Mountain View News Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Cathy Flammer, Clare Marquardt, Karen Blachly, Carla Duplex, Ella
Guttman, Viky Tchatlian, Mary Cooper, Sun Liu, Helen Wallis, Nancy Fox,
Martha Cassara, Rita Johnson, Sharon Murphy, Heather Sheets, Mercedes
Campos, Dorothy Webster,Terri Elder, Carol Cerrina, Amy Putnam,
Michael Murphy and Sally Contreras turn 100 this month!
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at
626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required
A fall can have serious consequences for seniors, leading to fractures, head injuries, or even a loss
of independence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading
cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. However, there are many ways to reduce the risk
of falling and stay safe.
Exercise and Strength Training: Balance exercises like yoga and tai chi can improve coordination,
while strengthening exercises build leg and core muscles, helping with stability.
Home Safety: Keep your home free of tripping hazards like loose rugs and cords. Install grab bars in
bathrooms, and use nightlights to ensure safe navigation at night.
Proper Footwear: Wear shoes with non-slip soles and avoid slippers that can cause you to trip.
Check Vision and Hearing: Regular eye and hearing exams are crucial. Poor vision or hearing can
lead to falls due to impaired balance.
Medications: Some medications cause dizziness or drowsiness. Consult your doctor if you experience
any side effects that may increase your fall risk.
Assistive Devices: Canes and walkers offer extra stability. Ensure they're the right size and in good
By taking simple precautions and staying proactive about health, seniors can greatly reduce the risk
of falls and maintain their safety and independence.
Dear Savvy Senior,
What are the risk factors for kidney disease? My mother
died from kidney failure a few years ago at age 75 but didn’t even know she had a problem until it was
too late.
Inquiring Daughter
Dear Inquiring,
Anyone who has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems or has a family history of the disease
is at increased risk for chronic kidney disease, a condition in which the kidneys can no longer effectively
filter your blood.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, around 37 million U.S adults have
chronic kidney disease, and millions more are at risk of developing it, yet most people don’t realize it.
That’s because kidney disease develops very slowly over many years before any symptoms arise. But
left untreated, the disease can eventually require people to spend hours hooked up to a dialysis machine
or get a kidney transplant. Even mild kidney problems can double a person’s risk of heart attack
and stroke, as well as cause anemia and bone disease.
The reason kidney disease has become so widespread today is because of the rise of obesity, type-2
diabetes and high blood pressure which all strain the kidneys.
Another factor is the increasing number of people who take multiple medications, which can overtax
the organs. People over age 60 are especially vulnerable both because they tend to take more drugs,
and because kidney function normally declines somewhat with age.
Get Screened
Because kidney disease is often symptomless, it’s usually undiagnosed. The only way to catch it before
it advances is to have a routine blood and urine test by your doctor. So, anyone that has diabetes, high
blood pressure or heart disease, or is age 60 or older needs to be tested annually.
If your lab tests show a decline in kidney function for more than three months in a row, you might
be diagnosed with kidney disease and referred to a nephrologist. You also need to know that while
kidney damage cannot be reversed, there are a number of effective lifestyle steps and treatments that
can help contain the damage, including:
Control your blood pressure: If you have high blood pressure, get it under 130/80. If you need medication
to do it, ACE inhibitors and ARBs are good choices because of their proven ability to protect
the kidneys.
Control your diabetes: If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible.
Diabetes medications called SGLT-2 inhibitors have also shown to be effective in helping slow the
progression of kidney disease, even in non-diabetic patients.
Adjust your diet: This usually means reducing the amount of protein and phosphorus you eat and
cutting back on sodium, sugar and possibly potassium. Your doctor can help you determine an appropriate
eating plan, or you may want to talk to a dietitian.
Watch your meds: Dozens of commonly used drugs can damage the kidneys, especially when taken
in high doses over long periods – most notably NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen. Proton pump
inhibitor (PPI) medications taken for heartburn and GERDS, and herbal supplements can also be
problematic. Talk to your doctor about all the prescription, over the counter and herbal products you
take to identify potential problems and find alternatives.
Exercise and lose weight: If you’re overweight and inactive, start an aerobic fitness routine (walk,
swim, cycle, etc.) that gets your heart pumping. This will help lower blood pressure, control diabetes
and help you lose excess weight all of which will help your kidneys.
Stay hydrated: Dehydration can affect kidney function, so try to drink at least six to eight 8-ounce
glasses of water per day.
Quit smoking: If you smoke, quit. Smoking damages the kidneys and doubles the rate of progression
to end-stage renal failure.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Finishing my morning work, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage appeared
at my office and asked, “Do you know what day it is?”
I didn’t know if this was a trick question because she always puts a trick
question before me.
“I think,” my dear, “that it is Tuesday.”
She looked at me, giggled, and said, “Yes, it is Tuesday, but it is also something else.”
I had to think about that for a moment. At first, I wasn’t sure it really was Tuesday, but I got
that right. However, I didn’t get her question right. I had to figure out what she was talking
about because she would not stop until I got it right.
“Is it somebody’s birthday today?”
She shook her head and said, “Keep on guessing.”
I knew I was never going to get it right. So, finally, I confessed and said, “I give up. What
day is it?”
Looking in my direction, she flashed a smile and said, “Today is the third anniversary of
your retirement.” Then she laughed.
Looking at her, not quite understanding, I said, “What retirement are you talking about?”
“You don’t remember that three years ago you retired from the church? I know you’ve been
busy with ministry projects but I would think you would remember moving away from the
Thinking about that for a moment, it finally came to me. According to The Gracious Mistress
of the Parsonage, I have been retired for three years. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
It just seemed like yesterday that I retired.
I remember a friend of mine years ago saying that his idea of retirement was retiring to bed
at night but getting up in the morning. I had that thought in my mind throughout my life.
I have been officially retired for three years now. Where did all those years go? I guess I had
so much fun and involved with so many things that they just passed by.
For the rest of the day I was thinking about those three years in retirement.
One thing I did just before retiring was to add a room to our house. That room was my office,
and to tell the truth, it was a little bigger than the office I had at the church. But in the
middle of that office, I am surrounded by all kinds of books, about 10,000.
Sitting at my desk is a delightful experience looking at those books.
I didn’t think moving out of the church into my home office would be a satisfying move.
Back in the church office, I could do things and hide things that The Gracious Mistress of
the Parsonage would not know of. She was the church secretary, so her office was right next
to mine.
But in my office, I had opportunities to eat Apple fritters. At that time, McDonald’s carried
Apple fritters, and I would stop there on my way to my office after lunch and get a coffee
and an Apple Fritter. That was one of my secrets in the old church office.
After three years in my home office, I have yet to discover how I can sneak an Apple Fritter
into my office. In order to do that, I would have to bypass The Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage, and no matter where I put that Apple Fritter, she knew I had it. She can smell an
Apple Fritter two days before I purchase it. How she does that is beyond my understanding.
I didn’t know I would really get used to being in my home office, but after three years, I
looked back and discovered that I had gotten used to my new dynamics.
I have discovered working at home is a lot better. I can work for an hour and then take a
break, sit in my easy chair, and drink some hot coffee. I can even watch the news on TV.
Then, when I’m ready, I can shuffle off into my office and get back to work.
Something struck me as I thought about this. When I was at my church office, whenever
the phone rang, I had to answer it. You never know who’s calling, and they might need
some help, so I needed to answer the phone.
Now that my office is at home, when the phone rings, I can let it ring and ring and ring. I
don’t need to answer it if I don’t want to. Do you know how refreshing it is to sit there and
listen to the phone ring and not answer it? Sometimes, that really makes my day.
At my home office, I don’t have to follow a stringent schedule. I can come to and leave my
office whenever I want to. However, I still have plenty of work to do because my ministry
has not downsized yet.
I never knew how wonderful it would be to work at home. Some days, don’t let this get
around, I work in my pajamas all day. Who’s going to know?
There is no place like home.
Jesus said something along these lines in John 14:2, “In my Father's house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
I can’t imagine how wonderful that home in heaven is going to be, and I’m sure I’m not going
to miss my home here on earth.
Dr. James L. Snyder lives in Ocala, FL with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. Telephone 1-352-
216-3025, e-mail jamessnyder51@gmail.com, website www.jamessnyderministries.com
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