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VOLUME 14 NO. 24 SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2020 SIERRA MADRE: A CITY WITH A WELL MANAGED BUDGET By Kevin McGuire broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman 626.975.4033jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418korth@dppre.com #00942500We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. 690 Oak Crest Dr. Sierra Madre 91024Represented the BuyerClass of 2020! Congratulations on your graduation! We know you’re going to do big things in life. SOLD451 Camillo Rd. Sierra Madre 91024Represented the Seller SOLD180 S. Michillinda Ave. | Sierra Madre 91024www.180michillinda.com381 Mariposa Ave. #BSierra Madre 91024Represented the Seller IN ESCROWOver Asking with Multiple Offers! Starting bid of $599,000AUCTION JUNE 13TH SOLD118 E Laurel Ave. #CSierra Madre 91024Represented the SellerMultiple Offers! We ARE BusyBuilt in 1885 as a carriage house, this charming two-story home was converted to a single-family residence and moved to its present location in 1936. While sorely in need of a complete restoration, the charm and character of this lovely home remains intact. BARRY SCHWAM PASSES AT AGE 70 In the face of the fiscal impact COVID-19 has had on cities across the country, Sierra Madre managed to approve a 2020-2021 balanced budget while sporting a $1.2 million General Fund surplus. Staff used a zero-based process to establish that each line item in the budget was necessary. Department heads were asked to review their budgets for reductions, requiring a line-by-line review and approval of all expenditures by the City Manager, according to the staff report. The budget proposal establishes a $200,000 General Fund contingency. That’s an increase of 50% put aside for unforeseen circumstances and unbudgeted items, as those felt over the last three months of stay-at-home orders. The Budget Public Hearing took place on Tuesday June 9, but produced no public comments for or against the contents of the proposal, most likely due to the impact of the pandemic. Because of COVID-19, the city repurposed approximately $400,000 of General Fund monies to pandemic relief. Additional steps were taken to save funds through reduction of hours and services that the city felt were no longer needed. Actions included hiring freezes, elimination of non- essential overtime expenses and the postponement of all non-essential capital projects. Moving forward to the next fiscal year, the city proposes a suspension of the compensation program, which means no step or cost-of-living increases for City employees. They may also offer early retirement packages. This is not set in stone and may change as we recover and open up more services. Sales revenues in the city are still expected to continue to slide below expectations in 2021, due to the coronavirus. Projections show Sierra Madre having a loss of close to 40% in sales tax, this reduction will be offset by the 0.75% sales tax increase (Measure S)which was approved by voters in 2019. In addition, the city budgeted for a delinquency in property tax, losses in rent, business licenses, overnight parking, and events revenue. In some good news, the 2020-21 budget includes funding for training and equipment for public safety, such as $200,000 for a new ambulance. An option has been left open to make increases or decreases to expenditures as needed. For example, if the projections change for the better, prepayments from the General Fund to CalPERS could take place and pay freeze for city employees may be lifted. Some of the reductions that have been made because of COVID-19 will become permanent, in order to repurpose funds to assist during the pandemic, according to the 3-Year Pandemic Response Plan presented by City Manager Gabriel Engeland. These reductions include: cutbacks of LAPD patrol, elimination of community service grants, and program assistance to the YMCA. The city will save approximately $85,000, due to these cuts. Some repurposing considered one-time only includes utilizing $200,000 from the COPS fund balance and $190,000 from IT Capital Projects. Overall, compared to some neighboring cities, Sierra Madre looks strong as it enters into its third consecutive year of an all-funds surplus. The breakdown of the 20/21 Budget shows a General Fund revenue of $12,010,400 and expenditures at $10,336,720, leaving an 8% surplus of expenditures. The total all-funds budget is $23.2 million with $2.9 million in total surplus. In the Police Department, the city added one full-time position, while decreasing part-time hours. The Fire Department increased salaries and added funds for a chief position and also added a part-time training captain position. Public works budgeted $10,000 for Lizzie’s Trail House Inn and will continue aggressive street repairs throughout the city. The sewer system is budgeted for repairs and a new truck, and the Water fund anticipates investing $2.5 million in infrastructure, including a $1 million interest free loan from the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. The library also eliminated one full-time position, as services were not needed due to COVID-19. Mayor Pro Tem Rachelle Arizmendi stated that she has not heard favorable budget news from City Council colleagues from neighboring towns and commends City Staff. “Considering some of the investments we’ve had to make for COVID, and changes we’ve had to make with our planning, it’s remarkable what we’ve been able to do,” she said. “There is a lot of good news here given the true challenges the pandemic has laid out,” said Councilmember Gene Goss. “This is an awfully good-looking budget considering.” Mayor John Capoccia praised the City Manager and staff for reacting quickly to the pandemic and exploring where the city could save money and cut costs. “The exciting thing about the budget is the surplus we have, which is considerably over our target of 25% of General Fund fund balance. This is good news for Sierra Madre,” the Mayor said, referring to the fund balance in the General Fund which is projected to reach 72% at fiscal year end. Council unanimously adopted four resolutions in relation to the budget. The 84-page Staff Report on the budget, including a complete breakdown of spending, is available to the public on the Sierra Madre website at cityofsierramadre.com. Without question, Barry Schwam was one of the most colorful characters in Sierra Madre. He was our Grinch, he was our Ichobad Crane, he was our official 'theremin' player and so much more. He was an important part of the Sierra Madre Playhouse, The Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival, and Sierra Madre's very own Grinch. And, he was an important part of JJs Jukebox which performed in his honor on Sunday. There really aren't enough words to describe this multi talented, actor, musician, artist and all around great guy and he will be sorely missed. Barry fought a valiant fight against cancer and died on June 7th peacefully in his Sierra Madre home, according his wife Lydia. There will be a public memorial sometime in the future for this amazingly talented man. Lydia completed her post with words that he and his friends could truly understand, "The Mother Ship has finally beamed you up" SAY MY NAME VIGIL IN SIERRA MADRE On Tuesday, the Sierra Madre Community held a solemn vigil in an effort to remember the untimely murder of George Floyd and the incidents that led to his death and the efforts to change those circumstances by thousands of protestors across the nation. This event was organized on the day of Floyd's burial by Sierra Madre resident Christy Teichman (top right) who "Wanted to bring our community together and start creating that change." The event began iwith a rendition of, "It Is Well" spiritual by Heidi Salazar. Speakers included Rev. Briant Cuffy, Pastor of Bethany Christian Church Sierra Madre (pictured lower right), Kellen Law (top right), Justin Sapp, Florence Annang, and Mountain Views News editor, Susan Henderson (lower left). To see a video of the complete event, go to: www. mtnvewsnews.com SIERRA MADRE LOSES TWO RESIDENTS TO COMPLICATIONS OF COVID-19 As of Friday, Sierra Madre experienced an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases to 15 and the total number of deaths to 2. Prior to this week, the city had no COVID-19 casualties reported. The two cases were both at the Kensington Senior Living Center and both suffered from illnesses. Both were in the hospital at the time of death. The Kensington's residence have been under quarantine for some time and had implemented precautions to protect residents in early March. Sources indicate that at one time there were six employees that tested postive for the virus. Currently there are no other reported cases among staff or residents COUNTY AND STATE-RUN COVID-19 TESTING SITES ARE ALL OPEN LA County and State run testing sites are all open. Residents can make an appointment by visiting the County COVID-19 testing website. Same day appointments are available at State operated Optum- Serve sites. “We are committed to ensuring that testing is widely available to people who need them,” said Dr. Christina Ghaly, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. “Through our col-laborative work with community clinics and other healthcare providers we are working to meet the needs of the community and provide seamless care for patients.” For the latest information on COVID-19 testing sites or to make an appointment, please vis-it covid19.lacounty.gov/testing/. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |