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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SATURDAY, JULY 15, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 28 SIERRA MADRE EDITION PROPOSED LIBRARY CHANGES AWAKEN COMMUNITY SATURDAY, JULY 15, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 28 SIERRA MADRE EDITION PROPOSED LIBRARY CHANGES AWAKEN COMMUNITY Library and Community Services DIrector Ryan Baker presented a plan that will allow for expansion of library services and a new facility without additional taxes or financial burden on residents but reaction to the proposal It wasn’t the council’s decision on Marijuana that has the community in an uproar. The council unanimously approved an ordinance that wouldlimit the number of plants grown indoors to 6 and prohibit growthof marijuana outdoors. They also agreed to review the ordinance inJanuary when the state presents its guidelines. Nor was it the council’s decision to overturn the Planning Commission’s denial of the continuedremodeling of the Henry A. Darling House. That decision distressed many, but it took a back seat to the one agenda item that seems to haveopened up a controversy that may rival the ill fated ‘downtown specificplan” of year’s past. The proposal to move the Library and sell the existing property broughtmore than a dozen citizens to the podium. City Manager Gabe Engeland noted that the issue of how to address theproblems currently facing the library was presented to him at his firstcouncil meeting in March. As a follow up, a special joint meeting of theLibrary Board of Trustees and the Community Services Commissionon June 28th, 2017. The results of that meeting were presented byDirector Baker to the council and public in a very enthusiastic manner. The challenges with the library are numerous. As noted by Baker and members of the public brought up, the issues include: The facility is too small. The building is 62 years old and has a multitude of physical problems including deferred maintenance the spans decades, 141 ADAissues, a leaking roof, plumbing and electrical and asbestos issues, etc. Baker informed the council that to put another ‘band aid’ on the problemswould cost about $1.3 million but to bring ‘meaningful improvement’to the city’s library services the cost would be approximately $3 million. The Plan Baker, the Library Trustees and Community services commission allsupport the notion of creating The Sierra Madre Library and CulturalCenter by moving the Library to the site of the existing RecreationCenter and adding to that facility. The staff reports says, “The mostviable solution identified would be to repurpose the existing RecreationCenter in Sierra Vista Park as a new Library and Cultural Center. The existing Libraryproperty and adjacent City-owned property would be sold with monies received to fundthe major portion of the project. A single-story addition would be constructed on thenorth side of the existing Recreation Center on what is now a concrete courtyard. Thisaddition would bring the total size of the building to 16,000 to 18,000 sq feet dependingon funds received. Library services would be moved from the current library into the firstfloor of the new Library and Cultural Center, with the second story left as 3,700 sq feet offlexible open space and classrooms for community events, classes, workshops, meetingrooms, youth programs, and community rentals. Both Library and Community Servicesstaff would be housed in the same building to further the ability to share resources, supplement activities, reduce overhead costs and create new community programs. “ THE SIERRA MADRE CIVIC CLUB SPONSORS THEIR CONCERT IN THE PARK Breaking News From Arcadia PD: ILLEGAL USE OF FIREWORKS LEADS TO TEEN INJURIES On Friday, July 14, 2017, at about 8:05 P.M., Arcadia Police Officers and Arcadia Fire Department Personnel responded to Bonita Park located at 100 S. Second Avenue regarding reports of a possible explosion. Preliminary investigation revealed that two juveniles were lighting a firework when it went off in their hands. A 14 year old male received severe injuries to one of his hands and a 17 year old male received minor injuries to his arm and chest. Both were transported to local hospitals and appear to have non-life threatening injuries. At the time of the initial investigation it appears the only criminal activity related to this incident was the prohibited use of fireworks. Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at (626) 574-5156, case #17-3624. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP on Google play or the Apple App Store or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers. org. So where will the money come from? The majority of the funding for the proposed improvement of the Library would comefrom the sale of the property that the Library currently sits on. Baker noted that thesale of the property would yield approximately $2.6 million dollars and communityorganizations such as the Library Trustees would raise the balance. Selling the property would create another set of problems as noted by several residentswho spoke at Public Comment. The most common concern was the type of developmentthat would be allowed if the existing library site was sold. It was also brought to theattention of the council that the building was also designed by the same architect thatdesigned the Los Angeles City Hall and is as a result, an historic structure. Around town the question of why funds from the city’s Utility Users Tax aren’t adequateto cover the costs of repairing the existing building. In April 2016, the residents did pass an increased UUT that in the campaign literature stated, “The City’s UUT goesinto the General Fund to pay for general city services such as Police, Fire, Paramedics, recreational programs and the Library.” Baker’s very animated, thorough presentation was just the introduction of theproposed plans to the public. No action was taken by the council on Tuesday. Formore information, please read the complete staff report on the City’s website at www. cityofsierramadre.com. S. Henderson/MVNews On Sunday July 9th the Sierra Madre Civic Clubpresented the Alumni Band in the band shell ofMemorial Park. As fabulous “oldies music” filled the warm evening air, babies slept, children played, adults sat in chairs or on every variety of blanket toenjoy the music. By the end of the evening the parkwas jammed because passerbys heard the music, stopped by to check out the band, and decided tostay for a while…they were not disappointed. This was the debut of the Alumni Band to the Sierra Madre Concert in the Park Season. The band has been performing in the area for years, but wasjust never invited to participate in the Concert inthe Park Series. Instead they performed at the LACounty Arboretum Summer Concert Series, andat a variety of local venues such as Matt Denny’sin Arcadia, The Peppertree Grill in Sierra Madre, Brix in Seal Beach, Madeline’s Garden Bistro in Pasadena, and Clubhouse 66 in Glendora. The band also sold their CD’s and some of their logoedmerchandise. The band’s name is reflective of who they are: all of the musicians are graduates of Arcadia High School. However the crowd wasdancing on the lawn, dancing where they stood, tapping their feet, clapping their hands, and singingalong having a great time. The Alumni are a greatband. The Civic Club sold snacks, slices of pie, watermelon slices, and ice-cold lemonade and water. They also hosted a raffle drawing so two winners in the audience could win a little money. The two happy winners left with $100 each and enjoyed their evening of luck. Additional Alumni merchandise was added to the raffle so more participants left with something to remember the event. So a GREAT evening with great music, great fun, great food, and great prizes…It does not get any better than this…In a word…it was a “WOW”! The Sierra Madre Civic Club is a civic and philanthropic non-profit organization that meetsthe second Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm in theHart Park House. Interested potential members arewelcome to attend our general meetings. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |