Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 26, 2015
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
To share Christmas dinner
with? Kudo is your boy! He
is a 64-pound rambunctious
young Chow-Shepherd mix with
a stunning red coat, beautiful
honey-brown eyes, and the best
wiggly stubby tail in town! He
first came to the shelter after
being found stray in October
of this year. He was quickly
adopted after arriving to the
shelter; not surprising - given
his good looks and playful
charm. Unfortunately, Kudo
came back to the shelter because
his former family adopted him
for the children to learn pet-
ownership responsibilities but
sadly the children could no
longer commit the time to take
care of young Kudo.
Despite gaining and loosing what was most likely his first home, Kudo remains a frisky and silly young
pup. He is a lively 2-year-old Chow who loves to walk, play with squeaky toys (lots squeaky toys!), and
spend time with his people. He is extremely friendly and affectionate with people; though it seems he would
do best in a single-dog home. He is quickly learning his basic commands and would definitely appreciate
getting a bit more training. He would thrive in a home with experienced and active pet parents who could
share the time, care, and affection he truly deserves. After being a homeless pup for most of his young life,
Kudo would love to have a family and home to call his own...just in time for the holidays!
His adoption fee is $145 and includes neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam
at a participating veterinarian. He currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located
at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We are located off San Gabriel Blvd., north of Mission and south
of Las Tunas. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Kudo, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm
Tuesday thru Sunday.
2016 calendars are available at the shelter for a $10 donation. The photos were selected among hundreds
submitted by shelter supporters. They make great holiday gifts for the animal lovers on your list! If you
would like to order a 2016 calendar on line, you can stop by the shelter or do so through Paypal. Go to the
shelter website at sgvhumane.org for more information.
Shelter supporters are encouraged to visit the website to read about the amazing story of Hoppy told by
his rescuer’s blog. This three legged Chihuahua now has a second chance for a happy life after a terrible
accident left him alone and helpless trying to survive on the busy city streets.
If you’re one of those brave souls who chooses
to travel by air during the holidays, you are
likely familiar with the long list of stressors that
typically accompany the experience.
The inevitable mob scene with it’s inherent
asses and elbows; the undressing and
redressing for frisking at the security check
point; the running as fast as you can through
the terminal corridors dragging your way-too-
heavy carry-on behind you; the dodging of
meandering aimless travelers as you attempt to
get to the terminal on time only to be told the
flight is delayed and you’ll have to wait for an
undefined period of time to finally board your
flight. Well, my hat’s off to you. I personally
prefer to stick close to home for my Christmas
and New Year celebrations, but I’m sure I’m the
Even the typically easy-going, happy holiday
traveler who claims the process of hurrying
up to wait for that plane that will take him
elsewhere in short order is likely to be affected
by the rush of the crowds rallying for position in
traffic on the way into the airport, then rallying
for a seat to sit in at the terminal, and ultimately
pushing their way down the isle in the plane to
find an overhead storage spot for their oversized,
overweight piece of carry-on luggage.
Well, there’s the good news and there’s the
bad news, and now that I’ve touched on a few
of the less than happy highlights, I know you
brave vacationing globe trekkers out there will
be pleased to hear the good news. It’s something
that is sure to help make your holiday air travels
a lot less stressful.
PUPs (Pets Un-stressing Passengers) is
a unique volunteer program that allows
travelers access to some of the most fantastic
fur therapy one could ever hope to find. The
kind that is sure to keep the blood pressure in
a healthy zone when things start to get tense.
The amazing thing about the airport therapy
dog program is the fact that the dogs seem to
know which of the waiting would-
be plane boarders most needs their
attention. It’s the one that is clearly
on the verge of a melt down due to
a flight delay or lost luggage.
Whether it’s the look on their faces,
the tone of their voice or the change
in their chemistry, canines are able
to sense when someone could use
a pat on their paw! And when they
sense the tension building, “ruff”
and ready relief comes to the rescue!
Stress-relieving canines are popping
up in airports all over the country,
offering their “for fun and for free” services to
those humans who are in need of a moment of
sanity amidst the commuting chaos.
I called this news but to be completely honest
it’s not at all hot off the press. Indeed, the idea
of having pet-friendly pups available to be
loved, hugged and petted by stressed travelers
in airports has been around since the months
following 9/11.
Mineta San Jose International is known for
being the first airport to practice the innovative
passenger stress-relief-through-pup-petting
program with several others in the country
following their lead soon after. Now the idea is
really catching on, and the trend is undeniably
popular. Most travelers would agree that it
is excellent an idea. To me it is simply basic
common sense. I personally benefit from “fur
therapy” every day of my life, so I know how
effective petting a dog can be as a calming
The volunteer PUPS dog and handler teams
can testify to just how effective the program has
proven to be and the overwhelmingly positive
responses they receive when they approach a
potentially stressed traveler waiting to board
a plane is most definitely worth the effort. Few
people refuse to take them up on the offer, and
those who do take the time to greet a friendly
canine, go on their way feeling less anxious,
more relaxed and ready to have a better day
Although the PUPS program has typically been
limited to airport terminal hospitality, United
Airlines recently decided to get on board with
the pets for less stress philosophy by forming a
dog petting program of their own. Who knows,
perhaps the infectious nature of this brilliant
concept will catch on to a point where all airlines
offer canine therapy in the future? Hey, if that
happens, maybe I’ll join the ranks of the brave
souls who are willing to pack their bags and head
for the airport for the holidays!
By Dr. Walter Cailleteu, DVM
The new year is a great time to make positive
change in our lives. By far the most popular change
that many people make is to get healthy. This may
include committing to a new way of eating, more
exercise and taking better care of yourself overall.
If change is good for you, it can be good for your
pets as well. Taking your dog or cat along on the
journey toward wellness can help you share the
experience of getting healthy and strengthen your
loving bond with each other. Here are four tips to
help you and your pet take the first steps.
#1 Look At Food - Food is where most issues with
weight start. For us, a few extra helpings of chips,
cookies or soda can add-up to several pounds
gained in a single year. Your pets are no different,
and are more than happy to accept an extra bowl
of crunchies or treats rather than refuse them.
Also consider what you are both eating. Food
quality starts by choosing nutrition-dense foods
that benefit you and your pet. Consult your doctor
or nutritionist about changing your diet, and also
make it a point to ask your veterinarian about what
your pet needs to stay healthy at a good weight.
#2 Get Out And Move -Exercise plays an important
role in achieving a healthy weight for you and your
pet. It is recommended that most adults plan for 30
minutes of cardio exercise a day, and this doesn’t
mean having to slave away at the gym. Simple
walks can do wonders for your metabolism, mood
and mind… and most pets love walking as well!
Plus, gentle exercise can help improve arthritis in
both humans and animals. Alternatively, you can
play with your cat after a long day away from home.
Try throwing a catnip mouse around, playing hide
and seek and using a cat tickler.
#3 Have An Exam - You’ve probably heard that
it’s wise to consult your doctor before starting any
new diet or exercise regimen. This also applies
to your pets. A thorough checkup can reveal any
issues with muscles and tendons, internal organs,
eyes and ears, and skin and coat. Plus, diagnostic
testing helps to ensure that all systems are go on
the inside as well. Be assured before you hit the trail
with your pet that you are both in the clear.
#4 Be Mindful - A huge part of health comes from
how we spend our downtime. Sleep is vital to any
wellness program for you and your pet. Assess
your sleeping arrangements, including your pet’s
bedding and consider purchasing a new bed to give
them a comfortable, safe place for peaceful rest.
Additionally, spending quiet time together can
help release stress. Pet your dog or cat, take a nap
with them, and you’ll find that you both feel much
calmer and bonded. You may discover that this has
the biggest impact of all on your health.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com