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Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 11, 2016 


ARCADIA, Calif. 
exciting changes to its service. Starting on June16, Arcadia Transit will introduce an expandedfixed-route, fixed-schedule shuttle service for use 
by all riders. With three shuttle lines in operation,
Red, Green and Blue, Arcadia Transit is able to 
connect riders with some of Arcadia’s most populardestinations such as the Arcadia Gold Line Station, 
shopping and dining areas, entertainment venues,
schools, and hospital and medical facilities. Seeattached map.

Serving the community since 1975, Arcadia 
Transit has traditionally operated as a dial-aride 
service. However, to better meet the needs 
of residents, visitors, and businesses, Arcadia 
Transit has been enhanced by adding a fixed-
general public while still maintaining a dial-aride 
service strictly for seniors and those with 
disabilities. This change in service provides 
more equitable access to transportation optionsthroughout the City.

The addition of the shuttle service allows the 
general public to access Arcadia Transit, with fixedstops along the three shuttle lines at a cost of 50cents per ride with one free transfer. Seniors andthose with disabilities will be able to benefit from 

--- Arcadia Transit is makingfixed-schedule shuttle service for the 
the dual systems, the traditional dial-a-ride, doorto door service (50 cents per ride), or the shuttleservice (free for seniors and disabled riders). To signup as a senior or disabled rider, patrons will needto fill out a brief application form available fromthe City website (, ArcadiaCommunity Center, Arcadia Library, Arcadia CityHall (Cashier), or by contacting the City at (626)
574-5490. Proof of eligibility will be required withregistration.

Arcadia invites you to explore Arcadia on ArcadiaTransit. 

If you would like digital copies of the map, pleasecontact Linda Hui at (626) 574-5435. 

About the City of Arcadia

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel 
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over 56,000.
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtownLos Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small-
town charm with the conveniences and amenities of 
a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter citygoverned by a five-member City Council, electedat large. Recognized for exceptional educationand recreation opportunities and beautiful 



For the period of Sunday, May 29th, through Saturday, June4th, the Police Department responded to 914 calls for serviceof which 145 required formal investigations. The followingis a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period. 

Sunday, May 29:

Just before 1:21 a.m., an officer initiated contact with a 
subject seen walking unsteadily westbound on ColoradoStreet near Baldwin Avenue. Upon contacting the 34-yearold 
male from Pasadena, the officer noticed symptoms ofalcohol intoxication and determined the suspect was unableto care for himself. He was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.

At about 1:48 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on avehicle in the area of Tenth Avenue and Camino Real Avenue 
for failing to stop at a stop sign. Upon contacting the driver,
the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe 36-year-old male from Azusa was driving under theinfluence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 

Monday, May 30:

3. At approximately 2:31 p.m., an officer was dispatched toWestfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga vandalism report. An investigation revealed the victimreturned to her vehicle and noticed an unknown suspect hadsmashed the front driver side window. No property appearedto be missing from the vehicle. No suspects were seen and nowitnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing.
4. Just after 4:42 p.m., an officer responded to JC Penney,
400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a petty theft report.
A loss prevention specialist witnessed two suspects concealnumerous items in their shopping bags before exiting thestore, failing to make payment. The 18-year-old female fromArcadia and the 17-year-old female from Temple City werearrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Tuesday May 31:

5. Just after 2:27 p.m., an officer patrolling the 800 blockof Volante Drive witnessed a vehicle stopped in the middle ofthe roadway. He conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle anddiscovered the driver was driving with a suspended licenseand on parole. Further investigation revealed the driver wasalso in possession of heroin and methamphetamine. The28-year-old female from Acton was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. At about 8:43 p.m., officers responded to a disturbanceat a hotel located in the 100 block of West Huntington Dr.
A female victim reported that she had been physically andsexually assaulted by a known male suspect while insideone of the hotel rooms. Officers attempted to make contactwith the male suspect inside the hotel room, but he was notlocated. The investigation is ongoing.
The suspect was identified as Adrian Thomas Chavez, a 41year old Hispanic male, 5 feet 10 inches tall and 195 poundswith several tattoos on his face. 

Wednesday, June 1:

7. At approximately 1:34 p.m., an officer respondedto Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, 
regarding a report of shoplifting. A loss prevention specialistfrom Zumiez witnessed the suspect conceal numerousitems in his luggage bag before exiting the store, failing tomake payment. An investigation revealed the suspect hadstolen merchandise from several stores inside the mall. The 
27-year-old male from Vista was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking.
8. Just after 4:55 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Macy’s, 
400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a petty theft report.
A loss prevention specialist witnessed the suspect conceal3 bottles of perfume in her shopping bag before exiting thestore, failing to make payment. An investigation revealed thesuspect also had a meth pipe inside her purse. The 48-yearold 
female from Covina was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 

Thursday, June 2:

9. At about 5:45 p.m., an officer responded to a residence onthe 100 block of Le Roy Avenue regarding a fraud report. Aninvestigation revealed an unknown suspect stole the victim’spersonal information to apply for a replacement creditcard. Once the card was delivered to the victim’s residence, 
an unknown female suspect intercepted the delivery.
Fraudulent charges were made on the victim’s account. Theinvestigation is ongoing. The suspect is described as a female20 to 30-years-old with dark hair.
10. At approximately 10:31 p.m., an officer initiatedcontact with a subject seen with his arms wrapped around alight pole in the area of Colorado Boulevard and MichillindaAvenue. Upon contacting the 30-year-old male from 
Arcadia, the officer noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxicationand determined the suspect was unable to care for himself.
He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. 
Friday, June 3:

11. At about 10:43 a.m., an officer responded to LA Fitness,
1325 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft from vehiclereport. An investigation revealed an unknown suspectentered the victim’s vehicle through an unlocked door andstole a purse. The purse contained $200, a driver’s license anddebit cards. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 
12. At around 8:02 p.m., an officer responded to the 
parking lot of Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South BaldwinAvenue, regarding the report of vandalism to a vehicle. Aninvestigation revealed an unknown suspect used a sharpobject, possibly a key, to scratch the driver side doors of thevictim’s vehicle. No suspects were seen and no witnesseswere located. 
Saturday, June 4:

13. At about 5:32 p.m., an officer was dispatched to RoyalOaks Liquor, 511 North First Avenue, regarding a theftreport. Two suspects selected several alcoholic beverages thenran out of the store, failing to make payment. The suspectsentered an awaiting vehicle driven by a male suspect. Afterfleeing the scene, the suspect vehicle was involved in three hitand run collisions. The suspects abandoned the vehicle andfled in an unknown direction. The vehicle was impoundedas evidence. The investigation is ongoing. Suspect 1 isdescribed as a Hispanic male, approximately 20-years-old, 5feet 7 inches tall with a medium build and short hair. Suspect2 is described as a Hispanic female, approximately 18-yearsold, 
5 feet 8 inches tall and 130 pounds with dyed red hair.
Suspect 3 is described as male Hispanic 28 to 30-years-oldwith glasses.
14. Just after 3:56 p.m., officers received a license platereader notification of a stolen vehicle in the area of Santa 
Anita Avenue and Colorado Boulevard. Officers located 
the vehicle and detained the two occupants of the vehicle.
An investigation revealed the driver had placed stolen plateson his vehicle as false display of registration and was inpossession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
The passenger was also in possession of methamphetamine.
The 28-year-old male and the 20-year-old female, both fromEl Monte, were arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. 

(MONROVIA, CA –) In 1943, Julius Parker was asenior attending Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte HighSchool, and World War II was in full swing. Ratherthan complete high school, Mr. Parker enlisted in thearmy to serve his nation, and in so doing, sacrificedmany teenage rites of passage. Perhaps the mostimportant of these was graduating from high school.
Board President Rob Hammond said, “On June 7, 
2016, 74 years later, the Monrovia Unified SchoolDistrict Board of Education is honored to award Mr. 
Parker his high school diploma.”

“I am so thankful to receive my high schooldiploma after all these years,” said Mr. Parker whowas unable to join in the commencement exercises.
He noted, “These days, I don’t get out that often.”
The 91-year-old graduate received his diploma at hishome in Monrovia where MUSD Board President, 

Rob Hammond; Vice President, Bryan Wong;
Board Clerk, Terrence Williams; Board Member, Ed 
Gililland; Superintendent, Dr. Katherine Thorossian;
and Principal, Kirk McGinnis gathered for a special 

California State law allows school districts to 
retroactively grant a high school diploma to a person 
who has not received a high school diploma if, 
among other conditions, he/she entered the military 
service of the United States while a pupil in grade 
12 of a high school and who, at the time of his or 
her entrance into military service, had satisfactorily 
completed the first half of the work required for 
grade 12. If you would like more information about 
retroactive diplomas or believe that someone you 
know may qualify, please contact the Office of the 
Superintendent at (626) 471-2010. 


DUARTE, CA, June 8, 2016 – In cooperation with VET$48 and one year, spayed/neutered $25. Senior citizens, 
CARE, the Duarte Public Safety Office will provide a65 years and older, are eligible for one free dog licenselow cost Vaccination Clinic on Saturday, June 25 fromprovided the pet is spayed or neutered. A $50 late 
8:00-10:00 a.m. The clinic will be held at Duarte Park, penalty fee will be added to the cost, if the license is1344 Bloomdale Street, adjacent to the Duarte Teenpurchased after August 31st. Dog licenses may also beCenter. Rabies vaccinations will be available for $8.00 purchased at Duarte City Hall, 1600 Huntington Drive,
each, microchip registration will be available for $40,or at the Public Safety Office during business hoursand other vaccinations will be available upon request.Monday, 1042 Huntington Drive during business hoursAttendees will also be able to purchase Duarte dogMonday –Thursday 7:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.
licenses, which need to be renewed annually on July 1st.For additional information about the event contact 
Dog licensing fees are as follows: one year, unaltered the Duarte Public Safety office at (626) 357-7938. 

Recently, the Monrovia City Council 
unanimously requested that staff look intothe City’s established process for selecting theMayor. Currently, the City utilizes a directlyelected Mayor governance structure where theMayor is elected once every two years in odd-
numbered years. However, the vast majority ofcities similar to Monrovia rotate the position ofMayor amongst the members of the elected CityCouncil. 

In fact, a survey that was recently completedillustrates that 78% of cities in the San Gabriel 
Valley with a population of under 100,000people utilize a governance structure wherebythe position of Mayor is rotated between allmembers of the City Council.

As part of the review process, the City createda Directly Elected Mayor Advisory ReviewCommittee (Committee) to assist with the 
assessment of our current system of selecting theMayor. The Committee is made up of individualsfrom a wide cross-section of Monrovia and 
includes a former city manager, two currentelected officials, the executive director of a 
chamber of commerce, and a member of a Citycommission. The individuals on the committee 

Steve Baker, current Elected City Treasurer &
City Historian 

Don Hopper, former City Manager

Karen MacNair, current Chamber Executive 

Joanne Montgomery, current Elected Citrus 
College Board of Trustee Member

Brian Ulm, current City Community ServicesCommission Member 

During the past several months, the 
Committee has met a few times to assess different 
options available to the City. Based on the workthat has been coordinated to date, a series of 
public outreach meetings have been scheduled 
to provide additional information regarding 

the overall situation, and to solicit feedback 
regarding the proposal to change the way thatMonrovia selects its Mayor.

To that end, the outreach meetings have beenscheduled to take place as follows:
June 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Library Community Room 
321 South Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia 

June 14, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. 
Monrovia Chamber of Commerce 
620 South Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia 

June 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Wine of the Month Club (former Calvary Chapel
site at Station Square)
123 West Pomona Avenue, Monrovia 

As part of the outreach effort, City staffwill also be meeting with all City Boards andCommissions during the next several weeks todiscuss the proposed transition from having adirectly elected Mayor to a system of governancewhere the position of Mayor is rotated betweenmembers of the elected City Council.

As these outreach meetings occur, it isimportant to note… the decision regardingwhether or not we will change the way thatwe select the Mayor is not a decision that canbe made by the City. Ultimately, the voters ofMonrovia will have to decide if it makes sense 
to transition our governance structure from adirectly elected Mayor to one where the positionof Mayor rotates between the elected members ofthe City Council.
For additional information regarding this 
particular issue, and for an opportunity to takea survey that the City has developed regardingthe matter, please visit the City’s website at thelink below:

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