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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 9, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, December 9, 2017 3 Mountain View News Saturday, December 9, 2017 3 Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis “Christmas! It’s almost here! My favorite, favorite time of year! Think mistletoe and holly, Think children’s faces...jolly. Carols on the radio, Happy smiles each place you go!”Thanksgiving is but afond memory and maybe a little cranberry sauce somewherein the back of the ‘fridge, and we are now in full Christmasmode. The tree in Kersting Court is the most beautifulone ever and I love the menorah and the dreidel there too. Christmas for me will be a lot different this year, as my bestfriend and favorite walking buddy, John, is now a resident ofheaven. However, I bought some gorgeous white poinsettiasat Trader Joe’s and stuck them in a basket on my diningroom table, got out my front door and gate wreaths, andeven managed to get two of our star shower things out onthe front lawn. I bought our Texas girl, Crissy, that newone that’s all over TV – Star Shower Slide Show – and it’s so fabulous with all the different effects it provides that my“Buy It Now!” trigger finger is itching to press the button. Seriously! It comes with12 Full Color Slides for Christmas(6), Halloween (2), Other Holiday/Celebrations (4) (1 Pack).filled this large area. We drooled over coffee tables, bowls, My inspiration for doing even just a little decoratingjewelry, chairs, a complete dining room ensemble and sowas Shawn Blakeslee and his family across the street. He’smuch more. The highlight of the evening was a spiritedgot lights galore, these big round ball ornaments on hisauction where a number of pieces were sold amidst muchsteps and it all looks spectacular. Of course, living nextfriendly bidding and counter bidding. Chuck – who alsodoor to the Cardellas – Lisa is the heart and soul of Ixora happens to be a member of the Arboretum Board – cameFloral Studio right here in town on Montecito – who putaway with an absolutely gorgeous music stand. All of theup millions of lights and other nifty stuff, how could I notpieces we admired were so uniquely exquisite as wooddo SOMETHING! My favorite Halloween house, on So.grains were matched and perfection was achieved in eachBaldwin just above Orange Grove on the west side of theitem. The pictured piece, entitled “Weeping Man” by artist, street is now my favorite Christmas house. They have soGonzalo Algarate, was carved from Eucalyptus globulusmany splendid Christmas goodies on their lawn, fence,– Tasmanian Bluegum. You can’t tell from looking at theyard, that one must be careful not to stop in the middle ofpicture but this piece depicts a man with his face buriedthe street to just take a really good look!in his hands. The anatomy is perfect, the color a light tan Sierra Madre daughter, Leah, and her husband, Chuck,with a highly polished sheen. Tremendously moving. We alltook me to a really fabulous event at The Arboretum and, ashad a marvelous time, a great band played nonstop, theresaid Arboretum is just down Baldwin a little ways, I figuredwere hors d’oeuvres, wine and happy people supporting theit could count as a Walking Sierra Madre event. “Forces ofArboretum where children have an opportunity to learnNature II” was the theme and it was fabulous. Remember that we need trees, how to care for trees, and to appreciatethe windstorm six years ago that wiped out all our electricitythe beauty that surrounds one at the Arboretum. If youfor days and had us shivering in the dark and weepinghaven’t been for a while, go! over all the trees in our neighborhood that were toppledSpeaking of pleasing happenings, Mountain Views like a bunch of tinker toys? The Arboretum did plenty ofNews very own book reviewer, Jeff Brown, reviewed myweeping then, too, as 400 trees were blown over and rippedbook, “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.” out of the ground. Some of these were planted by LuckyThanks, Jeff! This book makes a terrific gift, btw. In case youBaldwin himself. Wood, such as these trees, was impossiblewondered, the poetic work that started us off today is the firstto come by until this horrendous storm. The Arboretumsong on “Star of Wonder” the CD, which will be availablemade this rare, unique wood available to artists to createshortly on iTunes and all over the place! “Christmas, it’swhat spoke to them from these downed trees and bring italmost here! Think Joy!” back for a showing and sale; the purpose being to collectfunds to plant trees for the next generation and the next.My book page: Deanne DavisI was fortunate to attend the first showing of Arboretum “Star of Wonder – A Christmas Story” Force of Nature art a couple of years ago, which was veryIs available there. This is a wonderful Christmas Love Story... nice, and then on December 1st, my eyes could not believetrust me! the quantity of quality workmanship on display. They alsoAnd soon to be a CD! could not believe the packed house! Friends and neighbors,Blog: there were so many people in there looking to buy and sellFollow me on Twitter, too! that we could hardly get close to the exquisite pieces which playwrightdd ONE BOOK ONE CITY SELECTION ANNOUNCED In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash by spun the materials of his all-AmericanJean Shepherd is the 2018 selection for the childhood into works of comic art. In God Sierra Madre Public Library’s popular One We Trust: All Others Pay Cash represents aBook One City program in February. peak of his achievement and speaks acrossLight-hearted and funny, the beloved, generations. bestselling classic is a collection of short One Book One City is a communitystories and includes A Christmas Story, reading program that invites the public tomade into a popular Christmas movie. read and discuss the same book during aJean Shepherd was a master writer who month of exciting free programs. SEASONAL CRAFT WORKSHOP FOR ADULTS Take a break, gather with other adults, and enjoylearning how to make gifts and treats for others (orfor yourself!) Join other adults as you discover how to createfestive holiday candles and decorate cookies onSaturday, Dec. 9 at 11:00 am in the Sierra MadrePublic Library. All materials are supplied. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! CALL PATRICIA 626-818-2698 CLASSIFIED OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT IN SIERRA MADRE Near Baldwin on Sierra Madre Blvd. Please email your type of business and space requirements to: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||