Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 9, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
Some charming folks, Sherry and Gary,
who referred to themselves as, “Monrovia
Riff Raff,” sat next to us on their beach chairs
and we shared the candy that got flung ourway. The Rose Float rose sellers sold out andRich Johnson broadcasted the whole paradelive. Ann Tyler’s family (Sierra Madre’s OlderAmerican of the Year, who passed away May31st at the age of 92) were riding in a snazzy carand we were so happy to see them. Speaking ofcars, not exactly sure what that was St. Rita’sMsgr. Richard was driving, but it was gorgeousand he was having a great time. Dr. Cailleteau’sSierra Madre Animal Hospital doggie truckwas cute, too, and all the Little League andother kid stuff was just a joy.
Great parade, exquisite weather, barbeque atdaughter, Patti’s and son-in-law, Dave’s, housewhere we devoured quantities of fresh corn,
burgers, hot dogs and potato salad. Grandson,
Michael’s, guacamole, which had tiny piecesof red onion in it in addition to the lime was
incredible and I needed somebody to move it tothe other end of the table. This did not happen.
Friends and neighbors, we have dined reallywell over this weekend, barbequed sausages,
orzo salad, a terrific kale salad (that came in abag from Costco I understand), and apple cakeby me Sunday night at another family member’shouse. The moment of reckoning was when Iweighed myself this morning. I don’t knowabout you, but at our house, The Party Is Over!
It’s back to good old oatmeal for breakfast, a tinylunch and an even smaller dinner. “Breakfast
like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like apauper” is an old proverb that really works.
That’s what we’ll be doing for a few days.
The flags are put away, the bunting comes offthe fence tomorrow, we’ve left all the apple cakeand potato salad at everybody else’s house andhave memories of wonderful times for the last
few days. Hope you’ve had as good a celebrationweekend as we did...all the while being gratefuland proud we are Americans. Didn’t you loveseeing The Declaration of Independencereproduced on the front page of Section 2 of theJuly 2nd Mountain Views News!
My book page: Deanne Davis
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter”
is available there…
An excellent graduation gift, by the way!
“You have to love a nation that celebrates its
independence every July 4th, not with a paradeof guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by theWhite house in a show of strength and muscle,
but with family picnics where kids may think you have overeaten,
but it is patriotism. “
Erma Bombeck
We hope you had as splendid a 4th of Julyweekend as we did. The parade this year was thebest one ever. We got down to Kersting Courtjust as the Firecracker 5K Fun Run was windingdown and the first person I saw was Todd,
pictured here. Todd was the cutest person I sawall day with his bright blue and red Mohawk,
blue shirt, red shorts, green and black socks andorange running shoes. I stopped immediatelyand got permission to take his picture. As youcan see, Todd is wearing his finisher’s medaland was ready to take on the day! The racefeatured a whole lot of folks having an awfullygood time, loping along with their dogs.
Also in Kersting Court, right outside
Starbucks, one of our citizens was relaxing ona bench with his three dogs, two basset houndsand a something else, all sitting eagerly andhopefully at his feet, hoping he would givethem a little sip of his iced latte.
All our local restaurants were doing greatbusiness, open for breakfast, whether theynormally opened for breakfast or not. TheZugo’s guys were setting up tables but not fastenough for the flood of hungry customers. Welove seeing people enjoying our town. AND,
there’s a new store where Les Champs Elyseeswas, across the street from Beantown: Petunias.
Haven’t been in yet, but I’m going. Looks reallyneat. Welcome, Petunias!
The Sierra Madre City College Band was great,
the Unknown Band, featuring all kazoos withmembers wearing paper bags on their heads,
white shirts and ties, were super, playing, “I’ma Yankee Doodle Dandy.” They even had a twoyear old in a push cart wearing a white shirtand tie. We’re such a fun group here.
The Sierra Madre Music float was a huge flatbed
truck with teenagers playing drums, guitars
and singing Pink Floyd’s, “We Don’t Need No
Education, We Don’t Need No Thought Control.”
They were head-bangingly great.
During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police for review.
Department responded to approximately 1 45
daytime calls for service. Thursday, June 30 Report filed of petty theft
from residence in 600 block of Valley Vista Dr.
Wednesday, June 29 7: 57 a.m., Sierra Madre Forwarded to Detectives
Police officers conducted a traffic stop at Sierra
Madre and Sunnyside for a violation of using a Sunday, July 3 Officers dispatched to the 100
cell phone while driving. Driver was also cited for block of San Gabriel Ct. for a criminal threat
driving with an expired license. Case referred to investigation at approximately 9:00 a.m. Victim
District Attorney 2:36 p.m. Officers responded to stated that on Saturday he retrieved items sold to
the lobby at SMPD to take report of a violation of suspect after not being paid for items. On Sunday,
a court order regarding child custody. Victim has suspect left the threat on victim’s voicemail after
made numerous attempts to contact spouse for sending several insulting text messages. Case
visitation of children. Case to District Attorney under investigation
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: