Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 9, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, December 9, 2017 ARCADIA RESIDENTS SATISFIED WITH ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER QUALITY OF LIFE Public Safety Concerns Remain High Amid a Weakening Financial Outlook December 6, 2017 – A recently commissionedindependent survey shows Arcadia residentsare highly satisfied with their quality of life andtheir vital City services. Seventy-nine percent(79%) of City residents agree that Arcadiaprovides a better quality of life than other nearbycommunities, and nearly 70% of residents sayCity services are excellent or good. “People move to Arcadia because we tend tooffer an unsurpassed standard of living,” saidCity Manager Dominic Lazzaretto. “I’m pleasedthat Arcadia residents are satisfied with the City’s performance in service delivery. We workhard to keep our community safe, clean, andwell-maintained,” he added. Residents expressed strong support for theArcadia Police Department, with 84% givinglocal law enforcement a favorable job rating, and 91% of respondents stating that local policeprotection was an extremely/very importantpriority. A clear majority of respondents alsoexpressed concern that Arcadia has becomeless safe in recent years following changes tostate laws that both decriminalized certain crimes and resulted in the early release of repeatoffenders. “The Arcadia Police Department faces significant challenges in the years to come,” saidPolice Chief Robert Guthrie. “Arcadia is a safe City in general but property crime is a seriousissue in our community. All available resourcesare being dedicated to address this priority; however, we need to ensure that this level of effort can be sustained—including training, equipment, and additional personnel—toprovide the Department, its officers and support staff, the necessary tools to keep Arcadia safe.” Although the local economy remains strong, the rising cost of City services is expected tobegin having an effect next fiscal year. “We lookforward to discussing how best to support ourvital community service needs and evaluatinghow best to maintain these services, particularlypublic safety,” continued City ManagerLazzaretto. “Over the coming months, we willwork with the community to solicit additionalviews while we develop long-term strategiesto maintain and even enhance the services our community values.” The community survey was conducted inOctober 2017 by opinion research firm FM3, who has extensive experience polling the SanGabriel Valley. For more information, pleasecall Arcadia City Hall at 574-5401. About the City of Arcadia Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over56,000. Located approximately 20 miles eastof downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is knownfor combining small-town charm with theconveniences and amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter city governedby a five-member City Council, elected at large. Recognized for exceptional educationand recreation opportunities and beautifulneighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined asthe “Community of Homes” and has twicebeen designated the “Best City in Californiain which to Raise Kids” by Business WeekMagazine. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES We invite you to celebrate the joy and miracleof Christmas with us at Church of the Good Shepherd. We have three Christmas Eve services. All are welcome. 5 p.m. Youth Led Christmas Pageant9 p.m. Traditional Lessons and Carols with Candles11 p.m. Communion Services with Candles Additionally, we have our annual Blue Christmasservice on December 21st, the longest night ofthe year at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. This service is particularly for those for whom the holidays is nota cheerful time because of loss and depression. Thisis a contemplative and reflective healing service. Church of the Good Shepherd, United Methodist400 W. Duarte Rd.,+CA+91007&entry= gmail&source=g Arcadia, CA 91007 For the period of Sunday, November 26th, through Saturday, December 2nd, the Police Department responded to 872 callsfor service, of which 131 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. Sunday, November 26: Shortly before 8:41 a.m., an officer responded to an apartment complex in the 400 block of Fairview Avenueregarding a burglary report. The officer discovered an unknown suspect entered and ransacked the victim’s assigned storage cabinet sometime during the previousnight. No loss has been reported at the time of this report. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. At approximately 10:28 p.m., an officer responded to theSanta Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding anactivation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoybicycles with tracking devices to combat the increase inbike thefts throughout the city. An investigation revealed a28-year-old male from Los Angeles was in possession of thestolen bicycle, GPS tracker, a concealed knife, Xanax, and asmoking pipe. The suspect was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking. Monday, November 27: Just after 8:30 a.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 11800 block of Clark Street regarding a mail theft report. The officer determined unidentified suspect(s) pried openthe mail box door and stole an unknown amount of mail. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. At approximately 10:32 a.m., an officer conducted anenforcement stop on a vehicle in the area of Colorado Placeand Oak Hurst Lane for having expired registration. Arecords check of the driver revealed the 35-year-old malefrom Echo Park was on probation for auto theft, he wasdriving with a suspended license, and he was in possessionof burglary tools. The suspect was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Tuesday, November 28: Around 8:11 a.m., an officer responded to HickmanMechanical, 11930 Goldring Road, regarding a burglaryreport. The officer discovered an unknown suspectmanipulated the exterior gate, entered an unlocked storageunit, and fled emptyhanded. The burglary may be linked toa previous incident where an unidentified suspect entered astorage unit and fled with nearly $50,000 worth of property. Suspect 1 is described as a Hispanic male between 45 and55-years-old, wearing a grey T-shirt and driving the late model, tan, Toyota Camry. Suspect 2 is described as a Hispanic maledriving a red Mitsubishi truck. The third suspect is describedas a Hispanic male. The investigation is ongoing. Just before 12:25 p.m., an officer responded to theintersection of Mayflower Avenue and Shrode Streetregarding a petty theft report. The victim stated her daughterrecently built a “Free Little Library” and sometime duringthe previous evening, an unknown suspect stole the libraryand its books. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. Wednesday, November 29: Shortly after 11:34 a.m., an officer responded to Pavilions, 745 West Naomi Avenue, regarding a theft report. The suspect was seen exiting the store, failing to make paymentfor a cart full of wine, toiletries, and soda. The suspect is described as a black male, approximately50 to 55-years-old, driving an older model, silver, ChevroletMalibu. The investigation is ongoing. At about 1:21 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 1000 block of Fairview Avenue regarding a package theftreport. An investigation revealed a 38-year-old male paroleefrom Burbank stole the victim’s package as well as a 38-yearold male from Pomona. During a consensual search of theparolee, the officer located methamphetamine. Also, a recordscheck of the accomplice revealed he had an outstandingmisdemeanor warrant. Both suspects were arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Before 2:37 p.m., an officer responded to the 900 blockof West Huntington Drive regarding a robbery report. The victim stated she was seated at the bus stop when thesuspect grabbed her purse from the bench and fled to hisvehicle. The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in histwenties or thirties, approximately 6’ tall, with a thinbuild, and short brown hair. He did not have any facialhair or glasses. He fled in a green, four-door sedan. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Around 8:12 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 00 block of West Naomi Avenue regarding a burglaryreport. An investigation revealed an unknown suspectentered the residence through an unlocked bedroomwindow, ransacked the home, and fled with cash and designer watches. The investigation is ongoing. At about 8:15 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 100 block of West Naomi Avenue regarding a burglaryreport. The officer discovered unknown suspect(s) smasheda rear window, ransacked the location, and fled with jewelry. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Thursday, November 30: Just before 8:02 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 00 block of East Las Flores Avenue regarding aburglary report. Surveillance footage revealed threesuspects shattered a rear window, ransacked the home, and as they fled with an unknown amount of property, thealarm activated. All three suspects were wearing hooded sweatshirts, masks, gloves, and pants. The investigation is ongoing. Friday, December 1: Shortly after 11:09 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 1000 block of Rancho Road regarding afraud report. The victim stated between October 10th andNovember 13th of this year, an unknown suspect used hiscredit card to make seven fraudulent transactions totaling$143.90 in the state of New Jersey. The victim was inpossession of his credit card and is unsure how the suspectobtained his personal information. The investigation isongoing. Saturday, December 2: At approximately 5:51 a.m., an officer responded toCarl’s Jr., 165 East Duarte Road regarding a vehicle burglaryreport. An investigation revealed an unknown suspect(s) shattered the front passenger window and stole the victim’swallet. The suspect(s) then used her credit card in the Cityof South El Monte. The investigation is ongoing. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER WALL STREET PROVIDES AN OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE RESPONSE TO OUR CALPERS RESPONSE PLAN AS WE SUCCESSFULLY SOLD +/-$112MILLION WORTH OF PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS THIS PAST WEEK… FINAL PLAN WILL SAVE THE CITY OVER $50 MILLION DURING THE NEXT 30 YEARS! This past week, a key component of our overall CalPERS Response (CPR) Plan was executed as the City successfully sold $111.6 million worth of pension obligation bonds (POB) to refinance all of the City’s existing pension liabilities. Of particular note… given the City’s strong credit rating and favorable market conditions, we ended up saving even more money than we initially envisioned when the City Council approved the overall plan on November 7, 2017. As you may recall, when the CPR Plan was approved, staff was anticipating that over the life of the 30-year refinancing, the City would save around $43.2 million in total costs. After completing the overall POB transaction, the City’s strong financial position and an uptick in demand for municipal securities resulted in the City securing an overall issuance with a net interest cost 4.03%. In real dollars, the work performed by our bond finance team means that the City will now save around $50.3 million over the life of the 30-year refinancing, which is $7.1 million more than we initially anticipated! It goes without saying that we could