Mountain View News Saturday, August 27, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand
shadowless like silence,
listening to silence.” Thomas Hood
The giant pumpkins are growing rapidly and are
already pretty big, here on our street, but not a
patch on what they will eventually become when
they morph into huge spiders, Cinderella’s coach
and lots of jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. Which
brings Linus and his night-long vigil - waiting for
the Great Pumpkin to descend on his pumpkin
patch and leave wonderful presents behind
because his is the most sincere pumpkin patch -
to mind. We have the sincerest pumpkin patch in
Sierra Madre. Talented neighbors grow the most
astonishingly huge pumpkins then carve them into
fantastical creations. These aren’t those thousand
pound babies you see on TV that need a forklift to
move, but they’re pretty big.
Fall is definitely upon us, friends and neighbors.
It’s not quite as hot but we’re still casting anxious
eyes upon the hillsides and hoping ours won’t
catch fire, still praying for rain but glad we’re not
in Louisiana where even the graveyards have been
washed away. School has started for some. Our
Texas girls, Emily and Jessie, started first and
third grade, and we have pictures of them looking
confident and assured in their new classrooms.
Grandsons, Blake and Luke are ensconced at USC,
Blake as a senior and Luke as a sophomore, in a
room that looks about the size of a really nice walk-
in closet, with another guy yet to come. Miss Fay,
next door, is starting her second week of school and
big sister, Violet, is still lounging around with little
sisters Avery and Charlotte, watching movies and
eating popcorn, as St. Rita’s doesn’t start till after
Labor Day. All school used to start after Labor Day.
There is a tremendously complicated reason why
it isn’t that way anymore, which I read somewhere
and promptly forgot.
“August in sub-Saharan Los Angeles is one of the
great and awful tests of one’s endurance, sanity and
stamina.” Henry Rollins
This week has been pretty pleasant, weather-
wise. The week before, however, we could honestly
say, “These are the times that try men’s (and
women’s and children’s and dog’s and cat’s) souls.”
Of course, when Thomas Paine said that in 1776,
he wasn’t talking about the weather. Walking Sierra
Madre has been pretty nice with temperatures in
the low 60’s, except for the gnats, of course. All the
succulents look fabulous and we don’t look at the
lawn anymore. You probably don’t either. Have you
noticed the crepe myrtle trees all over town? They
are gorgeous, especially the deep pink ones.
Went to Costco today for a few of life’s necessities,
i.e., batteries, Kleenex and tuna, and discovered
that the aisles are awash in Halloween costumes
and they had these life-size animated witches
with flashing eyes and talking mouths for a mere
$139.99, which are just what we’ve needed all along!
I’m itching to get out all my Fall house decoration
stuff but will control myself till September 1st. So
many fun things happen in Sierra Madre in the
next months...the scarecrow contest for one, which
I really enjoy. Maybe I’ll just put my scarecrow out
on the porch, even if it isn’t September.
Fall means football, too, of course! The Rams are
back, they’ve won two pre-season games and we
breathlessly await the start of college football. USC
vs. Alabama September 3rd. My walking buddy
and most faithful USC fan, John, is counting the
Don’t forget to get your letter in to Bruce Inman
at Public Works by 5 p.m. August 31st if you’d like
the City to leave that beautiful Ficus tree just past
the Post Office on Baldwin alone. Yes, the sidewalk
is a hazard, but that can be fixed. If you didn’t read
Susan Henderson’s article on the tree in last week’s
Mountain Views News, you can see it on line at
www.mtnviewsnews.com. She is the voice of reason
on this issue. We need our Sierra Madre trees!
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is
available there…
An excellent The Kids Are Back In School gift, by
the way!
The City is seeking nominations for this year’s
Honors Awards. Submissions must be received
by September 9 at 5:00 pm. Awards are:
George Mauer Lifetime Achievement Award
Awarded to a person / entity whose lifetime of
service /embodies the spirit of volunteerism
Wistaria Award
Recognizes a Community partnership that
provides community-wide programs and
Public Safety Award
Presented for outstanding service and duty to
the community
Public Service Award
The Employee of the Year Award for remarkable
public and customer service
Community Youth Service Award
Presented to a youth (under 18) for outstanding
service and dedication to the community
Nomination forms are available at City Hall
or on the City’s website. Nominations can be
dropped off at City Hall or emailed to Dorothy
Costello at dcostello@cityofsierramadre.com
During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police
Department responded to approximately 210 day
and night time calls for service.
Monday, August 15 At around 9:50 a.m. officers
responded to the SMPD station lobby in regards
to a possible fraud report. The victim alleges that
a known suspect fraudulently signed and cashed
checks from a deceased parent’s bank account
without authorization from the Trustee. Case
forwarded to Detectives.
Tuesday, August 16 Officers responded to a report
of a hit and run accident at 1:07 p.m. in the 400
block of W. Sierra Madre Bl. The victim stated that
a vehicle in the parking lot struck their vehicle
and proceeded to leave the scene without stopping
to exchange information. Victim and witnesses
were able to provide information on the suspect
vehicle and the driver to the investigating officer.
Case pending
Wednesday, August 17 At around 2:30 p.m. officers
were dispatched to a burglary investigation in the
500 block of E. Laurel Ave. The victim reported he
left his house at 12:30 p.m. and returned at 2:30
p.m. to find his front door open and the screen to
the kitchen window lying on the ground. Several
personal items of value were stolen including
a credit card and a package that was delivered
earlier. The victim later received a text message
from the bank advising that the credit card had
been used at two gas stations in neighboring cities.
Case forwarded to Detectives
Thursday, August 18 SMPD officers were
dispatched to the 200 block of San Gabriel Ct. for
a theft investigation. On August 16, at around
11:30 p.m. LASD deputies responded to a call of a
physical altercation. The suspect had left the scene
prior to the deputy’s arrival. The victim believes
the known suspect stole personal items belonging
to the victim. Detectives will follow up on case.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com