Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 11, 2016
BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDSJUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 11, 2016
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
In all of my 53 years, I have never fallen victimin recovery.
to a violent crime, nor have I been subpoenaedAs it turned out, Stephens’ insight proved toto testify as a witness in a court of law on ahave a positive impact on numerous recoveringcase involving a violent crime. Consideringkids. Jeeter became a mascot to many who camethe statistics in America today, I must say Ithrough her court. Then one day, a sexuallyconsider myself very fortunate to have escapedabused boy was waiting in her lobby andbeing among those who have. It has got to be theimmediately bonded with Jeeter who was alsomost difficult task a person will ever be forcedhappened to be sitting in the lobby at the time.
to undertake, to be put on the stand and askedThe boy had been asked by the prosecutor toto answer questions posed by perfect strangerstestify against his offender but he was afraid toin front of a judge and jury, not to mention thedo so.
perpetrator, while trying to cope with the lossStephens thought perhaps Jeeter could helpof a loved one. facilitate the boy’s testimony if the dog would
Few things would come as a true comfort tobe allowed to accompany him to the stand. Theme, should I ever become the victim of a violent judge allowed the dog to come to court andcrime. However, one thing that does come toStephens requested that everyone sit on themind is to have a beloved, furry four-footedfloor during the hearing so the boy could sit andfriend by my side to help me get though thehug Jeeter. Defense counsel, prosecutor, cop awful
ordeal. everyone sat on the floor, and it worked. The boy
I am not the only one who recognizes thetold them everything that happened.
value of having the unconditional love of aAfter the success Jeeter had with the abused
kind and comforting canine to assist victimsboy, Stephens decided the King Countyof violent crimes. Indeed, one particular ladyprosecutor’s office needed to have a facility dogplayed a major part in initiating the availabilityon staff to work with victims, and went about
of comfort dogs to act as “animal advocates”doing what it took to make it happen. Kingon victims’ behalf and the trend has since County has been using courtroom canines togained momentum and spread to many statescomfort victims ever since!
throughout the US.Subsequent to the establishment of King
In an article written by Rebecca Wallick, aCounty’s innovative approach, prosecutors injournalist for Bark Magazine, she relates theseveral other states followed Stephens’ lead byhistory of how the canine became a courtroomadding a canine comfort unit to their courtroomcomforter in the state of Washington back instaff, with amazingly successful results.
2003. It all started when Ellen O’Neill-Stephens,It never ceases to amaze me, what a dog can doa prosecuting attorney in Seattle had an adultfor a human, if we are open to their help. Fromson who was seriously disabled with cerebralguiding a blind person down a busy sidewalk,
palsy. She went to Canine Companions forto rescuing people trapped after a disaster, toIndependence (CCI) of Santa Rosa, CA to find arelieving stress for the victim of a crime, orservice dog for her son.simply sitting by his master’s side within the
At CCI, Stephens found a big yellow Goldenfour walls of what might otherwise be a veryRetriever/Lab mix named Jeeter, and a matchlonely home, the list goes on and on.
was made almost immediately with her son. ItWe are blessed to have the unconditional love
was then that her son’s life changed tremendouslyand affection of our four-legged friends. Be surefor the better. Jeeter made it possible for Sean toto tell your precious pups how much you loveopen up to people when they’d approach to greetand appreciate them. Show them how importantthe sweet dog. This facilitated Sean’s ability tothey are to you by giving them the quality care“give back” to others with Jeeter acting as hisand love they deserve. Love and let live!
social advocate.
During Stephens’ time in
training with Jeeter and her sonat CCI, she saw other participantsgetting “facility” dogs (dogstrained to assist caregivers invarious institutions), includingautistic and otherwise seriouslydisabled children. Somehow
this inspired her to considerthe possibility of using facilitydogs in legal settings, and
because she was the Drug Courtprosecutor she thought the dogswould be of great value to kids
It’s amazing how so much
Baldwin Park Shelter,
love can come in such a
located at 4275 N.
small package! Meet Bugsy
Elton, Baldwin Park,
(A4952322), a distinct one-
CA 91706 (Phone:
year-old tricolor male Miniature
626-962-3577). He
Pinscher mix puppy who was
is currently available
found in La Puente and brought
now. For any
to the Baldwin Park Animal
inquiries about Bugsy,
Care Center on May 23rd.
please reference his
Weighing 15 pounds, Bugsy
animal ID number:
hasn’t had a lick of training
A4952322. The
and so will thrive from puppy
shelter is open seven
training basics. He does show
days a week, 12
signs of being housebroken. His energy level pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday and 10am-5pm
wavers between medium and puppy, and his Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intake shelter
disposition always seems happy. Bugsy has a with a great need for adoptions. For more
We’d like to hear from you!
What’s on YOUR Mind?
Contact us at: or
mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews
lovely outgoing personality and he is always
happy to share kisses. Bugsy likes other dogs
and his tail is always wagging. Bugsy will fit
in well with just about anyone, but especially
with a family with kids. He will be a great best
friend, so meet Bugsy today! To watch a video
of Bugsy, please visit the following link: https://
To meet Bugsy in person, please see him at the
information about Bugsy or the adoption
process, contact United Hope for Animals
Volunteer Adoption Coordinator Samantha at
To learn more about United Hope for Animals’
partnership with the Baldwin Park Shelter, as
well as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, and
sizes available for adoption in local shelters,
Sweet Sofie, tortoiseshell, age 8 weeks, is one of a litter of 8
abandoned at a Petco store. Lifeline stepped in to help, and all
are currently being temporarily fostered. See Sofie & 7 siblings
at our website.
Adopt 2 siblings and receive a huge TWOFER discount, including
exam, kitten vaccines, spay/neuter, and microchip.
Even though kittens are to-tally adorable, they do grow up.
We strive to make sure that potential adopters are able to
provide kittens a LIFELONG home, and not just a home until
the ”cuteness” wears off.
Call 626-676-9505,
or email: info@
l i f e l i n e f or p e t s .or g .
Lifeline for Pets is a
small no-kill rescue
organization. We show
some of our cats most
Sundays at Petsmart, 3347 E .
Foothill Blvd. i n
Pasadena, 12:30-3:30.
Convenient adoption
application, more
pictures, and videos on
our excellent website,
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
daily living assistance for a period of time or for the life
of the policyholder.
This type of insurance can be costly, depending
on when it is purchased. The farther away you are
from needing its coverage, the more affordable it is.
Depending on the person’s age and health, companies
may not be willing to sell a policy, or the premiums will
be high, reflecting the amount of risk it is assuming.
The decision of whether to buy this insurance is a
mix of one’s personal financial picture, health, family
support network, and family history. For example, a
healthy person whose parents lived long into life should
be thinking about how he will be cared for in old age.
Similarly, a person with no close family to rely on would
want a safety net in place. In both of these situations,
a proactive person might buy the insurance if she can
afford it.
If the cost of the insurance seems beyond a person’sbudget, a couple of things can be considered. One isWHEN IS THE PURCHASE to divert money being saved for retirement to financethe premiums. In a way, the goal is the same—moneyOF LONG-TERM CARE for retirement years. This approach would requirebalance between having enough money to fund healthyINSURANCE WORTH IT? retirement years and enough to avoid being placed in a
nursing home when you need healthcare support.
Elder Care is emerging as a significant issue for manyAnother consideration is money being spent on lifepeople as life spans continue to increase. It is nice to knowinsurance. Some people carry life insurance early inthat because of health care advances, we can expect tolife to provide for dependents who will survive them,
live longer, but there are no included guarantees on thethen keep carrying it after that need has passed. Thequality of life in the later years.premiums being paid for life insurance could be applied
Many people eventually face a period in life when theyto long-term care insurance, recognizing that the needcan no longer do for themselves. Daily living tasks suchfor insurance still exists, just for a different purpose. Aas walking, bathing, cooking, and managing householdlife policy that carries a cash value could be cashed in toaffairs are beyond their physical and perhaps evenpay a lump sum premium for a long-term care policy.
mental capabilities. Frequently, that period has not beenIf one buys a long-term policy, caution should beplanned for by the individual or their family members.exercised to make sure the coverage pays for what youAnd sometimes, this period in life comes suddenly, suchanticipate needing. Bathing, for example, is one of theas when a debilitating fall takes place.first personal activities that an aging person cannot
One thing which people and their families shouldperform; cooking is another. Also, if purchased aconsider before this difficult period hits is the purchasenumber of years before the anticipated need, be sure theof long-term care insurance. This type of insurancepolicy provides for inflation in the cost of services. Andprovides coverage for the expense of daily livingwatch out for a waiting period between disability and
assistance. It can cover in-home assistance as well as payments.
assisted living or nursing home costs. Most people,The financial impact of living a long life should be ahowever, buy it to cover in-home living expenses so as toconsideration in your estate planning. That’s why myavoid a nursing home.firm takes a holistic approach to estate planning-- so we
Often, an elderly person will suffer intermediate can help you cover all the angles while you live your lifehealth issues before needing permanent assisted dailyto the fullest.
living. Health insurance and Medicare cover costs ofDedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and happiness,
treatment for injuries and illness and typically pay forA local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a missionsome daily living assistance as the person recovers orto help parents protect what they love most. His office is
levels off at a permanent degree of recovery. When thatlocated at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA
recovery occurs, though, those services no longer pay,91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talkand the person is on their own.about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security
A long-term care insurance policy will pick up thefor your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www.
ball at this point and, depending on its terms, pay for for more information.
Precious is a gorgeous calico girl, who is as specialShe currently resides at the San Gabriel Valleyand sweet as her name. She is a little shy at firstHumane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue inbut when you approach her slowly she loves youSan Gabriel. We are located off San Gabriel Blvd,
to pet her super soft hair. She especially enjoys anorth of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To
gentle massage of her head and ears. Once Precious arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Precious, pleaseknows you, she likes to settle into a lap for somestop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesdaylove. Precious is a quiet girl who seems to preferthrough Sunday. Website: www.sgvhumane.orginteracting with humans instead of the other catsHave a great photo of your best friend? Entershe’s met so far at the shelter. So she would be our 2017 Calendar Photo Contest! Check out this
fine as an only cat, or as
link for more details http://
an additional cat with an
equally calm sibling. She
calendar-photo -contest/
loves nestling into a bed to
attachment/dog-2017 nap
or observe what is going
calendar-ad/. Send in youron around her. Her playing
favorite pet photos and yoursstyle is calm. She doesn’t
could be one of twelve luckyrace around after every
pets to be featured in our 2017moving thing but will play
calendar. Submission deadline
with her Human bringing
is June 18, 2016! Email yourover dangling things for
photos to sgvhscalendar@
her to stretch and swat
at. Precious is 2 years old
We are always looking for hardand will bring beauty and
working, dedicated animal
serenity to her forever home.lovers to join our team to fulfill our goal of ‘Putting
Her adoption fee is $99 and includes spay surgery,People and Pets Together’. If you have what it takes
vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam atto succeed in our life-saving work, we want to meet
a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call us at you! Check out our employment opportunities at
(626) 286-1159 for more information on Precious.