Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 10, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 10

10 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 10, 2021 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 


Dear Savvy Senior:
How can you know when someone has sleep apnea? My 
husband has become such a terrible snorer that he wakes 
himself up at night, and he keeps me up too. 
Tired Teri 

Dear Teri: 

If your husband is a loud snorer who wakes himself up during sleep, he probably needs to be tested 
for sleep apnea, a dangerous disorder that affects more than 22 million Americans, but often goes 

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes a person to stop breathing during sleep, hundreds of times during 
the night, for 10 seconds or more at a time. Left untreated, it can cause extreme daytime sleepiness, as 
well as a host of serious health conditions like high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and 
dementia. In fact, it’s estimated that every year, around 38,000 Americans die in their sleep from a heart 
attack or stroke because of sleep apnea. But the good news is that sleep apnea is very treatable and most 
insurance companies, including Medicare, cover it. 

Who Has It? 

 There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Of the three, obstructive sleep 
apnea (or OSA) is by far the most common and occurs when the throat muscles relax during sleep, 
blocking the airway. 

 While anyone can have it, sleep apnea is most common in people who are overweight, male, middle-
aged and older. For women, the risk increases after menopause. 

 The symptoms include loud snoring (however not everyone who snores has apnea), long pauses of 
breathing, gasping or choking during sleep and daytime drowsiness. But because most of these symptoms 
happen during sleep, most people don’t recognize them. It’s usually the person they’re sleeping 
with who notices it. 

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

 To help you get a handle on your husband’s problem, the American Sleep Apnea Association has several 
diagnostic tests he can take at – click on “Test Yourself.”

 If the screening indicates that he may have sleep apnea, make an appointment with his doctor or a 
sleep specialist who will probably recommend an overnight diagnostic sleep test called polysomnography, 
which can take place at a sleep center lab (see, or at home using a portable 

Treatment Options

 Your husband is at greater risk for sleep apnea if he’s overweight, smokes, and/or consumes excessive 
amounts of alcohol. Excess weight, especially around the neck, puts pressure on the airway, which can 
cause it to collapse. Smoking can increase the amount of inflammation and fluid retention in the upper 
airway. And alcohol and sleeping pills can relax the muscles in the back of his throat, interfering with 
breathing. Addressing these issues, if necessary, is usually the first line of treatment. 

 If that doesn’t do the trick, mild cases of sleep apnea may respond to oral devices that fit into the mouth 
like a removable mouth guard or retainer. These devices work by positioning the lower jaw slightly forward 
to keep the airway open during sleep. 

 Another noninvasive treatment option to consider is the new FDA approved eXciteOSA device (eX- This treats sleep apnea and snoring by improving tongue muscle function by delivering 
electrical stimulation to the tongue through a mouthpiece that’s worn for just 20 minutes during the 

If none of these options work, the most effective and commonly prescribed treatment for OBA is a 
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. This involves sleeping with a snorkel-like mask 
that’s hooked up to a machine that gently blows air up the nose to keep the passages open. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim 
Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. 



Estate planning is an obvious concern for all parents, but if you have a child 
with special needs, it’s crucial that you’re aware of the unique considerations 
that go into planning for a child who may be dependent on you at some level 
for their entire lifetime. If your child has special needs, you must plan to 
provide for the emotional, physical, and financial needs of your child, in the 
event of your own eventual death or potential incapacity. 
When creating your estate plan, there are two major considerations to focus 
on: 1) Who would care for your child if you cannot (also known as guardianship), and 2) How will your 
child’s financial needs be met when you are not there to meet them. 

Naming Legal Guardians for a Lifetime of Care

The first and most critical step in ensuring the future well-being of your child with special needs is to 
name both short and long-term legal guardians to take custody of and care for your child in the event 
of your death or incapacity. And as you well know, if your child will never become fully capable of 
independently caring for him or herself, your parenting responsibilities will continue long after your 
child reaches adulthood.

 Although this lifetime responsibility likely feels overwhelming, we’ve been told repeatedly by our 
clients who have a child with special needs that naming legal guardians and knowing their child will be 
cared for in the way they want, by the people they want, creates an immense sense of relief. Not only 
that, but you may want to build in unique directives through which the named guardians are carefully 
instructed—and even incentivized—to give your child the same level of attention and care you provide. 

Providing for Your Child’s Financial Future: Special Needs Trusts

Beyond naming legal guardians for your child with special needs, you’ll also need to provide financial 
resources to allow your child to live out his or her life in the manner you desire. And this is where things 
can get tricky for children with special needs.

 In fact, it may seem like a “Catch-22” situation—you want to leave your child enough money to afford 
the care and support he or she needs to live a comfortable life, yet if you leave money directly to a 
person with special needs, you risk disqualifying that individual for much-needed government benefits 
like Medi-Cal and Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI).

 Fortunately, the government allows assets to be held in what’s known as a “special needs trust” to 
provide supplemental financial resources for a physically, mentally, or developmentally disabled child, 
without affecting his or her eligibility for public healthcare and income assistance benefits. However, 
the rules for such trusts are complicated so you should always work with a trusted lawyer to create a 
comprehensive special needs trust that’s properly structured and appropriate for your child’s specific 

Setting Up the Trust

 Funds from a special needs trust cannot be distributed directly to your child, and instead must be 
disbursed to a third party who’s responsible for managing the trust. Given this, when you initially set 
up the trust, you will likely be both the Grantor (trust creator) and Trustee (the person responsible for 
managing the trust), and your child with special needs is the trust’s Beneficiary.

 You’ll then name the person you want responsible for administering the trust’s funds upon your death 
or incapacity as the Successor Trustee. To avoid conflicts of interest, overburdening the legal guardian 
with too much responsibility, and providing a system of checks and balances, it may be a wise decision 
to name someone other than your child’s legal guardian as a Trustee.

 As the parent, you serve as the Trustee until you die or become incapacitated, at which time the 
Successor Trustee takes over. Each person who serves as Trustee is legally required to follow the trust’s 
terms and use its funds and property for the benefit of your special needs child.

There are two ways to set up a special needs trust. In the first option, it is built into your revocable 
living trust, and it will arise, or spring up, upon your death. From there, assets that are held in your 
living trust will be used to fund your child’s special needs trust.

 In the other option, a special needs trust acts as a vehicle for receiving and holding assets for your child 
right now. This option makes sense if your child’s grandparents or other relatives want to give him or 
her gifts sooner rather than later. 

Finally, it is important to ensure that the trust will have sufficient funds to last throughout the life of 
your child. One common method to provide funding is for you (or another loved one) to name the 
special needs trust as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Another way is for family members 
and friends to make donations or gifts to the trust and/or include it as a beneficiary in their will. 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents protect what they love most.
Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security foryour family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit for more information. 



Every Monday and Wednesday, 10-10:45 amChair yoga with Paul is coming back! Class be held in the Covered Pavilion in Memorial 
Park in front of the Senior Center. Please join us for some gentle stretching, yoga, balance exercise and overall 
relaxation. Classes will maintain a distance of 6 ft between participants. ALL participants must be wearing 
masks for the duration of the class. All equipment used will be sanitized after each use before it is stored. Each 
participant is responsible for providing their own water, masks and needed equipment or supplies for each class. 
Class size is limited so please call 264-8923 to reserve your spot. 


If you are in need of assistance with your 2020 taxes please know that help is a phone call away. Don Brunner, Tax 
Saver, is not accepting in person consultations at the moment but available for a phone or email consult. Please 
call him at 626-447-8829 or email 


Have you ever thought about trying your hand at writing? Do you have an idea for a book and no idea how to 
begin? This program may be for you! Katy Nishimoto, Senior Editor with Random House, has graciously volunteered 
her time to lead this incredible writers workshop for seniors. Program participants will be given a prompt, 
a 10 minute writing task and a group reading. Discussions, readings and feedback to help guide your creative 
thinking into creative writing. If you have interest in writing nonfiction, a memoir, fiction or poetry then please 
call or email today to reserve your spot. Class will be limited to 10 participants. No writing skills or experience is 
required. Call Lawren Heinz at 626-355-7394 to reserve your spot and receive class information. 


Tuesday, May 18 at 11:00 am Join Lawren in making a delightful, colorful and artistic nail polish marbled mug! 
All supplies will be provided for you and we will meet in the Hart Park House patio. Please wear clothes you don’t 
mind getting nail polish on. To reserve your spot or ask questions please call Lawren Heinz at (626) 355-7394 or 
send an email to 


 Do you have any ideas for programming? Is there a class or club you would like to see in our Senior Commu

nity? Please call or email Lawren Heinz with ideas or questions. 626-355-5278 x 704 lheinz@cityofsierramadre. 


 City staff are monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing direct engage

ment and interfacing less with the community, please note that voice messages, emails, and social media re

sponses are being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner. If at any time additional information 

is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at (626) 355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a 

– 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the appropriate per-son. For messages that may trickle in 
otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at the Community Services Department, 
(626) 355-5278 x702. 

The City of Sierra Madre is following these procedures to provide current communication in light of COVID-19 

and keep the Senior Community and families informed of essential information and resources. City staff are 

monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing direct engagement and practic

ing social distancing in the community, please note that voice messages, emails, and social media responses are 

being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner.

If at any moment additional information is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at (626) 

355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a – 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the appropriate 


For messages that may trickle in otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at the 

Community Services Department, (626) 355-5278 x702.

Community Services Department will continue email communication with Senior residents and aging com

munity members.

