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SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 22 BARBARA CLINE REMEMBRANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 22 BARBARA CLINE REMEMBRANCE SIERRA MADRE EDITION Barbara Cline, age 89, of Sierra Madre passedaway on May 18th 2017 at Arcadia Methodist Hospital, surrounded byher children. Barbara was born on October 8, 1927 in Westford, Massachusetts and was the youngest ofseven children born to Mark and Wilhemina Alfarth Palmer. Barbara attended the Chamberlain College in Boston for design. When she left Boston for California, she worked as a buyer for the Broadwayin Los Angeles. She soonmet Lee Cline and theymarried in 1954. In 1955, they moved to Sierra Madre where they raisedfour children, Barbara, Joan, Mark and Kyle. Barbara continued her education and graduated from Pacific OaksCollege in Pasadena with a Masters Degree. During her career, sheworked at Pacific Oaks College, Jackie Robinson Center, and JPL, from where she retired. One of Barbara’s greatest gifts was her deep compassion forothers. She fed the homeless, clothed those in need, served on the boards of the Foothill Unity Center and the Sierra Madre Cemetery, served Meals on Wheels, volunteered for the Woman’s Club, was instrumental in preserving the Sierra Madre Playhouse, was a founderof the Homeowners association(H.R.A) and was a volunteer in theChaplain’s department at Methodist Hospital. Barbara’s greatest enjoyment came from her family, friends andhome. She loved people, enjoyed entertaining in her back yard, andattending her grandchildren’s events. She is loved beyond measureand deeply missed . Barbara is predeceased by her husband Lee Cline and is survivedby her loving children and grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations in Barbara’s memory may be sent tothe Arcadia Congregational Church to support their many outreachprograms for those in need. “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with younothing that you have received- only what you have given; a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.” St Francis ofAssisi. We Love you always and forever Mom. Submitted by the Cline Family TWO SIERRA MADRE ORGANIZATIONS RECEIVE ROSE FOUNDATION GRANTS The Tournament of Roses Foundation just announced the 2017grant awards totaling $200,000 presented to 45 civic, educationaland cultural organizations in the San Gabriel Valley. Among thewinners were two Sierra Madre organizations. Foothill CreativeArts Group was granted funds for their curriculum-based artprogram in ceramics for 1st through 5th graders at Sierra MadreElementary School and the Sierra Madre Playhouse was awarded agrant for a new sound system to support stage storytelling from thecommunity sharing their stories and perspectives. Thirteen of the organizations funded are first-time grantrecipients. These organizations are: Alhambra High SchoolMighty Moors Boosters, Altadena Library Foundation, Blair HighSchool PTA, Flintridge Center, Friends of the Temple City Library, Pasadena Community Gardens Conservancy, Pasadena Heritage, Pasadena High School Alumni Association, Pittance Chamber Music Inc, Rose Bowl Riders Charitable Organization, San GabrielValley Music Theatre, Southern California Children’s Museum andTheatre Americana. Since its inception in 1983, the Tournament of Roses Foundation has funded over $3 million in charitable contributions on behalf of the Tournament of Roses Association. The Foundation assists charities in the greater Pasadena area by funding sports and recreation, visual and performing arts, and volunteer motivation and leadership development. These grants will help support new and ongoing programs benefiting children, teens, adults and seniors. About the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Foundation The Tournament of Roses Foundation is a tax exempt, non-profitpublic benefit corporation established to receive and managecontributions from the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association, its supporters and the general public. The 13-member board ofdirectors is comprised of community leaders and Tournament members, appointed by the Pasadena Tournament of RosesAssociation. Organizations or individuals interested in making acontribution or inquiring about the grants process should contactthe Foundation by calling (626) 449-4100 or visiting the Tournamentof Roses website at www.tournamentofroses.com/foundation. 2017 MT. WILSON TRAIL RACE WINNERS! chronotrack.com/event/results/event/. nt-30269? Photos by Dave Felt. SIERRA MADRE RESIDENTS ARE STILL URGED TO CONSERVE WATER Despite improved statewide conditions, we are still striving to return to our local groundwater supply. Consider the variety of rebates that are beingoffered by our friends at the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District here: http://sgvmwd.org/CONSERVATOR/ Rebates One of Sierra Madre's Premiere Events, the Mt. Wilson Trail Race took place on Saturday and crossing the finish line first for women is Janet Tracy and for men is James Timphony. Also see related story on page 3. Complete winners list at: https://results. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |