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B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 23, 2016 
On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra Madre Playhouse 
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 23, 2016 
On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra Madre Playhouse 

By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano 

A few weeks ago I wrote about the pending lawsuit between Actors Equity Association (AEA) and the 
Intimate or 99-Seat Theaters in Los Angeles. Since writing that essay, the lawsuit known as Asner (as 
in Ed Asner of TV fame) v. Actors Equity Association has been served and will wend its way through 
district court. I am hoping the judge will grant an injunction to forestall the December 14, 2016 date 
that AEA has issued as the last date that the old plan (which allows actors to volunteer their time and 
receive a stipend) can be used. 

I wrote that no actor has ever been forced to work for no pay at one of the small theaters. Every actor 
has to make his or her own calculation as to the worth of the experience. It is a very personal decision. 
I’ll share what I call the Five P’s with you – these are the five possible reasons for taking ANY work at 
any theater – not just a small one. I use this as part of my calculus and encourage other actors to think 
about it this way before they make a decision. 

PLAY – is the play one that is on my “list”. Is it a play that I want to be a part of because of its message, 
its theme, its style, or other merits. I have a list that includes plays as diverse as Arden of Feversham, 
Little Foxes, The Skin of Our Teeth, and Terra Nova. These are plays that are not done very often and 
I would jump at the opportunity to work on them – pay or no pay. 

PEOPLE – are there people involved in the production that I particularly want to work with – a 
fantastic director with a great vision, an exceptional designer, an actor that I have always admired and 
from whom I will learn more than I would in any class. 

PART – is the part on my “list”. Will the chance to play this role ever be offered me again? Will I regret 
NOT playing this part if I turn it down? There are roles I would pay someone to let me try my hand at. 
Beautiful, iconic, soul-stretching parts that I dream of playing. 

PLACE – is the theater one whose reputation is so great that working there will further my growth 
as an actor? Or is the location one that would make me happy – as saying yes to a show in Aspen, 
Colorado made me happy a few years ago. 

PAY – does the job pay so well that it doesn’t matter what the part is, where it is being done or with 

Now, in Intimate theater in Los Angeles it will NEVER be about the pay so two or three of the other 
reasons have to make up for the commitment of my time, energy, and resources. As Artistic Director 
at SMP, I strive to make the experience of working at our theater a joyous one so that once you’ve made 
your calculus and decided to say yes to the offer, that you never regret it. There are other reasons to say 
yes beyond those that I listed above, but those are the ones I think about after I’ve considered whether 
I have the time, or the energy, or if it works for my family at the time that it is offered. The issue seems 
cut and dried to me. I’ll be following the case closely as it will have a profound impact on the work we 
do here at SMP. 

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee continues through August 21. I do hope you will make 
plans to see this wonderfully funny and clever show. Spelling Bee is not recommended for kids under 
the age of 14 because of language and one song. Tickets are on sale now. 

This is your Playhouse. Please let me hear from you. Please visit our website at SierraMadrePlayhouse. 
org or call Mary at 626.355.4318 to purchase tickets. 


In the coming season, Sierra Madre Playhouseastounding and mystifying display of theatricalcontinues its focus on exclusively American magic.
playwrights, offering a mix of solidly entertainingOct. 28- Oct. 30: Los Angeles Fear and Fantasy Filmmainstage shows and a variety of fascinating special Festival. A celebration of films from around the 
events. world, including horror, fantasy, science fiction, and 


Sept. 23- Oct. 22, 2016: Bee-luther-hatchee.OFF THE PAGE: 
Written by Thomas Gibbons. Directed by SaundraA monthly series of staged readings. AdmissionMcClain. A look at race and cultural Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Who has the right to tell certain American stories?July 25, 2016: Eleemosynary. Written by Lee

Nov. 18- Dec. 23: A Little House Christmas. Blessing. Directed by Christian Lebano. FeaturingAdapted by James DeVita. Based on the LittleKatherine James, Deb Snyder and Cristina Gerla. InHouse on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.a family of three generations of intellectually giftedDirected by Emily Chase. This Christmas play withwomen, the youngest acts to alter the family destiny.
songs features beloved characters in a heartwarmingAugust 22: Foxfire. Written by Hume Cronyn andholiday story. This marks the return of our warmlySusan Cooper. Directed by Karesa McElheny. Areceived 2014 production, and we hope to make itlovely play about our connections to our family, ourone of our traditional Christmas offerings.past, and the land on which we were born.

Jan. 13- Feb. 18, 2017: Talley’s Folly. WrittenSeptember 26: The Quality of Life. Written by Janeby Lanford Wilson. Directed by Kiff Scholl. Set inAnderson. Directed by Gary Lee Reed. Featuring1944 in Missouri, this story of an unlikely interfaithJoe Colligan, D.J. Harner, Bonnie Bailey-Reed andromance won the Pulitzer Prize. Gary Lee Reed. This completely engrossing play

Mar. 10- Apr. 15: A Wrinkle in Time. Adaptedexplores a myriad of ethical, religious and moralby John Glore (Assistant Artistic Director of Southbeliefs concerning life and death.
Coast Repertory). Based on the best-selling scienceOctober 17: From the Mississippi Delta. Writtenfiction novel by Madeleine L’Engle. Directed byby Dr. Endesha Mae Hollander. Directed by SherrieChristian Lebano. An exceptional teenage girl andLofton. One woman’s rise from poverty andher companions go on an adventure to rescue heroppression to liberation and a doctorate.
missing scientist father, trapped on another planet.November 28: The Immigrant. Written by MarkThis is the 4th annual offering of our Field Trip Series.Harelik. Directed by Christopher Cappiello. AWe’ll be presenting midweek performances for areayoung Russian-Jewish immigrant settles in Texas inschools, in addition to our weekend performances at1909 in this touching and funny narrative.
the Playhouse for general audiences.Sierra Madre Playhouse Artistic Director 

May 12- Jun. 17: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The GreatChristian Lebano comments, “We’re very excited toGatsby. Adapted by Simon Levy from Fitzgerald’sshare next season with our loyal patrons and friends.
novel. Directed by Christian Lebano. Millionaire JayIt is a mix of really great stories with something forGatsby pursues a forbidden romance with the love ofeveryone. From the charming valentine of a lovehis life, the married Daisy Buchanan.story in Talley’s Folly, to the beloved Little HouseJuly 7- August 26: A Summer Musical, to bebooks, to Gatsby- one of the great American novels,
announced. to Wrinkle- the best-selling science fiction story, andthe intriguing and provocative Bee-luther-hatchee.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Each of these productions will be supported by

July 31 and Aug. 7, 2016: Suburban Showgirl.special events and a wonderful lobby display. WeWritten by Palmer Davis. Directed by Cate Caplin.can’t wait to get started.”
Gorgeous Palmer Davis stars in the musical comedyManaging director: Estelle Campbell. 
about a glamorous dancer struggling to balance hercareer and her roles as a wife and mother. Davis Sierra Madre Playhouse is located at 87 W. Sierraplays 18 characters in this show suitable for generalMadre Blvd. , Sierra Madre, CA 91024. This is just eastaudiences. of Pasadena. There is ample free parking behind the

Aug. 25- Aug. 28: CarneyMagic. After a sold-Playhouse. Ticket prices vary between productions,
out engagement earlier this year, illusionist andbut are always affordable. Reservations: (626) 355sleight-
of-hand artist John Carnet returns with his 4318. Website: 

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown 

Humans of New York by Brandon in the air, in this novel that brings to 
Stanton life the exciting days of early British 
Based on the blog with more than fourradio…and one woman who finds 
million loyal fans, a beautiful, heartfelt,her voice while working alongside 
funny, and inspiring collection of the brilliant women and men of the 
photographs and stories capturing theBBC. London, 1926. American-raised 
spirit of a cityNow an instant #1 NewMaisie Musgrave is thrilled to land 
York Times bestseller, Humans of New a job as a secretary at the upstart 
York began in the summer of 2010, whenBritish Broadcasting Corporation,
photographer Brandon Stanton set outwhose use of radio—still new, strange, 
to create a photographic census of Newand electrifying—is captivating the 
York City. Armed with his camera, henation. But the hectic pace, smart 
began crisscrossing the city, coveringyoung staff, and intimidating bosses 
thousands of miles on foot, all in an only add to Maisie’s insecurity. Soon, 
attempt to capture New Yorkers and theirshe is seduced by the work—gaining 
stories. The result of these efforts was a confidence as she arranges broadcasts 
vibrant blog he called ”Humans of Newby the most famous writers, scientists, 
York,” in which his photos were featuredand politicians in Britain. She is 
alongside quotes and anecdotes.The also caught up in a growing conflict 
blog has steadily grown, now boastingbetween her two bosses, John Reith, 
millions of devoted followers. Humans the formidable Director-General of 
of New York is the book inspired by thethe BBC, and Hilda Matheson, the 
blog. With four hundred color photos,extraordinary director of the hugely 
including exclusive portraits and all-popular Talks programming, who 
new stories, Humans of New York is each have very different visions of what 
a stunning collection of images thatradio should be. Under Hilda’s tutelage, 
showcases the outsized personalitiesMaisie discovers her talent, passion, 
of New York.Surprising and moving,and ambition. But when she unearths a 
printed in a beautiful full-color, shocking conspiracy, she and Hilda join 
hardbound edition, Humans of New forces to make their voices heard both 
York is a celebration of individuality andon and off the air…and then face the 
a tribute to the spirit of the city. dangerous consequences of telling the 

truth for a living. 
The Wishing Spell (The Land of 
Stories) by Chris Colfer (Author), The Company: A Novel of the CIABrandon Dorman (Illustrator)by Robert Littell 
Alex and Conner Bailey’s world is about This critically acclaimed blockbuster 
to change, in this fast-paced adventure from internationally renowned novelistthat uniquely combines our modern Robert Littell seamlessly weaves 
day world with the enchanting realm together history and fiction to create a 
of classic fairy tales.The Land of Stories multigenerational, wickedly nostalgic 
tells the tale of twins Alex and Conner. saga of the CIA—known as ”the 
Through the mysterious powers of a Company” to insiders. Racing across 
cherished book of stories, they leave a landscape spanning the legendary 
their world behind and find themselves Berlin Base of the ’50s, the Soviet 
in a foreign land full of wonder and invasion of Hungary, the Bay of Pigs, 
magic where they come face-to-face Afghanistan, and the Gorbachev putsch, 
with the fairy tale characters they grew The Company tells the thrilling story 
up reading about. But after a series of of agents imprisoned in double lives, 
encounters with witches, wolves, goblins, fighting an amoral, elusive, formidable 
and trolls alike, getting back home is enemy—and each other—in an 
going to be harder than they thought. internecine battle within the Company 

itself. A brilliant, stunningly conceived 
Radio Girls by Sarah-Jane epic thriller, The Company confirms 
Stratford Littell’s place among the genre’s elite. 
The Great War is over, and change is 

All Things Considered By Jeff Brown 


Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths(45 in California in 2015) than any other animal inthe world. As vectors of malaria, mosquitoes indirectly cause the deaths of almost one million peopleeach year.Over a dozen species of mosquitoes live in the San Gabriel Valley; nearly all bite people,someduring the day, and some are vectors of human and animal diseases such as west nile,dengue,etc.Nowater, no mosquitoes.In the summer it takes about four to five days for a first stage larva to develop into anadult mosquito. This rapid developmental time makes controlling mosquitoes particularly challengingsince their populations can increase exponentially when environmental factors are right. However,
mosquitoes cannot develop without water. For this reason it is vital to eliminate any standing water onyour property. This is the most effective method of managing mosquitoes in southern California. Nowater, no mosquitoes.Few probably make it that long, given our tendency to slap them when they landon us. But in the right circumstances, an adult mosquito has quite a long life expectancy(5-6 months),
as bugs go.Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide from 75 feet away.Carbon dioxide, which humans andother animals produce, is the key signal to mosquitoes that a potential blood meal is near.Be careful andget some repellent. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: