Mountain View News Saturday, June 11, 2016
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
Whilma Gaye Holcombe passed away on May 30, 2016, in the
comfort of her home and family. Whilma was born in Los
Angeles in 1938 and she spent her early years living in Pasadena
and Sierra Madre. She moved to Paso Robles in 2005 to be close
to her daughters and granddaughters. Whilma was active in
the Sierra Madre Civic Club, a member of the Sierra Madre
Planning Commission and a volunteer at the L.A. County
She loved the Central Coast and her new found friends and
acquaintances. Whilma is survived by her daughters, Kimberly
Ann Rogers and Candace Sue Block and son Craig Charles
A Memorial Service will be held on Wednesday, June 8th at
10:30am at Kuehl- Nicolay Funeral Home at 1703 Spring Street,
Paso Robles. A Celebration of Life will follow at Still Waters
Winery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Saint Judes Medical Center or Studios on the
Park. Sign her guestbook at
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the
wise, the amazement of the gods.” Plato“What the world really needs is more love and less
paperwork.” Pearl Bailey
It’s wedding season! Our granddaughter, Ashley,
the beautiful and talented R.N. who works at
St. Joseph Hospital in Orange County as a labor
and delivery nurse, is getting married today!
She is marrying a wonderful young man, Trevor
Johnson, and the entire family is beaming upon
them both with pride and approval. The bridal
shower was last Saturday and what a splendid time
that was! All bridal showers should be like this one
where the groom’s mother – another R.N. and a
fabulous woman – started opening champagne
as soon as guests started arriving, “Let’s get this
party started,” she said, and we had so much fun.
Magical, just magical. Ashley opened one fabulous
gift after another and cheerfully posed for
hundreds of pictures with her sister, her mother,
her bridesmaids, her grandmas, her aunts, her
step-mom and dozens of dear friends.
Love has been in the air in Sierra Madre, too! But
first a little background thanks to Google:
“Everyone knows Paris is the romance capital, the
city for lovers. Some years ago, a new fad started
when love-struck sweethearts began locking
padlocks onto the chain link fence of the Pont
des Arts, which crosses from the left bank to the
Louvre museum. (Which museum has had to close
this past week due to torrential rains! Everybody
gets torrential rains but us. Still waiting for that
El Nino to materialize...but I digress...) These love
padlocks called cadenas d’amour, multiplied until
there were thousands of them on the bridge, each
engraved with a message of love. After locking
their padlock onto the fence, lovers tossed the
keys into the Seine river – a sign of their eternal
If you happen to be one of the Mt. Wilson Trail
aficionados, like my trail hiking buddy, John, you
know that there is a section of fence at the top of
the switchbacks (you’ll have to hike up there to
find out where that is) which has become our own
little cadenas d’amour spot. There are now about
nine padlocks with the initials of lovers: J & R, B &
T, E & J, M (squared) and while I happen to know
all these people, I’m not telling. This is just one
more grace note about our beloved Sierra Madre,
that we have lovers hiking the Trail. Many thanks
to Mary for this excellent photo.
A little more about that fence along the Seine,
the city had to remove the railing with the locks
of love because sections of the fencing started
crumbling under the weight of all those locks,
which was estimated at 45 tons. They’ll be kept
in a city warehouse after they are removed until
officials decide what to do with them. Here’s the sad
part, “some will be melted down, meeting the same
fate as the love of some who attached them to the
It is much easier to get to the Seine than it is to get
to the top of the Mt. Wilson Trail switchbacks so I
don’t see this becoming the same sort of problem.
Incidentally, new sites for love locks have popped
up all over the world. Sweethearts in China favor
Mount Huang where they can “lock their souls”
together and then throw the key over the cliff to the
valley below. “Love, your magic spell is everywhere!”
I need to get to Arnold’s and get a lock.
The fellowship of the Mt. Wilson Trail walkers
extended last Monday to a wonderful birthday
party for former Trail hiker, Rae Anderson, who
was 93 that day! A feast was provided by Rae’s dear
friend, Anne Garbarine, and a delightful time was
had by all. Rae, incidentally, has a really super Koi
pond inhabited by two giant Koi. A little wine, a
lot of visiting, a perfect day. Rae, incidentally, was
a submariner during WWII, another hero. Did
you remember that last Monday was the 72nd
anniversary of D Day? We’ve got our flags out and
they will probably be up until after July 4th... hey,
that’s only a month away!!
My book page: Deanne Davis
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is
available there.
Makes a terrific bridal shower gift...just saying.
Will the person who attended the June Faire at the British Home in Sierra Madre on June 4th andwon the Beer Stein decorated with painted edelweiss flowers, please contact ’medepict@yahoo.
com’ or call Shirley at 310-780-1901. it will be worth your while.
May 29 , to June 5 , 2016 During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded toapproximately 1 19 daytime calls for service.
Sunday, May 29 Officers dispatched to the area of Foothill Ave. and Camillo St. at 1:00 pm. to recover
lost mail. A resident found several pieces of junk and personal mail, addressed to several differentlocations scattered along the roadway. It appeared that the personal mail may have been opened.
The resident came to the station later in the day to drop off more mail he found on Camillo, south ofFoothill Ave. Notification cards will be mailed to the owners of the returned mail.
Wednesday, June 1 At 10:20 am, a resident called to report the theft of a baby stroller in the 100 blockof East Sierra Madre Bl. The victim stated that she left the blue Baby Trend Expedition LX strollerin her carport at approximately 6:00 pm the previous night and discovered it missing at 7:30 am on
Wednesday. Forwarded to Detectives
12:00 pm A victim came to the SMPD station lobby for a petty theft investigation. Victim reportedthat while at work on May 27, in the 200 block of W. Sierra Madre Bl., she had cash in her purse thatwas left unsecured in the manager’s office. There are no witnesses’ available or physical evidence.
12:45 pm Officers answered a call of a suspicious person in the park in the 200 block of W. SierraMadre Bl. While making making contact with the subject, officers noticed a glass smoking pipe in
his hand. Subject was placed under arrest and transported to L.A. County Jail for possession of drugparaphernalia
Friday, June 3 Report of fraud in the 00 block of Olive Ave, victim was called and told he wouldreceive a refund from a technical company going out of business. Victim allowed access to his
personal computer and bank account. Forwarded to Detectives
Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: