Mountain View News Saturday, March 9, 2024
Here’s What’s Going On Around Town in March!
Brought to you by Sue Cook
DRE# 02015404
Did you know the
number of dedicated
pickleball players in
the City of Duarte
has almost tripled
this year? Good
news! The City
has new pickleball
courts on the way
for our community
to enjoy. This
addition to the City’s
recreational facilities
comes as a response
to the voices of community members who have expressed their love for
the sport.
At the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the
Duarte City Council approved the full conversion of one existing tennis
court at Royal Oaks Park (2627 Royal Oaks Drive) to two permanent
pickleball courts, and to paint pickleball lines on the other tennis court
side to allow it to be used as a tennis court and/or pickleball courts.
In Duarte, there has been an increase in participation for its free Senior
Center pickleball program at the Duarte Sports Park (1401 Central Ave).
The program has grown to a three day a week, two-hour program offered
at the six temporary pickleball courts, which will continue at Royal Oaks
Park even with the addition of the new courts. With the approval of
the Pickleball Court Conversion at Royal Oaks Park, there will be four
additional pickleball courts: two permanent and two interchangeable.
The Royal Oaks Park Courts Resurfacing project is an approved Capital
Improvement Project this Fiscal Year 2023/24, which means that this
conversion will have no fiscal impact.
The City will provide updates on accessduarte.com and social media
platforms as information becomes available. If you have any questions,
please contact the Duarte Parks and Recreation Department at (626)
La Cañada Flintridge, CA
A court has found that the City of La Cañada Flintridge should process the proposed development at 600
Foothill Blvd. as a Builder’s Remedy project. Builder’s Remedy is a legal provision of the State Housing
Accountability Act that prohibits cities from disapproving development proposals that are inconsistent with
local zoning and general plan requirements if a city does not have a State-certified Housing Element. The
City has claimed that the Builder’s Remedy application for the development was not valid as the City had
a “substantially compliant” housing element at the time the application was filed. The City Council will
consider whether it should appeal the ruling or evaluate other legal options as it continues to defend itself
and the community.
“I am proud of the work done by our City Council and City staff to implement a housing element which
zones for 689 additional units, including 482 low-income housing units,” said Mayor Gunter. “We have acted
as a partner to the State to be a part of the solution to the housing crisis, and while I disagree with the court’s
decision in relation to this particular development, I respect the legal process and our City Council will work
with City staff and legal counsel to decide on next steps.”
The City of La Cañada Flintridge is committed to supporting statewide efforts to tackle the high cost of
housing. The City has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to work with the community, stakeholders
and the State to ensure that the City can fulfill its share of the State’s much-needed housing and the City
stands ready to implement its identified housing programs and partner with the community and the State
on this critical mission.
Importantly, the ruling affirmed that the City of La Cañada Flintridge did not act in bad faith. Moreover,
the Court denied the petitioners’ causes of action that claimed the City violated California’s Density Bonus
Law and the Subdivision Map Act.
“While I believe that our housing element complies with every request made by the State’s Department of
Housing and Community Development, we respect the legal process and we will now consider our next
steps,” said City Manager Daniel Jordan.
The City will continue to keep residents informed about developments in this legal matter.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a motion last week introduced by Supervisor
Kathryn Barger, that nominates renowned abolitionist Owen Brown’s gravesite to be designated as a Los Angeles County
Historical Landmark.
A commemorative rustic stone and additional stones placed to mark the presumed outline of Mr. Brown’s body currently
identify his final resting place in Altadena, on a hilltop at the northern end of El Prieto Road.
“It is a great honor to nominate Owen Brown’s gravesite as a historical landmark,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “His
fight against slavery and unwavering commitment to treating all human beings with dignity, respect, and equality reflects
his courage and vision. Preserving his gravesite will help future generations pay homage to his memory.”
Supervisor Barger also thanked members of the Altadena community who have formed the Owen Brown Committee
and have served as advocates for the historic landmark designation. Committee member and local Altadena resident
Michele Zack provided public testimony during the Board of Supervisors’ meeting. “It’s a long time coming,” Zack stated.
“Altadena Heritage first nominated the site in 1989, but it was turned down. We have kept alive efforts to honor this sacred
site – a memorial to those who fought to end slavery in America – for over 35 years.”
Owen Brown was born on November 4, 1824 in Hudson, Ohio – one of twenty children from his father’s (abolitionist
John Brown) first family. At the time of his death, he was the last survivor of John’s Brown’s historic raid on Harpers Ferry.
He died in Altadena on January 8, 1889. When his funeral was held, two days later in Pasadena, a local newspaper at the
time reported, “It was a historic day in Pasadena.”
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