Mountain Views News Saturday, December 26, 2015
Dear Savvy Senior
Can you offer any tips on helping an elderly parent with
their finances? My 82-year-old mother is having some
trouble keeping up with her bills, and I just found out
that she has been making a lot of small contributions to
suspicious charities.
Concerned Daughter
Dear Concerned,
Millions of adult children today serve as financial
helpers to their elderly or ill parents or other loved
ones. They provide services like paying bills, handling
deposits and investments, filing insurance claims,
preparing taxes and more. Here are some tips and
resources that can help you help your mom.
Have a Talk
Taking on some or all of the financial responsibility of
an elderly parent or other loved one can sometimes be
awkward and difficult.
The first step in helping your mom is to have a
thoughtful and respectful talk with her, expressing
your concerns, and offering your help in simplifying
her financial life. If you have siblings, it can be a good
idea to get them involved too. This can help you head off
any possible hard feelings, plus, with others involved,
your mom will know everyone is concerned.
Get Organized
If your mom is willing to let you help manage her
financial affairs your first order of business is to get
organized by making a list of her financial accounts,
and locate her important legal documents. This will
help you get a handle on her overall financial situation
and let you know if any key documents are missing.
Your list should include her:
. ¥ Monthly bills: Phone, cable, water and trash, gas,
electric, credit card accounts, etc.
. ¥ Financial accounts: Including bank accounts,
brokerage and mutual fund accounts, safe-deposit
boxes and any other financial assets she has.
. ¥ Company benefits: Any retirement plans,
pensions or health benefits from your current or former
. ¥ Insurance policies: Life, home, auto, long-term
care, Medicare, etc.
. ¥ Important legal documents: A will, advanced
medical directive which includes a living will and
health-care proxy, and durable power of attorney
which gives one or more people the legal authority to
handle her finances if she becomes incapacitated. Make
sure these documents are prepared.
. ¥ Taxes: Copies of your mom’s income tax returns
over the past few years.
. ¥ Contact list: Names and phone numbers of key
contacts like insurance agents, financial advisor, tax
preparer, family attorney, etc.
Seek Advice
If your mom has considerable assets or a complex
financial situation, you and your mom should sit
down with her financial advisor or attorney to review
her situation. If she doesn’t have anyone, consider
hiring a reputable fee-only financial planner who
can help you figure things out and put a smart plan
in place. Fee-only planners do not earn commissions
by selling you financial products. They charge only
for their services, which can be around $150 to $300
an hour. To locate one in your area, visit napfa.org or
Simplify Financial Tasks
One of the easiest ways to simplify your mom’s monthly
financial chores is to set up automatic payments for her
utilities and other routine bills, and arrange for direct
deposit of her income sources. You can also make
arrangements to have her bank statements mailed
directly to you, so you can monitor what’s coming in
and going out each month. Or, you could set up your
mom’s online banking service (if available), so you can
pay bills and monitor her account anytime.
For more tips on financial caregiving, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers four
guides on “Managing Someone Else’s Money” that
you can read online at consumerfinance.gov/blog/
If you need some help or live far away, you may want
to consider hiring a daily money manager (aadmm.
com, 877-326-5991) who can come in once or twice
a month to pay bills, make deposits, decipher health
insurance statements and balance her checkbook.
Costs range between $50 and $150 per hour.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box
5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and
author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …December Birthdays*
Pat Karamitros, Joan Hufnagel, Mary Alice Cervera, Carol Horejsi, Shirley Anhalt,
Mignon Grijalva, Helen Reese, Levon Yapoujian, Toni Buckner, Lottie Bugl, Pat
McGuire, Sheila Wohler, Nan Murphy, Eleanor Hensel, Sylvia Curl, Elizabeth Levie,
Gayle Licher, Cindy Barran, and Melissa Stute.
*To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth
not required
ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the
Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
Activities at the Senior Center
YWCA San Gabriel Valley - Intervale Senior Cafe
Seniors 60 years of age and up can participate in the YWCA Intervale daily lunch program held
at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Meals are served Monday through Friday at 12:00 pm
and participants are encouraged to arrive by 11:45 am. Meals are a suggested donation of $3.00
for seniors 60 and over or $5.00 for non-senior guests. Daily reservations are necessary, space is
limited. Please reserve your lunch by calling 626-355-0256.
