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SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 12 SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 12 WONDERFUL WISTARIA! On Sunday, despite forecastsof El Nino until three days before the event, the Sierra MadreChamber of Commerce held the annual Wistaria Festival, showcasing the magnifi cent, Guinness Book of World Records holding vine. More than 3,500 visitors viewed the vine according to the Civic Club docentswho gave visitors a tour and thehistory of the vine. A heavy rain on Monday didremove some of the beautiful flowers shown in the pictureon the left. Mayor John Capoccia, left, along with Mrs. NelSolt and Chamber President Ed Chen, were all smiles with theinstinctive knowledge that Sunday would be a perfect day forthe festival. In downtown Sierra Madre more than 90 vendors and a dozen non-profi t organizationswere on hand as well as 82 cars at the Antique Car show thatwas a part of the festival. The layout this year was expanded to allow greater walkingroom for pedestrians followinga mild mishap with a golf cartand visitor last year. For the first time, organizershad to issue refunds to several visitors who were unable to geton the shuttle to the vine before closing. “This is one of the top threefestival’s around”, commentedone craftsman. However there are some who say he’s wrongand that the Wistaria Festival is #1. Photos by D. Lee/S. Henderson Inside this week: PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 6 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 THE ARTS Pg. 11 BUSINES NEWS & TRENDS Pg. 13 OPINION Pg. 14 CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 8 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 12 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Pg. 14 HEALTHY & FOOD Pg. 9 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 10 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 13 ELECTION NOTICES Pgs. 2 and 12 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 16 CHARGES PENDING FOR MAN ACCUSED OF A HIT AND RUN ACCIDENT, ATTEMPTED CARJACKING, BATTERY AND MORE A man was arrested on Sunday afternoon (3/13/16) after being allegedly involved in a hit and run traffic collision that occurred at the intersection of Lima and Montecito Avenue. After allegedly causing thetraffic collision, the subject fled the scene and came in contact with a female pedestrian who happenedto be in the nearby area at the time of the collision. The subject was punching the female for no apparent reason when an uninvolved vehicle approached them and began making a U-Turn in a nearbydriveway on Lima. The subject then stopped punching the female and leaped into the open passengerside window of this vehicle and began punching the passenger inside the car. The passenger exited thevehicle, and after a brief struggle, detained the subject until officers from the Sierra Madre Police Department arrived. Within minutes SMPD detained the subject, later identified as 20-year old Alhambraresident Felix Lam. During an inventory search of the Lam’s vehicle, a backpack was found containing a device that resembled a bomb. The device was relocated to a safer location when deputies from the Bomb/ArsonSquad of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department were summoned. LASD deputies rendered the devicesafe. Preliminary information revealed the device appeared to be an improvised explosive device. Director of Public Safety, Chief Larry Giannone said Lam was allegedly under the influence of alcoholand drugs when the collision occurred. Lam was transported to the hospital due to his condition andinjuries sustained from the collision. COUNCILWOMAN RACHELLE ARIZMENDI HONORED AT “WOMEN OF THE YEAR” LUNCHEON Sierra Madre Councilwoman Rachelle Arizmendi, above, right of Supervisor Michael Antonovich, was one of four women honored at the 31st Annual Scholarship and Awards Luncheon sponsoredby the LA County Commission on Women. Rachelle, along with Kathryn Barger, Dee Gadbury, andRobin Goldsworthy received their awards on March 14th at the Music Center Grand Hall. Arizmendi is the Vice President and Chief Operating Offi cer, Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment. Photo courtesy Supervisor Antonovich CUBA TODAY! Join the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club as Sierra Madrean Judy Webb- Martin and her husband Benn, share the photos and experiencesfrom their recent trip to Cuba. Lunch is $10 and served at noon and for all past Kiwanis members, lunch is on the house. Th e program is free and begins at 12:30. Where: The Lodge in Sierra Madre. 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024. Call 626-355-0728 for reservations FAY ANGUS MEMORIAL SERVICE A public memorial has been scheduled for beloved Sierra MadreanFaye Daphne Angus. Angus, 86, passed away on February 17,2016. The event will take place in Memorial Park in Sierra Madre onThursday, March 24, 2016 between 2 and 5 p.m. To read more about Mrs. Angus remarkable life, go to: www. mtnviewsnews.com/v10/htm/n11/index.htm REMEBRANCE GLADYS M. MOSER Gladys M. Moser passed away peacefully at home with her familyby her side on March 1, 2016 at the age of 102. She was a member of Sierra Madre Congregational Church and the Sierra MadreGarden Club. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 55 years, Howard who passed away in 1992. Gladys is survived by her children Carole, Sharon and Robert; 5grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. A family graveside service was held at Rose Hills Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations made be made to the Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighter’s Association, P.O. Box 911, Sierra Madre, CA. 91025-0911. | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |