Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 3, 2016
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Joe Frontino
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
WILL Durst - Raging Moderate
Any politician angling to
be president has to appear
believable while wearing
many hats. The electorate
needs to imagine him/her in a pith helmet
to lead us through the jungle. A hard hat to
connect to blue collar voters. A top hat to
conduct formal diplomatic negotiations. A
deerstalker to sift through the intrigue. And
a toque to cook up some fun.
Even a branded baseball cap to protect
his hair from whipping to the heavens like a
sentient shrubbery signaling a secret society
of Navajo fringe talkers has a certain appeal.
Of course Donald Trump is no ordinary
candidate. As can be verified by recent
attempts to appear statesmanlike, which
are so all over the map, his staff should be
CCing Rand McNally with daily briefings
from the expanding duchy of Trumpistan.
First, he refuses to back down from
anything he’s ever said or done, then issues a
blanket apology to whomever for whatever,
whenever. Following that he jettisoned a
campaign manager he never paid attention
to, before hiring an entirely different
ministry of folks to totally ignore.
Now the GOP nominee’s position on
undocumented immigrants either has
changed or hasn’t, and in the space of a
week, he described it as both a softening
and a hardening. So he’s got his rigidity
spectrum pretty well covered.
The new management team seems to be
turning their crabby coif almost, kind of, sort
of, semi-reasonable. But even the creamiest,
fluffiest, down-filled Donald Trump could
still poke huge holes in democracy without
swinging his elbows extra wide.
The Commander-in-Chief commands.
Chiefly. Plotting not just the direction of the
Ship of State but also wielding responsibility
for staffing all positions including the helm,
the hold and who gets to clean out the head.
Chris Christie.
With victory comes the spoils, and
that includes choosing a cabinet, judges
and over 300 other appointments that
don’t require Senate approval, including
commission directors, council members,
national park eagle wranglers, roller coaster
rail grease inspectors, swan boat concession
sommeliers and shoeshine kiosk employees
at the New York Port Authority. Chris
And without any experience in the
public sector for us to ascertain previous
proclivities, we’re forced to make educated
guesses as to whom a President Trump
might or might not pick for certain positions
based solely on evidence observed thus far.
So, let’s give it a go, shall we?
Attorney General. Gary Busey.
CIA Director. Rudy Giuliani.
Secretary of Edumacation. Sarah Palin.
Postmaster General. Scott Baio.
Secretary of Defense. Buford T. Justice.
Surgeon General. Hannibal Lechter.
Secretary of State. Vladimir Putin.
Supreme Court Justice. Judge Judy.
Secretary of Agriculture. Tommy Chong.
Environmental Protection Agency. Darren
Woods: President of Mobil- Exxon.
Secretary of Interior. Arsenio Hall.
Ambassador to the United Nations. Dennis
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Martin Shkreli.
Chief of Protocol. Ozzy Osbourne.
Secretary of Labor. Mike Tyson.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Melania
Secretary of Transportation. That old guy
from Duck Dynasty.
Secretary of Treasury. Scrooge McDuck.
White House Chef. Ronald McDonald.
Federal Communications Commission
Chairman. Roger Ailes.
Executive Administrator of the Small
Business Administration. Carl Icahn.
Homeland Security. Ann Coulter.
Chief Scientist for the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. Ben Carson.
Federal Deputy Northeast Regional Bridge
Inspector. Chris Christie.
Copyright © 2016, Will Durst, distributed
by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate.
Will Durst is an award-winning,
nationally acclaimed columnist, comedian
and former Pizza Hut assistant manager. For
sample videos and a calendar of personal
appearances including his new one- man
show, Elect to Laugh: 2016, appearing every
Tuesday at the San Francisco Marsh, go to
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MAKING SENSE by Michael Reagan
DICK Polman
Back in early May, I predicted that the mainstream media’s
“objectivity” rituals would kick in as autumn neared, “balancing” the two major
candidates according to the timeworn rules of “on of the one hand, on the other hand,”
thus leaving the impression that Hillary Clinton (seasoned and experienced, whatever
her flaws) and Donald Trump (manifestly unfit, by dint of his temperament and
ignorance) can somehow be equated.
I predicted the coverage would devolve into he said/she said, with insufficient
attention paid to the truth or value of what was said. My prediction was not exactly
daring; I’ve been around long enough to know how the traditional media game is
played. And sure enough, the false-balance game was played to the hilt late last week,
and the effect was sickening.
Last Wednesday, Trump (whose entire campaign is grounded in white grievance
against minorities) claimed that Clinton (who has been working on minority issues
since the 1970s) is a racist. On Thursday, Clinton delivered a fact-packed indictment
that accurately tied Trump to the racist “alt-right” movement and listed some of his
most disgraceful racist episodes — like his habit of retweeting white supremacists,
including a user who goes by the name “white genocide.” In response, Trump (who
thrived in his dad’s real estate empire, where applications from African Americans were
branded with the letter C, for “colored”) simply repeated his Wednesday attack, again
calling Clinton a racist.
In order to treat his drive-by name-calling and her substantive indictment as equal,
you have to be cognitively brain dead. Either that, or you have to be tethered to the
tenets of “objective” false equivalency. Here’s how four media outlets played those
The headline in The Washington Post: Clinton, Trump exchange racially charged
The headline in The Philadelphia Inquirer: Trading tough jabs on race and alt-right
The headline on the Politico site: Trump and Clinton throw more blows in bigotry
The headline on the Bloomberg News site: Trump, Clinton trade blistering attacks
on race, prejudice
This is “objective” journalism at its most reductively banal, seeking to “balance” the
unbalanceable. As I’ve argued before (and I’m hardly alone on this), the traditional
journalism tenets are inadequate to meet the challenges of this perilously historic
moment. It’s not sufficient to say that a dangerously racist demagogue “traded jabs”
with a qualified opponent, absent of fact-checking context.
There are blessedly rare times in the life of this nation when journalists have found
it necessary to step beyond their “objective” roles and tell the unvarnished truth.
Edward R. Murrow did it in 1954 when he slapped down Trump predecessor Joseph
McCarthy. Walter Cronkite did it in 1968 when he returned from Vietnam and told
viewers exactly what he’d learned, that the war was a lost farce. We are living such a
moment today.
I agree with Paul Moses, a professor of journalism at Brooklyn College, who
recently wrote that “something is lost” when journalists feel compelled to abandon
their Olympian dispassion. However, there are times when “conscience calls for it,” as
Moses explained further:
“As the son of a father who grew up Jewish in Nazi Germany, I can well understand the
danger of muffling or muzzling criticism of a would-be leader who builds a movement
based on antipathy toward immigrants and a minority religious group, joined to an
exaggerated nationalism and violence-tinged rhetoric .... [O]bjectivity in journalism
doesn’t mean allowing the wool to be pulled over your eyes. It means a commitment
to the truth, rooted in determined reporting and a fair-minded consideration of the
This is no time for lazy boxing match banalities. We pull the wool over our eyes
when we practice false equivalence. Conscience calls us to do better.
Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia
(newsworks.org/polman) and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania.
Email him at dickpolman7@gmail.com.
Donald Trump actually looked like a statesman in Mexico City
Wednesday afternoon.
It didn’t matter what he and the president of Mexico talked about.
It didn’t even matter if they made a secret handshake deal to split
the cost of building the great Wall of Trump.
For the first time in his long campaign, Trump actually looked presidential. The visual
gravitas didn’t last long, though.
Six hours later in Arizona the old Trump was back, reading a speech from the teleprompter
and throwing big slabs of U.S. Prime red meat to his hardcore fan base.
He erased all thoughts that he was headed to a kinder, gentler place on immigration,
which, unfortunately, remains the signature issue of his campaign.
Not only did he promise to build his wall taller and deeper and stronger, and make
Mexico pay for it, but he also promised to get tougher on illegal immigrants in every way.
That’s great. But Trump – and his campaign – still don’t get it.
He’s still pounding away at immigration when he should be talking about the economy,
Obamacare and making the country safe.
His tough stand on immigration is what won him the Republican primary. It’s what keeps
his hardcore base applauding and cheering for him at his rallies.
But he doesn’t have to pander to that base anymore.
He also doesn’t need to be boosting Fox’s ratings every night by appearing with his soulmates
Greta, Bill and Sean.
He doesn’t need to please the conservative Fox audience anymore, either, who tune in to
see everyone beat up on Hillary. They’re already in his bag of votes.
How hard is this? Trump needs to address all those people out there who are not part of
his base – people who aren’t Republicans but who dislike Hillary enough to vote for him
because of issues like the economy or trust.
Speaking to a black audience this weekend and pointing out how the Democrat Party has
failed blacks for 50 years is the right idea.
He has to do more of that. Next, I’d like to see him shaking hands at a corner taco stand in
L.A. After that, he should show up on CNN and even PBS, if they’ll have him.
He needs to eat away at Hillary’s base. And that means talking about the economy, jobs
and lying Hillary’s personal failings, which are huge.
Trump’s campaign staff had a good week.
But calling Hillary a bigot because she takes the black vote for granted was a total waste of
time. It’s not going to win Trump votes in November.
When I tried to tell the Trump team that in a tweet this week, the response I got from a
campaign operative in Trump Tower was, “Oh, are you on the Hillary Clinton payroll?
That’s the common response from Trumpsters and the campaign’s brain trust. If you say
anything critical they say, “You must be on Hillary’s payroll.”
They don’t want my advice, but everything I’ve said about Trump’s campaign has been
proven to be true.
I told them not to hire Paul Manafort to run the campaign. But they did – and then had
to fire him.
I told them long ago Trump had to soften his approach to Latinos – and eventually he did.
I think.
I refuse to be a Trump enabler. I’ve decided to be a consultant to him via Twitter or my
But when I criticize Trump’s campaign I get grief from his followers and his campaign
people for being a Hillary lover.
When I told my father in 1980 to fire Paul Manafort and the rest of his campaign team
because I could see they were losing the Iowa caucuses to George H.W. Bush, did that mean
I was a supporter of Jimmy Carter?
There are too many major differences between Trump and my father to count. But one
difference is that my father had the sense to listen to me when I gave him good advice.
Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author
of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email service
reagan.com and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at www.
reagan.com and www.michaelereagan.com. Send comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com.
Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
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