Mountain View News Saturday, July 23, 2016
The Arcadia Chamber honors members of committed service at July Networking Breakfast
“The goal for today is to have fun,” asserted ArcadiaChamber CEO Karen Mac Nair with a certain smile.
Considering the gusto of such a promising morning, thenearly 80 attendees gathered at the DoubleTree by Hilton inMonrovia gladly agreed with the aforementioned agenda asthey sampled the buffet of golden waffles, chilled fruit, andrefreshing juices. The Business Awards and NetworkingBreakfast (July 21) was held in honor of those members whohave contributed their time and talent to the communityand Arcadia Chamber of Commerce.
Those dutifully honored were John Villa of DanceSyndicate Entertainment for New Member of the Year,
Naomi Briones of Embassy Suites by Hilton Arcadia forBusiness Person of the Year, John Sun of Budget BlindsSan Gabriel for the Chamber Service Award, and Andrew
Gregson of Hart, Mieras & Morris for Business of the Year.
Leading into the awarding ceremony, Arcadia ChamberCEO Karen Mac Nair confirmed, “the future is brightwith this community” in regards to the honorees.
Their illuminating character will continue to impactthe community because they are passionate not only inprofession, but also with involvement. Chamber PresidentVicki Knight of Century Rooter Service & Plumbing, ViolaVan of Congresswoman Judy Chu’s office, Clayton Arickof Senator Hernandez’s office, Brian Mejia of SupervisorAntonovich’s office, and Mayor of Arcadia Tom Beck eachconferred recognition upon the esteemed guests.
John Villa, Dance Syndicate Entertainment, is thechosen New Member of the Year for both his gift of heartand giving time whenever he DJs, making those enjoyinghis productions feel valued. His dedication has been oneof lasting impact, considering that it was his 8th gradegraduating class that first witnessed his aptitude of stirringjoy with music. John has been the cherished DJ for Chamberevents such as mixers and the Installation Dinner due to
his ability to connect with the audience and elevate theirexperience in a simple and profound way.
Naomi Briones, Embassy Suites by Hilton Arcadia, isthe Business Person of Year for her position of Directorof Sales that allows her to reach into the community withher natural hospitality. From a young age, she has wantedto work in hotels and has since extended her caringnature with participation as a Chamber Ambassador andboard member of the Downtown Arcadia ImprovementAssociation. Her positivity and endless encouragementof Chamber undertakings proves that she is not only aprofessional leader but also a dear friend.
John Sun, Budget Blinds San Gabriel, receives theChamber Service Award for his unyielding contributionsto the Chamber. His dependability as an Ambassador andsupport of other Chamber members with his consistentattendance and unquestionable lend of hand renders him anexample as a volunteer; his van is always the first vehicle onthe scene. He even helped set up for the morning festivities.
His work ethic is truly extraordinary and thankless.
Hart, Mieras & Morris is Business of the Year for the
company’s proactive approach to planning and involvementin the community and Chamber. Andrew Gregson, theChief Operating Officer, and Gary Morris, Senior Partner,
both accepted the award and thanked their team seatedat the table before them. Andrew Gregson’s reliability andaccommodating attitude ensures that Chamber operationsand goals are not only met, but succeed since serving histime as President and on the Executive Board.
The next Networking Breakfast will be held at the
DoubleTree by Hilton in Monrovia on August 18, 2016.
Tickets to the event, which runs from 7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. are
$20 in advance ($25 at the door) and discounted to $15 forChamber members who pay by the previous Friday ($20at the door for Chamber members. No additional chargefor those with an All Access Pass. Tickets: (626) 447-2159or in the “Shop” page at, or atthe Chamber office, 388 W. Huntington Dr. during regularbusiness hours.
For the period of Sunday, July 10th, through Saturday, July 16th,
the Police Department responded to 966 calls for service of which120 required formal investigations. The following is a summaryreport of the major incidents handled by the Department duringthis period.
Sunday, July 10:
1. At about 3:00 a.m., an officer initiated a consensual contact
with a subject walking with a bicycle in the area of BaldwinAvenue and Duarte Avenue. An investigation revealed thesubject had two outstanding warrants for his arrest. He wasalso found to be in possession of methamphetamine. The56-year-old male from El Monte was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
2. Just after 8:14 p.m., an officer responded to Savers, 16 EastLive Oak Avenue, regarding the report of a man seen pacingin front of the store with a possible gun in his waistband. Aninvestigation revealed the subject did not have a gun, but wasfound to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. Througha series of tests, the officer determined the 30-year-old malefrom Azusa was under the influence of methamphetamine.
The suspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
Monday, July 11:
3. Just after 11:58 a.m., an officer a initiated a consensual contact
with a subject seen riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in the areaof Las Tunas Drive and El Monte Avenue. An investigationrevealed an outstanding warrant for the subject’s arrest. Hewas also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. The43-year-old male from Pomona was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
4. At approximately 5:52 p.m., officers were dispatched tothe 1300 block of Michillinda Avenue regarding a residentialburglary in progress. An investigation revealed the victimheard glass shatter and several voices of suspects inside thehome. She also heard suspects opening and closing doors.
The victim locked herself in a bedroom. One suspect kickedin the locked bedroom door where the victim was hiding. Thesuspect fled the scene after seeing the victim in the bedroom.
The investigation is ongoing.
The suspect is described as a male black, approximately 18to 20-years-old, 6 feet tall, thin build, light complexion with agoatee, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt.
Tuesday July 12:
5. At about 2:57 p.m., an officer was dispatched to REI, 214North Santa Anita Avenue, regarding a theft suspect insidethe store. An investigation revealed an employee recognizedthe suspect who had entered the store a week prior with anaccomplice and made several purchases with fraudulent giftcards. The 27-year-old female from Bellflower was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Around 3:04 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 blockof Hacienda Drive regarding a residential burglary. The officerdetermined unidentified suspect(s) entered the residence byshattering a glass door, then ransacked the residence beforefleeing. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.
The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, July 13:
7. At approximately 03:30 a.m., officers received a license plate
reader notification of a stolen vehicle in the area of HuntingtonDrive and Fifth Avenue. Officers located the vehicle and
detained the driver. An investigation revealed the driver ofthe stolen vehicle also had three outstanding warrants for hisarrest. The 21-year-old male from El Monte was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
8. Just after 7:07 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s, 400South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a robbery. An investigationrevealed loss prevention officers witnessed the suspect selectseveral items and place them into a plastic shopping bag thenexit the store. When loss prevention officers attempted todetain the suspect, she threatened one and punched the otherin his chest before fleeing the scene in a vehicle. Arcadia PoliceOfficers with assistance from the Pasadena Air Bureau, located
the suspect and her vehicle at her residence. The 38-year-oldfemale from Monrovia was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.
Thursday, July 14:
9. At about 7:07 a.m., an officer contacted subjects sleepingin a car at Par 3 Golf Course, 620 East Live Oak Avenue.
An investigation revealed the male subject was listed as arestrained person in an active restraining order and the femalesubject was the listed protected person. The 32-year-old malefrom El Monte was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking.
10. At approximately 7:47 p.m., an officer responded to HaiDi Lao Hot Pot, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a fraudreport. An investigation revealed the suspect had been swipingcustomers’ credit cards through a portable card readingdevice. The 27-year-old female from San Gabriel was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Friday, July 15:
11.At approximately 1:54 p.m., an officer conducted a trafficstop on a vehicle in the area of Stanford Drive and BaldwinAvenue for having expired registration. An investigationrevealed the driver was driving with a loaded firearm underthe driver’s seat. The 33-year-old female from Arcadia wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Her boyfriend responded to the Arcadia Police Station to claimthe firearm. He was found to have an outstanding warrant forhis arrest. The 30-year-old male from San Bernardino was alsoarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
12. At about 7:35 p.m., an officer was dispatched to BJ’s,
400 East Huntington Drive, regarding the report of a battery.
An investigation revealed the suspect became upset at abartender who refused to serve him more alcohol. The suspectthrew his beer at her face. The suspect also slapped a nearbycustomer before fleeing the scene. With assistance from thePasadena Air Bureau and Monrovia Police Department, thesuspect was apprehended. The suspect also spat on an officerduring transport. The 25-year-old male from Los Angeles wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Saturday, July 16:
13. At about 4:03 p.m., an officer responded to the parkinglot of CVS, 188 West Las Tunas Drive, regarding a welfarecheck on a child. An investigation revealed the suspect struckthe victim child with a three foot long umbrella stick. The43-year-old male from Arcadia was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
AT $670,000
Last week, the City listed the Annex Facility (200East Lime Avenue) on the Multiple Listing Service(MLS), and we have already had multiple callsfrom realtors inquiring about the property! Acopy of the MLS listing has been included as anattachment below for your review and reference.