not have achieved this positive development if not for the terrific work of our overall finance team, which includes: The team at the City, including the City Council and our Administrative Services DepartmentRichards, Watson & Gershon – Bond Counsel Stradling, Yocca, Carlson, & Rauth – Disclosure Counsel Urban Futures – Financial Advisor Thanks to the terrific work of all involved, our overall CPR Plan has put Monrovia into a most enviable financial position! Kudos to the entire team and our community! ALDI’S GRAND OPENING SET TO TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2017, AT 8:25 A.M.! We wanted to let everyone know that Monrovia’s731 East Huntington Drive. Aldi is known for its new Aldi’s Supermarket will be hosting a grandpremium exclusive brands, high-quality groceryopening celebration on Thursday, December 7,items, and low prices… and all of us here at the2017, with a formal ribbon cutting scheduled toCity are excited to welcome the supermarkettake place at 8:25 a.m. at their new location at retailer to our community! MEET AND GREET: ASSEMBLYWOMAN BLANCA RUBIO, 48TH DISTRICT Please join the Monrovia Arcadia Duarte Townis in her first year of office and has supported andCouncil at a “Meet and Greet Assemblywomanintroduced various bills. This energetic woman willBlanca Rubio, 48th District” event at Pamela Park, talk about her background, education, and teaching2236 Goodall Ave. Duarte, Tuesday evening,career before entering public office. She also willDecember 12 at 6:30 pm. The Assemblywoman explain various bills/propositions. All are welcome. During the last seven-day period, the PoliceDepartment handled 425 service events, resulting in59 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimesreported, go to map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For PoliceDepartment news and information, visit our websiteand follow us on Twitter. Counterfeit Bill December 4 at 9:33 a.m., a female subject calledpolice to report she had inadvertently used afictitious $100 bill at a gas station in the 900 blockof W. Foothill. She reported that she received the bill from a bank. An officer responded andconfirmed the $100 bill was fictitious and the U.S. Secret Service was notified. The investigation iscontinuing. Battery / Hit & Run Traffic Collision December 4 at 10:47 a.m., a caller reported adisturbing subject at a gas station in the 900block of W. Huntington. Officers arrived andlearned the subject had punched a customerat the gas station and then while attempting todrive away, the subject collided into a vehicle. The suspect fled the scene. The investigation iscontinuing. Artillery Round Found – Los Angeles Sheriff ’sDepartment Bomb Squad Notified December 4 at 1:01 p.m., officers responded to the100 block of E. Pomona to assist a subject withretrieving property from his impounded vehicle. While the subject was getting his property, thetip of an artillery round was located in the trunk. The item belonged to the registered owner’sgrandfather. The Los Angeles Sheriff ’s DepartmentBomb Squad was notified; they responded andtook possession of the device. Trespassing – Suspect Arrested December 5 at 9:51 a.m., the manager of a businessin the 300 block of W. Huntington called police toreport a disturbing male subject at the location. The subject has a notrespassing order issued to himfor the location. Officers arrived and detained the subject. The no-trespass authorization was postedon the front entry and exit doors, and the subjecthas been notified that he is not to be at the location. He was arrested for trespassing. Stolen Vehicle December 5 at 8:17 p.m., a vehicle was reportedstolen from the 400 block of W. Huntington. Afemale subject parked her vehicle in the businessparking lot and went into work. When she returnedto her vehicle, she found it had been stolen. The vehicle is a 2004 Acura. The investigation iscontinuing. Mail Tampering December 6 at 11:26 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of Wildrose reported an incident of mailtampering. She was at her home when FedExdropped off a package and she heard a knock atthe door. When she opened the door, she saw afemale, White subject, wearing jeans and a jeanjacket, walking away with her package. She yelledat the female, who then dropped the package andfled in a brown, 4-door Honda, with a male suspectdriving. The investigation is continuing. Grand Theft Auto / Felon With a Gun / Warrant – Suspects Arrested December 6 at 1:42 p.m., a parking control officerobserved a suspicious black Honda Accord with noplates making two quick turns in what he thoughtwas an attempt to get away from him. The vehicleparked in an alley in the 200 block of east Colorado. A computer check revealed the vehicle had beenreported stolen out of Westminster. Patrol officersresponded and the vehicle went mobile. As officerswere attempting to stop the vehicle, the male, frontpassenger threw a handgun out the window. Oncethe vehicle was stopped, the three occupants weredetained. The driver was arrested for grand theftauto, the front passenger was arrested for felonwith a gun, and the rear passenger was arrested fora no-bail warrant. The investigation is continuing. Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested December 6 at 3:14 p.m., loss prevention at abusiness in the 1600 block of S. Mountain saw a subject in the store taking items and placingthem in his clothing. Officers responded to thelocation and also observed the suspect placingitems in his clothing. The suspect walked past themanned registers without stopping to pay for theitems and was detained. The suspect was arrestedand received a citation to appear in court on thecharges. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! CALL PATRICIA 626-818-2698 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||