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Mountain Views News Saturday, July 9, 2016 


A Texan With a Big Dream 

By Joan Schmidt

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down withapprentice Chad Lindsay. Again I was surprised.
Unlike Billy Antongeorgi, Chance Boulanger,
Joe Talamo, Jose Delgadillo, and several others,
Chad, like Jose Barnes, has no family ties to horseracing. In fact, Chad didn’t get on a horse till hewas nineteen! Since he’s only twenty-three, that’snot that long ago!

Chad was born and raised in Aledo, Texas, not 
far from Fort Worth. I asked him why he becamea jockey, and he said that after seeing a race on TV,
it looked like something easy to do. (Of course,
there’s A LOT more than we realize.) And ChadDOES make it look easy!

Chad began in Lexington, Kentucky at ChurchillDowns. Then he went to Tampa Bay Downs inFlorida where he was working as an exercise riderfor Ian Wilkes. One day, as a late replacement forfellow apprentice, Eduardo Gallardo, Chad had hisfirst win on Invasion Point. First win means beingdoused with a bucket of ice water, sprayed with ahose, smeared with shaving cream and blanketedby baby powder! But Chad thought it was awesome-
the worst part was powder in his eyes- enjoyable,
and a lot of fun! 

I wondered what brought Chad all the way toSouthern California from Florida. He was winningseveral races- three in one day, and was contactedby Santa Anita trainer Doug O’Neill and AgentVince De Gregory. Santa Anita, aka The Great Race 


On July 5, 2016, at approximately 10:55 P.M., wearing a hooded sweat shirt. Suspect #2 was 
Arcadia Police responded to a home in the 500 described as male, 20-30 years old, wearing dark 
block of West Live Oak Avenue on the report clothing. Suspect #3 was described as a male, 20of 
a possible residential robbery. Two elderly 30 years old, wearing dark clothing. 
victims were home sleeping when they woke to Anyone with information about this 
three suspects in their bedroom. The suspects incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadiademanded cash and jewelry. The suspects fled Police Department at 626-574-5151, case 
with an undetermined loss. No weapons were #1603602. If you prefer to provide informationseen by the victims. Both victims reported minor ANONYMOUSLY, you may call “Crime 
injuries as a result of the incident however neither Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477),
required medical treatment.texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to

Suspect #1 was described as a male, dark CRIMES (274637), or using the tip web page atcomplexion, 20-30 years old, 5’-5”, thin build, Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers. 


Place has so many great trainers like Bob Baffertand many great horses like California Chrome,
American Pharoah, Nyquist-just to name a few! SoChad jumped at the chance to come out here!

Days begin early for Chad-4:45 and it’s off tothe track to exercise horses. If there’s no races 
scheduled, most jockeys go to the gym to workout.
They have to eat right and keep their weight down.
The days of races, after they have finished theworkouts of specific horses, they go to the JockeyRoom. There they have lunch, and usually getprepared by looking at the horses and races of theday. Some of the older ones actually catch a napthere, but Chad says he can’t sleep there! After theraces, most go home, have dinner, relax by readingor watching TV and retire early. Many people seethe wins and all the fanfare, but don’t realize what 
a jockey’s lifestyle is. They can’t be out partyingall hours of the night; they work on holidays andsometimes miss their own kids ‘events because of 
race commitments. 

Recently Chad traveled to Paris for five days 
to participate in races there. All expenses were 
paid, and in between, he saw the Eiffel Tower, 
Notre Dame and Arch of Triumph. That was 
pretty awesome! But he told me there were no 
race outriders and no one inside gates to keep the 
horses still! That was VERY DIFFERENT from 
here in the states! I hope Chad realizes his dream 
of winning many races and having a successful 
career in horse racing. 

Arcadia Senior Services in partnership with 
Methodist Hospital is having an informative 
health presentation regarding knee replacement. 
Dr. Gregory Heinen who specializes in orthopedic 
surgery will be the guest speaker. The event will 
take place at the Arcadia Community Center, 365 
Campus Drive on Tuesday, July 26 at 1:30pm and 
is free. 

Knee replacement surgery is performed when 
bone and cartilage is damaged. Osteoarthritis is 
the most common reason for knee replacement 
operations in the United States. Individuals 
may consider surgery if they have stiff, painful 
knees and normal daily activities are difficult to 
perform. Surgery can also be considered if other 
treatments are no longer working. Dr. Heinen will 
talk about partial and total knee replacement, the 
risks and advantages of surgery. If interested in 
attending this lecture, please call Arcadia Senior 

Service 626.574.5130 to reserve your space. This 
program is for individual’s age fifty and over. 

About the City of ArcadiaNestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel 
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile 
community with a population of just over 56,000. 
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown 
Los Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining 
small-town charm with the conveniences and 
amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-
service charter city governed by a five-member 
City Council, elected at large. Recognized 
for exceptional education and recreation 
opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods,
Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of 
Homes” and has twice been designated the “Best 
City in California in which to Raise Kids” by 
Business Week Magazine. 


For the period of Sunday, June 26th, throughSaturday, July 2nd, the Police Departmentresponded to 1,004 calls for service of which 131required formal investigations. The following is asummary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, June 26:

1. At about 1:01 a.m., an officer initiated a traffic 
stop on a vehicle in the area of Live Oak Avenueand Second Avenue for failing to stop at a stopsign. Upon contacting the driver, the officerdetected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromthe driver. Through a series of tests, the officerdetermined the 28-year-old male from Arcadiawas driving under the influence of an alcoholicbeverage. He was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 
2. Just after 11:31 a.m., an officer respondedto the parking lot of CM Express, 11621 ClarkStreet, regarding a stolen vehicle report. Aninvestigation revealed the victim left his truckand trailer with its doors locked, parked in theparking lot. He returned to discover it had beenstolen. No suspects were seen and no witnesseswere located. 
Monday, June 27:

3. Just after 10:27 a.m., officers were dispatched 
to the 400 block of East Longden Avenue 
regarding the report of a domestic disturbance.
An investigation revealed the suspect chokedand punched the victim in his car. When awitness attempted to help the victim, the suspectpicked up a rock and threatened the witness. The29-year-old male from El Monte was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
4. At approximately 11:40 a.m., officers weredispatched to Pizza Hut, 121 East FoothillBoulevard, regarding a robbery. An investigationrevealed the suspect entered the location holdinga knife. He demanded money from the cashregister. The cashier, fearing her life, gave themoney to the suspect. The suspect fled the scenein a vehicle westbound on Foothill Boulevard. 
The investigation is ongoing.
The suspect is described as a male black, 18 to20-years-old, with a medium build. The suspectvehicle is described as an older model silver 

Tuesday June 28:

5. At about 8:54 a.m., an officer was dispatchedto Denny’s, 7 East Huntington Drive, regardinga subject who fled the scene without payingfor his meal. Upon contacting the subject, theofficer discovered the subject had an outstandingwarrant for his arrest. The 28-year-old male fromCompton was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 
6. At approximately 8:18 p.m., an officer initiateda traffic stop on a vehicle on the 100 block ofWest Duarte Road for an equipment violation.
An investigation revealed the driver was drivingwith a suspended license. He also had twooutstanding warrants for his arrest. The 36-yearold 
male from Monrovia was arrested and 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Wednesday, June 29:

7. Around 9:52 a.m., an officer responded to thefront counter of the Arcadia Police Department,
250 West Huntington Drive, regarding a theft 
report. An investigation revealed two suspectsstole the victim’s gardening equipment from thefront of a residence on the 1500 block of HylandAvenue. The investigation is ongoing.
Both suspects are described as male Hispanics, 

approximately 20-years-old.

The suspect vehicle is described as an oldermodel light blue Ford sedan. 

8. Just after 11:46 p.m., officers initiated contactwith two subjects in the rear parking lot of FirstCabin Bar, 46 East Huntington Drive. Uponcontacting the 33-year-old male from Arcadiaand the 25-year-old male from Covina, officersnoticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication anddetermined the suspects were unable to care forthemselves. One suspect was also in possessionof cocaine. Both subjects were arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Thursday, June 30:

9. At about 12:29 a.m., officers responded tothe area of First Avenue and Santa Clara Street 
regarding an indecent exposure report. Aninvestigation revealed the victim was seated inher parked vehicle when she noticed the suspectstanding near her passenger side window. Thesuspect stared at the victim while he masturbated.
The 22-year-old male from Los Angeles wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking. 
10. At approximately 12:37 p.m., officers 
received a license plate reader notification of astolen vehicle in the area of Huntington Driveand Fifth Avenue. Officers located the vehicle 
and detained the driver. The 35-year-old female,
from Las Vegas, Nevada was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Friday, July 1:

11. At approximately 2:20 a.m., an officerwas dispatched to the area of Sixth Avenueand Lemon Avenue regarding the report of asuspicious subject pushing a bicycle. The subjectwas located riding a bicycle with equipmentviolations. The officer made contact with the 
subject and a consensual search of the subject’sbackpack revealed drug paraphernalia. The 
23-year-old male from Monrovia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. 
12. At about 11:04 p.m., an officer conducteda traffic stop on a motorcycle in the area of ElDorado Street and First Avenue for an equipmentviolation. Upon contacting the driver, the officerdetected a strong odor of alcohol emittingfrom the suspect. Through a series of tests, theofficer determined the 39-year-old male fromArcadia was driving under the influence of analcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Saturday, July 2:

13. At about 1:45 p.m., an officer responded to LAFitness, 1325 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga theft report. An investigation revealed thevictim secured his belongings inside a locker inthe men’s locker room with a combination lock. 
Upon returning to retrieve his things, the victimnoticed the lock had been tampered with and hissunglasses had been stolen from his backpack.
No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 
14. Around 11:34 p.m., an officer responded tothe Santa Anita Race Track, 285 West HuntingtonDrive, regarding a theft report. An investigationrevealed two suspects stole merchandise fromthe Stussy booth inside the 626 Night Market.
They concealed the stolen items inside bags andon their person. The suspects were detained andthe merchandise was recovered. The 20-year-oldmale and the 19-year-old female, both from WestCovina, were cited and released at the scene. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: