Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 14, 2017

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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 14, 2017 
8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 14, 2017 

Too weird for words, or too 
precious to pass up? by Chris Leclerc 

Happy Tails 
Technology is terrific. No really, I think it is just great,on what the animal is thinking and that the messagesand typically I am willing to go along with just aboutgiven in human language are accurate interpretations ofany new idea coming down the pike that might makethose thoughts.

Yoga is about find the rhythm of relaxation that we are able to go

life easier to navigate. However, I do think that someI don’t know about you, but when I heard of this new

becoming free deeper in yoga. Deep physical relaxation is found in

of today’s technological advances have the potential to,canine mind-reading apparatus, my first thought was,

of struggle.savasana, the final resting pose. However, mentally,

slowly but surely, rob us of our innate drive to think for“Even if it does work, I already kind of know that my

There may be athe mind is being soothed throughout practice. If

ourselves. dog is curious about where I am going and when I’ll

challenge and the practice is approached by trying “too hard” or

What ever happened to simply using one’s head toreturn each time she sees me pick up my keys and head

we may push ourwanting to accomplish, then the profound sense of

work out a problem, rather than asking an exponentialfor the door.” This is made clear by the concerned look

limits, but we relaxation and letting go is not going to happen.

number of strangers who happen to be on-line, for thein her eyes, or a sudden change in her body language.

don’t struggle in yoga. There are many techniquesYou’ve probably come upon this principle in other

answer? And, how much has our relatively new-found,But, then again it might be kind of neat to know if my

used to accomplish this. Accessing a nourishing,areas of life. Letting go allows abundance and

newly-formed dependence on the information-super-dog is stressing out about something I am not yet aware

highway of data exchange taken from our ability toof, such as an impending storm or an earthquake soon full, deep breath and finding a sense of relaxationexerting too much self-will is ultimately limiting.
think and solve problems independently?to occur. are probably two of the most important.Relaxing into practice and agreeing to be fully

I agree that some of life’s challenges have been madeSome thoughts my dog has are made all-too-Have you noticed how a deep breath can changepresent will break down resistance and createmore surmountable now that we have access to instant obvious by her facial or bodily expressions, but somethings? Finding even, smooth breaths changes ourfreedom on all levels. 
answers to questions that used to take a lot more timeare not so clear. In fact, it would sure be great tophysiology and greatly affects the SympatheticCome and practice with us at Yoga Madre. Learnand energy to have answered. But, is it really necessaryknow if my Molly is experiencing pain, because it’sand Parasympathetic Nervous Systems. When wewhat exerting great effort and feeling comfortableto reinvent every cog in the wheel of human thought?my understanding that animals have a pretty highbreathe in a deliberate way, the energy and the mindfeels like at the same time! 

I think there is a fine line between what most threshold for it and they do a great job of hiding itare soothed and refined. The road to freedom and 

consider to be a remarkable resource for information, from humans. If I could have known that my previousletting go can be found this way.Love and Namaste, 
and what could soon become an addictive means for dog, Lady was hurting months before I decided it wasWith the breath as a catalyst, yoga allows us to findKeely Totten, E-RYT 500 @ Yoga Madre,
getting from point A to point B with limited or no efforttime to let her go, I might have made that difficultrelaxation and cultivate a sense of ease. It’s when we 

on our own part. And, who’s to say that the answersdecision much earlier, for her sake. 
we gain from our good friends at Google or WikipediaI have to admit, the idea of a device that can read 
are worth their weight in gigabytes? A wise web-usera dog’s mind and interpret it into human language
will continue to employ his or her own common senseis intriguing, but at the same time I think it’s kind of
when asking the net to resolve a problem that reallycreepy. Say, just say this thing takes off and every dog
matters in life. owner goes out and purchases one for their pet. Will it

Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual 
My recent concerns about the potentially problematicchange the way we humans interact with the animals we


results of our dependence on technology was promptedalready know and love so much?
by an ad I saw (on the internet, of course) for a high-techAnd what about the dog’s perspective on wearing a"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."have to relinquish something.
device called “No More Woof ”. The device is designed todevice that continuously tells his/her inner thoughts andProverbs 29:18 To make love welcome you willread the mind of a dog and interpret the dog’s thoughtssecrets? Will the constant human voice broadcastingneed to make space for it. Just 
into human language, so the human can know andevery thought they have drive them crazy? It mightI often write about having a clear vision of what youas you must clean the clutterLori A. Harris 
respond to what the dog is thinking.even drive the human crazy to hear some strange voicewant as an essential component of living your bestfrom closets to accommodate 

