Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 15, 2025

MVNews this week:  Page 8



Mountain View News Saturday, March 15, 2025



1. Aladdin's find

5. Reggae precursor

8. "Lights out" signal

12. Not good

13. Flock's echo

14. ____ diet, a.k.a. caveman diet

15. Kind of jerk

16. *Southern and Southwestern U.S. region: Sun 

17. Financial backer

18. *Switzerland's skiing destination (2 words)

20. Ivan the Terrible, e.g.

21. Clint Eastwood's "Play ____ for Me"

22. One in a pod

23. Wear out

26. Masculine

30. *Princess' turf

31. Makes a sum (2 words)

34. "He's Just Not That ____ You"

35. Dionysus' pipe-playing companion

37. Choose

38. Provide food

39. Answer from a tunnel

40. Virtual you

42. ____ Scare

43. Prickly plant

45. *Second "National Lampoon's Vacation" 

47. Biblical Adam's partner

48. Cause and effect cycle?

50. Goals

52. *Jamaica and Cayman Islands location

56. Bert's sidekick

57. Poet Pound

58. Hay bundle

59. "The Great Gatsby" author

60. Billiards relative

61. Theories

62. ____-deaf

63. Boar's mate

64. Reason to cram


1. Not more

2. Swear, not curse

3. Between mini and maxi

4. Bodily fluid

5. Small silvery fish

6. ____ G. of "SpongeBob SquarePants"

7. Aardvark's repast

8. *Serengeti National Park location

9. Aquatic plant

10. Pressure inducer

11. *Costa del ____, Spain

13. Humiliated

14. Eucharistic plate

19. Fretted instrument

22. OB-GYN test

23. Balance sheet item

24. *Coastal destination

25. Policeman's club in India

26. Cockapoo or Puggle, e.g.

27. Foreword

28. Make tea

29. Vast multitude

32. Peace symbol

33. *Rest and relaxation destination

36. *El Capitan and Half Dome location

38. Pigeon food?

40. Brewery order

41. Acrobatic move

44. Living room centerpiece?

46. Velveteen creature

48. Type of membranophone

49. Cupid's ammo

50. Gas station brand

51. Aware of a secret (2 words)

52. Porcinos

53. "At ____, soldier"

54. Charitable contribution

55. Hawk's aerie, e.g.

56. Time in NYC

March 8, 2025 Solutions

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