Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 14, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 6


Mountain View News Saturday, September 14, 2024




 Join the City of Pasadena Parks, Recreation and Community 
Services (PRCS) Department, Pasadena Human Relations 
Commission, Western Justice Center, and Pasadena Unified 
School District (PUSD) for the Pasadena vs. Hate Resource 
Fair on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 2-5 p.m. at The Maxwell 
House, 55 S. Grand Ave.

 This free, family-friendly event will include light 
refreshments, arts & crafts, community resources, and 
restorative justice circles led by Pasadena youth and special 
guest speakers. Collaborating organizations include 211LA, 
The Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena, Remainders Creative 
Reuse, and more.

 The event is held as part of United Against Hate Week 2024. 
Civic leaders created United Against Hate in direct response 
to the sharp rise in expressions of hate in communities. The 
campaign wants to empower local residents to take action 
in their local communities and alter the course of this 
growing intolerance. When cities and their residents work 
together against hate, respect and civil discourse, embrace 
the strength of diversity and build inclusive and equitable 
communities for all.

 To join the movement, residents are encouraged to post 
signs, host events, share stories, attend rallies, and connect 
with schools and neighborhood civic institutions. For more 

South Coast AQMD will issue an update if additional information becomes available.


If you are in an area impacted by smoke:


• Limit your exposure by remaining indoors with windows and doors closed or seeking alternate shelter.

• Avoid vigorous physical activity.

• Run your air conditioning and/or an air purifier. If possible, do not use swamp coolers or whole house fans that bring 
in outside air.

• Avoid burning wood in your fireplace or firepit and minimize sources of indoor air pollution such as candles, incense, 
pan-frying, and grilling.

• If you must be outside, a properly fit N95 or P100 respirator may provide some protection.


For more information, visit


South Coast AQMD is the regulatory agency responsible for improving air quality for large areas of Los Angeles, Orange, 
Riverside and San Bernardino counties, including the Coachella Valley. For news, air quality alerts, event updates and more, 
please visit us at, download our award-winning app, or follow us on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) and 



At their October meeting, members of the California 
Retired Teachers’ Association Div. 171 (CalRTA) will

hear from the CEO of the Pasadena Convalescent Aid 
Society, Mark Waterson. The Retired Teachers will learn 
more about this nonprofit and its generous policy of 
providing free loan of medical equipment since 1923 
to people in need of wheelchairs, walkers, and other 
durable equipment.

The Retired Teachers luncheon meeting will take place 
on Friday, October 11 at Our Savior Lutheran Church 
in Fellowship Hall, 512 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia 91007. 
The hall is located behind the church sanctuary, and 
ample parking is available. At 11:00 am, doors open and 
guests arrive, with the business meeting at 11:30, lunch 
to follow at 12:00 pm, and at 12:45 pm speaker Mark 
Waterson will bring the Retired Teachers up to date on 
what rhe Convalescent Aid Society can provide people 
in need.of durable equipment. 

A box lunch will be provided by Panera with a choice of 
sandwiches or salad. Choose one or the other.

If you prefer a sandwich, choose Deli Turkey or Tuna. If 
you prefer a salad, there is a Mediterranean salad with 
dressing. Each sandwich or salad is accompanied by 
potato chips and a chocolate chip cookie. Coffee and 
water will be provided. Guests are welcome. 

The cost of the luncheon for members and guests is $20. 
Please mail your check payable to CalRTA Div. 171 by 
Friday, October 4 to John Gera, P.O. Box 1133, Temple 
City, CA 91780. For information regarding reservations, 
you may call John Gera at (626) 286-0714.

Membership in the California Retired Teachers’ 
Association is open to all retired educators, as well as to 
current classroom teachers and to any others interested 
in joining this active group. 

For membership information, please call Karen Frey at 
(562) 693-1495. The motto of CalRTA is “Your Partner 
in Pension Protection.”



 City of Monrovia Community Development 
Director Craig Jimenez is retiring after 
29 years with the City of Monrovia. City 
Manager Dylan Feik named Sheri Bermejo 
as the next Director, and John Mayer as the 
next Planning Division Manager. Sheri and 
John will assume their respective roles on 
November 1.


“Over the past several years, one of the 
priorities of the City’s management team 
was to focus and develop a succession plan 
for each department. We work very hard 
to proactively develop the future leaders 
of our organization and thereby building 
organizational resiliency. We are all so 
thankful to Craig for his years of hard 
work and dedication to our city including 
9 as a department director. Craig always 
demonstrated his immense technical 
expertise, his passion, and above all, his 
dedication to the Monrovia community,” 
said Dylan Feik, City Manager.


Craig worked his entire public service 
career with the City of Monrovia, when 
he joined as an administrative intern. He’s 
held several positions throughout his 29 
years with the City including Management 
Assistant, Management Analyst I, Assistant 
Planner, Associate Planner, Senior Planner, 
Senior Project Manager, and Planning 
Division Manager.


During his career, he was instrumental 
in implementing Monrovia’s community 
vision to a town that almost 40,000 
people call home. He played a part in the 
revitalization of Old Town Monrovia, 
including the development of the Krikorian 
Premiere Theaters (now Look Cinemas), 
while balancing the charm of Monrovia’s 
neighborhoods through the Neighborhood 
Compatibility Ordinance. He has also 
worked on the implementation of the 
Station Square Transit Village, a transit 
oriented development area surrounding the 
Metro A Line station. Craig’s knowledge 
and enthusiasm for historic preservation 
are also part of his legacy. Craig participated 
in the designation of over 150 historic 
landmarks and wrote the designation 
statements that created Monrovia’s two 
historic districts: Wild Rose Tract and 
North Encinitas.


“More than anything, I have a tremendous 
amount of gratitude to have landed here early 
on and serve my entire career in Monrovia. 
I’ve been able to build relationships that 
will last an entire lifetime and I was able to 
be part of something bigger than me. I am 
so proud to be part of this team and that’s 
going to be the hardest thing to give up,” 
said Craig. “But I know that the department 
is in good hands with Sheri and John at the 
helm. I’ve learned that if you work hard and 
do a good job, you’re setting up everyone on 
your team to succeed and that is what they 
will do for the department. I look forward 
to visiting Monrovia, especially Old Town, 
as a ‘civilian’ to enjoy this charming town 
like everyone else. ”


Sheri Bermejo has over 19 years of 
municipal planning experience, 15 of 
which have been in leadership roles. She 
holds a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies 
and Planning from the University of 
California, San Diego. Sheri has proudly 
served the City of Monrovia’s Community 
Development Department for the last eight 
years, initially as the Planning Division 
Manager and, most recently, as the Deputy 


Since 2015, Sheri has been pivotal in 
implementing the City of Monrovia’s land 
use plan and guiding development projects. 
Her approach to land use development 
always considers “the people” and offers a 
sensitive balance between preservation and 
economic growth. Beyond her professional 
accomplishments, Sheri is committed 
to the City’s mission of fostering a 
premier quality of life for all residents. 
Her leadership has been shaped by her 
professional experiences and dedication to 
the Monrovia community.


Sheri and her husband, Carlos, are the 
proud parents of two daughters, Carmen 
and Eva. In addition to her work in urban 
planning, Sheri is a passionate advocate 
for children with special needs. In her free 
time, she volunteers to support families 
with children with ultra-rare diseases.


John Mayer joined the City of Monrovia in 
July 2018. Prior to Monrovia, John worked 
in land use and historic preservation 
planning for the Cities of South Pasadena 
and West Hollywood. John is certified 
through the American Institute of Certified 
Planners and holds Degrees in Public 
Administration from Cal State Northridge 
and Urban and Regional Planning from 
Cal Poly Pomona. During his career in 
Monrovia, he was the lead planner on some 
of the City’s most complex development 
projects including the Alexan Marmont 
apartment complex and Adept mixed-
use project. John is also responsible for 
preparing historic landmark nominations 
that are presented to the Monrovia Historic 
Preservation Commission and City 

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