Mountain Views News Saturday, July 2, 2016
Mountain Views News Saturday, July 2, 2016
financial goals, and different ideas about how assetsshould be handled after death. While these are
not insurmountable problems, dealing with themupfront can prevent grief and hard feelings later.
A well-drafted prenuptial agreement can
prevent later misunderstandings. Some people areconcerned that asking for a prenuptial agreementshows they lack confidence in the marriage right outof the box. In truth, however, a prenuptial agreementactually protects both parties and the relationship bysurfacing hard issues earlier rather than later.
This is particularly important in blended families,
where the partners may have different expectationsof how assets will be split if the marriage ends orwhen one of the partners dies. With skilled counsel(who actually knows how to counsel, not just draftdocuments), the prenuptial agreement conversationcan actually create more closeness.
Newly married couples may also have differencesof opinion about budgets and financial goals.
These issues are generally magnified in blended
family situations. One or both partners may have
KELLY CLARKSON STARTS accumulated assets or debts before their marriage, soit is critical that both consider and discuss their full BLENDED FAMILY: financial picture including assets, debts, cash flow,
budgets, and goals.WHAT SHE NEEDS TO It is particularly important that partners inblended families talk about what they want toCONSIDER happen with their assets when they die. Working
with a Personal Family Lawyer specifically trainedStarting a new family is always exciting and even ain counseling blended families will help the couplebit scary. This natural apprehension can be enhancedclarify and document their goals so there is not a fightwhen a couple creates a blended family. Bringingbetween the survivor’s children and the survivor of
children from different parents together presentsthe partnership after the death of the first to die.
challenges - and those challenges are multipliedProper estate planning is always important, butwhen the couple have new children of their own.it can be even more critical in blended families. If
Former American Idol star Kelly Clarkson recentlyyou have a blended family or are in the process ofadded a new baby to her family. Kelly and her merging two families into one, prior planning canhusband, Brandon Blackstock, have been married help you build a solid foundation for success.
a little over three years. Kelly and Brandon alreadyDedicated to your family’s health, wealth, andhad a little girl together and Brandon brought twohappiness,
children into the marriage. So the new baby, Remy,
brings the couple’s children to four.
The big risk of conflict for Kelly, Brandon andtheir children is that if Brandon dies before Kellyand specific and clear provisions are not madefor Brandon’s children from his prior marriage,
significant conflict could result between Kelly andA local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on aher step-children that is totally avoidable withmission to help parents protect what they love most.
advance planning now.His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G,
Merging two families into one presents financialSierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointmentissues which can cause significant disruption later ifto sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of lovea couple does not deal with them early on.and financial security for your family by calling
These significant issues include: differing 626.587.3058 or visit www.GarlettLaw.com for more
opinions on prenuptial agreements, different information.
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