Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 26, 2015
A team of Spanish astrophysicists has obtained precise
measurements for the innermost region of a disc of
matter in orbital motion around a supermassive black
hole in the lensed quasar known as Einstein’s Cross
(Q2237-0305). It constitutes the most precise set of
measurements achieved to date for such a small and
distant object.
The researchers used microlensing to resolve the
distorted images collected by the OGLE and GLITP
gravitational microlensing projects, which have had
their instruments trained on Einstein’s Cross for over
a decade. By studying the variation in brightness of
four different images (the four points of the ‘cross’),
they have been able to obtain precise measurements
of what is likely the innermost stable orbit of its
accretion disc.
“Over recent years we have shown how
microlensing allows us to analyze the structure of
accretion discs in quasars, and now we have obtained
precise measurements for a structure right at the
innermost rim, potentially its last stable orbit before
the black hole event horizon,” explains José Antonio
Muñoz, lecturer at the Department of Astronomy
and Astrophysics at the Universitat de València, who
took part in this research alongside colleagues at
the universities of Granada, Cadiz and the Canary
Islands Astrophysics Institute.
His colleague, Jorge Jiménez Vicente at
the University of Granada, adds that “the big
breakthrough here is that we have been able to do
this for such a small disc, so far away—it is like being
able to detect a one euro coin located over 100,000
kilometers away.”
Currently only one in every 500 quasars can be
measured in this way. However, Jiménez Vicente
points to a future, when large-scale monitoring
programs (like the 8.4 meter Large Synoptic Survey
Telescope planned for northern Chile by 2022)
are up-and-running, where “the detection of high
magnification microlensing events like this one will
be possible for thousands of quasars.”
A gravitational lens refers to a distribution of matter
(such as a cluster of galaxies) between a distant source
and an observer that is capable of bending the light
from the source, as it travels towards the observer.
This effect is known as gravitational lensing and the
amount of bending is one of the predictions of Albert
Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
Einstein’s Cross (also known as quasar Q2237+030
or QSO 2237+0305) is a gravitationally lensed quasar
that sits directly behind ZW 2237+030, Huchra’s
Lens. Four images of the same distant quasar
appear around a foreground galaxy due to strong
gravitational lensing, which bends and splits the
starlight, causing the single quasar to appear as four
The quasar’s redshift indicated that it is located
about 8 billion light years from Earth, while the
lensing galaxy is at a distance of 400 million light years.
The apparent dimensions of the entire foreground
galaxy are 0.87x0.34 arcminutes, while the apparent
dimension of the cross in its centre accounts for only
1.6x1.6 arcseconds.
Einstein’s Cross is located in the constellation
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A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
From a practical standpoint,
and if I am anything I am practical, well,
practically, this year has gone by rather quickly.
The fact I have survived this past year has to
count for something.
I was musing on this with the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage just the other day.
I was feeling rather comfortable with myself
and was congratulating myself on making it
through another year. After all, the facts speak
for themselves.
“Well,” my wife began rather deliberately, “I
guess you did survive the year.”
“What in the world is that supposed to mean,”
I queried. I must say I was a little agitated by the
tone of her voice. After all, I did survive the year.
It was quiet for a few minutes and then she
said, “What about your New Year’s resolutions?”
I informed her I was working on a brand-new
set of New Year’s resolutions for the upcoming
year. I think it’s rather important to jot down
a few things you would like to do, maybe some
improvements you would like to make or maybe
something I should like to give up for the New
“That’s not what I mean.”
I looked at her quizzically not really
understanding what she was talking about.
“What about the New Year’s resolutions for
this year.” And she looked at me with one of
those looks.
You do not have to hit me with a baseball bat
for me to understand what’s going on, although
sometimes it does help. To be quite truthful I had
not thought of those New Year’s resolutions, well,
for the whole year.
“Would you like me to recite the New Year’s
resolutions you made last year?”
Oh boy. I saw a news story the other day about
people who could remember every day of their
life in minute detail. I do not know how that feels,
but I do know how it feels to live with someone
who can remember every detail of my life.
I have a photographic memory; the problem is
I have been out of film for three decades.
It got me to thinking about my New Year’s
resolutions for this year. I must say that after
looking at this list I did not fare too well.
I had resolved to improve my diet and lose
some weight. Fortunately, I did not put down
how much weight I proposed to lose. I did lose 1
pound 974 times but it always found its way home.
I spent some time in Michigan this past summer
and just as I was leaving, I threw a pound out the
window and hurried on. By the time I got home
to Florida that pound was waiting for me at the
front door munching on an Apple fritter. What’s
a person to do?
Also, another item on my New Year’s resolution
list was, “I resolve not to work harder but smarter
this coming year.” At the time, I thought it was
a very brilliant thing to say. And, don’t get me
wrong, it is.
I have mastered the part of not working
harder, but the smarter aspect of that resolution
eluded me. Whose definition of smarter should
apply here? Certainly, I will not appeal to my
wife’s idea about smarter. She has an altogether
different concept of this whole area of working
My only consolation is that my definition of
the subject is, it is always smarter not to work
harder. If we apply that definition to my New
Year’s resolution, I passed with flying colors.
Then my good wife reminded me of another
part of my New Year’s resolution. According to
her memory, and I am in no position to challenge
it, I had resolved to exercise more during the year.
At the moment, I exercised my right to object to
her memory. But, I lost that one.
The only actual exercise I got this past year
was several times I had a runny nose. Believe me,
that exercised me to no end, but it was not on
track with my wife’s idea of exercise.
At this point of life, I think exercise is blown
way out of proportion. I tried to persuade my
wife that working my elbow at breakfast and
lunchtime as well as suppertime was all the
exercise I really needed. She said to me, “When
was the last time you saw your feet?”
At the moment, I exercised my right to shut
Then it dawned on me. I actually did get my
share of exercise in this past year.
I exercised my right to be wrong when
confronted by my wife.
I exercised my right to keep quiet when my
wife was giving me instructions.
All that exercise may not have helped me lose
weight but it helped me gain in my relationship
with my wife.
I pondered this for some time and realized
that many times it is better to admit you are
wrong and save your relationship. Those who
have to be right all the time are those who end
up never being right. I thought of what the
apostle Paul said. “Now therefore there is utterly
a fault among you, because ye go to law one
with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong?
why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be
defrauded?” (1 Corinthians 6:7 KJV).
Sometimes it is better to suffer wrongfully for
a good purpose.
Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God
Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road , Ocala , FL 34472 .
He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call
him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.
net. The church website is www.whatafellowship.
[Nyerges is the author of
“Guide to Wild Foods and
Useful Plants,” “Foraging
Edible Wild Plants of North
America,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and other books.
He has led wilderness trips since 1974. He can be reached
at Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA, or www.SchoolofSelf-
Knowledge of edible wild mushrooms can really
enhance your outdoor experience and give you a
little bit of self-reliance. Yet, there is this mystique
about mushroom hunting. Lots of folks are very wary
about venturing into the field of mycology. And this is
understandable, considering the fact that even “experts”
occasionally die from eating the wrong mushroom. For
example, in March of 2009, life-long mushroom hunter
Angelo Crippa collected some mushrooms in the hills
above Santa Barbara, California. He sautéed them,
and ate them, and told his wife they were delicious.
Unfortunately, rather than an edible species, he collected
a close-lookalike, Amanita ocreata, which is deadly. Even
with hospital treatment, he died in 7 days.
I often have told my students that they should avoid
eating any wild mushrooms if they do not devote
considerable time to studying mushrooms, and learning
how to positively identify different genera and species.
One of the biggest hurdles to studying mushrooms
is that they appear, as if by magic, and then a few days
later, most have decayed back to nothing. By contrast,
most plants are available for inspection all throughout
their growing season. You can leisurely study the leaf
and floral structures, clip some for your herbarium, and
casually take (or send) samples to a botanist to confirm
your identification. Generally, you don’t have the luxury
of time with mushrooms. Furthermore, there seem to be
far fewer mushroom experts than plant experts, so even
if you have a perfect specimen, there may not be anyone
to take it to for identification.
Despite the obstacles, thousands of people collect
wild mushrooms throughout the United States on a
regular basis. Many -- such as myself - began the pursuit
of mycology by joining a local mushroom group which
conducts regular field trips.
Nearly everyone I’ve met who collects wild
mushrooms for food collects only those few common
mushrooms which are easy to recognize. These very
common, easy-to-recognize edible mushrooms include
field mushrooms (Agaricus sps.), inky caps (Coprinus
sps.), fairy rings (Marasmius oreades), chantrelles,
Boletus edulis, chicken-of-the-woods, and many others.
Today we’ll take a look at the chicken-of-the-woods,
also known as the sulfur fungus ((Laetiporus sulphureus,
formerly known as Polyporus sulphureus)
The sulfur fungus is a polypore, or shelf fungus.
Instead of the more-familiar cap on a stem, this one
grows in horizontal layers. It is bright yellow as the
fungus begins its growth, and then, as multiple layers
appears, you will also see orange and red. As it grows
older, it fades to a very faded yellow or nearly white color.
Typically, the chicken-of-the-woods grows on tree
stumps and burned trees. It can grow high on the stump,
or right at ground level. Though it can appear on many
types of trees, in my area (Southern California), it is most
common on eucalyptus and carob trees, both imported
from Australia and the Middle East respectively.
This fungus is very easy to positively identify. If
you are uncertain, you can call around to the botany
departments at local colleges, or nurseries, or check to see
if there are mycology groups in your area. Most full color
wild mushroom books include this mushroom with
color photos. Fortunately, you can collect a sample of the
chicken-of-the-woods and put it in your refrigerator or
freezer until you can get it to someone for identification.
This mushroom will keep well.
In fact, when I locate some of the fresh chicken-of-the-
woods, I cut off as much of the bright yellow tender outer
sections as I think I can store. I only cut back a few inches;
if I have to work my knife, then I am into the tougher
sections of the fungus, and those are not as good eating.
Typically, I will simply wrap the chunks of this fungus
and freeze them until I am ready to use.
Once I am going to prepare some for eating, the
process is the same whether I am using frozen or fresh
I put the chicken-of-the-woods into a pan and cover
it with water, and bring it to a hard boil for at least 5
minutes. I pour off this water, and repeat the hard boiling.
Yes, I am aware that some people do not seem to need to
do this. However, if I do not do this boiling, I am likely
to vomit when I eat the mushrooms, however prepared.
I find vomiting one of life’s most unpleasant experiences,
and I try to avoid it whenever possible. Thus, I always boil
my chicken-of-the-woods mushrooms twice.
If you are experienced with this mushroom and you
know you can eat it without all this boiling, that’s fine.
Just be sure to thoroughly cook it for your neophyte
friends when you have them over for dinner.
Once boiled, I rinse the pieces, and cut them into small
nuggets on a breadboard. I roll them in egg (whole eggs,
whipped) and then in flour. In the old days, we would
then deep fry the breaded pieces. But since we now know
all the bad things that deep-frying does to our arteries,
we gently saute the breaded chicken-of-the-woods in
butter or olive oil, maybe with a little garlic, in a stainless
steel or cast iron skillet at very low heat. When browned,
we place them on a napkin and then serve them right
We have made these little McNuggets, packed them,
and taken them on field trips for a delicious lunch.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com