Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 12, 2016
Mountain Views News Saturday, March 19, 2016
$25 on Sunday March 20th from 10 am
If you want to add a little delight to your
where he is treated as part of the family.
life, come in to meet Oso. What a sweet
Where Oso goes, joy will follow – come in
dog! Oso is a 6-year-old terrier mix that
to meet this lovely boy soon – you will be
was surrendered by an owner who could
glad you did.
not afford to care for him. When Oso
His adoption fee is $130 and includes
arrived at the shelter, he had a long coat of
neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip
matted fur, desperately in need of a good
and a free wellness exam at a participating
grooming session. His mats were shaved,
veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626)
and now his new fur is growing back soft
286-1159 for more information on Oso.
and fl uffy. He also had some basic dental
He currently resides at the San Gabriel
work, and he is now ready to fi nd his
Valley Humane Society located at 851
forever home.
E Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We
Wherever Oso goes, his happy spirit
are located off San Gabriel Blvd, north
leads the way for the rest of his pack. He
of Mission and south of Los Tunas. To
is friendly with people and amiable with
arrange and ‘Meet and Greet’ with Oso,
other dogs he has met during his time
please stop by anytime from 10:30am
with us. He greets visitors who walk by
to 4:40pm Tuesday through Th ursday.
his kennel with a smile and a wagging tail,
See our website at
hoping he will be taken out for a walk or
for information and photos of all our
some playtime.
wonderful pets.
Oso is easy to harness and is eager to
March is Microchip Madness month.
go for a walk. His enthusiasm sometimes
Have your pets micro chipped for only
causes him to pull a little on the leash, but
As far back as I can remember, I have alwaysbeen fascinated with the behavior of birds. I was
born in Florida, raised in Alabama, and moved
to Southern California in 1984, where I’ve been
living ever since. With each geographic moveI‘ve made, I’ve always sought out the indigenousbirds in that particular area. I suppose I’m whatyou might call a bird nerd. You know, one ofthose people who go around gazing up at thesky or staring into the treetops, hoping to get agander at a flying feathered friend.
There is just something about the beautyand consistent, balanced behavior of a bird
that gives me a sense of security and serenity.
Those seemingly delicate yet amazingly resilientwinged creatures have had a very positive impacton my daily walk of life.
One thing I respect and appreciation aboutbirds is that they are consistently dedicated totheir ’calling’ on earth. They are great performersin their God-given position in the system.
Although they have had to be flexible enough toacclimate to some pretty major changes over thecenturies, they have stayed true to their purposeby maintaining the same behavioral patternsfrom one generation to the next. Th e migratoryand mating habits of birds today are, for the mostpart, the same as they were hundreds of yearsago. In spite of variations in weather patternsand human-induced alterations to earth’s
topography, birds have remained consistently‘on course‘.
Not all of God’s creatures can boast such
consistency throughout the ages. Take thehuman, for example. Within only a few shortdecades we have ‘morphed’ immensely into anearly unrecognizable new being with regardto behavioral habits, daily activities and culturalnorms. Of course many changes have been forthe better, but our incessant need for constant
change has resulted in a few disastrous changesto the globe that sustains us as well as ourrelationships with other creatures.
In fact, if you consider the history of humanculture from when man first walked on earth
compared to now, you would be hard pressedto find more consistent patternsof behavior than you could counton one hand. We humans like to
call it progress, and I agree thatmany of the changes we’ve madefor ourselves have been positive,
however there are numerous
aspects of what we call progressthat come with a hefty price to pay.
Time will only tell which changesthe human has chosen to make, will
indeed prove to be benefi cial versusdestructive in the long run.
Among the many amazing species
he is not difficult to handle. Oso is also
a playful boy and loves to chase toys that are thrownfor him, fetching them back to be thrown again. He is
learning to sit for treats and appears to be easily trainedwith the proper guidance.
Oso has been taken to some off-site adoption events,
and behaves very well in public, even in large crowds ofpeople. He attended the grand opening at one of the newMetro Gold Line stations and thoroughly enjoyed theexcitement of the day.
Oso has so much potential to be an even better dogthan he is already. He needs a secure and loving home
by Chris Leclerc
of birds that can be found residing in SouthernCalifornia, one of my favorites is the Swallow.
The Swallow is a relatively small, delicatelooking, beautifully decorated bird known forit’s strong migratory and monogamous matinghabits. Wait a minute, did I say monogamous?
Now there’s a lifestyle choice we humans couldhave lived better with! It is a known fact that
the male Swallow uses his colorful feathers,
mainly his brilliant tail feathers, to attract thefemale who eventually becomes the literal “loveof his life“.
Once these two love birds unite, they occupy acommon nest that they build together and theyare committed to each other for rest of their
lives. They nest together, migrate together andraise their spawn together as a family. Swallowcouples share the responsibilities associatedwith mating and nurturing their hatchlings.
When the time comes for the female to lay hereggs, the male appoints himself as the official
security guard, protecting their home.
Parent Swallows are even know to fl y outand attack a potential predator who mightpose a threat to their nest. They are willing todo whatever it takes to protect their family. Itamazes me how strong and enduring the bondsare between a married Swallow couple!
Those of us who are fortunate enoughto have an innate love and appreciation fornature are truly the lucky ones. I don’t knowwhat I would do without being able to gooutside and enjoy the beautiful trees, andother remarkable living things that surroundme. I learn something new every day from theanimals and from nature, and sometimes a
simple reminder of the basic principles thatmake life great, such as the monogamousmating habits of the Swallow, can teach methe most important lessons in life.
