Mountain View News Saturday, March 9, 2024
Mayor Gordo
Headed to a
Second Term
Tournament Names Bands to
March in 2025 Rose Parade
Pasadena Mayor Victor
Gordo had a sizeable lead in
Tuesday’s Primary Election
and claimed victory with
81.95 percent of the vote
against mayoral candidate
Allen Shay who had 18.05
percent. At press time
Friday Gordo had a total of
17,390 votes to Shay's 3,830
In a statement Gordo
said he was grateful for the
overwhelming support,
“Together, we have
achieved so much and I
am excited to continue our
work to enhance the quality
of life in our city.”
Gordo was elected to
represent Pasadena’s
District 5 on the Pasadena
City Council in March
of 2001. He was elected
Pasadena’s third Citywide-
elected Mayor on
November 3, 2020.
Shay is a well known real
estate broker, city activist
and a former member
of Pasadena’s Northwest
The Pasadena Tournament of
Roses Association announced
Monday the 20 bands that
will showcase their talents
in the upcoming 136th Rose
Parade on January 1, 2025.
Band visits by Tournament of
Roses President Ed Morales are
already underway. Bands have
begun their fundraising efforts
to prepare, centered around the
parade theme, “Best Day Ever!”
Morales delivered the news
to each band personally,
eliciting emotions ranging
from pure elation to heartfelt
sentimentality and everything
in between. Morales’
unwavering commitment to
building personal relationships
with these talented musicians
is palpable, as he eagerly
anticipates the opportunity to
cheer on each band member
along their exciting journey
to the highly anticipated Rose
Hailing from diverse corners
of the world, including
Denmark, Japan, Mexico and
Panama, the bands will travel
to Pasadena to participate in the
parade, creating unforgettable
memories as they march down
Orange Grove and Colorado
boulevards. In addition to some
of the parade’s long-standing
participants, the 2025 Rose
Parade will welcome new bands
that are sure to leave their mark
on parade history.
Bands are selected by the
Association’s volunteer
members, based on a
variety of criteria including
musicianship, marching ability,
and entertainment or special
interest value.
The 2025 Rose Parade bands are
listed below, alphabetically.
- 605 All Star Band from Artesia,
Bellflower, Cerritos, Hawaiian
Gardens, La Mirada, Lakewood,
Norwalk, CA
- All Star Marching Band
Mexico from Puebla, Mexico
- Banda de Música Herberto
López Colegio José Daniel
Crespo from Chitré, Herrera,
- Fresno State Bulldog Marching
Band from Fresno, CA
- Helsingør Pigegarde (Elsinore
Girls Marching Band) from
Hornbaek, Denmark
- Homestead High School
Mighty Mustang Marching
Band & Colorguard from
Cupertino, CA
- Kyoto Tachibana High School
Green Band from Kyoto, Japan
- LAUSD All District High
School Honor Band from Los
Angeles, CA
- Pasadena City College Herald
Trumpets from Pasadena, CA
- Pasadena City College
Tournament of Roses Honor
Band from Pasadena, CA
- Pebble Hills High School
Spartan Marching Band from El
Paso, TX
- Rancho Verde Crimson
Regiment from Moreno Valley,
- Salesians of Don Bosco
Southern California High
School Band from Rosemead,
Bellflower, Boyle Heights/Los
Angeles, CA
- Seminole High School
Warhawk Marching Band from
Seminole, FL
- The Jackson State University
“Sonic Boom of the South” from
Jackson, MS
- The Lincoln-Way Marching
Band from Frankfort, IL
- The New England Honors
Marching Band from MA, CT,
- The Salvation Army
Tournament of Roses Band
from Carson, CA
- The University of Wyoming
“Western Thunder” Marching
Band from Laramie, WY
- The Woodlands High School
Marching Band from The
Woodlands, TX
Two bands will be added to
the lineup when the universities
participating in the 111th
Rose Bowl Game presented by
Prudential are determined in
For details about the bands
visit: tournamentofroses.com.
Arroyo Seco Restoration Study Revived
A decades old Ecosystem
Restoration Feasibility Study
of the Arroyo Seco is being
revisited after a new motion
introduced Tuesday by Los
Angeles County Supervisor
Kathryn Barger.
“This study is crucial to
the future of the Arroyo
Seco and its neighboring
communities,” Supervisor
Kathryn Barger said. “Once
completed, the study’s results
will be a blueprint that
guides our County’s efforts
to both restore the tributary’s
ecosystem while enhancing
flood protection to the Los
Angeles County residents
who rely on it.”
Experts from the Los
Angeles County Flood
Control District said they are
ready to move forward with
the Arroyo Seco Ecosystem
Restoration Feasibility
Study, which will identify
essential improvements to the
channel, maximize ecosystem
restoration, and ensure flood
protection for surrounding
The study will focus on the
nine-mile stretch between
Devil’s Gate Dam and the
Arroyo Seco’s confluence
with the L.A. River. It will
consider channel and bank
improvements, as well as
alternatives for habitat
restoration and biological
diversity to reduce flood risk,
increase local water supplies,
and protect water quality.
The Arroyo Seco is a 22-mile
tributary of the Los Angeles
River draining an area of
47 square miles, including
the Angeles National Forest,
and portions of the cities
of La Cañada Flintridge,
Los Angeles, Pasadena,
South Pasadena, and the
unincorporated community
of Altadena.
According to Barger, due to
the large swaths of publicly-
owned land adjacent to the
channel, the Arroyo Seco
offers excellent opportunities
for multi-benefit projects that
originate with water capture
and purification by using
Measure W funds. That water
can then be used for a variety
of purposes, such as cleaning
aquifers and watering
surrounding greenery at
parks and other public spaces.
Initiated in 2005, the Los
Angeles County Flood
Control District entered
into agreement with the
United States Army Corps of
Engineers (Army Corps) on
a joint effort for the Arroyo
Seco Ecosystem Restoration
Feasibility Study. However,
the study faced a series of
logistical hurdles and funding
challenges. In 2017, due to
a lack of federal funding,
the Army Corps ultimately
halted its work on the study
and more recently indicated
that they will not resume this
Supervisor Barger’s motion
terminates the agreement
with the Corps and empower
the Los Angeles County
Flood Control District to
expedite the implementation
of the study. A working group
consisting of cities within
the Arroyo Seco Watershed
and the Raymond Basin
Management Board will
support the efforts outlined
within the study.
Gloves Boxing
Main Library
The City of Pasadena
Parks, Recreation and
Community Services
(PRCS) Department is set
to host the 2024 Southern
California Golden Gloves
Boxing Tournament on
March 15 through March
17 at the Victory Park
Recreation Center.
The California Golden
Gloves is one of the
most prestigious boxing
tournaments in amateur
boxing that has been
in existence since 1923.
This tournament serves
as a platform to promote
amateur boxing and for
amateur boxers to showcase
their skills. It features
male and female top-level
competitors, ages 18 and
older, from throughout
Southern California.
General admission tickets
are available for purchase
at the door on tournament
days only. Admission is $20
for adults and $10 for ages
10 and under.
The City of Pasadena and
the Villa Parke Boxing
Program will proudly be
represented by Fatima
Martinez, Adriana Nunez,
Diamond Machabie,
Antonia Cole and Michael
Victory Park Recreation
Center is located 2575
Paloma St. The competition
begins at 6 p.m. on Friday,
March 15; noon on
Saturday, March 16; and
noon on Sunday, March 17.
For additional tournament
information, contact
Christian Camarena at (626)
744-6531 or chcamarena@
The City of Pasadena
invites the public to the
Central Library Earthquake
Retrofit and Building
Repairs Project Community
Meeting on Wednesday at
6 p.m. The meeting will be
held at the La Pintoresca
Branch Library at 1355 N.
Raymond Avenue.
This is the fourth in a series
of community meetings
from Spring 2023 to Spring
2024. The meeting series
introduced the team,
explained the seismic
earthquake approach,
updated the schematic
design, and showcased the
most current draft design
and programs. The evening
program will be led by
the design team of Gruen
Associates, with City staff
from Libraries and Public
Works available to answer
As the city continues
to move forward with
community meetings
and engaging residents, a
survey is currently being
conducted to obtain input
on the future reopening
of the Central Library.
Residents are encouraged
to participate by visiting
Pasadena City staff will
provide translation for the
meeting presentation in
Armenian, Mandarin, and
For more information
about the Pasadena
Library Central Library
Retrofit and Building
Repairs Project please
visit the City’s website at
Police Chief & Library Director
set for Donut Décor Showdown
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir
to Perform in South Pasadena
In a messy, hands-on program at the Pasadena library, Police Chief
Gene Harris and Library Director Tim McDonald will compete in
a donut decorating contest along with fifteen other decorators.
The showdown is set to take place Saturday, April 20 at 2 p.m. in
the Jefferson Branch Library.
Interested decorators ages12 and over are invited to compete in the
donut décor showdown. All materials will be provided. To compete,
register with Tiffany Dueñas at TDuenas@CityOfPasadena.net.
Family, friends, and doughnut lovers of all ages are invited to cheer
on the teams as they create freestanding structures using plain
donuts, food decorations and basic supplies.
The Jefferson Branch Library is located 1500 E Villa St,
Back by popular demand…
the Los Angeles Clarinet Choir
will perform a concert of Big
Band Hits from the Golden
Era, featuring guest jazz
drummer Bernie Dresel at the
South Pasadena Public Library
Community Room on Saturday,
March 23, at 3:00 p.m. The
Library has partnered with the
LACC several times in recent
years to present very popular
free concerts. LACC is a group
of 13 clarinetists performing on
soprano, sopranino, alto, bass
and contrabass instruments,
under the direction of
conductors Margaret Thornhill
and Victoria Ramos Dresel.
The program includes the
1952 standard, “Bernie’s
Tune” by Bernie Miller in
a premiere arrangement by
James McMillen, “Moonlight
Serenade” by Glen Miller
(1944), and “Mambo” from
the musical Westside Story
by Leonard Bernstein (1957),
arranged for clarinets by
Michael Lowenstern, along
with works for clarinet choir
by Sammy Nestico, Masamicz
Amano, Bernard Hermann, and
Alexis Ciesla.
For more information visit:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com