
Cruz), risking WWIII by shooting down Russian
planes (Gov. Chris Christie) and lethal targeting
of the families of terrorists (Donald Trump).
I managed to catch the re-play of the Republican
debate on CNN. It was held at Las Vegas’ Venetian
Hotel and Casino, owned by mega-donor Sheldon
Adelson. Not only does Adelson buy politicians,
with some $100 million sunk in the GOP race
so far (though his $20 million investment in
Newt Gingrich four years ago didn’t really pan
out), now he’s put $140 million into buying the
Las Vegas Review-Journal – to help promote the
politicians he owns.
Adelson had a front-row seat for the event, with
one-on-one face-time having been arranged for
participants seeking his largesse. Currently, Sen.
Marco Rubio (R-FL) appears the front-runner
for his affections – though the debate might have
changed that.
Hoping to eventually pick up supporters of
Trump, whose campaign pundits predict to
implode any day now (as they’ve been predicting
since last June), Cruz went after Rubio, rather than
front-runner Trump. He made Rubio answer
for his having taken a position on immigration
reform a couple of years ago that was dangerously
close to being reasonable. Rubio, of course, had
to deny any such accusation of reasonableness,
and charged Cruz with having voted “no” on a
bill cutting defense spending. It turned out to
be a bill Rubio himself had skipped voting on, in
order to campaign in New Hampshire.
The primary theme of the debate was being
tough. It wasn’t enough to call for banning all
Syrian refugees, but to emphasize there would be
no exception made for widows and orphans, as
Christie did. Amid all the tough-guy talk, Carly
Fiorina tried to be heard above the fray, calling
for a chance to explain her own strategy for
defeating ISIS. Then, when she did have the floor
and the opportunity to detail her proposal, she
explained that one could defeat ISIS, as well as
deal with troublesome players like China, Russia
and North Korea – if one were “tough”.
There was Jeb Bush’s charge that Trump’s
proposals weren’t “serious”. Sen. Rand Paul (R-
KY) mentioned that this targeting of innocent
civilians might run counter to something called
the Geneva Conventions. Paul also brought up
the U.S. Constitution, in response to Trump’s
call for government censorship of the internet –
something Trump says he wants to “penetrate”.
Carson seemed to have problems with
analogies; comparing the infliction of mass
civilian casualties to a surgical procedure
which, despite the pain involved, is something
everyone eventually agrees was worthwhile,
anyway. He also continued to have problems
with pronunciation. A couple weeks ago,
speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition, it
was pronouncing Hamas as “hummus” – as in
smashed chickpeas. At the debate he spoke of a
“fox narrative”, which, it took me a moment to
realize, was intended to be a “faux narrative”.
He’s been studying hard attempting to remain
relevant, but apparently not really understanding
what he’s been studying.
The debate took place in the context of what
Rubio described as a “mood of the country” in
which “People are really scared and worried.” Yes,
but not necessarily about terrorism. According
to a recent HuffPost/YouGov poll, when asked
about “you or someone in your family” becoming
a victim of terrorism, a majority of Americans
worry either “not so much” or “not at all” about it.
Becoming a victim of terrorism or gun violence is
a top worry for 26% of Americans. A top worry for
41% is “Losing a job or having financial problems”.
(The poll noted some differences. Republicans
are more worried about terrorism than gun
violence; with Democrats, it’s the opposite. 2% of
white Americans list police brutality as a top fear,
while 20% of black Americans do.)
All the talk of carpet bombing and a Muslim
threat recalled another poll, this one from
Gallup five years ago. The question was whether
the targeting and killing of civilians by the
military was justified “sometimes”, “depends”
or “never”. 38% of American Protestants said it
was “never” justified (58% “sometimes”). 39% of
Catholics and 43% of American Jews said it was
never justified for the military to target and kill
civilians. Among American Muslims, the figure
was 78%.
A related question was “is targeting and
killing of civilians by individuals or small groups
justified”. 71% of Protestants and Catholics
said never; with 75% of Jews agreeing. 89% of
American Muslims said it was never justified.
As for risks, even figuring in the recent San
Bernardino attacks, since 9/11 more Americans
have died from right-wing extremist attacks than
from violent jihadis. But however hard Republicans
try to make us afraid, doubts of competency pretty
much negate whatever credibility might be given
their argument. The real fear seems to be coming
from the Republican establishment; that the more
dangerously clueless seem the more likely to
prevail in this nominating process.
In endorsing Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffet
said watching the debate brought to mind Abbott
and Costello, and that “vaudeville was never
this good”. Clinton herself saw “7 Republican
candidates who are totally unprepared to be
commander-in–chief”. Addressing Ted Cruz in
particular, she remarked, “Promising to carpet
bomb until the desert glows doesn’t make you
sound strong – it makes you sound like you’re in
over your head.”
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