Mountain View News Saturday, March 9, 2024
San Marino Upcoming
Events & Programming
Satellite Catches Coastal
Flooding During Feb. Storms
Chambers Collaborate to
Present Monthly Webinar
Series for Small Businesses
City website is switching to: SanMarinoCA.gov
Exciting News for our Community! Starting Monday, March 11,
we're transitioning to www.SanMarinoCA.gov! Here's what this
means for residents:
All website links and email addresses for the City will be listed as
SanMarinoCA.gov or @SanMarinoCA.gov.
Can I still use old emails or web links I have saved? Absolutely!
Everything will seamlessly redirect behind the scenes to our new
web links and email addresses. You can still contact City staff in
the same ways you always have.
Why the change? Thanks to Assembly Bill 1637, .gov is now a
legal requirement, ensuring Enhanced Security, Compliance with
Regulations, and official recognition as a government entity. This
promotes transparency, accountability, and the utmost protection
of your information.
Have questions? Call (626) 300-0788. We're here to make this
transition as smooth as possible for you!
East Meets West Parent Education Club
Sunday, March 10 from 2 – 4 PM, Barth Community Room
This multicultural parent club presents professionals who share
their knowledge and pass on skills to the local parents on how
to raise their children in an international and competitive world.
Although the program is presented in English, Mandarin speakers
will be on hand to translate. Registration is not required.
Maker Mondays – Calling all Young Engineers or LEGO Fans!
Monday, March 11 at 3:30 PM, Barth Community Room
Is your child a budding engineer or LEGO fanatic? Then join us
for this new monthly STEM program where kids ages 4-11 will
build unique and open-ended creations with a surprise material
each time. Will it be LEGOs or KEVA planks? Straw builders or a
marble run? Only one way to find out! Registration is not required.
Delicious Destinations at Crowell Public Library on March 16
Join the San Marino Public Library Foundation for Delicious
Destinations at the Crowell Public Library on March 16 at 6 PM!
Roam the library and experience the destinations of South Korea
and Portugal. Feast on the delectable tastes of these countries!
This year, there are auction opportunities such as a rare ride on
the Goodyear blimp, exceptional Dodger game suite experience,
vacation homes, travel stays, behind the scenes experiences, and
so much more! Get your tickets at deliciousdestinations.org today!
ROCK LACY! Battle of the Youth Rock Bands
Auditions: Saturday, March 23 from 9 AM – 1 PM, San Marino
Community Center
Showcase Competition: Saturday, April 20 at 12 PM, Lacy Park
Calling youth rock bands ages 19 and under! Sign up for our
inaugural ROCK LACY! Battle of the Youth Rock Bands, a
competition of local bands to win the grand prize of 2 hours of
studio recording time and a main stage performance at the City's
4th of July Independence Day Celebration! Complete the online
application by March 14 at 5 PM. Finalists will be invited to an
audition on March 23. Six bands will be selected to compete at
ROCK LACY! on Saturday, April 20 starting at 12 PM. Open to
any youth band in the LA County area. For more information,
visit" CityofSanMarino.org/Events.
The Great San Marino Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30 from 9 AM – 12 PM, Lacy Park
Egg Hunt Pre-sale wristbands: R: $5 / NR: $10
Egg Hunt Gate Price wristbands: R / NR: $15
Pancake Breakfast: $5
Bring your baskets, bunny ears, and appetite! This fun filled
event includes crafts, games, pictures with the bunny, and giant
egg hunts. Children will be grouped in age appropriate divisions
and the first Egg Hunt will begin at 10 AM. The San Marino
Firefighters Association who will also be serving their famous
pancake breakfast beginning at 9 AM. This is a ticketed event;
purchase Egg Hunt wristbands and Pancake Breakfast tickets
online now through March 28!
Parks & Public Works
Restriping Work of Los Robles Avenue
Work is currently ongoing to restripe Los Robles Avenue from
Huntington Drive to northerly City limits. The project includes
the installation of thermoplastic striping and refreshing of
existing pavement markings, stop legends, and curb painting.
This project is part of the City’s Annual Striping, Signing, and
Marking Program, and will improve both driver and pedestrian
safety. Residents should be advised of minor construction-related
delays on Los Robles during the work, which is expected to be
completed by the end of the week, pending weather.
Annual Sidewalk Replacement Program
The City will begin the Annual Sidewalk Replacement Program
in mid-March. Each year, this program replaces approximately
1 mile of sidewalk at various locations throughout the City. The
work includes replacement of sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb
ramps, and curb and gutter. Residents on impacted streets will be
receiving notices from the City’s hired contractor, CJ Concrete,
with additional details about the project timeline, what residents
can expect during the project, and what the project’s impact to the
neighborhood will be. The City appreciates resident cooperation,
as the sidewalk program helps improve the City’s infrastructure
and resident safety.
Recreation Commission Meeting
Monday, March 11 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom
City Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 13 at 6:00 PM; City Hall Council Chambers
and Zoom
Design Review Committee
Wednesday, March 20 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom
Seventeen San Gabriel Valley
Chambers of Commerce
are collaborating bring a
monthly webinar series to
their members. The Renewal
and Resilience: navigating
the Future of Business in 2024
series begins on March 21st at
12noon. The series continues
on the third Thursday of each
month thereafter. There is no
cost to join the webinar series
and it is open to the public.
Preregistration for each
webinar is required.
First presentation on March
21st by executive leadership
coach John Burt. A Pasadena
Chamber member, Mr. Burt
will discuss the current
economic landscape for
entrepreneurs, small business
owners and managers. He
will delve into the challenges
and opportunities each will
face in 2024.
The San Gabriel Valley
Area Chamber Executives
(VACE) are collaborating
to bring this free series of
webinars to our members.
The Chambers of Pasadena,
Alhambra, Altadena, Azusa,
Baldwin Park, Claremont,
El Monte/South El Monte,
Glendora, Greater West
Covina, Monrovia, Pomona,
Regional Chamber (Walnut/
Diamond Bar), Rosemead,
San Dimas, South Pasadena,
Temple City and Whittier
Area are presenting Renewal
and Resilience: Navigating
the Future of Business in
“This is the first time
the Valley Area Chamber
Executives have gotten
together to present an
informational program to
all of our members,” said
Paul Little, President and
Chief Executive Officer
of the Pasadena Chamber
of Commerce and Civic
Association. “We put our
heads together and developed
a series of presentations on
topics we thought would be
important for our members.”
The webinars are free
and open to the public.
Attendance is limited, so
those interested in attending
should sign up right away.
The Valley Area Chamber
Executives (VACE) is an
informal group made up
of the staff leadership of
Chambers of Commerce
from throughout the San
Gabriel Valley. VACE meets
monthly to discuss issues
of mutual concern. They
collaborate on regional
mixers and showcase events.
They also support each other
with ideas and assistance.
Their meeting are often
focused on brainstorming
ideas to enhancing the
Chamber experience for
The Pasadena Chamber
of Commerce and Civic
Association is a professional
business organization.
Since the earliest days of
Pasadena, the Chamber
has played a major role in
the development of this
internationally renowned
city. Founded in 1888 as
the Board of Trade, the
Chamber’s primary purpose
has been the enhancement
of the economy, business
climate and the quality of life
in Pasadena. The Pasadena
Chamber of Commerce
currently serves more than
1250 members.
For more information or to
preregister visit: pasadena-
A series of atmospheric
rivers drenched California
in February, with record
amounts of rainfall and
hurricane-force winds
sweeping across parts of
the state. At one point,
weather agencies posted
flood watches for nearly
the entirety of California’s
coast. The Surface Water and
Ocean Topography (SWOT)
mission captured data on
some of the flooding near the
community of Manchester,
roughly 105 miles (169
kilometers) north of San
Francisco. The satellite is a
collaboration between NASA
and the French space agency,
CNES (Centre National
d’Études Spatiales).
The image above shows the
area on Jan. 15, before the rain
and snow from atmospheric
rivers, and then again on Feb.
4, after the first in a series of
storms soaked California.
Water heights are shown in
shades of green and blue,
with lighter hues indicating
the highest levels relative
to mean sea level. (Data for
inland areas includes the
height of the floodwaters plus
the ground elevation beneath
it.) Some coastal areas were
flooded by both ocean tides
and heavy rain, while others
were likely flooded only by
precipitation. Each pixel in
the image represents an area
that is 330 feet by 330 feet
(100 meters by 100 meters).
Since December 2022,
SWOT has been measuring
the height of nearly all water
on Earth’s surface, developing
one of the most detailed,
comprehensive views yet
of the planet’s oceans and
freshwater lakes and rivers.
Not only can the satellite
detect the extent of the water
on Earth’s surface, as other
satellites can, but SWOT
can also provide water level
data. Combined with other
types of information, SWOT
measurements can yield
water depth data in features
like lakes and rivers.
“SWOT gives us information
about flooding that we’ve
never had before,” said Ben
Hamlington, lead researcher
for NASA’s sea level change
team at the agency’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
in Southern California.
Satellites can provide
pictures showing how
much of an area is flooded,
but unless instruments are
already installed on a river
or at the coast, it’s difficult
to know how conditions
evolve during and after a
flood. “Data from the SWOT
satellite, combined with other
information, is filling in this
picture,” said Hamlington.
The SWOT science team
made the measurements
using the Ka-band Radar
Interferometer (KaRIn)
instrument. With two
antennas spread 33 feet (10
meters) apart on a boom,
KaRIn produces a pair of
data swaths as it circles
the globe, bouncing radar
pulses off water surfaces
to collect surface-height
Launched in December
2022, from Vandenberg
Space Force Base in central
California, SWOT is now
in its operations phase,
collecting data that will be
used for research and other
SWOT was jointly
developed by NASA and
CNES, with contributions
from the Canadian Space
Agency (CSA) and the UK
Space Agency. NASA’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory,
managed for the agency
by Caltech, leads the U.S.
component of the project.
City to Hosts Two Meetings on
Sewer & Refuse Rate Increase
The City of Pasadena
Public Works Department
is hosting two community
meetings to present the
proposed Five-Year Sewer
Use Fee and Solid Waste
Refuse Rate adjustments
for implementation on
July 1. The two community
meetings are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, March 19 • 5:30
p.m.– 6:30 p.m., Robinson
Park Recreation Center, 1081
N. Fair Oaks Ave.
- Wednesday, March 20 •
5:30 p.m.– 6:30 p.m., Victory
Park Recreation Center, 2575
Paloma St.
Why the Proposed Five-Year
Rate Adjustments?
Proposed Solid Waste
Refuse Collection Fee - The
Public Works Resource
Recovery and Recycling
Division actively manages
the Refuse Program that
provides integrated waste
management services for
over 27,000 residential
accounts, a limited number of
commercial service accounts,
and all city accounts; manages
the commercial franchise
hauler system within the
city; and organizes a variety
of recycling opportunities
and community outreach
events. Funding to provide
waste management services
is supported through refuse
collection fees, which have
remained flat for residential
customers since Fiscal Year
In February 2023, the
Department of Public Works
retained MSW Consultants
to perform a cost-of-service
study of the City’s solid
waste rate to ensure that
fees generate sufficient
revenue stay compliant
with California Senate Bill
1383, statewide effort to
reduce emissions of short-
lived climate pollutants, and
cover current and future
solid waste operations and
capital expenses. The rate
study findings recommend
adjustments to the residential
and commercial rates for
the next five-year period,
between Fiscal Year 2025 and
Fiscal Year 2029 to remain
fiscally solvent.
Proposed Sewer Use Fee Rate
Adjustments and New Rate
Structure - The Sewer Use
Fee is charged to users of the
sewer system to pay for the
cost of operating the system,
ongoing maintenance,
and needed capital
improvements. The current
fee is based on consumers’
water use. Over the last
ten years, with long-term
statewide drought conditions
and water conservation
efforts, the amount collected
has not kept up with the cost
of maintaining Pasadena’s
aging sewer infrastructure
and City has not raised the
sewer use fee by more than
the consumer price index
since 2007.
In March 2023, the
Department of Public Works
retained Raftelis Financial
Consultants, Inc. to conduct a
comprehensive cost of service
rate study to evaluate and
provide recommendations
regarding the City’s sewer use
fee calculation methodology
and rate amount. The
proposed fee increase will
maintain sewer services and
the financial stability of the
Sewer Conveyance System.
The new rate structure has a
fixed rate for both residential
and commercial customers
plus a volumetric rate based
on water consumption.
For more information about
the proposed Sewer and
Refuse Rate adjustments,
visit: CityofPasadena.net/
St. Patrick’s
Swing Band
At the Pasadena
Senior Center
Featuring the Great
American Swing Band
Get ready to dance with the
leprechauns at the annual
Pasadena Senior Center St.
Patrick’s Day concert and
dance, set for Saturday, March
16, at 1:30 p.m. All community
members are invited to attend
the event, which will feature
the Great American Swing
Bandleader and trumpet
player Jodi Gladstone and
vocalist Linda Vogel will
be featured as the Great
American Swing Band
performs a variety of musical
favorites from the Big Band
era and beyond that will keep
partiers dancing and tapping
their toes. Light snacks will
be available, and guests are
encouraged to wear green to
show their Irish spirit!
The cost is only $8 for
members of the Pasadena
Senior Center and $12 for
non-members of all ages. Pre-
registration for this popular
event is suggested; only cash
payments will be accepted at
the door.
To register or for more
information, visit:
pasadenaseniorcenter.org and
click on Activities & Events,
then Special Events or call
The Pasadena Senior Center’s
mission is to improve the lives
of older adults through caring
service with opportunities
for social interaction, fitness
programs, basic support and
needs services, education,
volunteerism and community
activism. With 10,000
Americans per day becoming
older adults, the center is
a leader in addressing the
issues of aging and provides
innovative, cutting-edge,
nationally recognized
programs for this population
The Center is located at 85 E.
Holly Street in Pasadena.
Hours of operation are
Monday through Friday from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and
Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.
For more information visit:
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com