If you know of family members or neighbors who may benefit from accessing information electronically, and 

to receive the department’s Seniors Newsletter via email but may not otherwise have been included on an email 

group list, please send your request with email address to the following team members: Lawren Heinz Lheinz@ and Clarissa Lowe

City Social Media will continue via Facebook as well as Instagram, and information sharing will include updates 
as details becomes available. 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …July Birthdays*

V,Nina Bartolai, Mary Lou Caldwell, Louise Neiby, Betty Hansen, Christine 
Durfort, Shahrzad Azrani, Jeanne Borgedahl, Janet Cox, Dorothy Montgomery, Bess 
Pancoska, Janet Swanson, Linda Thunes, Barbara Watson, Pat Alcorn, Karma Bell, 
Alice Clark, Dorothy Jerneycic, and Betty Dos Remedios

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. 
YEAR of birth not required 

A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I must confess I sometimes get 
so busy that certain things have 
slipped my mind. I don't do this 
in-tentionally, but I try to priori

tize things in my life.
With so many things going on, it is tough to keep 
up-to-date with everything, even personal items.
This is not true with the Gracious Mistress of the 
Parsonage. No matter how busy her day is, she always 
keeps up with everything. She knows things 
that are happening a week before they actually happen. 
How she does that, I don't know, and trust me, 
I am not going to inquire.
I just ask her if I want to know something, and I get 
the latest on everything. So, why should I waste my 
time trying to keep up with everything?
Maybe I should take her to the horse races this 
week and ask her today who’s going to win.
Looking at my driver's license, I believe I have a 
birthday coming up this month. I'm not sure exactly 
which one it is, but someone in our residence 
will inform me of that information when it comes 
I like to keep up with some things in the news, 
which is really hard these days because every day it 
changes. Particularly among politicians. What they 
say one day is the exact opposite of what they’re 
going to say the next day. I guess that’s what keeps 
them in office. 
If a politician told the truth two days in a row, their 
pants would catch on fire.
I don't take anything seriously, like politics and so 
forth. But, once you focus on something and become 
very serious about it, it changes.
Like my computer and it’s programs, as soon as I 
understand one program and know how it works, 
it is updated, and I have to start all over again. 
I'm tempted to go back to that antique called The 
Change is not my modus operandi. I like things to 
stay the way they are. I haven't even bought a pair 
of new pants for several decades. Why buy a new 
pair when the old pair works just fine? The same 
with shirts. 
Then something happened this past week that 
changed my thoughts along this line.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage found an 
old box of photographs from when we were first 
married. When I saw our wedding picture, I wondered 
who that young couple was getting married.
My wife informed me that that was us on our wedding 
Then I went through a bunch of other photographs, 
and noticed something that, in a way, alarmed me.
I'm not easily alarmed, but sometimes something 
happens or doesn't happen that causes me some 

As I look at these pictures of myself, I noticed 
something strange. I had lots of hair!
I don't like to take photographs of myself or have 
others do it to me. Most of these pictures were 
taken without me realizing that they were taking a 
picture of me. Why anybody would want a pic-ture 
of me, especially me, is beyond my calculation.
I stared at one photograph for a while, and my wife 
said, "What are you looking at?"
Not wanting to expose my thoughts at the time, I 
just said, "I'm just looking at this picture."
Of course, as is always the case, she knew there was 
a little more than that. 
“Okay,” she said, “come clean with me. What are 
you really looking at?”
The choice was simple, either come clean with her 
or face this question for the rest of my life.
I nervously cleared my throat, coughed several 
times, blew my nose and then said, “I noticed that 
I had a lot of hair back in that day. Whatever happened 
to my hair?”
When she stopped laughing, which I did not see 
to be funny, she said, "You got older, and your hair 
couldn't put up with you getting old."
I involuntarily chuckled, but I wasn't really serious 
about chuckling.
When I looked in the mirror later, I discovered a 
lot of hair that did not show up for my mirror time. 
Trying to cover up the hairless spots on my head, I 
finally had to give up. I did not have enough hair to 
make up for those hairless spots.
It took me quite a while to come to terms with this. 
I never even noticed through the years that my hair 
was disappearing. My new identity came as a shock 
to me. 
Thinking about that, I began to wonder what else 
have I not noticed that has changed in my life? I do 
not know where to start. 
The only change I really like is the change in my 
pocket. Outside of that, I’m not a fan of change. 
Surely there comes a time when there’s no more 
need for change.
I'm completely happy with the way things are right 
now. I don't want to lose any more hair. I don't 
want to gain any more weight. Surely, I don't need 
any more wrinkles.
I guess this is the cost of investing in old age.
While brooding over the subject, I ran across a 
verse of Scripture. “The glory of young men is their 
strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey 
head” (Proverbs 20:29). 

Looking in the mirror again, I noticed my hair was 
indeed grey. If God thinks my grey head is beautiful, 
why should I think anything different?