Mountain Views News, Pasadena edition

Pasadena Edition

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Inside this Week:

Community Calendar:
Local City Meetings

Pasadena – Altadena:
Altadena Crime Blotter
Pet of the Week

South Pasadena / San Marino:

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side
Profiles:   People Behind the Scenes

Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
Arcadia Police Blotter
Monrovia Police Blotter

Best Friends / The World:
Happy Tails
Christopher Nyerges
Out to Pastor
Katnip News!
SGV Humane Society

Food, Drink & More:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
Looking Up

Education / Good Life:
Senior Happenings

F. Y. I. :

Section B:

Arts and More:
Jeff's Book Pics
All Things
Family Matters
The Missing Page
The Joy of Yoga

Opinion … Left/Right:
Will Durst
Tom Purcell
Michael Reagan
The Funnies

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

Legal Notices (4):

Legal Notices (5):

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Marc Garlett
Lori A. Harris
Chris Leclerc
Christopher Nyerges
Rev. James Snyder
Keely Totten
Rebecca Wright

Recent Issues:
Issue 32
Issue 31
Issue 30
Issue 29
Issue 28
Issue 27
Issue 26
Issue 25
Issue 24
Issue 23
Issue 22

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1



VOLUME 12 NO. 33

Local Area 
News Briefs

Free Boxing Exhibition 
in Front of City Hall

 Toddler Found 
Naked With Stranger

Police arrested a 48-year-
old developmentally 
disabled man Thursday 
after a mother found her 
4-year-old daughter in the 
play area of Chick-fil-A 
naked with the unknown 

 According to police, 
officers were called to 
Chick-fil-A on East 
Colorado Blvd. After a 
mother discovered her 
daughter undressed. 
The mother grabbed her 
daughter and fled from the 
play structure. The suspect 
was detained by a customer 
until police arrived they 

 Police officers said the 
man was on an outing 
for developmentally 
disabled individuals. The 
man was later taken to a 
mental health facility for 
evaluation. He was arrested 
on charges of harassment. 

The family of the young 
girl declined medical 

 The City of Pasadena 
Human Services and 
Recreation Department will 
host its third annual, free 
“Centennial Square Boxing 
Show” featuring a full-scale 
boxing ring in front of City 
Hall, 100 N. Garfield Avenue 
this Friday, August 24 from 7 
p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Weigh-ins 
begin at 4:30 p.m. The “Main 
Card” will feature pugilistic 
match-ups in the “Master’s 
Division” with boxers age 
50 and older. A variety of 
other boxing exhibitions 
will be highlighted with 
competitors, both male and 
female, ages 8 and older.

 Every month, about 1,800 
people of all ages take 
advantage of the Villa-
Parke Community Center’s 
programs, but one of the 
most popular activities at 
the center is the Boxing 
Program. During the past 
two decades, hundreds of 
hopeful future Olympians 
and professionals have 
undergone training with 
Boxing Specialist Fausto 
De La Torre. Currently, 
more than 300 youth and 
adults are registered to use 
the boxing program’s gym. 
Boxing promotes physical 
and mental discipline, 
strength and well-being and 
is often a good fit for youth 
who are typically not drawn 
to more traditional sports.

 Garfield Avenue will be 
closed to traffic in front of 
City Hall to allow for the 
boxing ring in Centennial 
Square. The event is free and 
open to the public. Last year’s 
Pasadena Media coverage 
of the event won a WAVE 
Award from the Alliance for 
Community Media Western 
States Region in the category 
of Sports Coverage. 

 For more information about 
Villa-Parke and its programs, 
including boxing, visit
humanservices or contact 
the Villa-Parke Community 
Center by phone, (626) 744-
6530. The center is open 
8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday 
through Thursday; 8 a.m. 
to 7 p.m., Friday; 8 a.m. to 3 
p.m. Saturday and closed on 

 Planned Parenthood 
Advocates, Congresswoman 
Judy Chu, and representatives 
from Congressman Adam 
Schiff’s office held a press 
conference on the steps of 
Pasadena City Hall Monday 
morning, calling on senators 
to reject the nomination of 
Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the 
Supreme Court. Californians 
are demanding that their 
constitutional rights be 
protected, including access to 
safe and legal abortion they 

 “Women’s equality cannot 
be questioned, nor will we go 
back to the days of women 
dying from botched abortions 
because of Republicans taking 
away our access to safe and 
quality healthcare.” Chu said. 
“That is why I’m proud to 
stand with Planned Parenthood 
today and every day. They work 
hard to guarantee healthcare 
for women and families, and 
help fight these attacks from 

 “There are only eight states 
including California that have 
laws that protect the right to 
chose. So what this means if 
they overturn Roe v. Wade is 
that immediately, we think 
that 20 states would outlaw 
abortions. She also said. ”

 According to event organizers 
and Chu, Public support for Roe 
v. Wade — the 1973 decision that 
affirmed the right to access safe, 
legal abortion — is at record 
high of 71 percent, including 
52 percent of Republicans. 
Gallup polls indicate that public 
support for Judge Kavanaugh is 
lower than any other Supreme 
Court nominee in over 30 
years. Yet, President Trump has 
made clear that he would only 
nominate justices to the court 
who would “automatically” 
overturn Roe v. Wade. 

 Planned Parenthood Advocates 
are calling for the Senate to 
hold nominees to the Personal 
Liberty Standard, where they 
must affirmatively declare that 
they believe the Constitution 
protects individual liberty 
and the right of all people to 
make personal decisions about 
their bodies and personal 
relationships -- including the 
right to use contraception, to 
have an abortion, and to have 
the freedom to marry whom 
they choose. 