I thank my God above for using the simplestthings to teach me how to live life moregraciously. It is my belief that every humanbeing could learn some very valuable lessonsby simply observing the consistent, lovinglifestyle of the Swallow. Love and let live.
to 4pm and Tuesday-Friday from 2-4
pm on the 22nd, 23rd 24th and 25th of March. Did
you know when a pet gets lost, they are 20 times morelikely to make their way back home to you when theyhave a microchip? When your pet is lost and is takento a shelter or to a vet clinic, they will scan your pet.
If they have a chip, they can contact you and returnyour pet safely and quickly to you. A pet microchip is
a tiny transponder–the size of a grain of rice–that goesbeneath your pet’s skin like a vaccination. It is quick
and easy. Just five minutes of your time could save
your pet’s life.
WHERE: Arcadia Dog Park (Eisenhower Park)
located on the corner of Colorado Boulevard and
Second Avenue: 601 N. Second Avenue, Arcadia,
CA 91006.
WHO: All dog owners and (and lovers); the HopeCan Cure Cancer Club from Arcadia High School;
the American Cancer Society Relay for Life; andthe City of Arcadia’s Recreation and CommunityServices Department.
WHEN: Saturday, April 2, 2016
Registration begins at 9:15am; OpeningCeremonies start at 10:00am
Registration: $15.00 per dog, $25.00 for twodogs!
The City of Arcadia along with the Hope CanCure Cancer Club from Arcadia High School ishosting a Bark for Life Event. Bark for Life is a
noncompetitive walk event for dogs and theirowners to raise funds for the American Cancer
Society’s fight against cancer. Bark for Life isdirectly related to Arcadia’s Relay for Life andshares the theme, “Celebrate. Remember. FightBack.” So bring your best canine friends and joinus for a fun-filled day starting with a walk, andcontinuing with demonstrations, contests, and
games. Keynote Speaker is Dr. Domotor from Dr.
Domotor’s Animal Hospital. Please remember
dogs must be on a leash and please be ready to clean
up after your four legged friends.
By supporting Bark for Life, you help theAmerican Cancer Society save lives, and that helpsus move closer to our ultimate goal of creating aworld with less cancer and more birthdays. To
register your dog, please visit: www.relayforlife.
org/barkarcadiaca . The cost is $15 for your fi rstdog and $25 for your second dog.
For information contact: City of Arcadia,
Recreation and Community Services, 626.574.5113or Carter L. Spruill at or
call 323.309.3954.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over 56,000.
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtownLos Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small-
town charm with the conveniences and amenities
of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter
city governed by a fi ve-member City Council,
elected at large. Recognized for exceptionaleducation and recreation opportunities and
beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defi nedas the “Community of Homes” and has twice beendesignated the “Best City in California in which toRaise Kids” by Business Week Magazine.
Shouting “buy my stuff” the entire time on line willnot help you sell your stuff. Good dialogue on and offline is what builds customer loyalty.
Here are a few ideas to make your content morecompelling:
Share your behind the scenes process. What areyou working on? Are there any interesting photosthat show your construction process?
Find common ground and show your humanside. Share a picture of you and your staff doingsomething interesting. Think lifestyle and how yourbusiness fits a certain life style. Dogs, beaches, mudwrestling always get good engagement.
Curate content from relevant articles on-line.
Search for articles that your people might fi ndinteresting. Sign up for Google Alerts. It will feed youtopic related content.
Leverage fun holidays or create your own. InApril there are interesting holidays like Couple
It seems that we can’t turn on the television or radio
without hearing an ad for a “reverse mortgage.” Sowhat is a reverse mortgage exactly, and who canbenefit from using one?
A reverse mortgage is a type of loan taken outagainst your home. With a reverse mortgage (aswith a traditional mortgage) you are borrowingagainst your home equity which is the diff erencebetween your home’s market value and the amount
you owe on your mortgage. Th e difference in a
reverse mortgage is that you do not have to pay itback while you are alive. Instead, the loan is paidoff after you pass away.
What Are Some of the Benefits of a Reverse
Reverse mortgages can be a fantastic tool,
depending on your goals. They can provideadditional income and improve your cash fl ow,
particularly if you have already paid off yourhome. Here are some reasons to consider a reverse
They can help you maintain your fi nancialindependence by providing additional income;
Appreciation Month, Take a Wild Guess Day andCommunity Spirit Days.
Share top things to do and see in the area you
Leverage big events coming up like the Olympics,
local community events etc.
Share answers from commonly asked questions.
Interview your staff and your leaders. Ask themabout their hobbies and interests.
Share information you recently gained from aconference, tradeshow or lecture.
Offer tips and facts in an easy to consume format(bullet points).
Share trends in the industry.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services and digital marketingbusiness. “Like” them on Facebook at www.facebook.
com/hutdogs. Sign up for their upcoming workshopsat:
They can allow you to stay in your home untilyou die;
For most people, the risk of default is low; andThey are not taxed.
One of the best things about a reverse mortgageis that the amount paid back will not exceed yourhome’s value.
What Are Some of the Disadvantages of a
Reverse Mortgage?
As with any financial tool, reverse mortgagesare not for everyone or every situation. Before
you decide to take out a reverse mortgage on yourhome, you should consider the following potentialdisadvantages:
Interest costs are higher because you are making
no payments;
The amount paid back aft er your death will cutinto the estate left for your family or heirs; and
Because they are based on a formula, the amountyou can borrow is lower than with traditional homeequity loans.
Reverse mortgages can also be complicated andrather diffi cult to understand.
The bottom line is this: A reverse mortgage is onefinancial tool you can use to achieve your goals.
However, before you commit to a large loan,
you should make sure you understand all aspectsof the loan. If you are not sure whether or not areverse mortgage is right for you, talk with a trustedfinancial adviser or attorney.
Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, andhappiness,
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on
a mission to help parents protect what they love
most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave.,
Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an
appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring
a legacy of love and financial security for your
family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www. for more information.
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