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HAPPY NEW YEAR! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2015 VOLUME 9 NO. 52 SIERRA MADRE RESIDENT AND CIVIC LEADER, NAN HATHAWAY CARLTON PASSES AWAY March 27, 1933 to December 21, 2015 Nan Hathaway was born in Chicago, Illinois to Alice Johnstone Hathaway and Elnathan Maurice Hathaway. Nan moved to Sierra Madre with her mother when she was five years old in 1938. Nan was a lifelong resident of Sierra Madre. Nan attended Sierra Madre Elementary School, Wilson Junior High School and Pasadena High School. (The high school was part of what was then the 4 year Pasadena Junior College.) While a high school student she rode the Sierra Madre Rose Parade float. Nan married Gerald (Jerry) Brian Carlton on February 12, 1953, and they moved to the Sierra Madre Canyon. They had three kids by 1957: Steve, Sheri, and Suzi. In 1960 they all moved to the house that Nan would live in for the rest of her life raising their kids. During this period Nan’s young siblings Bert, Jesse, and Maggie moved in with Nan and Jerry, and stayed though high school. Nan loved her small town, Sierra Madre. She was a community volunteer starting as a young mother: she and Jerry taught Sunday school and ran the church youth group when her kids were young. Her volunteer career started with youth issues and continued into other areas. She was active in the Sierra Madre Elementary School PTA, Little League, Girls Softball, and the Sierra Madre Athletic Association. Nan was one of the founders and first managers of Girls Softball. She started the league with other parents because in those days the girls were not allowed to play in Little League. Nan and Jerry were interested in the environment around them; both were early members of the MAILBOXES VANDALIZED IN SIERRA MADRE ART DECO WEEK BEGINS Rose Float Association Enters Final Stages of Construction; Volunteers Needed December 26th through December 31st! Fron The Sierra Madre Poiice Department: At 7:00 am (12/19), a Sierra Madre resident living in the 400 block of N. Canon went out for a morning walk and noticed that his mailbox had been tampered with and mail had possibly been stolen. Shortly thereafter, residents living in the north/east part of town found that their mailboxes had also been tampered with. At this point it appears that approximately 30 mailboxes were tampered with and the incident occurred overnight between Friday, December 18, 2015 and Saturday, December 19, 2015. If you have information on mailbox vandalism, call the Sierra Madre Police Department to report it. Your cooperation helps apprehend violators. The Sierra Madre Police Department will be working with the local Postal Inspector on this investigation. Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry Giannone, wants to remind the residents that identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. One of the prime ways in which these Identity Theft suspects obtain personal information is by stealing mail and your personal mail can be a gold mine to determined criminals. Homeowners should consider replacing old outdated mailboxes with ones that have a locking mechanism. Anyone who has information or saw any suspicious activity last evening in the north east portion of Sierra Madre should contact the Sierra Madre Police Department at (626) 355-1414. As the time winds down, the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association is calling for ‘all hands on deck’ to help with the completion of the 2016 Rose Parade entry, “Rollin’ On The River’ (below). Above volunteers review components of one of the birds before it is attached. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the SMRFA at volunteer@ smrosefloat.org. CAPOCCIA, HARABEDIAN TO SEEK REELECTION Earlier this week, Mayor John Capoccia and Former Mayor and Councilman John Harabedian announced their intent to run for a second term on the Sierra Madre City Council. “We’ve accomplished a lot over the last four years, but there’s much to be done. I feel that we have the right team with my fellow council members to follow through with implementation of the General Plan to maintain our unique village atmosphere, get our City on a solid financial footing, secure our long-term water supply, and address our neglected infrastructure.”, said Capoccia in his press release. Harabedian also cited the many accomplishments that have been achieved during his term on the council. “It’s been an honor to serve Sierra Madre over the past four years,” Harabedian stated. “During that time, we have made great strides in solving some of the real challenges facing the City– including our budget and water issues – and I believe we need experienced leadership over the next four years to finish the job. He can be reached at jharabedian@ cityofsierramadre.com The nomination period for two four-year Council seats began December 21, 2015, and closes on January 15, 2016. The “Float Departure Ceremony “ will commence at 4:30 PM, December 31, with the float leaving the barn at 4:45 PM to arrive at Kersting Court by 5:10 PM. We plan to depart from Kersting Court at 5:30 PM. The float will return to Kersting Court after Post Parade ends at 5:00 PM on Sunday, January 3, and will remain there until 5:00 PM January 4th. Continued on Page 3 SIERRA MADRE’S 2015 CANDLELIGHT WALK NOMINATE THE CITIZEN OF THE YEAR! Story and Photo by By Bill Coburn On Sunday evening at 7ish pm, the 44th Candlelight procession took place down Baldwin Ave. to Kersting Court. There the statue of the baby Jesus was placed in the manger of the creche by Jesus and Mary (portrayed by children from Sierra Madre Congregational Church), and members of the clergy from local churches read scripture and led the crowd in Christmas carols and hymns. Father Richard Krekelberg of St. Rita Catholic Church welcomed the crowd on the steps of his parish, and once everyone had caroled their way down Baldwin Ave., the other members of the clergy participated in the readings. The participants included Pastor Briant Cuffy of Bethany Church of Sierra Madre, Father Michael Bamberger and deacon Ed Sniecienski fo the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Pastors Gavin Ortlund and John Stothers of Sierra Madre Congregational Church, Father Bruno D’Souza CO of Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, The Rev. Sangman Shin of Sierra Madre United Methodist Church, Monsignor Krekelberg and Deacon John Hull os St. Rita, and the Rev. Cynthia W. Crowell of Trinity Presbyterian Church. Music was provided by the Pasadena City College Faculty Brass, and Peter Vecchio led the crowd in song. History of the Candlelight Walk The first Candlelight Procession was in 1971. In 1970, Pastor Bob Vander Zaag of Bethany Church had held a holiday concert in Kersting Court, with the church choir on risers singing hymns and carols for the people shopping in the local shops. In a conversation shortly thereafter with Rev. Richard Anderson of Congregational Church, Vander Zaag suggested that as nice as the concert had been, it might be even better if local pastors gathered their parishioners in a procession through town. Starting at St. Rita’s and walking down to Kersting Court was suggested, and agreed upon, and Fr. Gara’s parishioners were added to the mix. Interestingly, there’s some back history that makes the evening even more special. Back in about 1918 or so, some members of Congregational Church had split with the Church, forming Bethany Church and for many years, things weren’t always real friendly between the two churches. Shortly after Rev. Anderson’s arrival at Congregational Church, the two churches had a mass of reconciliation, and over time, Pastor Vander Zaag and Rev. Anderson became very good friends. The Candlelight Procession, which was started shortly after the mass of reconciliation, is undoubtedly one of the factors that, in the Christmas tradition of old friends coming together after a long separation, helped the two churches to set aside their differences and work together with their common goal of serving Christ. The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2015 Citizen of the Year. To be eligible, a person must be a resident of Sierra Madre. The accomplishment(s) or project(s) for which they are being nominated must have been of benefit to the community of Sierra Madre and its citizens during 2015. They must have served without remuneration on the project for which they are being nominated, and members of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors are not eligible. If you would like to nominate someone, nomination forms are available at www.sierramadrechamber.com. You can also pick up nomination forms at the Chamber office, City Hall, the Library, and the Recreation Center. Completed forms should be mailed to the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, 19 Suffolk Ave., Ste. A, Sierra Madre, 91024 by January 4, 2016. The winner will be selected by members of the Chamber Board and will be honored at the annual ceremony to be held in January 30, 2016. CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 5 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 6 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 TICKETS TO THE 46TH ANNUAL WINE AND CUISINE TASTING BENEFIT ON SALE NOW The event will be held on Friday evening, February 19, 2016, from 7:00-9:30pm at Alverno’s historic Villa del Sol d’Oro, located at 200 N. Michillinda Avenue, Sierra Madre, and will be an elegant affair featuring more than two dozen vintners providing superb wines and local restaurants offering creative food and desserts. Tickets to the premier event are $80 and allow early admission at 6:00 pm. Those at the premier event will enjoy a variety of wines from Giesen Wines, New Zealand, and delectable hors d’oeuvres from local Pasadena restaurateur and award winning chef, Claud Beltran of Claud & Co. Catering, The Eatery, and Bacchus’ Kitchen. A chance to win a very unique wine basket will be offered again this year. Tickets to the main event are $60 and provide admission at 7:00 pm. Both will be on sale, beginning mid-December, at the Sierra Madre Public Library, The Bottle Shop, Savor the Flavor, and Arnold’s Frontier Hardware & Gifts, as well as currently on line at https://www.eventbrite.com. The Benefit is sponsored by the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to supporting our community Library. All funds received from this event support the Sierra Madre Library. For more information about the event or Friends of the Sierra Madre Library visit our website at www. sierramadrelibraryfriends.org EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 8 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 9 HEALTHY & WEALTH Pg. 10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 11 FOOD & ARTS Pg. 12 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 13 OPINION Pg. 14 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 15 F.Y.I. Pg. 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |