Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 27, 2016
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
One of the most
impactful yogic
practices by far
is pranayama.
Yogi Master,
TKV Desikachar
remarked “if you can breathe, you can do yoga”.
The breath not only sustains life, but it shapes
energy and is responsible for the mind-body
connection. There is no asana (poses) needed to
consciously breathe.
The very first pranayama to learn is called sama
vritti, or equal wave breath. This means making
inhale and exhale even, smooth and equal length.
While this sounds simple enough, this can be
challenging because people established patterns
in their breathing, favoring one over the other.
The highly motivated, driven person typically
has a stronger inhale. Healers, teachers and
meditators find exhale to be easier. In this pure
breathing (sama vritti) technique, it allows the
scales to balance and both sides of the breath are
addressed. The inhale brings power and vitality,
while exhale facilitates a calming, restful,
releasing response.
Further tuning into the subtleties, refining the
rate of respiration and eliminating unconscious
pauses is key. The breath is deepened, lengthened
and smoothed out. This application is what changes
vital life force energy (Prana). Present moment
awareness is established and the mind is calmed
and nourished. The impact of the breath is not just
physiological, it is psychological. We are changing
underlying patterns and creating a new, positive
response to stress. I caution though, it is advised,
to begin a breath practice under the guidance
of a qualified teacher. As you progress, help and
guidance are necessary to maintain stability.
How often do you find yourself holding your
breath in a moment of fear or stress? Think of
this occurring during the course of a day. How
would life change with conscious, smooth even
breath? Asana will help you breathe better and
gain access, but the power of pranayama is where
it’s at.
Namaste, and Love,
Keely Totten
Much like us humans, our dogs sure do love their
food. Fortunately for me, my girl, ““Molly” is not
extremely choosy about what she will eat. She seems
to enjoy every morsel of food she is fed, and she
particularly looks forward to those morning and
evening hours when she knows it is nearly time to
Like clock work, she comes to me and stares me
down relentlessly with her desperate look, prodding
me until I quit whatever I’m doing, and fill her bowl
with that night‘s dinner delight. I’m pleased that
she’s not spoiled about what‘s for dinner, because
it allows me the opportunity to feed her healthy
options that a pup with a pickier palate may not be
willing to eat.
Not all dogs are as flexible as mine when it comes to
their diet. As a matter of fact, I know several canines
who are much more selective, and the expectations
at meal time can become quite demanding, even for
the most dedicated of pet owners. Perhaps this is
why there are so many canine catering companies
cropping up these days. It seems crazy when you
think about it, that people are investing as much as
they do in simply feeding the family dog, but it’s true
and it’s yet another sign of how much we love our
Purchasing or preparing gourmet foods for ‘Fido’
has indeed become a sort of norm for many pet
owners in recent years, resulting in an over-night
thriving market for a new-born food product line
that caters strictly to canines. Among the recently
established canine cookeries is a company called
“Three Dog Bakery”, founded by Dan Dye and
Mark Beckloff of Kansas City Missouri in the mid
Dan and Mark, a couple of true animal lovers who
simply wanted to do the best they could to care for
their pets, were initially inspired by their own dog,
“Amazing Gracie” (born deaf and partially blind) to
research the ingredients of the dog food products
available in the market at the time. Their goal was
to find a dog food that contained the most optimal
ingredients to help combat Gracie‘s inherent health
Eventually they came to the
conclusion that the best way to
ensure Gracie was getting proper
nutrition, was to prepare her
meals themselves. Ultimately,
after coming up with some great
recipes, they found themselves
in the position to share what
they’d learned with the general
public by marketing their dog
food products in hopes of helping
other pets with similar health
issues. Today, Three Dog Bakery
stores can be found in almost
every state within the US, and they continue to
grow and thrive as a classic “American Dream”
start-up company.
What I like most about the Three Dog Bakery
story is the fact that the founders were inspired by
the love they had for their dog. When they were on
a quest to find the best food to feed their beloved
canine, they weren’t focused on founding a company
to make money and get rich, but as a result of loving
their pet and making her health a priority, they were
blessed with success.
It may sound corny to some, but to me that is
indeed the best success story to be told, where
unconditional love is the source of success. When
one is focused on doing what is right and beneficial
for the greater good, versus a pursuit to pad the
pocket book to benefit one’s self, some pretty
amazing things start to happen. I’m sure many dog
owners have reaped the benefits of the foot work
behind Three Dog Bakery’s amazing pet foods, all
because of Dan and Mark’s sincere endeavor to give
their dog a happier, healthier life.
I was personally inspired to leave my corporate
career to pursue a way of living that would allow me
to spend more time with my own pets. Eventually,
my personal pursuit led me to start a small dog
walking and pet sitting business, allowing me to
be with a variety of animals all day long. It goes to
show that if you follow your heart you just might
find true happiness and success in doing what you
love best.
Well, at least it worked for me. I encourage
everyone who crosses my path to pursue what really
makes them tick, and try not to focus on how rich
they might get by what they choose to do. After all,
doesn’t chasing our dreams present an equally, if not
more challenging risk than many of the other things
in life we find ourselves chasing?
I find it quite liberating to let go of the obsession
to fulfill my own needs and greed’s, and instead use
that energy to follow my heart’s leads; that of caring
for the animals. Which brings me to the end of this
week’s happy tale, so I’ll close with a phrase you‘ve
all heard me say - Love and let live!
Fall in LOVE with these two siblings, age 2 months.
Lily is all white, and Freddie is a tabby. They are very
sweet, lovable, and cuddly. They are very bonded
and will be adopted together, which will qualify for
our Twofur Discount. Adopt now to enjoy their cute
kitten antics and get double licks
& kisses!
Lifeline for Pets is a small no-
kill rescue organization, and we
know our cats well. We show
some of our cats most Sunday
afternoons at Petsmart, 3347 E.
Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, 12:30-
Adoption fee is $100, which
includes spay, microchip, &
vaccine. Our cats are negative
FELV/FIV unless otherwise
See adoption application, more pictures, & videos
on our website, www.lifelineforpets.org. Or call 626-
676-9505. Sorry, we are not accepting cats at this time.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lifelineforpets.
pasadena. Email: info@lifelineforpets.org
Poker Face is a gorgeous
black and white 3-year-old
girl who loves to explore.
She can be a bit shy with new
people, but is a sweet cat with
playful personality and just
needs a loving home. When
Poker Face finds a special toy
she likes she will often play
”fetch” and chase it when it’s
thrown. Offering her a toy
like a tangling feather, will
capture her attention and
be the way to her heart. You
might think her name means
she doesn’t show emotion, but
look at her cheerfully sticking out her tongue at
the photographer demanding attention. She was
actually named Poker Face because at the time she
came into the shelter the staff that named her was
listening to the radio and the song ”Poker Face” by
Lady Gaga was playing! Poker Face is looking
for her forever family that will provide her with an
environment to blossom. She gets along well with
her roommates so she’ll do well in a multi-cat home,
or on her own as a sole companion. Please stop by
and meet Poker Face today and consider giving her
a forever home. She qualifies
for the $25 reduced adoption
fee in honor of National Black
Cat Appreciation Day from
8/15-8/31/2016.This adoption
fee includes spay surgery, a
microchip, first vaccinations
and a free wellness check-up
at a participating veterinarian.
Feel free to call us at (626) 286-
1159 for more information
on Poker Face. She currently
resides at the San Gabriel
Valley Humane Society
located at 851 E. Grand
Avenue in San Gabriel which
is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission
and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet
and Greet’ with Poker Face, please stop by any time
from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday.
Website:www.sgvhumane.org. Go
to smile.amazon.com and find the San Gabriel
Valley Humane Society and every time you buy
something 0.5% will be donated to the shelter! It’s
easy to do and helps the shelter with every purchase
you make! Let your friends know about this simple
way to make a difference!
Susan (A4982777) is a spiffy,
polka-dot 8-year-old white-
with-black spayed female
Dalmatian and Parson
Russell Terrier whose
owner’s family surrendered
her, along with her friend
Abby [A4982776], to the
Baldwin Park Animal Care
Center on August 13th
because the woman who
owns her is in hospital and
most likely going to hospice,
and the family does not want
Susan. Weighing 20 lbs and
sporting piggy-big ears,
Susan has a heck of a history.
She was once a stray girl, hanging around a tennis
court in Costa Rica—that is, until she was rescued
by the woman who became her mom and owner, a
woman who went through all the paperwork and the
quarantine required (not to mention money spent) to
get Susan home to the US with her. Susan has all the
pluses of a dog who’s been loved and cared for. She
walks fine on leash, gets along with
other dogs and people, and is alert
and ready to roll. She and Abby are
bonded, but volunteers think Susan
would do fine on her own (as would
Abby) given her sweet and confident
nature. Susan will make a splendid
inside pet and companion for just
about any individual or family. To
watch a video of Susan, please visit
the following link: https://youtu.be/
To meet Susan in person, please
see her at the Baldwin Park Shelter,
located at 4275 N. Elton, Baldwin
Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-962-
3577). She is currently
available now. For any
inquiries about Susan,
please reference her
animal ID number:
A4982777. The shelter is
open seven days a week,
12 pm-7 pm Monday-
Thursday and 10am-
5pm Friday-Sunday.
This is a high-intake
shelter with a great
need for adoptions. For
more information about
Susan or the adoption
process, contact United
Hope for Animals
Volunteer Adoption Coordinator Samantha at
Samantha@hope4animals.org. To learn more about
United Hope for Animals’ partnership with the
Baldwin Park Shelter, as well as the many dogs of all
breeds, ages, and sizes available for adoption in local
shelters, visit http://www.unitedhope4animals.org/
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com