Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 19, 2016
These are some beautiful last days of Winter! Wecould use many Spring showers still, but I’ll takethe bright blue skies any day! Yoga has a way ofilluminating the beauty around us. Th e “bliss”
state followed by a yoga class can be quite magical.
And hopefully, just enough goodness to keep uscoming back. The sweet, calm, happy state we leavein is a contrast to a sensory fi lled, heart poundingcardio workout at the gym. The good feeling lastslonger. It’s not a short lived endorphin rush.
It’s the richness and goodness of beingconnected. Of course, moving the body and givingattention to the breath changes our energy. But, it’sthe connection to ourselves and divinity that really
changes us. After a while, yoga becomes more thanjust a class, it becomes a state of being, a way ofliving. Even in suffering and growing, a deeperstate of feeling “settled” can develop. We have ourpractice to rely upon and the connection. Evenin challenge and suffering, the process evolvesas our awareness grows. There is beauty in it all.
If you’ve been away from your practice, getback. That sweet yoga “bliss” is waiting for you!
Life can get beautiful quickly. See you in class!
Keely Totten
In 1917, the first Los Angeles winery wasestablished, and it is still open today. But, yearsbefore the San Antonio Winery opened itsdoors, Pasadena, Eagle Rock, and Sierra Madrewere all gaining a reputation for growingquality grapes. Fast-forward to today, theSan Antonio Winery is the largest and oldestwinery in Southern California. The grapes/
juice are now brought in from Monterey andthe wine regions of Paso Robles. That is whereour wine comes from for today’s review.
The 2013 Opaque Darkness from the
San Antonio Winery is a blend of zinfandel
TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
syrah, cabernet, grenache, petite sirah, andpetit verdot. I have been a fan of blends for
years, and this opaque is in a class by itselffind it at Whole Foods, Vons and Albertsons.
-the mix of grapes stands out to me; otherEach week I will give you my Dills Score.
reds use more cabernet in their mix. You’ll Starting with a base of 50 points, I add 9 pointsappreciate the texture and smooth tanninsfor color, 9 points for aroma or “nose”, 8 pointsthat the syrah grape brings to this dark redfor taste, 8 points for finish, and 8 points forblend. Zinfandels have always been a greatmy overall impression, which adds up to my
companion to BBQs, and with this 50% grapevalue rating of 91. Overall price: $30 at VonsI can highly recommend it to any back yardand other fine retailers.
cooking event. The price is a bit higher thanEmail Peter at thechefknows@yahoo.commy previous blend recommendations, but withand follow me on Twitter @KINGOFCUISINE
the popularity and customer acceptance thischeck out my radio show on AM 830 KLAA atone is well worth it. Opaque Darkness is a dark,5 pm PM Sundaysinky red wine, exhibiting ripe berry notes. The Champagne Dinner: Join me on Marchtaste is exceptional. If you are looking for a bit30th for an exclusive Champagne Dinner atof spice with a great first taste, then this blendthe Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Pasadena.
is for you. Many reviewers will call wines likecourse meal please call (626) 583-8122. Alsothis “jammy” (I’ll say “blueberry pie”). You’ll Chili Cook-off is coming soon.
Julie’s Favorite Family Recipes
2 X 46 oz. Jars sliced dill pickles or pickle chips2 cups white granulated sugar6 oz. white vinegar6 garlic cloves,sliced thin2 tbs. pickling spiceDIrections
Combine the sugar and vinegar in a large non-metallic container.When the sugar is dissolved,stirin the garlic and pickling spice.Drain the pickles,then add them to the sugar mixture.
Stir well to coat all the pickle slices. Cover the container with a non-metallic lid orplastic wrap and set in a cool dark place. Stir everyday and leave the mixture to soak fora week or more.Decant pickle slices into clean jars,strain the liquid and add some to each jar.
Discard the spice debris.When the pickles are all eaten you can soak raw vegetables in theliquid to “pickle” them.Try carrot or beet slices,etc.
For most Americans, pain is becoming a way of life. Acategorized into six groups depending on their type ofsurvey released by the Merck Corporation this April,pain:
for example, revealed that as many as nine out of 10 After applying acupuncture, the authors measured theAmericans suffer some sort of pain on a monthly or moreoutcome of the procedure using the following criteria:
frequent basis.1“Marked” results: relief or disappearance of pain and
One of the most interesting statistics to come from theaccompanying symptoms in 5-10 minutes; and noMerck survey revealed that seven percent of Americanreoccurrence within two days of treatment.
adults suffer from abdominal pain on a daily or near-daily “Effective” results: alleviation of pain and its
basis. accompanying symptoms in 30 minutes; pronounced
Not surprisingly, most patients are not satisfied with therelief for two days aft er treatment.
way their doctor manages their pain; only 42% of those“Poor” results: alleviation of pain and accompanyingsurveyed believe their doctor “completely understands”symptoms after treatment, but a severe attack of painhow they feel.within two days.
As the incidence of pain continues to rise, more peopleScalp acupuncture was found to provide eitherare turning to less traditional forms of care to ease their“marked” or “effective” results in 82 cases, including allsuffering. One therapy that has captured the public’s30 cases of urinary or gynecological pain. Only four casesattention over the last few years is acupuncture, whichproduced ineff ective results.
has been shown to provide considerable pain relief for aTable I: results of scalp acupuncture on patients withvariety of conditions.epigastric and abdominal pain.
In a study published in the February issue of the JournalCategory of Pain Number of Patients Marked Resultsof Chinese Medicine,2 professors Shi Yanhua and YiEffective Results Poor Results Epigastric 15 10 5 1 Liver /
Sumei of the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinesegallbladder 20 8 11 1 Urinary stone 14 5 8 0 GynecologicalMedicine performed scalp acupuncture on 86 patients16 12 4 0 Intestinal 16 11 4 1 Others 5 2 2 1 TOTAL 86 18
with abdominal and epigastric pain. Th e researchers 34 4 Based on their outcomes, the researchers concluded:
found the technique to be overwhelmingly eff ective in“Analgesia with scalp acupuncture usually brings abouttreating not only stomach pain, but also pain related toremarkable results with just a few needles. It can relieveurinary obstructions, liver and gallbladder disorders, andpain immediately, and it will not affect any other treatmentgynecological conditions.of the primary disease.”
All 86 patients (35 male, 51 female) were treated at oneReferences ;
of several teaching hospitals at Nanjing University. Fortympacms/at/article.php?id=27615patients had previously been treated unsuccessfully withdrugs or other methods to relieve pain. Patients were
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