La Cañada Philanthropists Renée LaBran to receive Celebrating Children Award
(PASADENA, Calif., July 1,2016)— The popular AutryMuseum of the American
West will be the site of
Hathaway-SycamoresChild and Family Services’
8th annual fundraiser,
Celebrating Children. In
addition to raising moneythat will help fund the
many crucial mental-
health and support servicesprovided by Hathaway-
Sycamores, guests at the
September 17 family
friendly event will enjoy
exploring the museum
after hours, experiencingthe rich cultural tapestry ofthe American West at this
private bash!
This year’s CelebratingChildren starts at 6:00 p.m.
and concludes at 10:00 p.m.
The public can purchasetickets to the event, which
promises to be especially memorable and includes: dinner& drinks, the opportunity to meet some of the young adultsfrom Hathaway-Sycamores’ Transitional IndependentLiving Program, docent guided tours for the kids andfamilies, live auction, museum open for viewing to all,
complimentary parking, and special gifts and giveaways.
The centerpiece of Celebrating Children is the
presentation of the Hathaway-Sycamores’ CelebratingChildren Award. Each year, the event honors an individualor family who exemplifies the values of integrity, leadershipand commitment to the well-being of children, adults,
families, and communities. For more than 114 years, thesevalues have served as the foundation for the compassionand care that each child receives at Hathaway-Sycamores.
The 2016 Celebrating Children honoree is Renée LaBran.
Longtime resident of La Cañada, Renée LaBran wasintroduced to Hathaway-Sycamores with a tour of theagency’s El Nido campus in 2003. After touring the
expansive Transitional Independent Living Programs inthe Greater Los Angeles area, providing housing, life-skillstraining, job opportunities, and mental-health services tofoster youth who’ve aged out of the foster-care system.
As Renée observes, “It’s hard enough for 18-yearolds
to manage living on their own even in the best ofcircumstances. Why would anyone think that kids wholikely have been in multiple foster placements are going topossess the stability and skills to strike out on their ownsimply because they’ve turned 18? You can’t help but feelgood about this innovative program that’s addressing agaping hole in the foster-care system.”
Commenting on this year’s Celebrating Children
honoree, Hathaway-Sycamores’ President and CEO DebraManners said, “Renée LaBran has been dedicated to
creating opportunities for brighter futures for the children,
teens, young adults and families we serve for over a decade.
Her efforts have had a positive impact on so many lives.
She is greatly deserving of the Hathaway-Sycamores’
The YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley invites you toGabriel Valley Pride, the local annual LGBTQ Prideattend Talking the Talk: Love is Love, the latest in theFestival. Mr. Saenz has been teaching Health Informationcommunity conversation series on July 28th, from 5:30Management since 2004 with the LAUSD’s Divisionpm to 7:30 pm. This community forum will be held in Allof Adult and Career Education. Aaron has a Masters
Saints Church’s Sweetland Hall, located at 132 N. Euclid in Healthcare Administration-Informatics from Saint
Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA and a BS in
Mass shootings in this country have become anTechnical Communication from New Mexico Institute of
epidemic. With the shooting at the Pulse NightclubMining and Technology in Socorro, NM.
in Orlando, the world saw how the intersection of Pasadena Pride Center is a nonprofit organizationhomophobia, racism, and gun violence in the US resultswhich envisions an inclusive San Gabriel Valley free ofin tragedy beyond belief. The YWCA wants to give thediscrimination in all forms where social justice inspiresPasadena-Foothill Valley community the opportunitycommunity engagement and equity for all. The Pasadenato share their concerns, questions, experiences, andPride Center Advocates for culturally competentsolutions to this crisis through this event. The event willprograms, and services, links the LGBT community tobe facilitated by Ernst Fenelon Jr., Program Coordinatorresources, supports LGBT youth and seniors, providefor the Prison Education Program at Cal Poly outreach and education, encouragesThe event will start at 5:30 pm with panel speakers Tarekleadership development and life skills, promotes healthShawky and Aaron Saenz, followed by a question andand wellness education, and plans safe and life-affirminganswer session and community activities.
Ernst Fenelon, Jr. is the Program Coordinator for theAll Saints Episcopal Church is committed to excellencePrison Education Project (PEP) and PEP-Uganda, anin its many ministries which include its COLORS (antiinnovative
“inside and outside” approach which enhancesracism) ministry, its Gun Violence Prevention Task Force,
educational experiences of inmates and parolees whileits Immigration Task Force, and LGBTQ at All Saints. It isequipping them with practical, real-world tools forknown throughout the nation as one of Southern California’ssuccessful reintegration. Aside from being the facilitatormost politically active and socially liberal churches.
for the YWCA Pasadena “Talking the Talk” series, he The YWCA Pasadena’s Talking the Talk series bringsis also a facilitator for “Trust Talks.” Mr. Fenelon has our community together to discuss hot button topicsappeared on Al-Jazeera America and was most recentlyand strive to come up with solutions. These moderatedfeatured on NPR radio in December 2015. Mr. Fenelon discussions allow individuals to see many differentprovides a unique perspective to prison education,viewpoints on the given issues, find like-mindedreintegration and rehabilitation discussions.individuals, and have a safe space to discuss their point of
Tarek Shawky is a criminal defense attorney in Pasadena.view. We hope that you can join us. Entry is free and openHe serves on the board of the National Lawyers Guild, theto the public. Please RSVP by phone at 626.296.8433 or byTiyya Foundation for refugee relief, and he is active withemail at
Pasadena Chapters of NAACP, ACLU, YWCA and DayOneAbout the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley: Theyouth advocacy nonprofit organizations. Mr. Shawky isYWCA acts via a wide range of programs that striveoutspoken about racial injustice in our legal system andtowards the elimination of racism and the empowermentconducts free “Know Your Rights” trainings to educate theof women and girls in Pasadena and throughout thepublic interactions with law enforcement officials.Foothill Valley. Learn more and donate to the programs
Aaron Saenz is the current President of the Pasadena of the YWCA at (626) 296Pride
Center, the SGV LGBTQ Community Center.8433. The YWCA is located at 1015 N. Lake Avenue, Suite
He is also the co-founder and current President of San 205, Pasadena, CA 91104.
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Total water demands of 12,965 acre-feet in the Foothill
Municipal Water District were the third lowest since theDistrict began taking imported water in 1955-56. The
following chart shows historic total demands in theFMWD’s history.
(An acre-foot is roughly 326,000 gallons enough tocover a football field one foot deep.)
“This drop in demands has occurred despite thedoubling of population in the service area since 1956and is due to local residents’ strong response to theGovernor’s call for conservation,” said FMWD Board
President Richard Atwater. Last year, as a result of oneof the worst droughts in recorded history, the Governorasked for mandatory conservation by consumers.
For the month of June 2016, overall water use in the
FMWD service area decreased 24% when comparedto an average of June 2013 and June 2014. The State
has changed its conservation mandate and is using anaverage of calendar year 2013 and calendar year 2014 asan updated benchmark for measuring water savings forwater agencies throughout California.
According to new Stress Test findings, FMWD
can meet all demands and forgo setting a formal
conservation standard. However, a strong conservation
ethic continues. Shown below are water-savingperformance numbers for agencies within the FMWD
service area:
June Savings/(Overuse)1 Cumulative Savings2
Crescenta Valley Water District 31% 31% La Cañada
Irrigation District 21% 21% Las Flores Water Company
25% 25% Lincoln Avenue Water Company 29% 29%
Mesa Crest Water District 24% 24% Rubio Cañon
Land and Water Association 20% 20% Valley Water
Company 18% 18% Numbers in parentheses are useabove calendar year 2013.
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
instituted a new baseline (average of CY 2013 & CY2014) effective June 2016.
“To see water demands this low is an achievement
for the entire FMWD service area,” stated Foothill
MWD General Manager Nina Jazmadarian. “While
water supply conditions have improved and restrictionsrelaxed, we must continue conservation as the
Californian way of life.”
For savings tips, please go to
Foothill Municipal Water District provides importedwater to Crescenta Valley Water District, La CañadaIrrigation District, Mesa Crest Water Company, ValleyWater Company, Lincoln Avenue Water Company, LasFlores Water Company and Rubio Cañon Land & WaterAssociation. Kinneloa Irrigation District, another retailagency, takes no water from Foothill.
residential treatment facility and meeting several boysthere, Renée knew she wanted to make a difference, and
Hathaway-Sycamores was the place to do it. She has servedon Hathaway-Sycamores’ Board of Directors ever since,
and has held numerous positions along the way, includinghelming the Board from 2011 to 2013.
Renée brings with her more than 25 years of high-levelfinancial
experience. Currently, Renée holds the position ofPartner with Rustic Canyon/Fontis Partners, LP, where sheis an active venture capital investor focusing on consumerproducts. Previously, she also held several executivepositions with Times Mirror, and presently serves as aSenior Advisor at Idealab, a prominent tech incubator. Sheis also the Governor’s Appointee to the California State BarBoard of Trustees, as a public member, and she co-foundedWomen Founders Network – an accelerator that connects
women building high-growth businesses with the tools andresources they need to succeed.
Looking back at her Hathaway-Sycamores’ tenure, Renéesays that the most memorable moments have been hearingdirectly from children and families who’ve benefitted fromthe agency’s services. Her words say it all: “When you hearthese first-person accounts, you come to truly appreciatewhat they’ve gone through. It’s especially moving whenthey talk about the fact that Hathaway-Sycamores haschanged their lives. Many of the young people go as far asto say that if it weren’t for Hathaway-Sycamores, they wouldeither be on the streets or dead. The work this agency does isabsolutely amazing.”
Renée shares: “I’m a big fan of all Hathaway-Sycamores’programs, particularly the Transitional Independent LivingProgram, which will be showcased at this year’s CelebratingChildren.” Hathaway-Sycamores operates one of the most
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Celebrating Children Award.”
To purchase Celebrating Children tickets, or to be a
corporate sponsor, visit www.celebratingchildrenevent.comor contact Andi Sica at (626) 395-7100 ext. 2516 or
About Hathaway-Sycamores:
Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services is ahighly respected mental health and welfare agency with11 locations throughout Southern California. For over
112 years, we have been dedicated to nurturing hope,
healing, and the opportunity to thrive for children, youth,
young adults, and families facing serious life challenges.
Hathaway-Sycamores’ comprehensive array of programsand services – which touch nearly 7,000 lives annually –
include: residential treatment; intensive treatment foster
care; transitional living assistance for emancipated fosteryouth; outpatient and school-based mental health services;
wraparound/in-home services; psychiatric services;
psychological testing; educational support services; andafterschool tutoring/enrichment. Accredited by The JointCommission and the Western Association of Schools
and Colleges, Hathaway-Sycamores is licensed by theCommunity Care Licensing Division of the CaliforniaDepartment of Social Services and is certified by the LosAngeles County Department of Mental Health. To learnmore, visit
Hathaway-Sycamores to present Renée LaBran
with the 2016 Celebrating Children Award at Sept. 17event at the Autry Museum of the American West.
Pictured: Renée LaBran (center) with former foster youthsMoises Medina and Jerry Salazar. Photo credit DavidSpellman
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