If you or anyone you know is interested in thisterrific opportunity to own a landmarked homeright in the heart of Old Town Monrovia, pleasecontact Caroline Velarde, Management Analystwith the City of Monrovia, at (626) 303-6601, orvia email at
Known as the Tillapaugh House, the 2,331square-foot, American Foursquare style home wasoriginally built in 1906. The house sits on 8,000square feet of land, and given that the building hasbeen designated as Historic Landmark #100, theproperty is eligible for a Mills Act Contract, whichcan offer the new owner significant property taxsavings.
Currently owned by the City, the house has foryears been used as office space. The home features3 bedrooms, a den, . bathroom, a sizeable livingroom, and includes a detached one-car garage. Yes,
the home is in need of repairs, but with a little TLC,
you could live on a tree-lined street just steps awayfrom all that Old Town Monrovia has to offer!
The City is currently accepting bids for the
home, with the minimum required bid pricebeing $670,000. If you have any questions, andfor any additional information, please contact
Caroline Velarde, Management Analyst with theCity of Monrovia, at (626) 303-6601, or via emailat You can also find
additional information regarding the sales processfor this amazing house by visiting the City’s websiteat
One last update regarding the sale of the AnnexFacility... as we assessed the best way to list theproperty, the most cost effective option was offeredby Mayor Adams, who was willing to place theproperty on the MLS through his real estatecompany at no cost to the City. It is important tonote that Mr. Adams will not be compensated inany way for listing the property, and as outlined onthe MLS overview for the Annex Facility attachedto this email, the following remarks are includedon the listing:
The City of Monrovia is seeking bids for thesale of this home. Please contact Caroline Velarde,
Management Analyst with the City of Monrovia,
at (626) 303-6601, or via email at cvelarde@ Showings Monday-Thursday.
The commission will be paid to the agentrepresenting the successful buyer only. There is NOLISTING COMMISSION BEING PAID.
During the past several months, staff has beenclosely monitoring the transient and homelessissues that are occurring throughout the City.
Based on recent reports and observations, thesituation is becoming more visible and impactfulhere in Monrovia.
Given that Proposition 47 has eroded our abilityto utilize traditional law enforcement tools to
address this overall situation, staff has spent sometime brainstorming to develop ideas for new andnon-traditional methods of managing this overallsituation. To that end, we are working now onassembling a special response team that will betasked with the responsibility of developing andimplementing new strategies for reducing theimpact that the transient population is havingon the community. Simultaneously, the specialresponse team will also be charged with exploringways in which we can connect those strugglingwith homelessness to available services.
The special response team will be led by CaptainAlan Sanvictores, and he will be assisted by ournew Recreation Manager, Katie Distelrath, whohas a license in marriage and family therapy. Thesetwo members of our team will be working onassembling a few additional City personnel duringthe next few weeks to assist with the situation,
and we plan on having an initial program outlineof available options to address the transient andhomeless issue within the next several months.
This is an important issue to review properly, andto address the situation effectively, it will require usto look beyond traditional law enforcement toolsby incorporating both social service options whilealso examining other creative ways to addressthe issues at hand. We are confident that CaptainSanvictores and Ms. Distelrath will be able to
come up with new ways for Monrovia to addressthe situation and we will be sure to keep everyoneinformed as to our progress moving forward.
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.
To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the Cityof Monrovia website and click on the crime mapping link.
Sign up to follow us on Twitter for police notifications.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested July 14 at 9:45a.m., an officer responded to the report of a domesticviolence that occurred in the 300 block of W. Duarte
where a male battered a female. The suspect came into the Monrovia Police Department lobby to speak toan officer about the case and was a wanted person forthe domestic violence case. The suspect was arrested.
The suspect was able to post bond and was releasedfrom custody. The case will be submitted to the District
Attorney’s office for filing consideration.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested July 14 at 9:46 p.m., anofficer stopped the driver of a vehicle for a vehicle codeviolation in the area of Shamrock and Foothill. Further
investigation revealed the driver had an outstanding
warrant. The officers arrested the driver for the warrant.
Residential Burglary – Suspect Arrested July 15 at
11:16 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 500 block ofDiamond to the report of a Residential Burglary. The
caller reported that a subject whom he did not recognizewas in his home in the upstairs bedroom. While the
officers were in route to the home, the suspect wasconfronted by the residents who live in the home andchased the suspect out. The suspect was detained andinvestigation revealed the suspect forced entry into aside gate, entered the home through an open side doorand went upstairs into a bedroom. When the suspectwas confronted by the residents, he ingested a smallbaggie of narcotics. The suspect fled on foot but wascaptured nearby and taken into custody. The suspect is
being held pending his court appearance.
Theft July 15 at 4:00 p.m., a resident in the 1000 block ofOrange called to report a theft. The victim had a packagedelivered to her home which contained dog food. Whenshe arrived home the package was missing, but a shorttime later, good Samaritans delivered the package to herdoor. They told her they found the open package at theintersection of Foothill and Mountain and returned it to
the listed address.
Battery July 15 at 4:35 p.m., an officer was dispatchedto the Monrovia Police Department lobby regarding abattery that occurred in the 200 block of Los Angeles. A
male came to the Monrovia Police Department to reportthat he was battered by his cousin who lives in the home.
Further investigation revealed that the two cousins gotinto a physical fight over a family issue. The case willbe presented to the District Attorney’s office for filingconsideration.
Bear Sighting July 15 at 11:52 a.m., officers responded tothe 300 block of Grand on the report of a bear sighting.
The resident was in her back yard watering the grasswhen a bear that was on the tree near her, climbed down
and confronted the resident. The elderly resident fearingfor her safety backed up and tripped over a rock. The
resident fell, struck her head and broke her right arm.
The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment andis doing well. Fish & Game were called and a solution
is being sought.
Robbery / Possession of Paraphernalia – SuspectArrested July 16 at 8:31 a.m., a business in the 100block of W. Foothill called police to report a robbery.
The caller who is the manager of the location called toreport a subject entered the store, selected merchandiseand exited without paying. The suspect was stoppedin the doorway and confronted about the theft. Thesuspect pushed the manager and fled the area. Officers
located the suspect a short distance away where hewas found to be in possession smoking paraphernaliaand hypodermic needles. The suspect was positivelyidentified and taken into custody. The suspect is beingheld pending his court appearance.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested July 16 at 10:35p.m., officers responded to the 300 block of S. Myrtle tothe report of a male and female fighting. The subjects,
husband and wife, were arguing and when the wife triedto walk away, they began to fight. The male aggressorwas arrested for domestic violence.
Trespassing – Suspect Arrested July 17 at 2:56 p.m.,
a resident in the 100 block of N. Canyon called thepolice to report a subject walked down his drivewayto the back house and was looking into windows andtouching the entry door. When the resident confronted
the subject, he fled on foot. Officers located the suspecta short distance away. Further investigation revealeda trespassing occurred and the suspect was arrested,
booked and later issued a citation to appear in court.
Driving Under the influence – Suspect Arrested July17 at 11:43 p.m., officers were dispatched to a call in thearea of Mayflower and Olive regarding a vehicle drivingerratically. Officers saw the vehicle as it was attemptingto park. The officers contacted the driver and duringtheir investigation concluded the driver was intoxicated.
The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary July 18 at 7:05 a.m., an officer wasdispatched to a business in the 200 block of Taylorregarding two vehicle burglaries. Two work trucks werebroken into and specialty tools were taken. The suspectsgained access to the property by cutting a lock off a gate.
The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Illegal Weapon – Suspect Arrested July 18at 8:45 a.m., a driver was observed by police personneldriving in front of the police station and yellingobscenities as he passed. The driver parked the vehiclein the 100 block of East Lime, exited the vehicle and
walked out of sight. All officers were informed of theincident and the vehicle description.
A short time later, police received a call fromthe Monrovia Fire Department reporting the sameindividual was now at the fire station, yelling and
screaming obscenities. Officers responded and foundthe subject driving his vehicle in the area. The officersstopped the vehicle for a vehicle code violation. Duringthe contact, the subject gave consent for the officers tosearch his vehicle. During the search, an illegal weaponwas located under the driver seat. The subject wasarrested for the illegal weapon and released on a citationto appear in court.
Robbery July 18 at 11:33 a.m., a robbery was reported ata business in the 900 block of West Huntington Drive.
A male adult subject entered the business and orderedproduct from the business. He gave the employee a$50.00 bill to pay for the product. When the employeebegan to process the payment and provide change, thesuspect grabbed the $50.00 bill and the change from theemployee’s hand and fled the business. The investigationis continuing.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: