Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 19, 2015
A long time ago in a galaxy half the universe
away, a flood of high-energy gamma rays began
its journey to Earth. When they arrived in April,
NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope caught
the outburst, which helped two ground-based
gamma-ray observatories detect some of the
highest-energy light ever seen from a galaxy so
distant. The observations provide a surprising look
into the environment near a super-massive black
hole at the galaxy’s center, and offer a glimpse into
the state of the cosmos 7 billion years ago.
“When we looked at all the data from this
event, from gamma rays to radio, we realized the
measurements told us something we didn’t expect
about how the black hole produced this energy,”
said Jonathan Biteau at the Nuclear Physics
Institute of Orsay, France. He led the study of
results from the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging
Telescope Array System (VERITAS), a gamma-ray
telescope in Arizona.
Astronomers had assumed that light at different
energies came from regions at different distances
from the black hole. Gamma rays, the highest-
energy form of light, were thought to be produced
closest to the black hole.
“Instead, the multi-wavelength picture suggests
that light at all wavelengths came from a single
region located far away from the power source,”
Biteau explained. The observations place the area
roughly five light-years from the black hole, which
is greater than the distance between our Sun and
the nearest star.
The gamma rays came from a galaxy known
as PKS 1441+25, a type of active galaxy called a
blazar. Located toward the constellation Boötes,
the galaxy is so far away its light takes 7.6 billion
years to reach us. At its heart lies a monster black
hole with a mass estimated at 70 million times the
As material in the disk falls toward the black
hole, some of it forms dual particle jets that blast
out of the disk in opposite directions at nearly the
speed of light. Blazars are so bright in gamma rays
because one jet points almost directly toward us,
giving astronomers a view straight into the black
hole’s dynamic and poorly understood realm.
In April, PKS 1441+25 underwent a major
eruption. Luigi Pacciani at the Italian National
Institute for Astrophysics in Rome was leading a
project to catch blazar flares in their earliest stages
in collaboration with the Major Atmospheric
Gamma-ray Imaging Cerenkov experiment
(MAGIC), located on La Palma in the Canary
Islands. Using public Fermi data, Pacciani
discovered the outburst and immediately alerted
the astronomical community. Fermi’s Large Area
Telescope revealed gamma rays up to 33 billion
electron volts (GeV), reaching into the highest-
energy part of the instrument’s detection range.
For comparison, visible light has energies between
about 2 and 3 electron volts.
Following up on the Fermi alert, the MAGIC
team turned to the blazar and detected gamma
rays with energies ranging from 40 to 250 GeV.
“Because this galaxy is so far away, we didn’t have
a strong expectation of detecting gamma rays with
energies this high,” said Josefa Becerra Gonzalez, a
researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
in Greenbelt, Maryland. “There are fewer and
fewer gamma rays at progressively higher energies,
and fewer still from very distant sources.”
The reason distance matters for gamma rays is
that they convert into particles when they collide
with lower-energy light. When a gamma ray
encounters starlight, it transforms into an electron
and a positron and is lost to astronomers. The
farther away the blazar is, the less likely its highest-
energy gamma rays will survive to be detected.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
Washington, DC – Today, Congressman
Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, CA) announced that
Congress has included $8.2 million in the FY 2016
funding bill specifically designated for a West
Coast Earthquake Early Warning System. The
$8.2 million is a substantial increase over what
the President requested in his budget and is a
great victory for California and the West Coast.
Congress included funds allocated for the system
in a spending bill for the first time last year at $5
The Earthquake Early Warning System is
currently being developed by Caltech, UC-
Berkeley, the University of Washington, and the
University of Oregon in conjunction with the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). It can provide
users with seconds to even a minute or more of
warning before shaking hits, depending on the
distance to the epicenter. A limited system already
been deployed for test users has proved that the
early warning technology is sound. It will cost an
estimated $38.2 million to build out a full system
for the west coast, with annual operating and
maintenance costs of $16.1 million.
“By increasing the funding for the West Coast
Earthquake Early Warning System, Congress is
sending a message to the western states that it
supports this life saving system. But the federal
government cannot do it alone and will need
local stakeholders, both public and private, to
get behind the effort with their own resources,”
said Rep. Adam Schiff. “This year, Congress
allocated an additional eight million dollars, a
very substantial sum in these budget constrained
times, and I thank Chairman Calvert for his
support. The Early Warning System will give us
critical time for trains to be slowed and surgeries
to be stopped before shaking hits – saving lives
and protecting infrastructure. This Early Warning
System is an investment we need to make now, not
after the ‘big one’ hits.”
Earlier this year, Schiff led a group of 35
Members of Congress – primarily from California,
Washington, and Oregon – to request that the
Appropriations Committee fund an Earthquake
Early Warning System for the West Coast. The
final FY16 budget funds the Early Warning System
at a higher level than the $5 million originally
included in the Interior and Environment
Appropriations bill. The funding level in the FY16
budget also exceeds the President’s $5 million
budget request earlier this year. Senator Feinstein,
Rep. Schiff and 35 other Members of Congress
sent a letter to the President last October, asking
him to include funding for the West Coast Early
Warning System for FY2016.
In December 2014, Congress passed a funding
bill for FY2015 which included an additional $5
million specifically for the Earthquake Early
Warning System, bringing the total funding for
the system for FY2015 to $6.5 million. This was
the first time Congress included funds specifically
allocated for the system in a spending bill. That
$5 million in funding allowed those developing
the statewide system to begin purchasing and
installing additional sensors, build new stations,
speed up the ShakeAlert system, and come closer
to deploying comprehensive early earthquake
warning coverage throughout earthquake prone
regions of the West Coast.
The explanatory language for the funding bill
Natural Hazards.-Funding for the Natural
Hazards program includes $60,503,000 for
earthquake hazards, of which $8,200,000
is provided to transition the earthquake
early warning demonstration project into an
operational capability for the West Coast.
[Nyerges is the author of
A Personal Christmas
Odyssey, and is the author
of numerous books. For information about his books
and classes, contact School of Self-reliance, Box 41834,
Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or www.ChristopherNyerges.
com. . He participates in sharing the meanings of
our Holidays at WTI’s local events – see www.wtinc.
info. ]
Overhearing conversations at Bean Town and
on Baldwin, I’ve heard much about the Scrooge of
“political correctness” descending upon the Spirit
of Christmas. There is also animated conversation
about those who see great danger to our republic
by the singing of “Merry Christmas” want to
remove even the “Christ” from “Christmas” lest
the church become irretrievably intertwined with
the state.
I have even heard from the deeply-religious
Christians of Sierra Madre, wringing their hands
about the assaults on religious freedom from judges
and school administrators. They argue that the
separation of church and state was primarily intended
to keep the government out of religious. Nowhere
in our Constitution does it forbid us from publicly
proclaiming our religious views – whatever they may
So how should we regard these most recent
politically-correct assaults against Christmas?
When I was in my early teens, I became aware of
a fact that I was not taught in Catholic school. Jesus
– in whose honor all this furor supposedly revolves
– was a Jewish rabbi who lectured in the Synagogue
and kept the traditional Jewish Holy Days of his time.
We know the date of Jesus’ birthday is not known to
historians, and was certainly not December 25.
Using ordinary encyclopedias and the library, I
began to uncover a side of Christmas that I never knew
existed. To my amazement, in Jesus’ day, as he was
celebrating the Jewish Holy Days, the known world
was commemorating nearly every Holy Day that
Christianity celebrates today, but under a different
name. Holy Days of Christmas, Easter, Halloween,
Saint Valentine’s Day, Candlemas, and more, were all
being commemorated in the Roman empire. Though
they were commemorated under different names, the
customs associated with each are still with us.
By the Third Century as Christianity was becoming
a religious and political force, Constantine made a
political choice to cement his Christian empire. Since
there was resistance to dropping the old so-called
pagan customs, Constantine “Christianized” the
entire gamut of pre-Christian Holy Days and changed
their names. (This is, obviously, the very short 25-
cent version – you can read the long version in your
By the way, “pagan” in its origin had no religious
overtones. It merely meant a country-dweller, from
the Latin “pagus.” The complaint that the pagans
in their observation of their Holy Days were riotous
and drunken was only partly right. History clearly
demonstrates that among the “pagani” there was no
more or less drunken revelry than there was among
those now calling themselves Christians.
As it was in the past, so it is today.
So when I hear about the sound and fury that we
must keep Christ in Christmas, I have to remember
how Christ got into Christmas in the first place.
Though December 25 is not the winter solstice, it is
the day when someone observing the sunrises notes
that the sun begins again its northern ascent back
from that southernmost point of the horizon that it
reached on the winter solstice. It is the birth of the
sun that that pagans celebrated, which Constantine
made the birth of the Son.
My first childhood reaction to learning of
this “pagan history” of Christmas led to my
disenchantment and depression. A few years later
when I became a Buddhist, I was surprised to learn
that my Buddhist friends celebrated Christmas. “It’s a
social and secular holiday too,” they told me. “It’s part
of the popular culture,” as they all had their warm
parties and exchanged gifts in their eagerness to be
a part of American culture. That opened my eyes to
another side of this.
Gradually, with this and other experiences, I came
to grips with the reality of this time, and the ancient
symbols surrounding it.
The season and its myriad symbols are ancient, yet
it is still up to each of us to use these symbols, and
this time, for a spiritual leap-forward, and not as an
excuse to grovel in materialism. Gifting, for example,
can be a mindless act, or it can be a true communion
between two beings. And gifting doesn’t have to be a
physical object. It can be a service, some act of love, or
even walking someone’s dog or cooking a meal when
they have the need. That’s the sort of gifting that I love
to do with my closest friends.
The evergreens, the trees, the wreaths, the lights,
all good symbols of spiritual renewal and eternal
spiritual life. That’s what they’re there to remind us of.
Santa Claus is a latter day addition to the winter
solstice time. Saint Nicholas was a real Catholic
Bishop from Asia Minor who gave gifts to newlyweds
around the Christmas season. The bland comic-book
appearance of the modern “Santa Claus” has made
him acceptable to today’s PCers as the “big man” of
the winter solstice.
The Christmas season’s ancient symbols are
intended to remind us that even at our darkest
moment, there is hope for us finding the light again.
That is why solstices were commemorated in the first
place. So in the Christian tradition, it was Jesus born
in Bethlehem, who we barely understand, whose life
demonstrated that there is a way to live, a way that
each of us should follow, that can lead us out of our
spiritual darkness. That is why we commemorate the
birth of Jesus at this time.
Could it be that the secular PC scrooges are
really concerned that Christmas has, in fact, simply
descended into a shopfest and drinkfest, where we’re
all so crowded into the malls and onto the freeways
that there’s no opportunity to think about the
real, inner meaning of Christmas? Each year, the
newscasters report whether or not we had a good
sales in the Christmas season. Is that the point of
If, in fact, Christmas for the majority has simply
become a festival of spending, then what harm is
there in removing “Christ” from all this shameless
materialism? If, on the other hand, we want to renew
and rejuvenate our own flagging spiritual selves at
this time, then keeping the “Christ” in Christmas is
something worth fighting for.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com