Mountain Views News Saturday, July 23, 2016 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS B3
Mountain Views News Saturday, July 23, 2016 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS
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How often do you wish you knew more about yourfamily? When we’re young, we don’t necessarilypay attention to the stories our elders tell us.
But later in life, we often become interested in
knowing more about who and where we comefrom.
We want to learn more about what makes us who
we are, and many of us even become interested ingenealogy – there are over 2 million subscribers toancestry.com . Unfortunately, for most of us, theolder generations that were there when we wereyounger have faded memories or have alreadypassed on.
Enter a great idea by the website FamilySearchwhich makes recording memories easier than everfor younger generations.
A common strategy is to take large tasks andbreak them into smaller parts. FamilySearch hastaken the task of writing your life story and brokenit into 52 separate parts which you can do once aweek for a year. When you’re finished, you’ll havecaptured the memories your loved ones will valueand created a true legacy for your family.
The questions posed on this website will allow
you to catalog what’s unique about yourself,
including the following:
The basics about you, such as your full name,
how you got your name, where you were born, andwhere you grew up;
Information about your immediate and extendedfamily, including memories of your parents andthe work they did;
Important genetic information that could behelpful to your descendants, such as unusualgenetic traits and medical conditions that run inyour family;
Information about family traditions and howyou spend your holidays;
Your memories about your schools and yourfriends;
Information that you have learned about yourselfand the world, such as your greatest strengths andchallenges, as well as your life philosophies; and
Funny stories you remember, such as fads whileyou were growing up and tales about pets.
You can even add pictures. FamilySearch makesit easy to store your life story online, so your familycan access it easily.
I believe capturing your values, insights,
stories and experiences is so important, in fact,
that I incorporate a “Legacy Interview” into
the estate planning process with my clients.
By ensuring you are passing on not just yourfinancial assets, but your whole human wealth aswell, you are able to leave a lasting, meaningfullegacy for your family.
Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, andhappiness,
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on amission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointmentto sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of loveand financial security for your family by calling626.587.3058 or visit www.GarlettLaw.com for more
It’s Time for a half-year summary. Want to make
sure you are all following my advice!
If I learned one thing from my father, it was the
KISS method – “keep it simple, stupid”. Keeping
that in mind, I do just that - maybe not for you so
much, but to this day I could not tell you what wine
fermentation is unless I looked it up on Google.
We learned together that wine doesn’t have
to be expensive to be great, and that champagne
cannot be produced in California; it must be
from the Champagne region of France to be
called “champagne”. We learned that blends from
California could be some of the best-valued wines
on the market today. We visited
wineries up and down the coast
(though I must admit I really didn’t
give the region of Temecula much
I preached, “buy what you like”
and “buyer beware”. I always ask
for a fresh bottle to be opened
when at restaurants that sell the
wines by the glass. I have done this
for twenty years, and not once did
I get attitude from the server.
A few months ago I wrote about
storing your wines at home. We
can’t all afford a true wine cellar.
For us casual wines drinkers, all
you need is space at the bottom of your closet.
There’s no need to buy a refrigerator for just wines.
My recommendation is that you don’t chill winesuntil you are ready to drink them. And, speaking ofchill, never ever freeze your glass – making wine toocold will take away from the taste of the wine. Don’t
believe me? Trust me again from experience. Sure,
a couple of ice cubes in your house chardonnay isacceptable, but don’t let me see you putting orangejuice in your champagne.
Catch me on AM 830 KLAA Sundays at 5 PMand on PBS TV every Thursday night at 7:30 PM.
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com