 “Planned Parenthood provides 
judgement free, unbiased care 
and assistance for people like 
me. Today, I share my story 
to exemplify that, without 
Planned Parenthood and the 
continued access to the services 
that they provide, my life and 
the lives of millions of others 
would be negatively impacted. 
Governmental actions, such as 
the decision to nominate Brett 
Kavanaugh to be a Supreme 
Court justice, can severely affect 
the lives of people across the 
nation,” said patient Hannah 

Judy Chu, 
Rally Against 

 Body Found in 
Search for Missing 

 Volunteers on Tuesday 
found the dead body 
of unidentified man 
near a trail in Pasadena. 
Although the body was 
found near a car belonging 
to that of a missing person, 
police officers said they 
could not confirm there 
was a connection. The 
car and body were found 
shortly after 7 p.m. in the 
400 block of South Arroyo 

 At press time news reports 
said the coroner’s office 
was working to identify 
the man that appeared to 
be in his 60s. 

Altadena Free 
Movie Tonight

 Take one last trip this 
summer... to a magical 
land called Oz!

 Pasadena City Manager 
Steve Mermell announced 
Tuesday the recruitment 
process for the next Chief of 

 Mermell said that the public 
is encouraged to attend 
meetings to provide input 
about important qualities 
that potential candidates 
should have. The executive 
search firm of Teri Black & 
Company, LLC. will facilitate 
the executive search and 
public meetings.

 “Public input is crucial to 
selecting the best individual 
to lead the Department. I 
encourage all community 
stakeholders to attend the 
upcoming forum(s) and 
share their thoughts on 
the characteristics and 
professional background 
they feel are most important 
when selecting a new Chief,” 
Mermell said.

 Community forums will 
take place:

Thursday, September 6 – 
6:30 p.m. City Hall Council 
Chamber 100 North Garfield 
Avenue, Second Floor

Saturday, September 8 – 9:30 
a.m. Villa-Parke Community 
Center Auditorium 363 East 
Villa Street

Saturday, September 8 – 
11:30 a.m. Jackie Robinson 
Community Center 
Auditorium 1020 North Fair 
Oaks Avenue

 Applications for the 
position will be accepted 
in September with 
screenings and interviews 
in October and November. 
The interview process will 
include a community panel in 
addition to law enforcement 
professionals and municipal 

 Based in Los Angeles, Teri 
Black & Company, LLC offers 
premier comprehensive 
executive search services to 
cities, counties throughout 
the Western United States.

 Anyone who would like 
to offer input can do so 

Police Chief 

Legislation Honors 
Victims of 1972 Arroyo 
Seco Bridge Collapse

 Before we settle in for the new 
school year, let’s celebrate an 
amazing summer of “Reading 
Taking Us Everywhere” by taking 
one last visual vacation. Pack a 
picnic and join us for an end-of-
summer celebration tonight in 
the Main Library Parking Lot, 
featuring family fun for all ages 
and a special screening of The 
Wizard of Oz.

 Doors will open at 6:00pm. 
Animated shorts and music will 
play as guests settle in, do an Oz-
themed craft, and pay a visit to 
the Haiku Guys + Gals. After the 
Adult Summer Reading Grand 
Prize Winners are announced and 
the sun begins to set, the movie 
will begin around 7:45pm.

What do I need to know about 

 The movie is free and open to the 

 Guests are encouraged to bring 
their own picnics, but food and 
snacks will be available for sale, 
including shave ice from Kona 
Ice food truck, Mexican fare from 
Burrito Express, and popcorn.

 Want to dress up like your favorite 
Wizard of Oz character? Great, we 
can’t wait to see!

 Free parking will be available at 
the Senior Center next door and 
on the street.

What can I bring to the outdoor 
movie and picnic?

 Family and friends of all ages!

 Lawn chairs and blankets - 
Seating will not be provided, so 
bring what makes you comfy!

 Food - While snacks will be 
available for sale, we encourage 
you to bring your own picnic if 
you want a more substantial meal.

The Main Library is located 600 
E. Mariposa Street. For more 
information visit: altadenalibrary.



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 Legislation to 
memorialize the area 
around the Foothill 
Bridge collapse of 
1972, Assembly 
Concurrent Resolution 
250, passed the Senate 
Transportation and 
Housing Committee 
last week. The incident 
–where six lives were
lost – occurred on the 
Foothill Freeway near 
Devil’s Gate in the 
City of Pasadena on 
Tuesday, October 17, 

 “This bridge collapse 
caused an unexpected 
tragedy that created 
intense pain for 
families of those 
who were injured or 
died as a result,” said 
Chris Holden. 
overcrossing of the 
Arroyo Seco honors 
the victims and may 
bring a sense of peace 
to their families.”

 At approximately 1:30 
p.m. on October 17, 1972, 
faulty scaffolding on a 60-
foot stretch of the Foothill 
Freeway collapsed while 
concrete was being poured 
for the bridge, crushing 
victims who were under 
the construction at the time 
of the collapse. An army of 
500 rescue workers labored 
throughout the night to 
locate missing workers who 
were buried under six feet of 

 Rafael Gonzales, son of 
the late Hector Delgado 
Gonzales testified in 
Sacramento on behalf of the 
victims in support of ACR 

 “The sacrifice of my father 
Hector Gonzalez Delgado 
and his five Coworkers 
will forever be known and 
appreciated by all those who 
utilize Highway 210,” said 
Rafael Gonzales. “Thanks to 
Assemblymember Holden 
and his staff, AB 250 will 
memorialize these men.”


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