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“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 3 SIERRA MADRE UTILITY USERS TAX ARGUMENTS AND ANALYSIS RELEASED NEW EFFORT TO SAVE SIERRA MADRE’S HISTORICAL LANDMARKS BEGINS By Susan Henderson When citizens of Sierra Madre go to the polls in April, in addition to selecting two council members, a city treasurer and a city clerk, there will also be a ballot measure to increase the existing Utility Users Tax in order to avoid a $1 million budget shortfall. Previous attempts to pass similar measures have failed in the past, however this ballot measure is supported by the entire city council, a council which represents the city’s wide range of ideas on how the city should manage its finances. After an extensive educational outreach effort to residents last year along with a quite successful effort to allow residents to scrutinize the city’s finances, operations and plans and come up with solutions to balancing the budget, the drive to put the UUT on the ballot in 2016 was driven by the public. As one normally “anti anykind of tax” resident put it, “I will support this measure but city government should be on notice that they have to step up and govern wisely”. His concern is that without prudent fiscal management, the city might have to come back to residents in a few years. “They need to get their priorities straight. We must protect our Fire, Police, Water and Public Works, Unnecessary spending has to stop!” He did express a concern that the increase was not 12%, an amount that many feel will better stablize the city’s finances. The office of the City Clerk released the official text of the Argument and Rebuttals for and against the measure along with the City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis. The contents are listed below: IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE UUT PREPARED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY Measure UUT is submitted to the voters by the Sierra Madre City Council to increase the current rate of the City’s Utility Users Tax and eliminate the existing “sunset” clause in order to generate and stabilize additional municipal revenues. BACKGROUND A utility users’ tax (UUT) is a tax levied on each user of a utility ( e.g. telephone, electricity, gas, water, wastewater, solid waste disposal, cable or video services) within the City’s boundaries. UUT revenues are paid into the City’s general fund and used to fund city services and programs, including library and public safety services. The City’s Utility Users’ Tax has been in force since at least 1993. In 2008, the voters approved an incremental increase in the UUT from 6% to 12%; however pursuant to City Council action, the UUT collection rate never exceeded 10%. The 2008 UUT legislation also included a “sunset clause” to reduce the rate from 12% to 6% over time, decreasing the rate to 8% on July 1, 2015, and again decreasing it to 6% on July 1, 2016. The difference between a 10% UUT and a 6% UUT is approximately $1,000,000 which means that at 6%, there will be approximately $1,000,000 less revenues for general fund purposes, such as library and public safety. Eliminating the “sunset” clause is proposed to stabilize general fund revenues. A UUT Oversight Conunittee was formed pursuant to the 2008 voter approved UUT measure. The Committee has tasked with verifying that the additional UUT revenues generated from the 2008 UUT measure would be used to fund public safety services. The Citizen’s Oversight Conunittee has determined that the cost of providing public safety services exceeds the amount ofUUT collected at 10%, thereby showing that the City uses the UTT to fund public safety services and that the service of the Citizen’s Oversight Conunittee has been fulfilled. THE MEASURE. Measure UUT WILL: • Increase the existing 8% UUT tax to a maximum of 10% on July 1, 2015. • Eliminate the “sunset clause” so that the UUT tax rate will be stabilized at 10%, subject to the City Council’s discretion to collect less than 10%. • Modify the existing exemption to apply to very low-income households. • Eliminate the citizen oversight conunittee as its role has been fulfilled. Measure UUT WILL NOT: • Tax access to the internet; • Tax internet purchases and downloads, such as books, music, ringtones, games or similar digital products. Measure UUT requires approval of a majority of voters. A “yes” vote for Measure UUT will approve the rate increase described above; a “no” vote will leave in place the City’s existing 6% Utility Users Tax Ordinance. Teresa L. Highsmith Sierra Madre City Attorney The above statement is an impartial analysis of Ordinance or Measure UUT. If you desire a copy of the ordinance or measlll’e, please call the elections official’s office a(626) 355-7135 and at copy will be mailed at no cost to you. The Pinney House, one of Sierra Madre’s most coveted historical homes. Photo MVNews Archives Sierra Madre city government has initiated a new campaign to help homeowners of historical properties utilize the resources available to them under the Mills Act Program. The program was enacted as an economic incentive program in California for the restoration and preservation of qualified historic buildings by private property owners. Benefits include financial assistance with the cost of rehabilitation as long as the rehab efforts “occur prior to, or in conjunction with, the use of the Mills Act Contract and that it will not impair the architectural, historic or aesthetic integrity of the cultural resource substantial property.” Home owners are also eligible for substantial tax savings between 40% and 60% as long as the property owner commits to rehabilitating and maintaining “the historical and architectural character of their properties according to an approved rehabilitation and maintenance plan” The new brochure details the program including describing what qualifies as historic properties and how to participate in the program. For more information, contact the City of Sierra Madre Planning & Community Preservation Department 232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Phone: 626.355.7138 In Sierra Madre, historical preservation of private property is of great importance when trying to maintain the city’s history and village character. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE UUT We respectfully ask that Sierra Madre’s citizens approve Measure UUT, which will set the Utility Users Tax (UUT) at 10% to maintain services that our citizens value and expect, and to keep Sierra Madre a full- service city with its own Police, Fire, Paramedics, and Library. Measure UUT merely provides a sufficient and stable revenue source to maintain the current level of services. The city is now running a deficit of$529,000, which is 6% of expenditures. If Measure UUT is not approved, the deficit will increase to approximately $1,000,000 next fiscal year. The deficit is caused by the sunset of the 10% UUT which was the tax rate from fiscal years 2009/2010 through 2013/2014. The lost revenue cannot be made up by increases in property tax, sales tax, or other revenue sources. Sierra Madre is now spending reserves that were built through prudent fiscal management and will soon be forced to make severe reductions that will devastate recreational and community service programs, dramatically reduce library hours, compromise maintenance of facilities, and could result in outsourcing of one or more departments such as Police, Paramedic or Library. The City Council recognizes that our citizens demand the most value for their tax dollars and have successfully implemented cost- cutting initiatives since 2010 that have saved approximately $2,000,000. The choice is to set the UUT at a 10% rate to preserve our city as we know it, or face devastating cuts where one or more major departments could be outsourced, or public works, public safety and community services are significantly curtailed. If Measure UUT fails, the nature and character of this safe, self-sustaining village will change for the worse. Only you can keep Sierra Madre the very special community that it is. PLEASE VOTE YES on Measure UUT. John Capoccia, Mayor Gene Goss, Mayor Pro Tern Denise Delmar, Councilmember John Harabedian, Councilmember Rachelle Arizmendi, Councilmember ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE UUT The City council is attempting to increase the future UUT tax rate by 66 %. The rate is scheduled to be 6% effective July, 2016, and the City would like to raise the rate to 10%. The 66% increase equates to increased taxes of$ 1,000,000 on a City which has a population of approximately 11,000 citizens. We agree that our City needs to improve financially. The way to make change is not through additional taxes, but through prudent spending. Government cannot continue to increase taxes through fear. The City needs to look at the parts of the budget where change will make a difference. For example, 47% of the City’s general fund budget is allocated to public safety. A proposal has been brought to the City by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department which will provide projected annual savings in excess of $700,000. The proposal will not only save the City money, but will provide increased security and patrol hours. The City is attempting to raise taxes before consideration of savings in the public safety budget. Savings are available in other departments, but the City has not pursued. Future tax increases needs to be restricted for a period of time with a defined purpose, or used for improvements to our infrastructure. Our first option should not be a permanent increase in taxes, with the revenue used for general operating expenses. Change is difficult, we all do it in our personal lives, and our City needs to do the same. We do not need more taxes, our City needs to be fiscally responsible, and spend our money strategically. Please VOTE NO ON MEASURE UUT. Let’s take a step back, and review our City budget, make the changes necessary, and retain Sierra Madre’s status as the crown jewel of the San Gabriel Valley. Michael Amerio Dave Mysza Rick De La Mora CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Pg. 3 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Pg. 5 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 6 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 7 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 8 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 9 HEALTHY & FOOD Pg. 10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 11 EFFORT TO ABOLISH UUT SLATED FOR 2018 BALLOT THE ARTS Pg. 12 As reported in this paper last week, a signature drive that produced the required 191 signatures and qualified a ballot measure to eliminate any Utility Users Tax in Sierra Madre, went before the city council on Tuesday. The council, in accordance with the state elections code was given several options on how and when to put the measure before voters. The council unanimously chose to, pursuant to EC Section 1405(b), submit the ordinance, without alteration, to the voters at the General Municipal Election to be held April 10, 2018, and direct the City Clerk to cause publication of the entire text of the proposed ordinance in the sample ballot. That measure is supported by the California Tax Limitation Committee. BUSINES NEWS & TRENDS Pg. 13 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. 14 OPINION Pg. 15 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 17 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |