Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 9, 2016
Last week, we received notification that the
Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)
plans on shutting down their local Monroviabranch office at 141 South Myrtle Avenue. It appearsthat SoCalGas was recently authorized by theCalifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
to close the branch payment office in Monroviadue to declining transactions and the high costsof services. In addition, SoCalGas reported thatthe closure was also due to the fact that customers
MONROVIA, Calif. – On July 21, 2015, the
Monrovia City Council adopted Phase IV of
the City’s Water Conservation Plan requiring
additional water use restrictions. The regulationsin Phase IV will take effect immediately due
to the severity of California’s drought, while
the enforcement plan and penalty structure
will take effect following a 45-day educational
period, ending on September 5th.
The City Council’s adoption of Phase IV includes
the following elements:
Mandatory 28-percent water conservation
for Monrovia as a whole in order to meet the
reduction level mandated by the State;
Outdoor watering should be limited to about
once per week or no more than every fourth day
for a maximum of fifteen minutes per watering
station or landscaped area before 8 a.m. or after
6 p.m. only; and
An enforcement plan that focuses on achieving
water conservation primarily through the use of
education and outreach.
The enforcement mechanism included with
Phase IV restrictions includes the following six-
step Enforcement Plan:
First violation results in a door hanger
containing water conservation information.
Second violation results in phone or in-
person Staff contact providing conservation
Third violation results in a formal written notice
containing information on the fines that may be
issued if additional violations occur.
Fourth violation may result in a $100 fine.
Fifth violation may result in a $200 fine.
Sixth or more violations may result in a $300
The City wants to emphasize that the goal is to
conserve water and comply with State mandates,
not to issue a high number of fines or collect
more money from our residents and businesses.
Furthermore, the City Manager or his designee
can issue variances for customers who have
received a violation notice and have extenuating
circumstances that require them to conserve
less water.
Additional water conservation restrictions
remain in effect, including:
No turf irrigation within 48 hours following
are increasingly conducting service transactionsonline or by phone, instead of in-person.
Based on reports from SoCalGas, they planclosing their local Monrovia office at some pointafter September 1, 2016.
SoCalGas did commit to providing significant
advance warning prior to the closure of the office,
and that they would be sure to provide customers
with information regarding other ways to make
payments and service arrangements.
measurable rain or during high winds.
All water leaks must be fixed within 48 hours of
Hoses should be equipped with a nozzle or quick
relief shutoff valve.
No washing hard or paved surfaces with potable
water except as is required for sanitary purposes.
No water shall be used to clean, fill, or maintain
levels in decorative fountains, ponds, lakes or
other similar aesthetic structures unless such
water is part of a recirculating system.
No person shall permit or cause irrigation water
to spray or flow to any impermeable private or
public surface, including driveways, sidewalks,
streets, or storm drains.
City Staff will be conducting significant outreach
to the community to help raise awareness of
the Phase IV mandatory regulations during
the educational period, and the new penalty
structure will not be enforced until September
The good news is that Monrovians are doing
more than their part to conserve water in the
midst of our current drought. As a community,
we have been able to reduce our overall water
usage levels by 34.5% in June 2015 when
compared with June 2013.
As a water customer, the City reduced its water
usage by 46% in May 2015 as compared with
May 2013. The City is taking additional steps to
use water efficiently at City facilities, including:
Conducting water audits at four parks within the
City, namely Highway Esplanade Park, Lucinda
Garcia Park, Recreation Park, and Rotary Park;
Drought-tolerant landscape renovations within
Julian Fisher Park, along Myrtle Avenue in Old
Town Monrovia, at City Hall, and on street
The Public Services Department will be hosting
Water Conservation Outreach booths at the
Friday Night Street Fair through September
4th. Feel free to stop by to ask questions, pick up
informational materials, and win free giveaways!
For more information or to read the complete
Water Conservation Ordinance, visit www.
Tina Cherry
Director, Department of Public Services
(626) 932-5575
On June 28, 2016, Police Chief Hunt participated ina special meeting with the Bradbury City Councilto address additional questions regarding thepossibility of having Monrovia assume oversightfor law enforcement services in Bradbury. As youmay recall, earlier this year, Bradbury requestedthat Monrovia provide a proposal for providingpolice services for their community. Bradbury hasbeen considering alternative ways of providinglaw enforcement services, which they currentlyhandle through a contract with the Los AngelesCounty Sherriff’s Department. Given their currentreview process, Bradbury is weighing competingoptions that have been put forth by the Sheriff’s
Department and by Monrovia.
Subsequent to the special meeting, staffreceived additional feedback from Bradbury
representatives that Police Chief Hunt’s
presentation was very well received. However, the
Bradbury City Council requested that their staffconduct some additional research to compare the
costs associated with the proposals submitted
by the Sheriff’s Department and Monrovia, and
moving forward, it appears that Bradbury will be
re-agendizing this matter for review at the next
meeting of their city council. We will of course be
certain to keep everyone informed as to the status
of this matter moving forward.
The Duarte Unified School District Board of
Education voted 5-0 to enter into an agreementwith the Orange County School of the Arts(OCSA) at the June 30, 2016 Board meeting tocreate the California School of the Arts - San
Gabriel Valley. The nationally renown charterschool is committed to provide high-quality visualand performing arts education to the children ofthe Duarte Unified School District. The agreementincludes a comprehensive K-6 curriculum and a7-8 conservatory program that mirrors the currentprogram at OCSA’s 7-12 school in Santa Ana. Ina communiqué after the Board decision, OCSA
Founder, President, and Executive Director Dr.
Ralph Opacic extended his sincere appreciationto the Board of Education for their support. Hewent on to say, “Our team is very excited to partnerwith DUSD. I can assure you that our team willwork in collaboration with the entire district to
create a meaningful partnership and experiencefor the students of Duarte and the greater Duartecommunity.” The partnership with OCSA is one ofseven strategies that comprise DUSD’s new 5 yearstrategic plan called the Competitive Advantage.
It’s a great time to be a kid in Duarte. Have a greatweek!
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During the last seven-day period, the Police Departmenthandled 470 service events, resulting in 67 investigations. Tosee a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://www. for crime mapping. ForPolice Department news and information, visit our website andfollow us on Twitter.
Violation of Court Order / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
– Suspect Arrested June 27 at 1:12 p.m., an officer stopped adriver for a vehicle code violation in the area of Grand and
Foothill. The officer recognized the male and female subjectin the vehicle from prior contacts and knew the female hada restraining order against the male. The male subject wasarrested for violation of the court order. An inventory searchof his property revealed drug paraphernalia, which was addedto his charges.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested June 27 at 4:06 p.m., an officer onpatrol in the area of Chestnut and Magnolia ran a computercheck on a vehicle, which revealed a warrant for the registeredowner, a male adult. The officer stopped the vehicle andarrested the driver for the warrant.
Vehicle Burglary June 27 at 5:15 p.m., a vehicle burglary wasreported in the 800 block of Alta Street. The victim locked
his vehicle, and sometime during the early morning hours,
someone broke into his vehicle by unknown means and stoleseveral small items. The investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested June
27 at 6:42 p.m., officers responded to the area of Mayflowerand Huntington regarding a male and female having a disputein a vehicle. The caller was following the vehicle and reportedthat the female attempted to jump out of the vehicle, but themale pulled her back inside. Officers arrived and stopped thevehicle in the 100 block of E. Lime. The female claimed theywere having a verbal dispute. A search of the vehicle revealedcontrolled substances. The male driver was taken into custodyfor drug possession.
Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested June
28 at 1:46 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation.
The female driver did not have any means of identification,
and both driver and passenger denied ownership of abackpack that was between the passenger’s feet. Furtherinvestigation revealed methamphetamine in the backpack.
The female driver was taken into custody for no means ofidentification and the passenger was arrested for possession ofthe methamphetamine.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested June 28 at 6:00 a.m., officers
responded to the 300 block of Norumbega regarding thereport of a suspicious male adult loitering near a property.
Officers responded and contacted the male suspect, who wasfound to have a no-bail, parole warrant for his arrest. Thesuspect was arrested for the warrant.
Vehicle Vandalisms June 28 at 7:36 a.m., officers were
dispatched to the report of two separate vehicle vandalismincidents. One incident occurred in the 400 block of N.
Encinitas and the other in the 1600 block of Venice. Unknown
suspect(s) punched holes in the tires of the two vehiclessometime during the night. The investigation is continuing.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – SuspectArrested June 28 at 10:15 a.m., officers responded to the 600block of S. Shamrock on the report of a subject crawling onthe ground acting bizarre. Officers contacted the male adultand determined he was under the influence of drugs. He wasarrested and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary June 28 at 3:37 p.m., a vehicle burglary wasreported in the 100 block of N. Grand. The victim stated he
parked and locked his work van across the street from hishouse. In the morning the victim discovered tools missing outof the back of the van. The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested June
29 at 4:08 a.m., officers were on patrol in the area of Myrtleand Duarte when they saw a male subject jump off his bicycleand run into a fast food restaurant, where he attempted tohide a methamphetamine pipe. The suspect was arrested forpossession of the pipe and released on a citation to appear in
Warrant – Suspect Arrested June 30 at 5:30 p.m., officers weredispatched to a business in the 500 block of W. Huntingtonregarding a suspicious person inside the store who employeesbelieved was attempting to shoplift merchandise. Officerslocated the suspect and a computer check revealed an
outstanding warrant for her arrest. She was arrested forthe warrant and held pending her court appearance. Theshoplifting incident could not be substantiated.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant – SuspectArrested June 30 at 10:52 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the600 block of S. Shamrock when he noticed a group of maleadults in a park who appeared nervous and suspicious. Hecontacted the subjects and a computer check of one of themales revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. During a searchof his bags, a methamphetamine pipe was discovered. Themale was arrested and taken into custody.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested July 1 at 2:42 a.m., anofficer was on patrol in the area of Myrtle and Pomona whenhe saw an adult male and female standing in the middle of thestreet in traffic, arguing with each other. The female was upsetbecause her boyfriend was too intoxicated to care for himself.
The officer conducted field sobriety tests and arrested the malefor being drunk in public.
Vehicle Burglary July 1 at 7:40 a.m., a vehicle burglary wasreported in the 700 block of W. Colorado. The victim parkedand locked his work truck in front of his home and went in
for the evening. When the victim returned to his vehicle inthe morning, he found his door lock punched and tools stolenfrom his truck. The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested July1 at 4:30 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 900 block of S.
Mayflower. A resident called to report his son and the son’sgirlfriend were smoking drugs in the bathroom of his home.
Officers arrived and contacted the male and female. The
investigation revealed the female had drug paraphernalia inher possession. She was arrested and taken into custody.
Driving Under the Influence / Non-Injury Traffic Collision
– Suspect Arrested July 2 at 3:12 a.m., an officer was on patrolin the 800 block of W. Duarte when a vehicle traveling at ahigh rate of speed with no headlights passed him. The officerattempted to catch up to the vehicle to stop it, however, he sawthe vehicle crash into a light pole at Duarte Road and FirstAvenue in Arcadia. The male driver and female passenger werenot injured. Arcadia police officers responded to investigatethe collision, while Monrovia police officers conducted fieldsobriety tests on the driver. It was determined that the driverwas too intoxicated to operate a motor vehicle safely and hewas arrested for DUI.
Vandalism – Suspect Arrested July 2 at 8:44 a.m., officers weredispatched to the 1600 block of Venice regarding a vandalismincident. The victim called to report their tires had beenslashed. Further investigation revealed additional victimsand one suspect was identified. The suspect was later arrestedfor the vandalism. He admitted to committing additionalvandalisms in the area. The investigation is continuing.
Welfare Check July 2 at 10:49 a.m., officers responded to the900 block of Orange regarding a welfare check. The callerhad not heard from his 80-year-old brother in a week. Whenofficers arrived at the location, they were able to see a malesubject on the floor inside the house. Officers forced entryinto the residence and discovered the victim was alive, but
disoriented. It appeared the victim had suffered a medicalemergency and had been down on the floor for several days.
The subject was taken to a hospital for treatment.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision July 2 at 1:32 p.m., officers weredispatched to the area of California and Lime regarding a hitand run traffic collision. The driver struck a parked vehicleand fled the scene. The area was checked, but the suspect wasnot located. The investigation is continuing.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision July 2 at 5:20 p.m., an officerresponded to a hit and run traffic collision that occurred in the500 block of W. Huntington. The driver of the suspect vehiclestruck a parked vehicle in a shopping center parking lot andfled the scene. The investigation is continuing.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance /Possession ofDrug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested July 2 at 9:14 p.m., anofficer was on patrol in the area of Huntington and Magnoliawhen he observed a female subject walk across the streetagainst a red light. The subject was detained and determinedto be under the influence of narcotics. While the officer was
talking with the female, she dropped a methamphetaminepipe on the ground. She was arrested and taken into custody.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – SuspectArrested July 3 at 12:56 a.m., officers were dispatched to the400 block of Hurstview regarding a male subject that wasstanding in an alley screaming. Officers arrived and detainedthe subject. He was determined to be under the influence ofnarcotics and was arrested and taken into custody.
Weapon Offense – Suspect Arrested July 4 at 10:46 p.m.,
officers were on patrol in the area of Lime and California whenthey saw three male subjects walking south on California. Oneof the subjects was attempting to conceal something under hisclothing near his waistband. As the male adjusted his clothing,
the officer could see a hard unknown object under his shirt.
The officer asked the subject what he had concealed, butthe subject did not respond and continued to walk towardsthem. Fearing the subject had a weapon, the officer drew hisduty weapon and ordered the subject to stop. The subject puthis arms in the air and said he had a knife. The subject wasfound to have a 14-inch knife concealed under his clothing.
The suspect was taken into custody for felony possession of a
Burglary – Suspects Arrested July 5 at 1:41 a.m., officerswere dispatched to a storage facility in the 2100 block of
S. Myrtle regarding a burglary in progress. The callerreported hearing what sounded like someone drilling andbreaking into the storage units. When the officers arrived,
they discovered one of the suspects sitting in a parkedvehicle and another was located hiding on the property.
The suspect was wearing gloves and was in possession of adrill and additional burglary tools. Further investigationrevealed the suspect inside the property was using adrill and burglary tools to open storage shed locks. Thesuspects had cut the vehicle gate lock to enter the property.
They were arrested and taken into custody.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol – Suspect Arrested
July 6 at 12:09 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 400 blockof W. Hillcrest when he noticed a red Toyota traveling weston Colorado approaching Fifth Avenue. The Toyota wasfollowing too close behind the vehicle in front of it, weavingback and forth. The officer followed and stopped the driver ofthe Toyota. He approached the female, adult driver and, afterfurther investigation, he determined she was intoxicated. Thedriver was arrested for DUI.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested July 7 at 12:38 a.m.,
officers were dispatched to a nearby hospital regarding adomestic violence incident that occurred in the 1000 block
of Winding Oak Lane. A male and female adult who are in adating relationship were at the male subject’s home when theybegan to argue. The male picked up a broken glass bottle andthrew it at the female. The bottle struck the female, causing acut. The female went to a nearby hospital to have her injurytreated and the hospital called the police. After further
investigation, the male suspect was located and arrested fordomestic violence.
Square per Assessor: 3,245 | 4 Beds & 3.5 Baths
Lot Size: 50,019 | Year Built: 1987
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©2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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