BALLOT MEASURES Continued from B1
voter approved measures related to death penalty are null and void if this measure receives more affirmative
votes. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local
government: Increased state costs that could be in the tens of millions of dollars annually for several years
related to direct appeals and habeas corpus proceedings, with the fiscal impact on such costs being unknown
in the longer run. Potential state correctional savings that could be in the tens of millions of dollars annually.
Referendum to Overturn Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags.
If signed by the required number of registered voters and timely filed with the Secretary of State, this petition
will place on the statewide ballot a challenge to a state law previously approved by the Legislature and the
Governor. The challenged law must then be approved by a majority of voters at the next statewide election to go
into effect. The law prohibits grocery and certain other retail stores from providing single-use bags but permits
sale of recycled paper bags and reusable bags.
To read the measures in their entirety, go to:
Mountain Views News Saturday, August 27, 2016
Are you the unappreciated black sheep in your
family? Have you wished you could redeem your
reputation and at the same time shift your own
perception of yourself?
Consider taking on the role of family caregiver for
an elderly parent, grandparent, an aunt or uncle, or
niece or nephew.
One AARP commentator suggests that family
caregiving may be a way for a child to recover from
a negative image in the eyes of his or her family.
In his article “How a Black Sheep Can Become a
White Knight,” clinical psychologist Barry J. Jacobs
describes how a child on the “outs” with her family
made inroads by caregiving for her parent.
Jacobs suggests that caregiving may be the perfect
time for caregivers to “seek to change their family
reputations.” He describes, for example, a workaholic
who cares for his disabled wife as well as a one-time
rebellious teen who reconnects with her parents
through caregiving.
Jacobs gives three tips for you, if you want to try to
recover your image or reputation within your family:
Consistency is the key. Jacobs suggests that
building dependability is important because family
members will be on guard for errors, if you have not
appeared reliable in the past.
Say you’re sorry and make amends. Even if you
previously apologized for wrongs done, when you are
taking care of a family member, your words may be
better received and making amends, means not just
saying you are sorry, but taking full responsibility,
stating what you learned and showing how you are
making it right.
Provide genuine loving care. Jacobs says that the
primary purpose of taking care of someone you love
is to reflect your values and not to gain recognition.
You may need support here because caregiving is
often a thankless role. Look for caregiver support
groups in our area. Or contact us for referrals.
Over time, and after you’ve regained your family’s
trust, you can help your parent make wise decisions
about family finances, including getting his or her
legal and financial affairs in order. Start by setting a
good example. Develop your own legal and financial
plan, making your family a priority.
Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a
mission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment
to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love
and financial security for your family by calling
626.587.3058 or visit for more
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