Tech Talk: Held on Monday, October 19th and 26th from 1:30-2:30pm. Learn how to use your new
technology devises. Please reserve your space with the Hart Park House by calling 626-355-7394.
Hawaiian and Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10am to 11am. Join
instructor Barbara Dempsey as she instructs you in the art of hula.
Bingo: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00pm. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to
join. May be canceled if less than 5 people.
Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11am to 12pm. No appt. is
Brain Games: Thursday, October 15th, 10:30am - 11:30am, improve your memory and strengthen
your brain. Activities facilitated by Swati Puri, Community Liaison for New Wave Home care of
Free Legal Consultation: Wednesday, October 21st from 10:30am to Noon. Attorney Lem
Makupson is available for legal consultation. He specializes in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates,
and Injury. Appointment are required by calling 626-355-7394.
Chair Yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:45 am. A suggested donation of $5 at one
of the classes is requested, but is not required.
Case Management: Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month. Case Management services are
provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in a variety of areas. Appointments are required
and can be scheduled by calling the HPH Office at 626-355-7394.
Birthday Celebrations: Every second Thursday of the month at the Hart Park House. The free
birthday cake is provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club.
Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00pm. (Please note the time change.) A regular group of
seniors play poker. Other games available for use.
Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 12:45pm to 1:30pm with Lisa Brandley. The class
utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All materials for the class are provided.
Senior Club: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown bag lunch at 11:30am.
Club meeting at noon. Bingo 12:30-3:30pm. Annual Membership is only $10.00.
KATIE Tse..........This and That
I hope you had a wonderful
Christmas and that 2015 has
been a great year for you! This
is actually the third year I’m
submitting a variation this
article, originally titled “Something Better.” In its
original version I wrote about how the good news
of the Gospel overcomes the inherent melancholy
associated with New Years. I realized last year,
however, that good news doesn’t mean much
unless you’re aware of the bad news with which
to compare it.
These days you don’t have to look far to find bad
news. However, the bad news I’m talking about
is even worse than that inflicted by ISIS or other
terrorists. While there is good reason to fear ISIS
and terrorists in general, they can do nothing to
their victims after they’re dead. The Bible teaches
that we should not fear men, who can kill the
body, but then have no power to harm us. Instead
we should fear (reverently respect) God, who has
power over our bodies and our souls (Matthew
10:28). You see, the truly scary thing about hell
is that it is eternal. Let that sit on your mind for
a while. What was the worst experience that has
happened to you? For me, one thought that helps
me get through tough times is “This, too, shall
pass.” But the people in hell can’t say that. There
are no words to describe it.
This should give us who follow Jesus a fresh
urgency to share Him with those who don’t have
a relationship with Him. It should motivate us to
live godly lives as good witnesses to those around
us. Never are we to have a haughty, “Holier than
thou” attitude, for Jesus had the sternest rebukes
for the self righteous religious leaders of His day.
Instead we are to be humble, always remembering
that if it were not for Jesus’ death on our behalves,
we, too, would be damned to eternal suffering.
And that is the thing that’s truly tragic about
the people in hell --they didn’t have to go there!
Jesus paid for all of us, but many never take Him
up on His offer. It’s like those empty seats at the
Olympics. Big corporations bought out blocks for
their associates, but many decided not to attend.
Unfortunately missing out on the Olympics and
missing out on escaping hell are not comparable
at all. This is a tragic, sobering reality. But where
there is life there is hope! If you are reading this
today it means you still have an opportunity to
take the only means available to save your soul.
So make the decision today to take hold of the
salvation that Jesus is offering you. All ways do
not lead to heaven. If salvation had been possible
any other way would God have sent His one
and only Son to die for us? When Pastor Dick
Anderson came to Sierra Madre Congregational
Church in 1968 his first sermon was titled “Jesus is
a Gentleman.” He stands at the door of your heart
knocking. His greatest desire is that you would
allow him to scoop you out of the gaping jaws of
hell into His loving embrace. That is the Good
News! But He will not force Himself upon you.
Jesus has already completed all that is necessary
to save you from eternal torment and secure your
place with Him in heaven. But you must open the
door. Don’t delay another moment --this moment
is a gift, and the next is not guaranteed. Today is
the day of salvation!
If you choose to accept Jesus as your savior you can
pray this prayer and He will come into your heart
and give you peace with God --today and forever!
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner,
and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died
for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from
my sins and invite You to come into my heart and
life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and
Savior. In Your Name. Amen.”
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com