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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 23, 2016 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 9HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 23, 2016 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 9HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 

I received a call from one of my clients a couple 
of years ago. Colleen is one of those people who 
loves her dog more than most, even. She takes 
her out for a vigorous walk every day, keeps her 
on a balanced diet, and calls me to keep up the 
routine when she has to travel for work. I was 
happy to hear her voice, but unfortunately she 
was calling to give me some not-so-happy news. 

“Hannah”, her sweet senior shepherd mix,
was diagnosed with canine Diabetes Mellitus(DM). I was surprised to hear that because I’vealways associated diabetes with obesity or alack of exercise. Hannah has a normal energylevel for her age, and has had healthy exercise& eating habits all her life. To me she seemedlike a very unlikely candidate for the disease.

When I asked Colleen about exactly whatprompted her to pay a visit to the veterinarian,
she said Hannah had been camping out at thewater bowl, drinking like a fiend. She firstnoticed Hannah’s increased water intake a few 
weeks ago, but with unusually warm weatherand more road trekking and trail hiking inthe canyon than usual, it seemed natural thatHannah would be so thirsty.

Eventually, when the temps dropped andHannah continued to swill water, Colleen 
knew something wasn‘t quite right. Hannahshowed no other symptoms or signs ofsickness, but her obvious need to drink was 
enough to cause concern. Fortunately, thevet was able to diagnose the problem andprescribe the proper treatment right away withlittle delay. I couldn’t help feeling frustrated,
thinking “Darn that doggie diabetes disease!”.
It just seems unfair for a responsible, loving& caring pet owner who does all the rightthings to have their dog be stricken with sucha drastic disease. 

After hearing the news about Hannah, 
I looked further into the facts about this 
serious, yet manageable disease, and I learnedthat canine DM is nowhere near as selective as 
I thought it was in choosing it‘s victims. Muchlike it does for humans, Diabetes Mellitus 
causes major concerns and complicationsfor the canine, and is not at all limited to 
overweight or sedentary dogs. It is known toattack canines of various activity levels, ages,
sizes and breeds and it can even show up indogs with excellent exercise 
regiments and healthy diets,
such as Hannah. 

According to the information 
I found on this subject,
canine DM is caused by avariety of factors. While it is 
indiscriminant as to which 
dog it chooses to attack, thereare certain breeds known to 
have a stronger pre-dispositionfor developing the condition. 
A 2007 study published in 
“Journal of Heredity” rankedseveral popular canine breeds 

Pick 1, 2, or even 
3! Our “Panda 
Tr iplets,”
Natasha, &
Sebastian, are 
just the cutestever! Soooo 
sweet and 
cuddly! See 
more pictures 
of them and 
their video on 
our website, or 
call to arrangea “Meet &

Greet.” Kittens grow fast, so adopt now to not miss outon their cute and funny antics. Please remember thateven though kittens are totally adorable, they do growup. Pets, like children, develop a strong bond with theirhumans. We strive to make sure that potential adoptersare able to provide kittens a LIFELONG home, and notjust a home until the "cuteness" wears off.
Thank you for understanding. Call 626-676- 9505, or fillout our online adoption application.
Lifeline for Pets is a small no-kill rescue organization. 

Happy Tails 
by Chris Leclerc 

from high to low risk, in developing diabetes.
The top 2 breeds on the risk list were the Cairnterrier and the Samoyed.

The same study showed that GermanShepherds and Golden Retrievers are lesssusceptible than previously assumed. Thesefindings came as a surprise to many inthe canine community, since traditional 
preconceptions (including my own) indicatethat larger breeds are more at risk due to anoverly healthy appetite, while medium tosmall breeds tend to respond to the dinner bellwith a more picky pallet.

A canine’s tendency to succumb to thedetriments of diabetes can be associated 
with previous health complications such aspancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas),
or hyperadrenorcorticism (Cushing’s disease).
And if a dog’s health has been marginalized bya condition resulting in problems with insulinproduction or processing, it is inherently morevulnerable to contracting DM. The jury is stillout for some vets as to the accuracy of the 2007study findings, but the general consensus isthat diabetes can occur in any dog, whetheractive or sedentary.