Really? I mean, come on…really? First of all, fromcalling out what the dog is thinking every time they havelife. Just as it is important to have a destination ina new wardrobe, you must check your heartwhat I understand, No More Woof is nothing more thana thought. Maybe, just maybe the dog would like to keepmind on any journey, we must know what we wantand spirit for blocking or negative beliefs. Have 

an oversized tightly-fitted headset with EEG censoredsome thoughts private. Ever think of that?

to be happy. In my work as a coach, I sometimesyou been harboring resentments from past

appendages that curve around and press down on theOnly time will tell if the No More Woof device

encounter clients that are unsure of their desires. It relationships? Are you protecting yourself from

dog’s forehead, where they supposedly pick up on thebecomes a hit and yet another “must-have” household

isn't that they don't know what they want, it's thatbeing hurt by being unavailable? Are you hanging

dog’s thought patterns, presumably via brain appliance to add to the growing list of high-tech

they are having difficulty articulating their needs.onto a relationship that doesn't meet your needs?

Theoretically, the data gathered by the sensors is thengadgetry littering our every day lives. Meanwhile, I

I tell them to use the polar opposite to get clarity.Stop it. When the horse dies, get off. Release 

transferred to the interpretative voice device locatedsuppose I’ll just have to assume what my dog is thinking

When you can't say what you want, usually you arethose things, people, and habits that no longer

elsewhere on the headset, which then sends out an when she looks up at me with those precious, pouting

very clear about what you don't want. For example,serve you that are preventing you from having

audible verbal message to the human through a tinypup’s eyes, tilts her head sideways and places a paw on

a woman could know that she abhors dishonestythe relationship of your dreams. Prepare yourself

speaker. For example, if the animal is having fears oftop of my foot. After all, who doesn’t know that means

abandonment, the verbal response might be, “Whereshe loves me? which could lead her to fine tune her desire for to receive love. Be kind to yourself, love yourself.
are you going, how long will you

honesty and integrity in her romantic relationships.The Universe is prepared to meet all of your needsbe gone?” And if the dog is feeling

I invite you to envision your perfect romanticand desires. 
curious or concerned due to a change

relationship. What do you want? Do want youPrepare yourself and create space to make lovein the human‘s typical daily routine,

a partnership that includes exercise or physicalwelcome. 
the message might be, “What‘s going

activity? What about intellectual stimulation? Lori is a lawyer and coach. You can learn more 
on, are you (we) OK?”. 

What kinds of things would you like to do forabout her at and on her app theAlthough the inventor/

fun? The sky is the limit! Ask for what you want,Gratitude Train, it's free in Goggle Play and the Appmanufacturer - a Swedish group known

because anything is possible; however, you will Store. 
as The Nordic Society for Inventionand Discovery - is careful to iterate thatthe product is in the developmentalstage; “a work in progress“, as they liketo call it, they do clearly claim that theEEG micro-sensors are able to pick up 


ORION is all 
about sweetness 
and cuddles! 
Even though this
boy was named
after the famous 
star constellation 
depicting a giant
hunter, the only
thing our Orion
hunts is toys,
food, and catnip!

His sleek and handsome gray “blue” fur gives hima most unique look, like the Russian Blue breed.
He’s a gentle boy and loves everybody, includingother nice kitties. He’s a purr-fect age and readyfor his forever home! Make Orion your purrsonal 
star! Born 4/2016. 

Call 626-676-9505 for a Meet & Greet, or see 
Adoption pages for our adoption procedures. 


Meet Bob, a 6-year-old Saint Bernard and American 
Staffordshire terrier boy who has a beautiful white and 
tan coat and long, bouncy, floppy Saint Bernard ears. 
Bob has the calm and loyal nature of a Saint Bernard 
and the charisma of a Staffordshire terrier. You can tell 
he has a sweet nature from his big smile which stretches 
from ear to ear. Weighing about 85 pounds, Bob is best 
described as a gentle giant who enjoys long leisurely 
walks and he is great on a leash. This gentle sweet and 
loving boy deserves a forever family that can provide 
him with all the love, hugs, and kisses that he enjoys. 
If you’re a fan of big beautiful breeds than Bob is the 
pup for you!. His adoption fee is $145, which includes 
neuter surgery, a microchip, first vaccinations and a 
free wellness check-up at a participating veterinarian. 

Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for more 
information. He currently resides at the San Gabriel 
Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand 
Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel 
Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. 
To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time 
from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. 

Adoption fee is $100, which includes neuter,
microchip, exam & vaccines. Our cats are negativeFELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated.
See more pictures, videos, adoption info &
application on our website, www.lifelineforpets.
org. Can’t adopt? Visit our website for our easySponsor A Kitty campaign.
GOOD NEWS: Little Dusty has an adoptionpending.

Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 
927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients 
Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! 
(626) 351-8863 

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