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Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 3, 2016 



Dear Savvy Senior,

My 79-year-old mother, who lives alone, has fallen 
several times over the past year. Are there any 
extra precautions we should take that can help 
prevent this?

Worried Daughter

Dear Worried,

Falls are a big concern for many elderly seniors 
and their families. Each year, 1-in-3 older 
Americans fall, making it the leading cause of 
both fatal and nonfatal injuries for those age 
65 and older. But many falls can be prevented. 
Depending on what’s causing your mom to fall, 
here are some different tips that can help protect 

 Encourage exercise: Weak leg muscles and 
poor balance are two of the biggest risk factors 
that cause seniors to fall. Tai chi, walking, water 
aerobics and strength training are all good for 
improving balance and strength, as are a number 
of simple balance exercises that she can do 
anytime like standing on one foot for 30 seconds 
then switching to the other foot, and walking 
heel-to-toe across the room. 

 For additional balance and leg strengthening 
exercises the National Institute on Aging offers 
free exercise guides and a DVD that you can 
order at

 Review her medications: Does your mom take 
any medicine, or combination of medicines, that 
make her dizzy, sleepy or lightheaded? If so, 
gather up all the drugs she takes – prescriptions 
and over-the-counter – and take them to her 
doctor or pharmacist for a drug review and 

 Get her vision checked: Poor vision can be 
another contributor to falls, so get your mom’s 
eyes checked every year. She may be wearing the 
wrong glasses or have developed a condition such 
as glaucoma or cataracts that make it harder to 
see obstacles on the floor. 

 Modify her home: There are also a number 
of simple household modifications you can do 
to make your mom’s living area safer. Start by 
arranging or moving the furniture so there are 
clear pathways to walk through, and by picking 
up items on the floor that could cause her to 
trip like newspapers, shoes, clothes, electrical or 
phone cords. 

 If she has throw rugs, remove them or use 
double-sided tape to secure them. 

 In the bathroom buy some non-skid rugs 
for the floors and a rubber suction-grip mat or 
adhesive non-skid tape for the floor of the tub or 
shower, and have a carpenter install grab bars in 
and around the tub/shower for support. 

 Also, make sure the lighting throughout the 
house is good, purchase some inexpensive plug-
in nightlights for the bathrooms and hallways, 
and if she has stairs, put handrails on both sides. 

 For more tips, call the Eldercare Locater at 
800-677-1116 and order a free copy of their 
“Preventing Falls at Home” brochure. Or, get an 
occupational therapist to come in and assess your 
mom’s home for fall risks. Medicare will pay for 
this service if prescribed by a doctor. 

 Choose safe footwear: Your mom should be 
aware that going barefoot or wearing slippers or 
socks at home can also cause falls, as can wearing 
backless shoes, high heels, and shoes with smooth 
leather soles. The safest option are rubber-soled, 
low-heeled shoes.

 Purchase some helpful aids: If your mom 
needs some help, talk to her doctor or a physical 
therapist about getting her fit for a cane or walker. 

 Also, to help ensure your mom’s safety, and 
provide you some peace of mind, get her a 
medical alert device like Bay Alarm Medical 
(, one of the most reliable 
and affordable devices available today. For less 
than $1 per day, this offers an emergency alert 
button – either in the form of a necklace pendent, 
wristband or wall-mounted buttons placed in 
high fall risk areas like the bathroom and kitchen 
– so she could call for help anytime if she were to 
fall or need assistance. 

 Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. 
Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today 
show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ….September Birthdays

Clem Bartolai, Pat Hall, Donna Anderson, Teresa Chaure, Cathy Gunther, Esther 
Macias, Sheila Pierce, Nancy Sue Shollenberger, Yvonne Osti, Patti O’Meara, Judie 
Cimino, Mary Steinberg, Geri Wright, Parvin Dabiri, Denise Reistetter and Nehama 

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth 
not required but you must be over 60.


ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the 
Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre



 YWCA San Gabriel Valley - Intervale Senior Cafe 

Seniors 60 years of age and up can participate in the YWCA Intervale daily lunch program held 
at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Meals are served Monday through Friday at 12:00 pm 
and participants are encouraged to arrive by 11:45 am. Meals are a suggested donation of $3.00 
for seniors 60 and over or $5.00 for non-senior guests. Daily reservations are necessary, space is 
limited. Please reserve your lunch by calling 626-355-0256.

Tech Talk: Will resume in the fall. 

Hawaiian and Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10:00 - 11:00am. Join 
instructor Barbara Dempsey as she instructs you in the art of hula. 

Bingo: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00pm. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to 
join. May be cancelled if less than 5 people. 

Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11:00am - 12:00pm. No appt. 

Chair Yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 - 11:45am. A suggested donation of $5 at one of 
the classes is requested, but is not required. 

Case Management: Meets the second Thursday of the month. Case Management services are 
provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in a variety of areas. Appointments are required 
and can be scheduled by calling the HPH Office at 626-355-7394. 

Birthday Celebrations: Every second Thursday of the month at the Hart Park House. The free 
birthday cake is provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club. 

 Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00pm. (Please note the time change.) A regular group 
of seniors play poker. Other games available for use. 

 Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 12:45 - 1:30pm with Lisa Brandley. The class 
utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All materials for the class are provided. 

Senior Club: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown bag lunch at 11:30am. 



September 16, 2016

Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Meeting Location: Hart Park House Senior Center

Cost: $ 10.00 (Does not include lunch)

Discover the museum’s historic collection and the Getty Center’s architecture and gardens by 
participating in a rich selection of engaging talks and tours that bring the Getty Center’s unique 
setting and the visual art to life. There are several gardens and fountains and landscaping for the 
public enjoyment. Lunch will be on your own. Choose from elegant dining in the Restaurant 
(reservations are recommended, 310-440-6810), to casual meals, coffee, and snacks at the Café, 
Garden Terrace Café, or the Coffee Carts. 

Participants should bring money for lunch and souvenirs. Level of walking: High. Please call the 
Hart Park House 626-355-7394.


The Arcadia Senior Services is hosting a Fabulous 
50’s Day on Friday, September 23, 2016 from 
4-7:30pm. Spend an evening filled with everything 
from the 1950s - from cheeseburger sliders to 
root beer floats. Entertainment will be provided 
by the Rockabillys, a fun and lively 50’s band. 
Tickets are only $13 per person and registration 
is currently open and being processed at the 
Arcadia Community Center – 365 Campus Drive. 
Deadline to sign up is Thursday, September 8. 
For more information, please call the Arcadia 
Community Center at 626.574.5130.


About the City of Arcadia

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel 
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile 
community with a population of just over 56,000. 
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown 
Los Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining 
small-town charm with the conveniences and 
amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-
service charter city governed by a five-member 
City Council, elected at large. Recognized 
for exceptional education and recreation 
opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods, 
Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of 
Homes” and has twice been designated the “Best 
City in California in which to Raise Kids” by 
Business Week Magazine

Let your child walk through a new musical journey in Martikyan Music Center where 
dreams become true! By using his own interactive teaching tools, such as the 
Music Castle and the Baby Grand Piano Puzzle, Tigran Martikyan seeks 
to make musical education fun and inspirational. 
Mr. Martikyan holds a Masters in Music from the Manhattan Conservatory 
and a B.A. in Jazz Performance from the USC Thornton School of Music. 
(Almost 20 years of teaching experience) 
(ages 7 and up) 
330 South Rosemead Blvd Pasadena, CA 91107 
(Near by Mammas Brick Oven Pizza & Pasta) 
Email: / PH: 626. 616. 3870 



The Arcadia Senior Services 
is hosting a Fabulous 50’s 
Day on Friday, September 23, 
2016 from 4-7:30pm. Spend an 
evening filled with everything 
from the 1950s - from 
cheeseburger sliders to root 
beer floats. Entertainment will 
be provided by the Rockabillys, 
a fun and lively 50’s band. 
Tickets are only $13 per person 
and registration is currently 
open and being processed 
at the Arcadia Community 
Center – 365 Campus 
Drive. Deadline to sign up is 
Thursday, September 8. For 
more information, please 
call the Arcadia Community 
Center at 626.574.5130.

Your InvItatIon to an EvEnt at thE KEnsIngton sIErra MadrERCFE License198601953www.theKensingtonsierraMadre.comthursdaY, sEptEMbEr 15, 2016From: 6:30pm – 8:00pm 
at the Kensington 
245 West sierra Madre blvd. 
sierra Madre, Ca 91024(626) 355-5700EvEnt dEtaIlshostEd bY thE KEnsIngton sIErra MadrEMany people can’t even think about moving 
to a smaller home after collecting furniture, 
possessions and keepsakes. When you have 
the information you need, it is easier to 
make the move. Let us help you in making 
the first step!
Questions we will answer: Time to make the 
move, where do I start? Do I sell now, or rent 
my home for an income? How do I prepare to 
move? What if I need day-to-day assistance or 
ever more care in the future?
Our presenters: Lorine Stoikowitz, 
Gentle Transitions, moving & downsizing 
specialist, will talk about making your 
move. Jim Maceo, Keller Williams Reality, 
senior real estate expert, will talk about 
steps for a smooth home sale.
please rsvp via email tossciurba@Kensingtonsl.comor by calling 626-355-5700Making Your Move SeminarLorine Stoikowitz 
Moving & 
Downsizing SpecialistGentle TransitionsJim MaceoRealtorKeller Willliams
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: