Mountain View News Saturday, July 10, 2021
Mental Health Bills Clear Huntington Adds Three NASA’s AIRS Tracks
Education Committee New Members to Board Record-Breaking Heat
Senate Bills 14 and 224, The Huntington Library, and Grounds Committee Wave in Pacific Northwest
authored by State Senator Art Museum, and Botanical and Digital and Technology
Anthony Portantino (D – La Gardens announces the Committee. 121 degrees Fahrenheit (49
addition of three new members The science instrument degrees Celsius).
Cañada Flintridge), cleared
to its Board of Trustees. They mapped the dome of high The AIRS instrument
the Assembly Education
are Christine Bender, J. Mario pressure that settled over recorded similar
Committee this week with
Molina, and Mei-Lee Ney. The the northwestern U.S. and temperature anomalies at an
bipartisan support. SB 224
Board, whose members share
western Canada in late June, altitude of about 10,000 feet
and 14 address the growing fiduciary responsibility for the
sending temperatures into (3,000 meters), showing that
mental health crisis among institution and final decision-
the triple digits. the extreme heat also affected
California’s youth by making on major matters, was
implementing mental health recently expanded from five An unprecedented heat mountainous regions. And
education and strategies. to seven members after 100 wave that started around temperature anomalies at
years. With the retirement of June 26 smashed numerous roughly 18,000 feet (5,500
“We can end the stigma
chair Loren Rothschild, Trustee all-time temperature records meters) demonstrated that
surrounding the discussion
Gregory A. Pieschala has been in the Pacific Northwest and the heat dome extended high
of mental health and get
named chair. Other members western Canada. NASA’s into Earth’s troposphere,
help to those who need it,”
include Andrew Barth, Simon Atmospheric Infrared creating the conditions for
stated Senator Portantino.
K.C. Li, and Wendy Munger.
Sounder (AIRS), aboard the intense heat at the planet’s
“As schools transition “The Huntington is a more Joseph “Mario” Molina
Aqua satellite, captured the surface that are normally
back to in person learning, complex institution than it Mario Molina has served on
progression of this slow-found farther south.
teachers are bound to be was at its founding, when the Board of Governors since
faced with behavioral health Board membership was set 2011, bringing a particularly moving heat dome across AIRS, in conjunction with
challenges resulting from are treated. at five. Today, the institution deep interest in the history of the region from June 21 to the Advanced Microwave
the emotional impact of the “NAMI-CA is pleased to is expanding its reach, with medicine. Molina served as 30. An animation of some of Sounding Unit (AMSU),
see this bill move forward, an even greater breadth of CEO of Molina Healthcare, the AIRS data show surface senses emitted infrared
pandemic on their students.
and are infinitely grateful programming, a broadened the Long Beach-based health air temperature anomalies – and microwave radiation
Unrecognized, untreated or
to have such a bold leader educational and research focus, plan operator and healthcare values above or below long-from Earth to provide a
late treated mental illness
in Senator Portantino,” and an expanded sense of its services company, from 1996 term averages. Surface air three-dimensional look at
elevates the risk of mental
public mission,” said President through 2017.
stated Jessica Cruz, CEO temperature is something the planet’s weather and
health crises such as suicide
Karen R. Lawrence. “With these Molina earned his
of NAMI-CA. “While the that people directly feel climate. Working in tandem,
and self-injury, diminishes new Board members, we gain undergraduate degree from
amendments we took in when they are outside. the two instruments make
prospects for recovery and critical and diverse expertise California State University,
today’s hearing mean that In many cases, the simultaneous observations
can contribute to substance and perspectives that will serve Long Beach and his M.D.
abuse and other negative mental health instruction us well as we move out of our from the University of highs exceeded previous down to Earth’s surface.
coping behaviors. We want will not reach as many Centennial and step into our Southern California. He temperature records by With more than 2,000
children as we intended, second hundred years.” is a former member of the several degrees or more. channels sensing different
to make sure we are not
NAMI-CA is committed to Molina and Ney begin their board of directors of Apollo On June 28, Quillayute, regions of the atmosphere,
neglecting these critical
this fight – as we have been terms July 1; Bender, who had Medical Holdings Inc. and the Washington, set an all-time the system creates a global,
issues and giving our kids
for the last eight years – so previously been elected chair Aquarium of the Pacific. He high temperature record of three-dimensional map of
the help they need.”
of the Board of Governors, will is a trustee of Johns Hopkins
that all California students, 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 atmospheric temperature
According to the U.S. serve in that position through Medicine, Curator of the Osler
as well as their families, degrees Celsius), shattering and humidity, cloud amounts
Department of Health and December and join the Board Library, and has served on
will soon benefit from this the old record of 99 degrees and heights, greenhouse
Human Services, nearly 1 of Trustees on Jan. 1, 2022. the visiting committee for the
movement.” Fahrenheit (37 degrees gas concentrations and
in 3 California high school Harvard Medical School and
Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey, the Harvard Dental School. Celsius). Numerous weather many other atmospheric
students surveyed reported
feeling sad or hopeless CEO of California Council Molina’s family provided stations broke records on phenomena. Launched into
of Community Behavioral major support for the Molina consecutive days, showing Earth orbit in 2002 aboard
almost every day for two or
Health Agencies (CBHA) Family Latino Gallery at the unprecedented nature NASA’s Aqua spacecraft,
more weeks in a row. Nearly
recounts CBHAs advocacy the Smithsonian’s National of this extreme heat, which the AIRS and AMSU
1 in 5 reported that they
efforts over the past several Museum of American History is also being blamed for instruments are managed
have seriously considered
in Washington, D.C., slated to
years, “CBHA has been a a number of fatalities. by NASA’s Jet Propulsion
attempting suicide. open in late 2022.
tireless advocate for getting In British Columbia, the Laboratory in Southern
SB 224 requires local
needed training to school village of Lytton set a new California, under contract
educational agencies and
personnel and students. all-time record for Canada to NASA. JPL is a division of
charter schools which
Our SB 428 (Pan, 2018) at 119 degrees Fahrenheit Caltech.
currently offer one or more
which Senator Portantino (48 degrees Celsius) on More information about
courses in health education
co-authored, sailed through Christine Bender June 29, only to break it the AIRS can be found at: airs.
to middle or high schools
the Legislature with over Christine Bender has been a next day with a reading of
students include mental
250 organizations in support member of The Huntington’s
health content in those
only to get stalled at the Board of Governors since
courses. Educational topics Governor’s desk. The hope 2014. She was a corporate Schiff Secures $20 Million would include but are not and securities lawyer in
limited to the overarching was that funding allocated private practice until 1983 in Funding for Infrastructure
to schools through the
themes and core principles when then-Governor George
budget would be used to
of mental health. Under the Deukmejian appointed her
establish trainings. Three vote in the Senate, includes
amended version, SB 224 Chief Deputy Commissioner
would also require that the years later, and in the midst of Corporations; Deukmejian the following local funding
California Department of of a pandemic, Senator subsequently appointed her priorities, which were
Portantino recognized that Commissioner of Corporations Mei-Lee Ney requested by communities
Education develop a plan
enough hadn’t been done and in 1987, a position she held Mei-Lee Ney has been a across the district:
to expand mental health
action had to be taken now. I until her retirement in 1991. member of the Board of $500,000 for the 5 & 134instruction in California remember him reaching out Originally from upstate New Governors since 2018. A native Freeway Electric Vehicle public schools on or before York, Bender received her BA of Shanghai, she is president of
to us to request we revive the DC Fast Charging Network
January 1, 2024. coalition of supporters led from Wellesley College and her Richard Ney & Associates Asset (City of Burbank) to expandSB 14 requires the California JD from Harvard Law School. Management Inc. A longtime
by CBHA. We are grateful the installation of electric
Department of Education to Bender is a longtime art Huntington supporter, Ney charging stations
for the Senator’s leadership vehicle
recommend best practices docent at The Huntington, has been actively involved in
along the I-5 & SR-134
and identify evidence-based on this issue. We recognize is vice-chair of the Board the Chinese Garden and the
that taking amendments just Membership Committee Art Museum. Outside of her Freeway corridors.
and evidence-informed
to guarantee the bill would the Huntington involvement, she $2 million for the Olive/
training programs to address and chairs Fellows
be heard was not ideal, but Membership Committee; she has been a generous supporter Magnolia Bridge Safety
youth behavioral health,
Senator Portantino saw was also a founding member at USC and serves on the board Barrier Rail Project (Cityincluding but not limited beyond himself and pushed of the Diversity, Equity, and of councilors for the university’s of Burbank) to modernizeto, staff and pupil training. Inclusion working group Leonard Davis School of
sound policy forward. We barriers and pedestrian
Additionally, the bill ensures that has since evolved into Gerontology and Pacific Asia railings for safety purposes.that youth absences from are heartened by what he the Diversity, Equity, and Museum. She also serves on the Rep. Adam Schiff last week
did during the hearing by voted in support of the $2.08 million for the
school for mental health Inclusion staff committee. Her board of Huntington Hospital,
issues will be treated as an speaking truth to power and husband, Ken, also a retired as well as chair of the board INVEST in America Act, Broadway Rehabilitation
Project (City of Glendale) to
excused absence in the same challenging his colleagues to corporate attorney, serves on of trustees of Otis College of which includes nearly $20do the right thing.” The Huntington’s Buildings Art and Design, where she has million for local priorities make safety improves for all
way any other health issues
focused on issues of diversity, shared across seven projects modes of transportation.
equity, and inclusion. from Glendale to La Cañada $2.4 million for a
At The Huntington, she serves Community Beautification
on the Art, Board Membership, Project (City of Glendale) to
“Every day, I’ll continue
Society of Fellows Membership, facilitate road, sidewalk, and
fighting to make sure
and Botanical Committees of driveway repairs and install
that California and our
the Board of Governors.
shared roadway bicycle
Gregory A. Pieschala, Chair community receive the
Gregory A. Pieschala is resources they need to thrive
$3 million for the
president of BrightView and invest in the future,”
(formerly ValleyCrest) Golf said Schiff. “The House Beverly and Robertson
Maintenance. Originally from passage of the INVEST in Boulevards Complete
Indiana, he earned a BA in America Act is a critical Street Improvements (CityEconomics from Stanford of West Hollywood) to
step toward enhancing the
University and an MBA from modernize roadways and
safety, sustainability, and
Harvard Business School. He make pedestrian safetyspent 13 years with McKinsey quality of life across our improvements.& Co.’s Los Angeles office community. This year has
$4.8 million for the Flint
before joining BrightView. shown us that infrastructure
Canyon Trail Repair/
While at McKinsey, Pieschala is about so much more than
was asked to work with just roads and bridges, and Restoration (City of La
The Huntington, pro bono, must include investing in Cañada Flintridge) to create
on strategic planning. The the American people and a permanent stabilization
resulting report was a watershed the communities where they solution for erosion.
moment for the institution, $4.9 million for Melrose
live and work. I urge my
putting in place a framework Avenue Complete Street
colleagues in the Senate to
for securing The Huntington’s Improvements (City of West
swiftly pass this bill, so we
financial underpinnings Hollywood) to modernize through more robust audience can revitalize our economy
roadways and make
engagement and more dynamic and ensure we are ready for
pedestrian and bicycle safety
programming and outreach. the future.”
The report also strongly Schiff advocated to ensure
The full text of H.R. 3684 can
suggested that The Huntington Los Angeles transportation
beef up its emphasis on K-12 and infrastructure saw be found at: transportation.
education; today, the institution significant funding support The full
serves tens of thousands of descriptions of community
in the House Committee
school children and their projects Schiff requested can
on Transportation and
teachers each year both on-site be found at:
Infrastructure legislation.
and online. gov/transpo_funding.
The bill, which now awaits a
Pieschala served on The
Huntington’s Board of
Governors from 1999–2017
and was chair 2015–16, became
a Trustee in 2017, and served
as a founding member of the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
working group.
For more information about the
Huntington visit: huntington.
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