Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 19, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page 14

OPINION Mountain Views News Saturday, March 19, 2016 
14 OPINION Mountain Views News Saturday, March 19, 2016 
Susan Henderson 
Dean Lee 
Joan Schmidt 
LaQuetta Shamblee 
Richard Garcia 
Patricia Colonello 
John Aveny 
Chris Leclerc 
Bob Eklund 
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills 
Dr. Tina Paul 
Rich Johnson 
Merri Jill Finstrom 
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul 
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis 
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell 
Ben Show 
Sean KaydenMarc Garlett 
Pat Birdsall (retired) 
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TINA Dupuy 


President Obama is sabotaging the whole idea of divided

a radical socialist… government. It’s not the storied “other

as evident by none side of the aisle,” it’s the other side 
of his policies or anything he’s ever said. of history. We still can’t get past theHe’s a radical because his opponents statement, “I just don’t like him.”
call him a radical. They dubbed his Imagine if Bernie Sanders were a blacksignature market-based health care law man. Bernie’s policies are actually radical.
a government takeover of health care. He also gets to be angry and it’s not seenIt’s not. It’s RomneyCare, the most as threatening whatsoever. Bernie reallymilquetoast of all the Cares. Still, Congress does want a government takeover ofhas voted to repeal it more than 60 care. He really does want to give

According to Obama’s detractors, people “free stuff.” He actually refers to 
everything he does is either himself as a Democratic Socialist. Imagineunprecedented, weak or disrespectful.the terror it’d evoke if he said all this while 
Early in his first term the president wasalso having black skin. Bernie gets to bephotographed putting his feet on hisa radical and still considered a contender 
desk in the Oval Offi ce. The reaction was for the White House because he’s a white 
apoplectic. The forward your granny sentdude. 
you asked, “Does this photo taken inImagine if Trump were black. If hethe Oval Office convey anything to youwas off the rails and saying whatever he 
about attitude and arrogance?” Th enwanted: using profanity, insulting otherthe slideshow of every president in thenations, calling Megyn Kelly a bimbo,
history of the republic putting his feetbeing publicly lustful and saying Americaon his desk surfaced. Sure, he was the is no longer great. (See: Rev. Wright’sfirst black president to put his feet on the“god damn America.”) If white peopledesk. It was different. No one could quitewere getting beat up at his rallies—if aput their finger on exactly why. It just black Trump were calling for torturing 
was.detainees, banning religious minorities

“Arrogant.”from entering the country and retweeting

For the last seven years these hysterics black supremacists, he’d be a goner. Hishave developed their own rhythm: fascistic rants would be dubbed a national 
Widespread panic over Obama’s alleged security threat. He’d be ostracized andextremism, followed by calmer voices marginalized. We’d stop hearing aboutsaying a beloved white president did him. 
the same thing, then the whole episode White men get to misbehave, haveevolving into dog whistles for a bloc extreme views and put their feet on theirresenting “political correctness.”own desk without question.

Yes, it’s Obama’s divisiveness. He The same can’t be said for black men 
divided the country, you see. How did (or white women, another column forhe do that exactly? Th e stuff he did as another time).
president…with the things. Anything Seven years into his presidency Obamaspecific? Divided everyone…violated the still gets treated like a revolutionaryConstitution. Which part? All of them. usurper rather than a twice democraticallyViolated all of them. He’s taken away elected American President. Th e most 
our rights. Which rights? So many, it’s mundane of all presidential tasks stillimpossible to count them all.get framed as though they’re the fi nal 

Seven years of having a man named moments before total white genocideBarack Hussein Obama as the most (See: Mt. Denali). Even as I type this Ipowerful man in the country and we still expect sighs and eye rolls over yet anotherstruggle to even admit there’s prejudice column about race in Obama’s America. 
and double standards for people of color. Yeah, because it’s still a thing.
We still can’t accept that No Drama To those incensed Obama is going toObama is a centrist with a shockingly pick another Supreme Court justice, that(real) scandal-free administration which he’s not just going to serve three-fi ft hs of 
inherited an economy in free fall. Th e his term, those still lamenting that he’sonly radical thing in the Obama years is so arrogant/uppity/radical and yet stillan unpopular gerrymandered Congress president, I will quote the late Justicescreaming, “you lie!”—fi libustering, Scalia when he was asked about Bush v. 
delaying, shutting down and otherwise Gore: “Get over it!” 

HOWARD Hays As I See It 

“The president told meat the studio – the news that pundits thereseveral times he’s goingassembled were expecting Donald Trump toto name a moderate, begin speaking shortly.
but I don’t believe him I found more interesting and encouraging. . . could easily nameresults in a couple county prosecutors’ racesMerrick Garland, in which Democratic incumbents lost in 
who is a fi ne man. contested primaries. This was especiallyHe probably won’t noteworthy in that a study out of Wake Forestdo that because this University showed that, among 1,000 countyappointment is aboutprosecutor races from 1996 through 2006, 95%
the election.” of incumbents kept their seats, while 85% ran

-Sen. Orrin Hatch unopposed. These two particular races involved(R-UT) names mentioned in this column before; 
Laquan McDonald and Tamir Rice.
Sen. Hatch made that prediction fi ve daysLaquan McDonald was the 17-year-old highbefore President Obama did in fact name school student who had 16 rounds pumpedMerrick Garland to fill the vacancy on theinto him by Chicago police offi cer Jason Van 
Supreme Court. There were elections, as HatchDyke. It took Cook County state’s attorneysuggested, but the president’s action wasAnita Alvarez 400 days to release video of thesimply about doing his job of selecting the bestincident which she did only when she had to –
qualified individual. Six years ago in the lead-and only then bringing charges against Officer 
up to the confi rmation of Justice Elena Kagan,Van Dyke.
Hatch pushed Garland as the “consensusAlvarez was known for letting bad cops offnominee”; one who “no question” would enjoythe hook. She fought efforts to investigatebipartisan support.cases of suspected wrongful prosecution or

Some on the left were disappointed thesuppressed evidence of innocence. Another bigpresident named a “moderate”; arguing it mightthing for her was putting kids in jail – saddlingas well have been a full-blown progressive sincethem with criminal records before they had aRepublicans will unite in opposition, anyway.chance to finish high school.
As for the Republican leadership, they continue The race was expected to be close, but Alvarezrefusing to even consider any nominee, andwas defeated by former assistant prosecutorcontinue trying to justify this polarizing,Kim Foxx by some thirty points.
partisan election-year position of theirs byTamir Rice was the 12-year-old sittingpointing to the polarizing partisanship of thison a swing when he was shot and killed byelection year.Cleveland police officers Tim Loehmann and

Already, though, 6 to 8 Republican senatorsFrank Garmback – who then lied about it to 
are considering at least meeting with andinvestigators. A state judge found probablegiving the nominee due consideration incause to charge Officer Loehmann, but 
accordance with their responsibilities underCuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGintythe Constitution. These 6 to 8 senators happenused the grand jury process not to indict,
to be ones who might have trouble holdingbut to absolve Loehmann and Garmback of 
onto their seats next election. Senate Majorityresponsibility in the killing – though it took himLeader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) insists weover a year to do it. Voters no doubt recalled“let the American people decide” by waitinghow, when Rice’s mother sought justice forto hear their voices come November. But the her son, she was accused by McGinty of beingpeople have already made clear to pollsters thatdriven by “economic motives”.
by a two-to-one margin they want the Senate The U.S. Justice Department found Clevelandto do its job, hold hearings and take a vote onofficers McGinty fought hard to protect “toothe president’s nominee. That margin holds inoften use unnecessary and unreasonable forcestates with those vulnerable GOP senators, who in violation of the Constitution.” Tim McGintyaren’t waiting for November since the voiceslost his race to former assistant prosecutorof their constituents have already been heardMike O’Malley.
clearly.Ever since Black Lives Matter came on the 

As for Tuesday’s elections, Sen. Marco Rubioscene two years ago with the shooting of Michael(R-FL) learned that pushing for more militaryBrown in Ferguson, MO, there’s been a reactioncommitments in the Mideast, a failed 56-year-of somewhat condescending annoyance withold Cuba policy and government control overthe movement; rather than just interruptingwomen’s health does not jibe with self-labelingthings, why don’t they get organized, get outas a “new generation” leader. Gov. John Kasichthe vote and make a difference? It turns out 
(R-OH) can look forward to more reports likein Cuyahoga County and especially in Cookthose from Politico and the NY Times, showingCounty that’s exactly what they did. At the levelOhio’s economic “comeback story” taking offof justice most affecting their communities theywith President Obama’s stimulus and recoverymade a big difference indeed – so much so thatprograms - months before Kasich became some establishment powers might wish they’dgovernor.go back to simply interrupting things.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) still hopes to becomeMeanwhile, at the pinnacle of our nation’sthe “establishment” candidate, while nobodyjustice system, senate Republicans are 
in the “establishment” seems to like him. determined to sit on their hands and leave 
Donald Trump warns of “riots” should thereour Supreme Court one justice shy until aft erbe attempts to deny him the nomination at athe election. As to whether they’re aware howbrokered convention – which now seems likely.long that actually is, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)

 The media response to Hillary Clinton’ssought to explain it to them at a meeting of theelection-night speech was advice she shouldSenate Judiciary Committee, in language theyspeak more softly and smile more. Th e networkswould hopefully take seriously: “Scientists tellskipped the speech by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-us there are 10.5 months left in this president’sVT) in order to switch to late-breaking news four-year term.” 

TOM Purcell 


St. Patrick’s time an IRS auditor paid a visit to

Day couldn’t Father O’Malley:

have arrived at “Father, do you know a Jack 
a better time. McGinness?” asked the auditor. 

With all the nuttiness going on in“Aye,” said Father O’Malley. “He’sthe presidential election — with theone of ‘me’ parishioners.”
country more divided than it has“Did he donate $10,000 to the 
been in years — we all could betterchurch?” said the auditor. 
ourselves by embracing the Irish“He will,” said Father O’Malley.
spirit.I know that I’m not really “Irish,”

Some of the name-calling takingbut an American through and 
place reminds me of the time Patthrough. Still, in my family weand Mike visited an airport bar aftercelebrate the best of the Irish spirit.
a long flight.Being Irish means to laugh easily,

“We’d like two whiskey sours,”never to take yourself too seriously,
said Pat to the bartender. to be cautious of getting stuck in

“Sorry,” said the bartender, “butthe narrowness of your own pointairport regulations forbid us fromof view — fine attributes that are 
serving mixed drinks.”in short supply in our country this

“Who does the bartender think he election cycle.
is?” said an annoyed Pat to Mike. “IWe need to loosen up and relaxought to punch him in the nose forif we really want to resolve thereferring to us as ‘micks.’”daunting challenges our country is

It’s my great fortune to be afacing. Which reminds me of the onefellow of Irish descent. I share myabout McAlister, who went to the 
good fortune with a quarter of allpub one Saturday night and orderedAmericans, who can trace their three pints, then sipped each pintheritage to the rolling, green hills ofuntil all three were gone.
Ireland. “Why don’t you just order a

I remember Sunday afternoonspitcher?” asked the bartender.
on the back porch as my father and“You see,” said McAlister, “I’ve 
my Uncle Mike enjoyed a couple ofgot two brothers, one in AmericaPabst Blue Ribbons and celebrated and one in Australia. We made a 
their Irish heritage by swapping self-vow that every Saturday night at 7deprecating Irish jokes.p.m., we would drink together. Right

With so many people choosing tonow, they are sipping three pints tonot participate in the workforce, this pay homage to their two brothers.”
one resonates: For several months, McAlister 

St. Patrick walks into a pub.continued his tradition. But one 
Donovan, McNally and Finnegan seeSaturday he ordered only two pints.
St. Patrick and each buys him a beer.“Blessed Jesus,” said the bartender, 
Before leaving, St. Patrick shakes“did one of your poor brothers die?”
Donovan’s hand. Donovan says,“The brothers are fine,” said 
“My arthritis! St. Patrick, your touchMcAlister. “But I gave up drinkinghas cured it!” St. Patrick shakes for Lent.” 
McNally’s hand, and McNally says,British academic and joke theorist“My blind right eye! St. Patrick,Christie Davies says a good joke canyou’ve cured it!” St. Patrick goes tohelp clarify and express complexshake Finnegan’s hand. Finneganfeelings. A good joke can cut to theshouts, “Get away from me, St.heart of the matter better than anyPatrick. I’m on disability!”speech or law or government policy.

Democrat presidential candidateThese days, with all the nuttinessBernie Sanders promises to not onlyand disagreement going on, couldn’traise taxes on the wealthy, but onwe all profit by embracing the Irisheveryone — which will turn somesense of humor? 
otherwise fine citizens into tax Tom Purcell, is a Pittsburghavoiders. That reminds me of the Tribune-Review humor columnist 


Dear Editor, 

It is disappointing to see that the City of Sierra Madre is spending our taxpayerdollars on glossy mailings about Measure UUT omitting some important (butinconvenient) facts. First, this would be a permanent 66% tax increase with no sunsetclause. Second, according to the former Chief of Police, this tax increase would notbe enough to fully fund the Sierra Madre Police Department. So if this tax increaseis not about “saving the police”, what is it about? It’s about a third inconvenient fact:
the city has run up $9.7 million in unfunded CalPERS pension liabilities for cityemployees, or $6,754 in liabilities for every single Sierra Madre household.

Sierra Madre voters, don’t vote to throw more of our tax dollars into the CalPERS 
bottomless pit – vote NO on Measure UUT. The sky won’t fall if the Sierra MadrePolice Department is replaced permanently with the sheriff s. Th e sheriffs are alreadypatrolling Sierra Madre, impressing many residents with their professionalismand competence. And write in Barry Gold for City Council. Barry doesn’t ignoreinconvenient facts. Barry is realistic about our city’s finances and committed tomore efficient spending. Barry Gold is not accepting any campaign donations, soyou won’t see any glossy mailings from him. Barry Gold would be a sensible andconstructive member on our City Council. 

Michele Davenport 

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