Legal Notices (3) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, September 29, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
file number of 2018049034. The business was conducted by: A CORPORATION. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on 09/04/2018. The business information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) JEREMIAH PAUL PLUMMER/PRES Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 15, 22, 29, OCT. 06, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018226092 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BLACKTRUMPGUY, 13136 VICTORY BLVD #2, VAN NUYS, CA 91401. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) STEVEN CORNEL LOMAS, 13136 VICTORY BLVD #2, VAN NUYS, CA 91401. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Steven Cornel Lomas, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/06/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018226043 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALL ANGLE PRODUCTIONS, 22709 VICTORY BLVD, WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91307. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JORDAN AV-TAL, 5961 CORBIN AVE, TARZANA, CA 91356. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Jordan Av-Tal, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/06/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018225679 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FINAL AUTO REPAIR, 10472 ILEX AVE, PACOIMA, CA 91331. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JUAN CARLOS GARCIA, 10472 ILEX AVE, PACOIMA, CA 91331. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Juan Carlos Garcia, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/06/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229331 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ONE STOP VALLEY COLLISION CENTER, 13748 DESMOND AVE, PACOIMA, CA 91331; 13300 VICTORY BLVD 301, VAN NUYS, CA 91401. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) SUREN AMARYAN, 13300 VOCTORY BLVD 301, VAN NUYS, CA 91401. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Suren Amaryan. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227403 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ASPEN AND ASSOCIATES, 1547 TRUMAN STREET, SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) RICHARD ASPEN PITTMAN, 1547 TRUMAN STREET, SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Richard Aspen Pittman, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227342 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ELEMAR FOODS, 12623 ALBERS ST, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91607. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ELEMAR INC, 12623 ALBERS ST, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91607. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Elemar INC, Eliezer Hadad, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 05/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227119 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANAFOXBEAUTY, 918 S OXFORD AVE UNIT 332, LOS ANGELES, CA 90006. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ANASTASIYA M TOMYLOVYCH, 918 S OXFORD AVE UNIT 337, LOS ANGELES, CA 90006. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Anastasiya M Tomylovych, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018226648 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MICHOACANA DELIGHTS, 9043 WOODMAN AVE #8, ARLETA, CA 91331. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GHOLWAN MECHAMMIL, 17671 BRYAN PLACE, GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344; KIM MECHAMMIL, 17671 BRYAN PLACE, GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344. This Business is conducted by: A General Partnership. Signed: Gholwan Mechammil, Partner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 208227010 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: M.N.S. JEWELRY, 610 S BROADWAY SUITE 414, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ANNA TERZYAN, 610 S BROADWAY SUITE 414, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Anna Terzyan, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227270 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LEGAL GROUP ON LANKERSHIM, 6829 LANKERSHIM BLVD #201, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CLAUDIA COTA, 6829 LANKERSHIM BLVD UNIT 201, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Claudia Cota, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 06/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227393 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANGELS COUNSELING SERVICES, 202 N CEDAR ST UNIT 6, GLENDALE, CA 91206. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ANGELIQUE NICOLE DUKE-SHIRVANIAN, 202 N CEDAR ST UNIT 6, GLENDALE, CA 91206; MASIS SHIRVANIAN, 202 N CEDAR ST UNIT 6, GLENDALE, CA 91206. This Business is conducted by: A General Partnership. Signed: Angelique Nicole Duke-Shirvanian, Partner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/07/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227838 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BT TALK CONSULTING, 20140 RUNNYMEDE STREET UNIT 43, WINNETKA, CA 91306. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) BRONSON TRAN, 20140 RUNNYMEDE ST UNIT 43, WINNETKA, CA 91306. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Bronson Tran, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227673 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VERTEX STUDIO, 269 S BEVERLY DRIVE #173, BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MICHAEL POIRIER, 1400 S ADAMS STREET, GLENDALE, CA 91205. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Michael Poirier, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018227748 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: XPLICIT STYLING, 37955 LASKER AVE, PALMDALE, CA 93550. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ERIC ESCOBEDO, 37955 LASKER AVE, PALMDALE, CA 93550. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Eric Escobedo. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018228182 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA MEDICAL BILLING, 529 W WILSON AVE, GLENDALE, CA 91203. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GOHAR SEVADA GRIGORIAN, 529 W WILSON AVE, GLENDALE, CA 91203; ZARUHI BECAM, 342 N HOWARD ST 3, GLENDALE, CA 91206. This Business is conducted by: A General Partnership. Signed: Gohar Sevada Grigorian, Partner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018228284 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CII, 322 S BEVERLY DRIVE, BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212; 552 OAKFEN COURT, AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) IT GIRLS MEDIA PARTNERS, LLC, 5512 OAKFEN COURT, AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301. This Business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. Signed: It Girls Media Partners, LLC, Barry Falck, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018228085 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AGU MUSIC, 3975 LANDMARK ST SUITE 1400, CULVER CITY, CA 90232. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) AMUSE GROUP USA, INC, 3975 LANDMARK ST SUITE 1400, CULVER CITY, CA 902320. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Amuse Group USA, INC, Hiroko Stanhope, Vice President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018230091 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JOTOGO, 1112 MONTANA AVE 206, SANTA MONICA, CA 90403. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) NIKOLA JANKOVIC, 1112 MONTANA AVE 206, SANTA MONICA, CA 90403; SRDJAN ZIVANOVIC, 1112 MONTANA AVE 206, SANTA MONICA, CA 90403; TIHOMIR DUKIC, 1112 MONTANA AVE 206, SANTA MONICA, CA 90403. This Business is conducted by: A General Partnership. Signed: Nikola Jankovic, Partner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229957 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LOVELY VACATION RENTALS, 14550 ARCHWOOD STRET UNIT A, VAN NUYS, CA 91405. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ADRIAN PONCE, 14550 ARCHWOOD STREET STE A, VAN NUYS, CA 91405. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Adrian Ponce, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229927 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SERVICIO ROMERO, 8217 LANKERSHIM BLVD #44, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) FELIPE ROMERO, 8217 LANKERSHIM BLVD #44, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Felipe Romero, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229070 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CLAIMS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, 21781 VENTURA VL #460, WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DEBORAH KLEIN, 22269 SUMMIT VUE LANE, WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Deborah Klein, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2004. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018230021 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AMERICAN CANNABIS COMPANY, 612 N HOOVER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90004; 333 WASHINGTON BLVD #505, MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JAIME MORENO, 333 WASHINGTON BLVD #505, MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Jaime Moreno, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229815 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: REACON REALTY, 11810 BABBIT AVE, GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ARMAT INTERNATIONAL, 11810 BABBITT AVE, GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344; ARMAT INTERNATIONAL INC, 11810 BABBITT AVE, GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Armat International INC, Andre Zakarian, Presdient. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 04/2014. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018228731 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A.D. LANDSCAPE&CONSTRUCTION, 27077 HIDAWAY AVE #38, SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ABIMAEL DIAZ, 27077 HIDAWAY AVE #38, SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Abimael Diaz, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018228536 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MAGICFLOWERBOX, 1976 S LA CIENEGA BLVD UNIT 774, LOS ANGELES, CA 90034. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ASHKAN MESRI, 1976 S LA CIENEGA BLVD UNIT 774, LOS ANGELES, CA 90034. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Ashkan Mesri, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/10/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229107 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CA DEPUTY INSPECTOR, 5167 MECCA ACE, TARZANA, CA 91356. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) KOPLOW CORP, 5167 MECCA AVE, TARZANA, CA 91356. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Koplow Corp, Myles Koplow, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/11/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018 230724 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A V I APLHA CABINETS & MORE, 11541 MAGEE AVE, PACOIMA, CA 91331. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) FLAVIO E MATEOS, 11541 MAGEE AVE, PACOIMA, CA 91331. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Flavio E Mateos, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/12/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018229922 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA CHICKEN CAFÉ, 24201 WEST VALENCIA BLVD UNIT 114, VALENCIA, CA 91355. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) UNIVERSA LLC, 4017 VIA MARINA C305, MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292. This Business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. Signed: Universa LLC, Deniz Bekler, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/12/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018231738 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JOE’S DOWNTOWN MARKET, 1855 INDUSTRIAL ST STE 102, LOS ANGELES, CA 90021. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) SANTEE COURT MARKET, INC, 1855 INDUSTRIAL ST STE 102, LOS ANGELES, CA 90021. This Business is conducted by: A Corporation. Signed: Santee Court Market, Inc, Chadeh Abboud, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/12/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 06/2007. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018220566 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: INEVITABLE CREATIONS, 8800 CADROS AVE #203, PANORAMA CITY, CA 91402. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MISTY M WILLIAMS, 8800 CEDROS AVE 203, PANORAMA CITY, CA 91402. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Misty M Williams, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018234237 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: I SUPPLY, 118 W STOCKER 8, GLENDALE, CA 91202. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) HOVHANNES PAPAZYAN,. 118 W STOCKER 8, GLENDALE, CA 91202. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Hovhannes Papazyan, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/14/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 05/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018234239 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EDO PHOTOS, 1451 E BROADWAY APT B, GLENDALE, CA 91205. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) EDVARD PETROSYAN, 1451 E BROADWAY B, GLENDALE, CA 91205. This Business is conducted by: An Individual. Signed: Edvard Petrosyan, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 09/14/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 04/2014. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code) Publish: ES Mountain Views News Sept 15, 2,9, and Oct 6, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-221253 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 7 STAR COFFEE, 650 S HILL ST SUITE S-1, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) TIN TIN WIN, 10600 HARPENDEN AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; TIN TIN WIN. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-214586 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A BIT OF BRAVADO, 12314 EDGEFIELD ST, CERRITOS, CA 90703. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) TAYLOR NICOLE HARRISON, 12314 EDGEFIELD ST, CERRITOS, CA 90703. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; TAYLOR NICOLE HARRISON. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-217514 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALLCITY TRUCKING, 1313 W 107TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90044. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) RICHARD GONZALEZ, 1313 W 107TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90044. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; RICHARD GONZALEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220925 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALLIANZA CUSTOM FOOD TRUCK, 7930 MARBRISA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PEDRO DAMIAN PEREZ, 7930 MARBRISA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; PEDRO DAMIAN PEREZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219303 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ATD SIGNS, 8133 BEECHWOOD AVE, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ALBERTO LEONARDO TRUJILLO, 8133 BEECHWOOD AVE, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; ALBERTO LEONARDO TRUJILLO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-215256 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CACERES SHOE CO, 13437 HUTCHCROFT ST, LA PUENTE, CA 91746. Mailing address: P.O BOX 6092, LA PUENTE, CA 91746. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MELANIE CACERES, 13437 HUTCHCROFT ST, LA PUENTE, CA 91746, ERIC JOSE PEREZ, 13437 HUTCHCROFT ST, LA PUENTE, CA 91746. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; MELANIE CACERES. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-216912 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CALIFORNIA CARGO CARRIERS, 13731 STANSTEAD AVE, NORWALK, CA 90650. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ABEL JONATHAN RUBIO, 13731 STANSTEAD AVE, NORWALK, CA 90650. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; ABEL JONATHAN RUBIO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/27/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219747 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CANDY PLANET ONLINE, CANDY PLANET, 2500 FIRESTONE BLVD UNIT D, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LAURA MAYEN PICAZO, 2500 FIRESTONE BLVD UNIT D, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; LAURA MAYEN PICAZO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-217956 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CHUY’S PLAY ROOM, 1316 S ATLANTIC BLVD, EAST LOS ANGELES, CA 90022. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) WILFREDO A RAMOS, 1316 S ATLANTIC BLVD, EAST LOS ANGELES, CA 90022. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; WILFREDO A RAMOS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-216916 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CISNEROS REGISTRATION SERVICES, 1316 N AVALON BLVD STE A, WILMINGTON, CA 90744. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) EZ CHOICE SERVICE INC., 1316 N AVALON BLVD STE A, WILMINGTON, CA 90744. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; SANDRA ROCIO VILLAMIL FORENO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/27/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219400 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CYKL BYKE, CYKL BYKES, 10749 SOUTH ST, CERRITOS, CA 90703. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CHRISTOPHER SEUNGJAE LEE, 10749 SOUTH ST, CERRITOS, CA 90703. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; CHRISTOPHER SEUNGJAE LEE. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220559 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DAVIS PERSONAL ASSISTANCE, 9150 SOUTH MANHATTEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90047. Mailing address: 6596 INDIANA AVE APT 7, BUENA PARK, CA 90621. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DAVIS PERSONAL ASSISTANCE LLC, 6596 INDIANA AVE APT 7, BUENA PARK, CA 90621. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Signed; QUENETTA LAVONNA DAVIS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/2016. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-217206 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DIAMOND WISH, DIAMONDSTUDS.COM, 550 SOUTH HILL STREET SUITE 1095, LOS ANGELES, CA 90013. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ISHAAN INTERNATIONAL, INC., 550 SOUTH HILL TREET SUITE 1095, LOS ANGELES, CA 90013. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; NEHAL ZAVERI. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220850 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: E S SIGNS INC, 1028 W. KIRWALL RD., AZUSA, CA 91702. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) E S SIGNS INC., 1028 W. KIRWALL RD., AZUSA, CA 91702. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; JOSE E SOSA MENJIVAR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-214978 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EAST VALLEY PMQ COVINA PHARMACY, 276 COLLEGE STREET, COVINA, CA 91723. Mailing address: PO BOX 9236, BREA, CA 92822. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PHARMEDQUEST PHARMACY SERVICES, 451 W LAMBERT RD STE 208, BREA, CA 92821. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; CHRISTOPHER LEE. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219343 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GALACTIC DETAILS, 20034 ALVO AVE, CARSON, CA 90746. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) AMBER MARIE RODRIGUEZ, 20034 ALVO AVE, CARSON, CA 90746. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; AMBER MARIE RODRIGUEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-218821 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GHE TRANSPORTATION, 10714 GORMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90059. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GABRIEL VALDIVIAS AGUILAR, 10714 GORMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90059. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; GABRIEL VALDIVIAS AGUILAR. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-215186 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GLAMOROUS HANDBAGS, 114 E 12TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90015. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) CLAUDIO YBANEZ MARTINEZ, 945 E 23RD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90011. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; CLAUDIO YBANEZ MARTINEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-218954 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: INFINITY WIRELESS GROUP, 1563 W PICO BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90015. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) INFINITY WIRELESS GROUP LLC, 1563 WEST PICO BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90015. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Signed; DIANA SANCHEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-218009 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: JB STON, 13423 EXELCIOR DR, NORWALK, CA 90650. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JOSE PETRONILOF BAEZ MORENO, 3043 GUIRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; JOSE PETRONILOF BAEZ MORENO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220436 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: KID PRINT SOLUTIONS, QENSICS, 1276 AVENIDA CESAR CHAVEZ, MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754. Mailing address: PO BOX 3617, MONTEBELLO, CA 90640. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PETER BARAJAS, 1276 AVENIDA CESAR CHAVEZ, MONTERERY PARK, CA 91754. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; PETER BARAJAS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 07/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-216423 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: L.A. JETS VETERANS SUPPORT GROUP, 2851 WEST 120TH STREET, HAWTHORNE, CA 90250. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) SAVING ALL KIDS, 2851 WEST 120TH TREET, HAWTHORNE, CA 90250. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; DARRYL CRUTCHFIELD. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/27/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 02/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-218270 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA TAVERNA SPORT BAR, 14345 PIONEER BLVD, NORWALK, CA 90650. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LA TAVERNA SPORT BAR, INC., 14345 PIONEER BLVD., NORWALK, CA 90650. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; JUAN GABRIEL CERVANTES. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-218105 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LAX JEWELRY CO, 639 SOUTH HILL STREET #B3, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LAX JEWELRY CO. INC, 639 SOUTH HILL STREET #B3, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; ROBERT ALEXIS MARIN. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/28/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2018. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220709 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LIANES BOUTIQUE, 1155 N. SERRANO AVE 5, LOS ANGELES, CA 90029. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DEIRDRE LIANE RIVAS, 1155 N. SERRANO AVE 5, LOS ANGELES, CA 90029. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; DEIRDRE LIANE RIVAS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-221298 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LUCKY ZONE LOTTERY AND CIGARETTES, 710 B S HILL STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) ANDREW WONG, 710 B S HILL STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90014. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; ANDREW WONG. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-216580 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MASTER FRAME’S, 9202 MORRIL AVE, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) GERARDO HUERTA GONZALEZ, 9202 MORRIL AVE, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670, TEODORO HUERTA RUBIO, 9202 MORRIL AVE, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; GERARDO HUERTA GONZALEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/27/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-214780 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MINA GELATO, 425 E LIVE OAK AVE APT 225, ARCADIA, CA 91006. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) MIKI KAJIYAMA, 425 E LIVE OAK AVE APT 225, ARCADIA, CA 91006. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; MIKI KAJIYAMA. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-220267 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MODERN POOCH DOG GROOMING AND WASHING, 9814 GARVEY AVE SUIT 22, EL MONTE, CA 91733. Mailing address: 10143 REMER ST, SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LUIS GERARDO RAMIREZ, 9814 GARVEY AVE SUIT 22, EL MONTE, CA 91733. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed; LUIS GERARDO RAMIREZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/30/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219047 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MOTA’S CARPET AND FLOORING, 9847 FOSTER RD., DOWNEY, CA 90242. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) FRANCISCO JESUS PANDURO MENDEZ, 9847 FOSTER RD, DOWNEY, CA 90242, ONESIMO MOTA SANCHEZ, 9847 FOSTER RD, DOWNEY, CA 90242. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Signed; FRANCISCO JESUS PANDURO MENDEZ. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-216320 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: OJ CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION, 6816 MALABAR ST.APT C, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) LUIS HECTOR MACINAS, 6816 MALABAR ST. APT C, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255, OSCAR JIMENEZ- MENDO, 171 MUSTANG LN, ZEBULON, NC 27597. This Business is conducted by: COPARTNERS. Signed; LUIS HECTOR MANCINAS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/27/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 05/2017. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-219083 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PEI CONSTRUCTION, 10247 ALEXANDER AVE, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) POOTIE’S ELECTRIC INC, 10247 ALEXANDER AVE, SOUTH GATE, CA 90280. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; JESSE A POOT. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/29/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-214995 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PMQ VERMONT PHARMACY, 954 NORTH VERMONT AVE #132, LOS ANGELES, CA 90029. Mailing address: PO BOX 9236, BREA, CA 92822. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) PHARMEDQUEST PHARMACY SERVICES, 451 W LAMBERT RD STE 208, BREA, CA 92821. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. Signed; CHRISTOPHER LEE. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 08/24/2018. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)Publish: Mountain Views News Dates Pub: SEPT. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2018-217858 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PRINCESS NAILS & SPA, 3225 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY, SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) JULIE TUYET TRUONG, B6 LEGAL NOTICES Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 29, 2018 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||