The happy side of this otherwise sad saga, is thatcanine DM is manageable if detected in a timelymanner and treated properly. Because Hannah’sowner was observant of her increased water intake, 
she was diagnosed and treated before her conditiondeteriorated to a point of no return. Hannah is nowreceiving daily injections of carefully measuredinsulin, per doctor’s orders. Daily insulin therapyallows her to process glucose that would otherwiseoverpopulate her blood stream, creating a virtualgarden for the growth of infection and riskingmajor damage to her kidneys.

Another course of action taken to getHannah’s system back on course was to puther on a high fiber diet for more expedientexcretion of potentially sugar producing foodparticles in her digestive system. Thankfully,
Hannah is doing great! As pet owners, we canlearn from Hannah and Colleen’s experience,
by paying closer attention to our dog’sdrinking habits, and consulting the vet if wedetect anything other than normal thirstiness.
All the best of health & happiness to you and 

We show some of our cats most Sunday afternoons atPetsmart, 3347 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30

3:30. Adoption fee is $100, which includes spay/neuter,
microchip, & vaccines. Our cats are negative FELV/
FIV unless otherwise indicated. When you adopt fromLifeline for Pets, know that you are getting a healthy,
much loved kitty who will fit well into your family andhave a lifelong home.
Convenient adoption application, more pictures, andvideos on our excellent website,
Are you finding 
yourself overheated 
during thesehot weeks? Cool 
down through yourpractice, breath 
and meditation! We want to have fun and enjoy allthe outdoor activities available during summer, butdon’t wear yourself out. Here are my top three tipsfor enjoyment in these warmer months:
1) Get your cardio in, but keep rigorous exercise to aminimum. If you walk or run, do itearly and keep the rigorous stretches to a minimum.
Swim in cool water when possible. Consider a yogapractice that’s gentle or moderately paced. Stayaway from practices in rooms that are artificiallyheated. Too much heat leads to irritation, angerand general unsettled-ness and unsteadiness. Yogaposes to do more of include forward folds, gentletwists and classic inversions, such as shoulderstand. 
These are generally going to a have a cooling (andrejuvenating) effect. 

2) Watch what you eat. Add in cooling foods to yourdiet. Cucumber, Avocado, Cilantro, Watermelon 
are wonderful cooling foods, some with high watercontent. They can be very re-hydrating. Drinks canbe cool, but leave out the ice to maximize digestion.
Meals should be light and refreshing. Avoid excessspice and pepper.
3) Do keep your self-care practices in place. Maketime for your meditation to maintain well-beingand emotional balance. Go for massage wheneverpossible. Check in regularly with how you feel andget adequate rest. Rest, refilling your energy reserveand maintaining a spiritual connection are vitalparts of a regular yoga practice.
Enjoy your practice! And remember to keep yourselfcool in advance of excess heat. This is going to giveyou the energy (and level-headed ness) you need tolive, work and play without overheating and burning 
you out. 

Namaste and Love, 
Keely Totten 


Cadbury is a handsome grey and 
white tabby teen who is about a year 
old. While he enjoys being petted, 
he can be initially shy until he meets 
you. He shines as an entertainer and 
the way to his heart will be through 
play. He is a good natured soul that 
bounces around after toys and in and 
out of paper bags and boxes. When 
given the chance, Cadbury shows 
how clever he is stealing toys from the 
girls’ side housed next to him. He is 
athletic chasing the red laser dot up 
the walls. 

Cadbury gets along well with the 
other young cats at the shelter, and 
would probably do well either alone or 
in a multi-cat home. He will be a great companion 
to his forever family. His adoption fee is $99 and 
includes neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip 
and a free wellness exam at a participating 
veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 
for more information on Cadbury. He currently 
resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society 
located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We 
are located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission 
and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet 
and Greet’ with Cadbury, please stop by any 
time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through 

The San 
Gabriel Valley Humane Society is located at 851 

E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We are off San 
Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las 
Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with 
Cadbury, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 
4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. See our website 
at for information and 
photos of all our wonderful pets.
Go to and find the San 
Gabriel Valley Humane Society and every time 
you buy something 0.5% will be donated to the 
shelter! It’s easy to do and helps the shelter with 
every purchase you make! Let your friends know 
about this simple way to make a difference! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: