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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Altadena · So. Pasadena · San Marino: Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Support Your Local Businesses: Education & Youth: Best Friends: The Good Life: Opinion: Opinion / Legals: Support Your Local Businesses: Columnists: Recent
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Happy Labor Day! Celebrate Safely! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 VOLUME 15 NO. 36VOLUME 15 NO. 36 Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP IN ESCROW WITH MULTIPLE OFFERS IN ESCROW JUST LISTED IN ESCROW 500 North Michillinda Avenue Sierra Madre, 91024 650 North Holliston Avenue Pasadena, 91106 615-617 West Montecito Avenue Sierra Madre, 91024 500NMichillinda.com615-617WMontecito.com7 Beds | 5.5 Baths | 6,588 sf | 50,113 sf lot 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 960 sf | 5,200 sf lot 6 Beds | 3 Baths | 4,316 sf | 17,508 sf lot The Hoover Estate 1921 Spanish Character Craftsman Triplex Listed at $1,950,000 Listed at $3,750,000 Listed at $629,000 We're doing very well for our clients in buying and selling homes. Call us today for a free home assessment with no obligations. HAPPY LABOR DAY Let us take the LABOR out of buying or selling your next home. Even during the height of the pandemic last year, SMPD and SMFD showed took time out to honor the heroic first responders of 2001. Sierra Madre Police Department announced on Thursday that both Bailey Canyon Trail and Mt. Wilson Trail will be both open this weekend with certain restrictions. Both are open to the public until the trails reach National Forest land. There will be signs at the trailhead and at the border indicating the closure. Angeles National Forest along with all other National For- ests in California "in order to better provide public & fire- fighter safety due to extreme fire conditions. This will be ef- fective on Aug. 31 at 11:59 p.m. through Sept. 17 at 11:59 p.m." As a result of the regional closure, our partners at Caltrans District 7and Los Angeles County Public Works have placed #RoadClosures in the forest. CONGRATULATIONS SIERRA MADRE FIRE DEPARTMENT The Sierra Madre Fire Department is proud to have been recognized by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association for meeting the latest research-based standards for resuscitation care with a Get With The Guidelines Achievement Award. SMFD's participation in Get With The Guidelines® /Mission: Lifeline® demonstrates the department's commitment to quality care. SMFD is proud to be a part of the American Heart Association’s® efforts to turn guidelines into lifelines #GetWithTheGuidelines #sierramadre #ilovesierramadre SIERRA MADRE TO COMMEMORATE 20th ANNIVERSARY OF 911 AND HONOR LOCAL FIRST RESPONDERS On Saturday, September 11, 2021at 6:15 am, members of the Sierra Madre Police and Fire Departments will hold a memorial service at the Fire Sta- tion in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the tragedy of 911. The ceremony will be conducted in conjunction with the Verdugo Emergency Command Center. Verdugo will coordinate with all participating cities and a moment of re- flection and silence will be held at the exact moments of the attacks of 9/11/2001. Sierra Madre Search and Rescue, CERT, and VFW 3208 will also participate. A reception will follow the event. The public is encouraged to attend and not only honor the 2001 heroes but also to honor our local first responders. For additional information please contact SMPD Officer Lou Oronoz at 626-355-1414. LOCAL TRAILS OPEN THIS WEEKEND; NATIONAL FOREST CLOSED ICONIC SIERRA MADRE FLAMINGOS...GONE For more than a decade, these retired Sierra Madre Rose Float Flamingos adorned the lawn of the home of Robert Martin Young. former President of the SMRF Association. They became a land- mark for locals, symbolic of the city's unique and sometimes quirky character. They celebrated every holiday including Christmas and Easter. And now they are gone. They were recently removed following a second tragic incident at Young;s home in July. Robert Martin Young passed away at home in 2014 after choking while eating alone. His death was a shocking blow to the commu- nity but the flamingos remained as a reminder to Sierra Madre of his many years of volunteer service to the city. Following his death, his only heir, son Robert 'Reid' Young moved back to Sierra Madre into the home and continued to let the birds add their ambience to the city, a unique and fun sight to all who passed by. And then the unimaginable happened. Reid, as he was known by his friends, was discovered in his home in late June, deceased. Although, according the the LA CountyCoroner's office, he died on June 28th, his body was not discovered until serveral days later. Because of this, the coroner's office has not been able to determine Reid's cause of death. He was 42 years old. In July, several of Reid's friends gathered in town for an intimate memorial. Reid is survived by his mother, Sydney Johnson of Newport Beach. Reid, like his father before him, will be missed by all who knew him and the iconic decorations will adorn that lawn no more. S. Henderson/ MVNews | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |