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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 49 SIERRA MADRE EDITION SIERRA MADRE HONORS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 49 SIERRA MADRE EDITION SIERRA MADRE HONORS Sierra Madre is a very unique city. Three square miles, 11,000 residents. No traffic lights. It is a full service city complete withits own Police and Fire Departments, WaterDepartment, Recreation Center, Senior Centerand Schools and Library. Sierra Madre even has its own Rose Parade Float! Unlike other small towns, financial challenges are manageableand the town's personalities run from theextremely conservative to the extremely liberal. Surrounded by much larger cities with muchgreater financial resources the question is oftenasked, how does Sierra Madre survive? Anyattempt to answer that question would not becomplete without acknowledging the positiveimpact volunteerism has on the town. The citysaves literally thousands of dollars in wagesbecause of the commitment residents have to the city. You can find dedicated volunteers in everyaspect of the city's operations. At the annual ceremony to honor the town's volunteers, Police Chief Joe Ortiz noted that the police volunteersand reserves save the city about $40,000 per year. So it should come as a surprise to no onefamiliar with Sierra Madre, or living in SierraMadre that being a volunteer is a very honorableand respected thing to do. On Thursday evening, more than 150 peoplegathered to honor this year's top volunteers. Prior to the event the community had the opportunityto nominate those volunteers and city employees(who go beyond the call of duty) to be honoredat the Sierra Madre Honors Dinner. For the first time, the was a collaboration between the cityand its Chamber of Commerce to include the Citizen of the Year and the Business of the Year. Mayor Rachel Arizmendi served as the eventsMC and all five City Council members as wellas members of the Sierra Madre Chamber Board of Directors were in attendance. The recipients were: EXEMPLARY SERVICE AWARD: CLARE LIN Clare Lin joined the organization as a parttime administrative clerk in Public Works Department on April 8, 2013, then turned fulltime in November of 2014. Clare lives with her husband Tony Lin and in Arcadia, where she grew up since her family moved herefrom Taiwan in 1988. After receiving a degreein Architecture from Woodbury Universityand graduate studies in Public Policy fromUniversity of Southern California, Clare hasworked in private sector architecture firms as aplanner until her first public sector job in SierraMadre. She enjoys serving the public. Clare andher husband enjoyed travelling and dining. Shespend her vacation time seeing the world. Recenttrips she has visited Japan, Demark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. Next destination on theirlist is Peru PUBLIC SERVICE AWARDS EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR - TIM HUNSICKER Tim was raised in Sierra Madre by his parentsKarl and Terry Hunsicker, where Tim grew upand spent his first 30 years. He and his wife of 7 years, Yvette have 3 beautiful children, Evelynwho is 5 years old, Elijah who is 4 and Audreywho is 3. In 2004 Tim earned a degree in Business Administration from Cal State LA. In addition Tim holds Certifications in both Water Treatment and Water Distribution from the California Department of WaterResources. After graduating college, Tim washired as a part-time utility worker in the WaterDepartment. In just over a year Tim was offereda full time positon in the Water Department. Over the past 8 years Tim has been a modelemployee. Each day and each year working withthe same enthusiasm and resolve as the first day. Tim’s ability to remain calm and collectedalong with his strong customer service skills andability to listen and resolve customer complaintsmake Tim invaluable to the City. For these reason and countless others, Tim Hunsicker is acknowledged as the 2017 Sierra MadreEmployee of The Year. PUBLIC SAFETY - for an employee/individualOR GROUP for protecting and maintainingsafety in Sierra Madre: SIERRA MADRE POLICE DEPARTMENT RESERVE OFFICERS AND VOLUNTEERS COMMUNITY SERVICE YOUTH AWARD Owen is the most active teenager in ourcommunity. He is a senior at PHS, playingwater polo, applying for colleges, volunteeringhis time to the CSC attending meeting andrepresenting the CSC at community event. Healso is spearheading an Eagle Scout project forthe community. The project is to organize a crewto rehabilitate the wash crossing foot bridge inthe canyon at the top of lower Brookside Lane. When most teenagers are home playing theirplay stations Owen is out making a difference inthe community. THE WISTARIA AWARD recognizing a City/ Community Partnership that assists with providing community wide programs and services: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY. MAYOR’S SPECIAL AWARD for outstandingservice and duty to the community: SIERRAMADRE CIVIC CLUB Special Tribute to Former Mayor George Maurerwho just turned 95! GEORGE MAURER LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - ARNOLD GAFFREY Arnold Gaffrey, for the George MaurerLifetime Achievement Award, in recognitionof his 44 years of service with the Sierra MadreSearch and Rescue Team. Arnold Gaffreyjoined SMSR in February of 1973. Since that time, he has responded to well over 2000 searchand rescue incidents as a member of the team - first as a regular team member, then crewchief and Emergency Medical Technician, andlater as operations leader. As an operations leader, Arnold gained a statewide reputationas a masterful search manager and was oftenrequested to assist in the search for lost hikersaround the state and in national parks includingYosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon. CITIZENS OF THE YEAR introduced by Former Sierra Madre Mayor Maryann Continued on page 2 Above Mayor Arizmendi with Friends of the Library Mayor Arizmendi, De and Pat Alcorn, Mary Ann MacGillivray, Steve Sciurba,, Pres. SMCC Arnold Gaffrey left photo and Owen Braudrick right with Mayor Arizmendi Above left, Sandy Duvall, right Carol Canterbury, below Susan Henderson & granddaughterMilania Thomas and Mayor Arizmendi. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |