Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 4, 2016
For the period of Sunday, May 22nd, through Saturday,
May 28th, the Police Department responded to 1,013 calls
for service of which 172 required formal investigations.
The following is a summary report of the major incidents
handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, May 22:
At approximately 6:05 a.m., an officer responded to Si Hai
Restaurant, 713 West Duarte Road, regarding a burglary
report. An investigation revealed an unknown male
suspect shattered the glass of the front door by unknown
means, made entry to the business and stole money from
the cash register. The investigation is ongoing.
Around 2:38 p.m., an officer responded to Walgreens,
140 East Live Oak Avenue, regarding the report of a
robbery. An investigation revealed a male suspect placed
$177 worth of baby formula in a shopping basket and
exited the store without paying. When confronted by a
store employee, the suspect yelled to a female suspect in
a vehicle “get the gun”. The suspects fled the scene. The
investigation is ongoing.
Suspect 1 is described as a black male, 20 to 30-years-
old, approximately 6 feet 1 inch tall with a thin build.
Suspect 2 is described as a black female approximately
25-years-old. The suspect vehicle is described as an older
model green four-door sedan.
Monday, May 23:
At approximately 6:59 a.m., an officer was dispatched to
the 76 Gas Station, 701 West Huntington Drive, regarding
a burglary report. An investigation revealed an unknown
suspect(s) pried open a storage shed located on the
property and stole several chainsaws worth $3,800. No
suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.
At about 8:53 p.m., officers received a license plate reader
notification of a stolen vehicle in the area of Huntington
Drive and Fifth Avenue. Officers located the vehicle and
conducted a traffic stop. The driver was contacted and an
investigation revealed he also had an outstanding warrant
for his arrest. The 56-year-old male from Los Angeles and
his 54-year-old female passenger from West Hollywood
were both arrested and transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking.
At approximately 10:30 p.m., an officer responded
to Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue,
regarding a vehicle burglary report. An investigation
revealed, the victim returned to her car to find that the
driver side door lock had been punched and the in-dash
stereo had been stolen. No suspects were seen and no
witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, May 25:
6. At approximately 4:19 a.m., an officer initiated a
consensual contact with a subject walking eastbound on
the 400 block of Santa Clara Avenue. An investigation
revealed the suspect was in possession of a dagger he had
concealed in his waistband. The 28-year-old male from
Monrovia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.
7. Just after 2:33 p.m., an officer responded to Burlington
Coat Factory, 1201 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a
petty theft report. A loss prevention specialist witnessed
the suspect conceal numerous items in his backpack before
exiting the store, failing to make payment. The 46-year-
old male from Pasadena was located in a nearby parking
garage with the stolen merchandise. He was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
8. At approximately 9:34 p.m., an officer was dispatched to
CVS Pharmacy, 1401 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a
theft report. An investigation revealed a suspect distracted
a pharmacist by asking for a consultation while a second
suspect jumped over the counter and placed several bottles
of prescription medication in a bag. Both suspects fled
through an emergency exit. The investigation is ongoing.
Suspect 1 is described as a male adult approximately
25-years-old, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 130 pounds. Suspect
2 is described as a male adult approximately 25-years-old,
5 feet 7 inches tall and 160 pounds.
Thursday, May 26:
9. Just after 12:04 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop
on a vehicle near the intersection of Camino Real Avenue
and Eighth Avenue for missing a rear license plate. Upon
contacting the driver, the officer discovered the 24-year-
old male from El Monte was in possession of a large
amount of methamphetamine and stolen mail. He and
his 25-year-old female passenger, also from El Monte,
were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Friday, May 27:
10. At approximately 1:51 a.m., an officer conducted a
traffic stop on a vehicle near the intersection of Santa Anita
Avenue and Huntington Drive for an equipment violation.
Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected the smell
of marijuana. An investigation revealed the driver was
in possession of a large amount of marijuana along with
methamphetamine and a meth pipe. The 26-year-old
male from Arcadia was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
11. At about 3:53a.m., officers responded to Arcadia
Methodist Hospital, 300 West Huntington Drive,
regarding a subject who refused to leave. The officers
contacted the subject and asked him to leave. The subject
repeatedly refused. When officers attempted to detain the
subject for trespassing, he willfully and forcefully resisted.
The 22-year-old male from Duarte was ultimately arrested
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
12. At around 6:41 p.m., an officer responded to the 1400
block of Lovell Avenue regarding a residential burglary.
An investigation revealed an unknown suspect(s) gained
entry into the residence through an unlocked window.
The residence was ransacked and the victim’s dog, a
medium black and white Akita/American Eskimo mixed
breed, was missing. The investigation is ongoing.
Saturday, May 28:
13. At about 11:03 a.m., officers received a license plate
reader notification of a stolen vehicle in the area of
Huntington Drive and Fifth Avenue. Officers located
the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was
contacted and an investigation revealed he was also
driving with a suspended license. His passenger had two
outstanding warrants for her arrest. The 30-year-old
male from El Monte and the 40-year-old female from
Los Angeles were both arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. Just after 3:56 p.m., an officer responded to AT&T
Wireless, 425 North Santa Anita Avenue, regarding a
grand theft report. An investigation revealed the suspect
entered the store and looked around. He then took two
Apple iPads from a display case and ran out of the store
failing to make payment. He entered an awaiting vehicle
and fled the scene. The investigation is ongoing. The
suspect is described as a male, 21 to 25-years-old, 5 feet 10
inches tall and heavy set. The suspect vehicle is described
as a newer model black sedan.
By Joan Schmidt
May is one of my favorite
months. Singing birds
awake us in the morning;
new blooming flowers, mild
weather and more daylight.
But the main reason is May
recognizes our fallen heroes
who protect us.
Peace officers are honored
first. On May 18th at the Los
Angeles County Sheriff’s
Star Center in Whittier,
the following names were
added to the Memorial
Wall: Downey Police Officer
Ricardo “Ricky” Galvez,
EOW: 8 Nov 2015; LAPD Officer Ralph Miover,
EOW: 11 Apr 1925; Monterey Park PD Officer
William Guidera, EOW: 9 Sep 1927; LASD Deputy
Otto Ellinger, EOW: 8 Dec 1934; LAPD Lt. Arthur
Bethel, EOW: 13 Jul 1941; LASD Sgt. Thomas Fonte,
2 Oct 1990.
Monday we celebrated Memorial Day, which
began as “Decoration Day”; families went to
cemeteries and placed flowers on loved ones’ graves.
Can you believe TWENTY-FOUR communities
nationwide claim to be the birthplace of the first
Memorial Day celebration? Officially President
Lyndon Johnson on behalf of the United States
Government sanctioned Waterloo, New York as the
“official” birthplace because of their observance in
May 1866. (On line, visit “Memorial Day Origen”
and you will find 23 other early observances!)
We attended four special events in conjunction
with Memorial Day. Saturday Supervisor
Antonovich held his 19th Annual Veterans Fair
at Arcadia County Park. 150+ exhibits provided
services (free haircuts, manicures, health screenings)
and information for Veterans; also live music, food
vendors, children’s area, and Wall of Remembrance.
Retired Brigadier General Ruth Wong was there
and MC was Channel 4’s Fritz Coleman. Other
highlights were the Lutheran HS ROTC Color
Guard; an outstanding Army Band, and recognition
of Veterans Gene Glasco, Irving Montenegro and
Nate Brogan.
Later in the day was the Unveiling and Dedication
of the Arcadia Viet Nam Monument at Arcadia
County Park. First I must THANK Navy Veteran
and Arcadia City Clerk Gene Glasco for his vision
of a monument for the fourteen Arcadians who lost
their lives in Nam. About a year ago, he mentioned
this to Supervisor Antonovich who thought it
was a wonderful idea and Arcadia County Park
was the perfect site. There were SO MANY kind
donors who helped this happen. At the ceremony,
both Gene and Congresswomen Chu mentioned
continued on page 8
The Recreation and Community Services Department
offers the Outdoor Adventure Day Camp at Wilderness
Park with 8 weeks starting June 20 to August 12. There
is still availability for all weeks of day camp. Each camp
features a variety of fun summer activities for youth ages
The Sports Camp is held at Dana Gym, 1401 S. First
Avenue, Arcadia and offers three weeks starting July 25 to
August 12. Weeks one and three are for youth ages 5-10
and week two is for youth ages 11-15. This camp utilizes
the school’s athletic facilities and features a variety of
fun sports activities for youth including swimming, flag
football, basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball and other
fun group games. Each week there are two excursions and
two swim days.
Both day and sports camps are $112 per week. To get a
copy of the summer “Buzz” stop by our office, 375 Campus
Drive; Arcadia City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Drive; or the
Arcadia Public Library, 20 W. Duarte Road. To register
in person come by our office or you can go to the city’s
website at www.arcadiaCA.gov under the Recreation
and Community Services Department to download a
copy. The “Buzz” also displays programs and classes for
the 2016 summer season in our new, more user-friendly
format for you and your family. Do you want to know what
the “Buzz” is about in Arcadia? Pick up the latest copy
of “The Peacock Buzz” to find out! For more questions,
please contact the Recreation Department at 626.574.5113.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains,
Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with a
population of just over 56,000. Located approximately 20
miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is known
for combining small-town charm with the conveniences
and amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service
charter city governed by a five-member City Council,
elected at large. Recognized for exceptional education and
recreation opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods,
Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of Homes” and
has twice been designated the “Best City in California in
which to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine.
Last week, the City experienced an electrical
failure at our Wellfield located at 2655 South
Myrtle Avenue. We had received reports of
water running into the street at the location, and
when our staff arrived on scene, we found that
our Water Treatment Towers 3 and 4 had gone
into an electrical shutdown, which left water
overflowing out of the facility.
Our staff, including Water Production
Manager Paul Zampiello, and Water Production
Operator Alonzo Alatorre, responded to the
scene and immediately took control of the
situation. After turning off the pumps and
stabilizing the overall operations, our team
troubleshot the issue and eventually determined
that the system backup battery unit experienced
a failure. We are conducting additional research
to determine how to prevent the situation from
happening again in the short term, and on a
longer term basis, we are certainly looking
forward to upgrading the overall electrical
system at the Wellfield as part of the Monrovia
Renewal project! Kudos and thanks going out
to our water production team for their expert
handling of this difficult situation!
Last week, Monrovia hosted a meeting which
was attended by the city manager’s from each
of cities included in our Enhanced Watershed
Management Plan (EWMP), along with
representatives from Los Angeles County.
At the meeting, we presented an overview
presentation of the options available as it relates
to the possibility of forming a joint powers
authority (JPA) to coordinate the execution of
certain EWMP projects, along with ongoing
maintenance related activities.
It is important to note that as part of our
ongoing efforts to address the MS4 Permit
requirements outlined in our EWMP document,
we are continuing to advocate for policy change
to ease the financial burden of complying with
the currently mandated regulations. However,
we are simultaneously working on developing
and executing affordable and cost-effective MS4
Permit compliance related activities, one of
which we have identified as forming a JPA for our
EWMP group. There is no financial obligation
associated with forming the JPA, and forming
such an entity would create the mechanism
through which large-scale regional storm water
capital projects could be built and maintained on
an ongoing basis, once we have determined what
exactly it is that we will be required to construct.
For additional information regarding issues
surrounding storm water regulations, please visit
the City’s website at: http://www.cityofmonrovia.
Last week, staff engaged in discussion with the
Main San Gabriel Watermaster (Watermaster)
regarding the process through which we would
be developing updated water conservation
targets pursuant to the Governor’s recently
issued executive order. Given the process as
outlined in the attached fact sheet issued by the
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB),
the City, along with all of the other jurisdictions
governed by the Watermaster, are working
to develop a consistent and unified response
from the Main Basin. To that end, we will be
working closely with the Watermaster to develop
a realistic self-certification for our ongoing water
conservation levels.
Based on the discussions that have occurred
to date, we anticipate that the self-certification
analysis should be completed by mid-June 2016,
and we will of course keep everyone informed as
to our progress moving forward.
(Duarte, CA) – Duarte Unified School
District honored staff at the annual Years
of Service and Retirement Recognition
Reception held on May 24, 2016.
Among the retirees were Deputy
Superintendent, Miriam de la Flor-Fox,
Assistant Superintendent of Educational
Services, Kaye Ekstrand, and Maintenance,
Operations and Transportation Director,
Ermias Bitow.
It was December 28, 1979 when Miriam
was first hired in Duarte USD as a substitute
teacher while she was earning her teaching
credential. During her 36 year career in the
district, Miriam was a classroom teacher,
outreach consultant, site-based coordinator
and principal at Beardslee, Royal Oaks and
Northview. In 2010, she became the Director
of Personnel. She quickly rose to the position
of Assistant Superintendent and then Deputy
Superintendent. She lives in Duarte and
will continue to be an active member of the
“Miriam has profoundly influenced policy,
practices, and of course contract language,
I will remember her as a class act,” said
Superintendent Allan Mucerino.
Miriam has received numerous
commendations over the years, and she
is highly regarded as a strong leader who
demonstrated diligence, humility and love.
Kaye Ekstrand came to Duarte USD in
2009 as the Director of Child Development
after a successful career as an early
elementary teacher and principal in Walnut
Valley. “Kaye proved to be a sincere, honest
and gifted educator who has always led by
putting children first,” said Superintendent
Kaye’s retirement plans include teaching at
the university level and spending time with
her grandchildren.
Ermias Bitow joined the Duarte USD
family in 1978 as a school bus driver. During
his 38 years with Duarte Unified, Ermias
has managed the Performing Arts Center,
delivered the district mail, served as the
district’s safety coordinator, managed the
custodial staff, and seen to the smooth
operation of our schools.
“Ermias is the epitome of a team player. He
works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure
the success of the organization. We’ve come
to rely on his hard work, loyalty and good
judgment,” said Chief Facilities Officer Brad
Congratulations were also offered to the
following employees for their dedicated
service to our district:
Classified Honorees:
10 Years
Brenda Gonzalez, Constance Jole, Sharon
Khaladjzadeh, Amrtha Salibian, Paul
Verbiscar, Zoe Chapjian, Lupe Mendoza,
Asmik Yaghjian, Steve Lucero & Ken
15 Years
Leila Guiragossian, Olga Gamboa, Jesus
Pinones, Joanne Roswell & Nina Thompson
20 Years
Luz Sanchez, John Camarena, Elizabeth
Chaidez & Javier Gil
25 Years
Martha Lopez, Kim Clark, Miriam
Hernandez & Ginny Jones
30 Years
Sharon wade, Blanca Zalamea & Carleen
Certificated Honorees:
10 Years
Jennifer Hopson, Tanja Bughman, Garry
Prado, John Opara, John Albright, Joel
Jimenez, Swadha Sharma, Irene Sunabe,
Margaret Beauvais, Stephanie Minardi &
Vishal Velusamy
15 Years
Eugen Teran, Abigail Cano, Jennifer
O’Donnell, Analen Sykeh, Carrie Chiu,
Rasheedah Gates, Lori Hansen-Keita & Ruth
20 Years
Balbir Thind, Laura Thomas, Louise Bayer,
Jesus Gil, Katherine Logsdon, Terri Mesko,
Marge Bloom & Eric Jenkins
Retirement Recognition:
Classified: Janis Allen, Ermias Bitow,
Marilyn Bradley, Carleen Bretz, Elizabeth
Chaidez, Dolores Gonzalez & Laura Marzluft
Certificated: Janet Edberg, Kaye Ekstrand
& Miriam de la Flor-Fox